What's your "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" Moment? - Reddit Podcast

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today my mom slipped on ice and broke her ankle the person whose house she fell in front of came out and yelled at us when I came to help saying I wasn't her son and how dare I use his driveway Reddit what moments have you had where you just thought what is wrong with you title pretty much says it all my mom slipped and it looks like her ankle is broken I got there to help pulled my car into his driveway to back it up next to her on the street and he came out and yelled at us my mom told him that I'm her son and she called me to help and he just kept yelling about how he saw us from his roof and wondering what I was doing using his driveway after that we just decided to ignore him since we had bigger problems to deal with but in my mind I was thinking why does it matter who I am or why I pulled into your driveway you can see her on the ground you can see her screaming in pain does it really matter right now what is wrong with you any interesting stories from Reddit about people being just downright idiots about things that don't matter I was in the car with my grandma on a large four-lane Road in town a car next to us side swiped us pretty hard actually so we pulled over to do the whole information exchange thing the woman in the other car leaps out and starts screaming at my grandma saying you are the rudest person I've ever seen you wouldn't let me over I have my blinker on I was completely taken aback my grandma is the sweetest old lady and had either of us actually seen her blinker I know Graham would have led her over but there was heavy traffic and her car was directly beside us I dealt with the beast in the Camry and got her insurance she ended by saying this isn't my fault that woman should let people over I laughed which took her back I said you're a hundred percent at fault here and by the way a blinker is not a yield sign even if we had seen it learn how to drive before you hurt or kill someone then we left I was pretty happy when Graham told me her insurance had accepted liability and the agent told her something to the effect of quote yes she yells at us too pretty minor compared to a lot of these but back when I was 13 or so my cousin and I were at a small town Mardi Gras parade we found a convenient spot and stood there waiting for the parade to start about 30 seconds later a man tapped my cousin on the shoulder and started cussing her and me out big time for quote being in his way freaking kids no respect these days raise my TV and single moms Etc I turned around and saw an empty folding chair about 30 feet from the roadway presumably his yes people do sit out folding chairs to watch parades but they usually set him up about five feet away from the road not 30. yes we were standing in his way but that's like yelling at someone for skipping you in the grocery line when you're standing in the produce section be there or don't and as simple I was here to watch the parade and you standing in front of me could you please find somewhere else would have worked he didn't have to automatically go to freaking kids with no respect out of spite he got to stare at the backs of our heads for the next half hour instead of the parade we got lots of beads I used to work in a record store and during one of our busy moments of the day A co-worker started to have a seizure up by the cash registers I immediately stopped bringing up a customer to go help my co-worker and try to figure out what to do about two minutes into helping my co-worker whom everyone could see was needing help A customer asks if we could hurry up and check them out I remarked that I'm sorry I was busy helping someone that was having a seizure and they'd have to wait a couple minutes of course the customer gives me an angry frustrated look and starts back talking after I get the situation taken care of I go to check the customer out and all they were trying to buy was a CD for 25 cents upon the customer leaving they remarked that they would never come back because of the slow service good riddance that always cracked me up where Karen's or Kevin's are yelling at customer service and they leave saying you just lost a customer yeah and there are thousands more you're not paying my bills I don't care when I was 21 I got my first big kid job so I decided to buy myself a new used car since my clunker was awful I got a beautiful Pontiac G6 I loved it exactly three weeks after I bought it I had to go back to the dealership to sign some paperwork so I could lower my car payment my mom came with me I was driving back home going about 35 miles per hour minding my own business and this old man and a Chevy Avalanche about 80 years old pulled out of a parking lot right in front of me had he floored it I would have barely missed him if I slammed on my brakes however he stopped to make sure nobody was coming from the other direction I slam on my brakes blare my horn then T-Bone his truck the front end of my car was barely there fluids leaking all over airbags all on my face my mom and I both got hurt and this jerk wad decides to get out of his truck and start screaming at me asking me why I hit his car what is wrong with me Etc I looked like I was all of 16 at the time so I'm sure he thought he was right in his old brain of his he kept physically coming toward me swearing at me screaming even when the cop came finally