When a Flight Crew Trusts a Plane Too Much | Fatal Test | A320 Crash | XL Airways Flight 888T | 4K
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Channel: TheFlightChannel
Views: 951,395
Rating: 4.8156948 out of 5
Keywords: flight simulator 2018, airbus a320 crash, airbus crash, xl airways crash, xl airways flight 888, xl airways germany, flight 888t, xl airways germany flight 888t, air new zealand flight 888, air new zealand crash, airbus crashed, plane crash europe, airbus a320 crashed, europe airbus crash, a320 crash, europe air crash, fatal test, imperfect pitch, air new zealand airbus crash, fly simulator 2018, fsx 2018, when a flight crew trusts a plane too much, prepar3d 4.4, p3d 4.4
Id: 70gRGNLG2c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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