Pet Owners, What have your pets DONE that is WORRYINGLY SMART? - Reddit Podcast

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Reddit what if your pet's done that is worryingly smart I have a three-month-old pup who got dirt in her eye one day the eye kept tearing up and she held it partially shut for a few hours during that time I felt really bad for her and handed out a lot of treats since then when I'm eating she begs by winking that eye with a tiny whimper her wink is Non-Stop and she's called by someone else in the home she looks at them with perfect eyes I get the quote broken eye once she gets the goods fully working eyes she is a mix from astray my birds steal batteries out of electronics remotes beard trimmers fire alarms you name it they don't do anything with the batteries just take them out and then laugh at me and dance when I find them conures are jerk wads but I love them we had a dachshund growing up and he could tell when my mom was going to have a seizure he would start circling her over and over while barking ironically he ended up with epilepsy himself but it didn't shorten his lifespan they helped each other out he lived 17 and a half years I miss that dog edited to add my mom had epilepsy since she was 15. unrelated to dog which she got in her 30s our dog wasn't trained he just did it every day when my brother and I pull in the driveway from school we can see our dog on my brother's bed in the window above the garage where he knows he isn't allowed to be when we walk into the house he is laying behind the living room couch and picks his head up and looks at us like he's been sleeping there all day add a yabby in my freshwater tank that is a genius I one day watched him gather some food pellets into his cave wait for the fish today eat the rest then a few minutes later place them in front of the cave entrance then attacked and ate a fish that came to eat the pellets he stockpiled his meal to later bait an even better meal that guy is in his own tank now one of my dogs knows how to open door handles the other one can't even figure out that he's not supposed to eat rocks it's a mixed bag of my pets when I get asked to do some things I'll groan jokingly and do the thing anyway now when I call my dog while she was sleeping or if I accidentally nudge her at the foot of the bed then she groans with Attitude like I would kind of adorable kind of freaky my cats teamed up and got the tub of butter off the kitchen worktop took it outside removed the lid and had an all-you-can-eat butter party this is just delightful I am I am enjoying every single one of these stories so far they figured out that if they want the toy or bone the other has to go to the front door and bark like a stranger is walking up to the house when the other dog shows up to assistant barking run to get the toy it's not just clever but dishonest in the worst kind of way growing up I had a yard that was surrounded by fence except at the entrance where the cars came in at the front my dog knew she wasn't allowed to go outside the yard when we called her and she was out gallivanting she would go to the neighbor's yard in the back hop the fence and come back over then strut around the backside to the front like hey I've been here the whole time I only found out because one day I was walking around the house calling for her and caught her sneaky girl every morning for breakfast I always eat fruit and that weekend there was a farmer's market selling fruit for cheap so I bought a ton I couldn't fit them in the fridge so I left a few bags on the side in the dining room reachable distance I kid you not I woke up and was surprised to see an apple next to me over the next few days my dog would get up in the morning go in the bag and get a fruit to put next to me on the bed he proceeded to do this for the next two weeks until we ran out I thought it was the cutest thing ever but a part of me is like holy crap I would do the old trick on my cat yawns to stick my finger in his mouth don't know why I do it I guess it's just funny to see his expression when boom suddenly finger so the other day he is sitting on my lap and I yawn he wakes up and does a stretch perfectly putting his paw in my mouth boom suddenly paw still no idea if by accident or a planned his smug expression afterwards made me lean towards the ladder one of my cats learned how to turn the internet off I mean he already realized everybody goes crazy when he goes behind the TV stand and messes up the wires so when we're not paying enough attention to him usually if we're on our phones or the computer he just unplugs the router I don't think he knows how much power he has my dog knows my caller ID I sometimes need to call home for my cell and our home phone quote speaks the incoming calls caller ID the only time my dog ever howls is when I call and the answering machine says my ID she's done it while my mom is off somewhere else in the house and can't hear the phone ringing she doesn't do it for any other phone call even if I'm not