after 10 minutes of screaming he asked if we were okay to which my mother went off on him that we weren't okay and he had no right being on the road come to find out he hadn't had a valid license for a few years seriously though how did he think that I hit him on purpose I once had a guy tell me that he wasn't subscribed to am I the genius or am I the jerk linked to the description below and I was like what is wrong with people but seriously if you like what you're hearing give us a like and a subscribe my grand fell on the curb in front of my house when she was getting out of the car and broke her hip she was lying on the ground crying when she said a stranger past my gran asked her to just knock on her front door and the person just stared at her and kept walking and my grand waited an hour until my dad came out and found her what kind of person just stares at a little 80 year old woman crying on the ground screw that person I once parked my car on the street completely legally when visiting a friend some guy comes running out of the house yelling at me saying that that was his parking spot he had a large driveway that could easily Park six cars but here he is yelling at me for parking on the street I was completely and totally morally and legally entitled to park on I pointed to the street sign saying it was okay to park and he yelled I don't care what the sign says you idiot move your car or you'll regret it I ignored his threat and went to visit my friend it was a late night and I came out at about 3am to drive home only discovered that someone wonder who had let the air out of all my tires luckily for me I own an air compressor so I hooked it up to my car's cigarette lighter and pumped the air back into my tires for reference this post was made 11 years ago back when more than two cars on the road had cigarette lighters it was cold out and not the greatest compressor in the world so it was a miserable 20 minutes or so once I was done I returned the favor letting the air out of all of the tires and the four cars in his driveway as well as his boat trailer I also super glued his mailbox closed that made me feel better I worked at a small food stand-like place once in Disney World we closed at three every day after lunch and we're right next to another food place that remained open well this day a man came up to our window at around 3 30. we had already closed everything and demanded food I told him nicely that all of our kitchen had been closed but there's a similar restaurant literally like 15 yards away that served the same items well he freaked out started screaming and complaining about the service in front of his children and a bunch of other kids he even called one of my co-workers a [ __ ] I know he was fully aware of Disney's policies to never let anyone go unsatisfied maybe he'd get free stuff right well he did food and drinks as he was given his food that came from the neighboring kitchen I remember I gave him the most what is wrong with you look I had ever given even in risk of losing my job for not looking quote Disney happy when around a guest the part that ticked me off most is that he acted like that in front of his children and was rewarded he didn't even say thank you I was managing a restaurant on a busy weekend when the tornado sirens went off and the radio told everyone to take cover immediately my host ran to take cover and called their kids at home some jerk wad customer decides to start yelling at me to seat him immediately that that was ridiculous he didn't need to take cover a tornado did hit about a mile away I was on the bus to a shopping mall and it was very crowded upon arriving people masked for the doors and when following behind the torna people in my own pace I suddenly see an old 70 to 80 years woman silently frantic standing in the middle of the massing crowd trying to get the attention to someone with tears streaming down her face everyone in the entire bus just went by her some pushing others commenting but all ignoring I asked her what's wrong as she points to the front of the bus where I see a pair of legs sticking out below the bus in front of the front wheel I can't pull him out it's my husband she cries apparently her very old husband was hit in the head by the mirror of the bus as the couple was waiting to get in and he was unconscious and bleeding the bus driver hadn't even noticed anything so while I checked up on the husband the bus driver closed the doors and initiated to pull out into traffic I had to slam the glass really hard to get his attention and if it wasn't for traffic blocking the road he would have pulled out regardless thinking I was just a disgruntled late would-be passenger what sickens me about this experience is that some people are so busy with their own little lives that they are willing to ignore the tears of a crying old helpless lady practically brushing up against them because it might mean that her obvious discomfort might require excessive burdening aid from them that just doesn't fit the plan schedule what is wrong with some people update due to interest the man was as far as I know all right after I had pulled him out as gently as I could and provided basic care I don't know the term in English but I put him into a position I learned from first aid courses he had taken a huge gash in the head but when the paramedics arrived they said that I did the right thing and will take care of him now the paramedics calmness was either incredibly professional and disconnected or just experienced but I felt at ease afterwards never heard from them for a while I worked at a gas station and most of the time I had to sit in a small building and just watch what went on outside I was doing a bit of paperwork one day when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye one customer was waving frantically to me the pump hose in one hand with no nozzle and gas spraying everywhere I slammed the emergency stop button and alarm started going off everywhere I ran outside with the absorption powder to try to get this massive spill under control and at the same time I was trying to explain to the people that were coming up to me why the pumps weren't working at this point I was a bit unconcerned with customer service my number one priority was to get this dangerous spill under control the guy who broke the nozzle felt it was a good time to come up to me and tell me quote I need a refund for all that gas you know I understood that because the gasoline was shooting out onto the ground instead of his tank he would eventually need his money back but while the gasoline is still on the ground and I'm desperately trying to clean it up so that nobody gets hurt that is not the right time to demand a refund fortunately my manager came out he had to call the fire department and tell them not to come and he dealt with this guy and all the people that he felt the need to tell me that they were a quote in a hurry and when would the pumps come back on every year there's a Greek festival here in Richmond Virginia and all the people in the neighborhoods around there get a little angry about it because of all the people parking but some people take it farther and actually put out obstructions like chairs with orange tape between them are cones to block people from parking in front of their house the problem with this is that it's public parking so they're really just being cry babies which is why I like to find some House close to the festival that's done this I get out of my car throw the cones into the person's yard and park right there screw them I'm only going to be at the festival for as long as it takes to get food because it's usually hot as heck one time some guy came out screaming at me about how I was breaking the law and it was going to call the cops and have me arrested and my car towed I just looked at him and said no you won't because I haven't broken any laws so I got my food all boxed up and I'm walking back to my ride enjoying the heck out of one of the five euros I bought one for now one for later one for later later one for my ex-wife and one for her later and I see a cop car blocking me in and the cops standing on the sidewalk with the jerk wad berating him cop had a very tolerant expression on his face so I just walked up and said hey dude sorry officer I got all my food and I'm ready to head out I've got the family waiting for dinner holding up the bags any way you can move the cruiser a few feet and I could be on my way are you gonna be busy for a while yet the jerk wad's eyes widen and he starts jabbering about how I'm the one and telling the cop to arrest me now and pound my car on and on cop looks at me gives me a slight nod and says nope I'm pretty much done here how are the lines I'm kind of hungry and the guys back at the station love Euros so I told him the lines are moving pretty fast and the Tzatziki was extra tanky this year the jerk wad is just gaping at us so the cop says sir if you don't take care of this trash by the time I'm done moving my cruiser I have to say you for littering and don't block off the street again and goes to move his Cruiser by the time I'm loading up and pulling out with the wave to officer cool as heck The Jerk wad is dutifully picking up his cones and orange tape with a stunned expression on his face like reality Just Came Crashing Down tldr jerkwad try to block off a parking spot I took it anyway he called cops cop is cool as heck told her to pick up the cones or beside it for littering I left enjoying my victory gyro and loving life I was standing at a crosswalk of a fairly busy street one day next to a woman gabbing on a cell phone and her little three to four-year-old son toddling around the woman wasn't making any attempt to look at the kid and wasn't holding his hand the kid probably bored by waiting toddled right past me jumped off the curb and started walking into the street as soon as I saw him leaping off the curb I instinctively shouted oh no spring into action and ran for him I managed to grab him by the back of the shirt and yank him back to the curb before the SUV whizzed by at 40 to 50 miles an hour obviously they weren't paying attention either the boy starts sobbing of course because what little kid wouldn't it was scary I spun around and immediately I met with his mom's face as she proceeds to flip out screaming about how dare I touch her son and how dare I make him cry I try to argue and tell her that I just saved the kid's life when he walked out into the road but even after hearing that she just kept calling me nasty names and screaming at me she may not have noticed me wrestling her toddler from a fate of being vaporized into a fine Kitty paste but given the circumstances shouldn't she have at least give me the benefit of considering that I was telling the truth she wouldn't stop screaming and go hearing garbage at me while still holding her phone near her face mind you heaven forbid she'd done the call So