home I also tried calling while I'm still home to see if I can get her to howl but she just looks at me like I'm an idiot my dog also has two bowls one for food and one for water whenever I give her some crushed ice to lick in the water ball she'll pick up chunks of the ice and put them in the food bowl instead apparently solids equals food bowl even if said solids turn into water my dog understands Christmas as in he will sit where the tree goes throughout November once the tree is up he'll lie beside it crying once there are presents he'll paw at them and carry them to us because he wants to open them on Christmas he starts trying to wake everyone up around five and begins howling around seven and I kid you not he will open his presence like a five or six year old and excitedly run around with a toy or treat for a minute before looking for the next present one year we had less than five things for him to open so he stole a present for me if you've been enjoying these stories as much as I have be sure to like And subscribe you know the drill by now am I the genius and am I the jerk Linked In the description below thanks for watching and please give your pets a little kiss on the forehead for me my cat figured out how to fill up my bathtub he learned how to close the drain and would turn the water handle and would just sit there and watch the tub slowly fill up it took me weeks to figure out what was going on when my dad was having a difficult time in life he moved into my apartment he's really into sports and mostly deaf so what he enthusiastically cheers for his beloved Detroit Tigers he doesn't realize how loud he is one early evening while I was asleep because I worked midnights the Tigers scored or something and my dad loses his mind which woke me and my cat up I grumbled and closed my eyes but my cat Mike was not having it she walked into the living room and all I hear is my dad go oh sorry I'll be quiet and then my cat walked back into my room jumped back on the bed and we both went back to sleep edit I adopted Mike from the Humane Society when she was three she came with the name Micah I didn't want to give her an identity crisis so I just shortened it to Mike or Mikey I had a cat that learned how to open the fridge and then my dog started begging my cat for food and then the cat started getting into the fridge just to feed the dog I patiently await the day where my pets decide to overthrow me and have me fixed I'm not fighting it that'll only make it worse in the long run we used to keep my childhood dog in the garage while we were at school she once found an old garage door opener figured out how it worked and buried it in an old dead potted plant in the garage when we left for the day she would nose around at the dead plant till the door opened and go play with the neighbor's dog in their living room because she also figured out how to open their sliding door and let herself in edit finding out was actually just luck I had a half day from school she had been getting out pretty much every day and we had no idea how the door was getting opened I was walking up the driveway the door opened and I saw her coming from over in that direction her nose had dirt on it and there was dirt on the ground wasn't too hard to piece together once this happened one of my cats systematically tests for weaknesses in my door he Jingles my keys on the wall he knows that that noise gets that door to open he's finally managed to unlock the dead ball with this little paw if that jerk could turn the doorknob he'd be gone my fat cat has devised an alarm system by laying on top of my foot or having his foot touch my foot whenever possible so that when I get up if he is sleeping he will wake up just in case I'm going to feed him not as much smart rather worryingly calculated on Christmas Eve I was wrapping the cat's favorite treats because I'm that person the three boys weren't too fussed about this but Amber the princess wanted the treats now of course she's a cat and has no concept of Christmas so I gave her one of her normal treats and put the presents away she was not amused by this now the thing about Amber is that she never came upstairs she had tiny little legs that made the journey too long so she commandeered the downstairs instead but that night I was woken up by a weird cat chirping I opened my eyes and on the Shelf I leveled across from me was Amber I was confused as to a why she was upstairs and B how she got on my shelf as I was thinking this whilst maintaining eye contact she stuck out a paw and swiped one action figure off the shelf I didn't react at first so she did another and another by the third I realized what she was doing and I said her name in shock to which she hopped off the shelf and left my room like it was nothing and that confirmed my suspicions that Amber held grudges and exacted revenge my dog likes to sleep in the kitchen most nights I am up late on my desktop working which is near the kitchen when he gets annoyed at the light he goes behind the curtain