eventually I just shouted back that she should keep a better eye on her son and walk to another crosswalk two blocks down I wasn't expecting a grand Hero's parade but a simple thanks for not letting my boy become Kinder jelly would have been nice coincidentally this was near where I lived and I ended up seeing she and her boy again about six months later as they were walking through the neighborhood she was still on her cell but this time the boy was trailing after on a leash lesson learned I guess tldr I saved a kid from being hit by an SUV his mom gets angry at me my friend got hit by a car at an intersection the girl was speeding after my friend literally flies over the car and lands on the pavement the driver pulls over and starts to yell at my friend who got hit she doesn't even take out her phone to call 9-1-1 or anything she just goes on about how this is the second accident this month why weren't you looking do you know how much this will cost me I was thinking what is wrong with you lady you just had my friend with your car shut up I especially love the part where she said that this was the second accident this month I think that's a you problem at that point literally so many accidents are preventable if you just look at the road my mom has had close encounters with deer at least a dozen times and she's even hit a couple but she's aware of her surroundings it's what prevented her car from being a deer paced Factory on my wife's 30th birthday my mother sent her a happy birthday e-card in the morning about an hour later my wife finds out her grandmother had passed away she of course wasn't in the best of moods after that so decided to just be alone for a couple of hours Meanwhile my mother composed an email to my wife several pages long going on about how rude my wife was for not thanking her for the e-card and how she's always been ungrateful and uncaring towards her my wife called her and calmly informed my mom of why she hadn't replied to her e-card the very instance she got it and my mom decides to get angry at me for not calling her right away to tell her not to get angry at my wife when my mom confronted me about it I only said if you don't want to put your foot in your mouth don't open it when I was a kid I whacked my elbow on a door handle may have ruptured a bursa man it hurt I was maybe nine and I was screaming in pain tears running down my face sobbing the whole Steven Spielberg one of my parents lifelong friends grabbed physically restrained everybody who tried to comfort me saying oh he said his Funny Bone he'll be laughing in a minute it felt like forever but I guess it was five maybe ten minutes I'm curled up in the fetal position holding the elbow and screaming and I still remember seeing her grab people's arms to pull them back when they reached towards me number one on that door handle there was no way I could have hit my Funny Bone without warping the space-time Continuum number two who the heck has ever laughed from a shot on that exposed nerve anyone number three how long can an allegedly normal human being listen to a child scream and not only decline to help but actively stop others from helping and no The Laughing part never happened in related news when I met her 10 years later she was just as prolific a sour of Sorrow as I had remembered that woman never saw me sober as an adult every time she showed up I checked out of reality until she was gone I was out walking my dog because at the time she was cooped up a lot and I wanted to let her stretch her legs we walked from our apartment complex to the neighborhood next door my dog had already done her business and I a responsible member of society picked it up and threw it away while walking past a house a woman runs out and starts yelling about getting her gun I thought for sure I had misunderstood her so I said what this causes her to run back inside and bring a large man out with her what did you say to my wife he yelled I told him calmly that she came out and yelled at me and I was trying to figure out why she was angry she begins to scream about how my dog this is the first time I'd ever walked in this neighborhood was crapping in her yard and she was going to shoot me if she caught it happening I assured her that I had never been by her house and I was the only one walking the dog I pointed out that we weren't even slowing down near the house until she came out and threatened to shoot me but reasoning with morons doesn't exactly work so instead she kept screaming and her giant husband seemed to be getting more agitated so I just started walking again and avoided their house on the way back out of the neighborhood that said it did inspire a hobby if my dog dropped a lot of poop I'd pick it up like normal put it in a plastic sack and drive over to their house if the lights were out and the cars were gone I'd take the bat tag and empty it on the lawn right where they'd likely step out of their car when they returned I never saw it happen but I always hoped it played out like I planned when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories link to the top of the description and if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot link to the description too either way thanks a lot for watching and we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 35,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sHkx2FDA570
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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