to make a blindfold that covers his eyes it could take him a few tries to get it just right back when I was a kid my family had an incredibly intelligent Cavalier King Charles Spaniel she had somehow managed to learn several dozen different words to the point where we could tell her to go find certain people to wait for us in certain rooms or to pick out specific items from her collection of about 15 different toys this dog would even obey remarkably detailed commands combining those elements like go get your hedgehog then bring it to dad in his office suffice to say she was a remarkable pet now this dog's favorite toy was a little stuffed animal that was vaguely shaped like a human which would be referred to as her quote baby she would wrestle with it tote it around the house and keep it right next to her whenever the family would gather to watch a movie or something after a year or so of such Adventures though the toy started to get a little bit worn out so my mother decided to replace it in an effort to quote surprise the dog she discreetly put the old baby in the garbage then stood in the middle of the living room with the new one behind her back coyote my mother called the dog's name was kod though we pronounced every letter coyote come here as expected the dog came bounding into the room a happy spring in her step where's your baby go get your baby everyone expected the dog to approach the corner where her toys were kept discover the item was missing then Mount to search for it she'd done similar things in the past after all with hide and seek being one of the many games she seemingly enjoyed but rather than behave behaving as anticipated coyote trotted over to the trash compactor and started pressing on its foot pedal with her paws she wasn't heavy enough to get the thing open but the intention was clear enough in the end kod wound up with two babies tldr clever canine counters caper I have two horses red and Mickey they are yarded next to each other and there was enough of a gap in the fence that a clever horse may work out that they can just manage to pinch the other's hay through it red took it a step further and realized that if he could steal Mickey's hay Mickey could steal his so he waits until Mickey is distracted by his bucket feed and then red takes his own hay from his own feeder and deposits it across the yard where it's safe he then goes back and takes Mickey's hay and deposits it where it's safe then red eats his hard feed and two lots of hay we had to move all the hay feeders my dog is afraid of the smoke alarm after a while he discovered the toaster could set the alarm off if toast burned so he became scared of the toaster eventually he figured out the noise the bread bag made as it preceded the toaster noise so he became scared of that eventually he figured out the kettle turning on usually accompanied the bread bag noise so he became scared of that now we have just reached the point that he has figured out the time of day would go into the kitchen to turn on the kettle and open the bread bag so he has scheduled his fear to that I'm always Blown Away how he has been able to figure all this out not sure if it's really that smart but it impresses me edit to clarify the smoke alarm has only actually gone off once or twice but he remembers it well we're also training him with treats to not be scared he is also a Chihuahua cross so being scared of noises is kind of his thing not current Pat but a dog I had as a teenager dog jumps up on the couch nope you're not allowed on the couch go lie in your bed dog leaves the room a moment later he returns with his bed and throws it on the couch gets back up on the couch in his bed and stares at me fair enough my cat learned to say my parakeet's name marmalade apparently isn't a difficult name to mimic and catspeak okay you know I have to try it now I'm sorry my dog has crapped on the floor and casually placed my husband's underwear over it stolen the cat treats bag and hid it behind the entertainment center has been the only dog to break out of his boarding kennel find his own bag and walk around the front waiting for a walk he's a jerk but such a sweet baby my cat taught herself to fetch and hugs my arm for attention she learned that when I tap twice on his surface I want her there she follows me around because I give her hugs and food she also knows that she shouldn't go outside she was astray and stays clear of accidentally opened doors now during my teens I had a cat and a dog the dog door that led outside had a door that we would close unlock with the latch the cat learned how to not only shut the door but lock it as well so she started locking the dog outside when we went out he was a cowardly dog so really she just had to sit inside in front of the door and he'd be too nervous to come back in not so much worrying as it is somewhat annoying and funny but my golden will walk up to the Xbox look at the Xbox button Boop it with his nose and wait for the light to turn on at the time to sound and then just walk away all satisfied looking for a couple months I would come home from work I noticed the Xbox was on but no I had turned it off I accused my fiance of leaving it on until one day I was in the Next Room and heard the chime so I ran in and he was walking away from it then he started to get flagrant about it and do it right in front of me and eventually turn it off as I was playing it and he wanted my attention goldens are a trip we were looking after a friend's dog we came home from work in the evening with a huge pile of dirt by the front door the dog unlike every other time I came home was lying on the couch looking very guilty about something you know the look it took us forever to figure out where the dirt came from we had an old flower pot downstairs on a shelf the Pod had been emptied by the front door and the pot returned to the Shelf like nothing had happened where to begin with this question my pup knows that she's not allowed in the kitchen so she assumes that the cat isn't allowed either of course when he inevitably goes in there she'll run over and either do a quiet bark or nudge my feet until I look at her and she'll her be towards the kitchen to tattletail same goes when the cat is scratching on furniture he's not supposed to be or meowing can't think of anything else at the moment but this definitely isn't the only example my cat was displeased to be shut out of the bedroom when one of us was playing with the Oculus Rift goes to show how old this post is you can't even get one of those now they're discontinued so she scaled the laundry rack to the top of the bathroom door jumped from there to the roof window ambled across the roof and dropped down into the bedroom through the other open window then jumped on my husband's lap he was rather surprised as you can imagine she was six months old at the time my dogs are stupid idiots so this may not exactly be worryingly smart but one of my pups has successfully punked me a couple times when it comes to stealing my takeout food he knows the rules and obeys them generally he's no Anarchist but he's smart enough to Bluff like what I'm chowing on my Indian takeout he'll politely pace around avoiding eye contact like humbling his butt to the rules he knows he is supposed to follow out of the blue he'll snap into action and snag a dumpling and flee into the yard to Feast on or bury that crap he's learned that if he acts fishy I'll keep my guard up but if he acts like a good boy I might slack some and trust him so he'll throw down the bait and switch when I lived with my parents we had an enclosed Garden for the Cat my dad would go out of town overnight when he was away he was outside a lot and didn't eat as many snacks between meals he had a traveling bag that would be in his computer room when he was home our cat figured out that she can find out if he's home by checking if the bag is there then he was talking about the lack of snacks while the cat heard him he also mentioned that he was leaving soon our cat proceeded to go out catch a mouse not kill it and put it in his bag I have rats six Boys in one cage four girls and another and a solo boy in his own supper cage solo boy has behavioral issues so we can't be home with anything but himself I've tried everything from getting him snipped to going ridiculously slow with introductions nothing he goes for the kill with everything myself included my partner was the one who found this out Loki the jerk wad in question is able to open his cage door by putting all his weight on it free roaming our apartment to do God knows what then just screws right back into his cage whenever he's done you're probably asking how he closes the door preventing us from noticing him escaping right well I had a chew toy on the door for him and this smart jerk literally just pulls on the chew toy I would have known he was getting out if it had not been for my partner waking up in the middle of the night to use the washroom Smartest little jerk wad I've ever met screw you Loki I now know it's you who's been destroying my furniture and the reason why I won't get my damage deposit back my dog let's call her a had a dog friend who was dumb as a brick let's call him B when B's owners were out of town he'd stay with us he was a bit spoiled and had lots of Bones and toys she never touched unless B wanted to have them one day when a was checking out who was cooking in the kitchen and if she could snag some food B got a hold of one of her bones B was a large dog and once he had something he wasn't giving it up a was fairly big herself but she didn't compare to B so a comes out of the kitchen and realizes that B has her bone that she hasn't touched in months and is having none of it she knows from past experiences that she can't just snag the bone away from B so she grabs his tennis ball and sneaks up behind him and drops it on his head B stares up at the ceiling for about three minutes trying to figure out what's happening and a snags the bone and hides it B looks down and sees that the bone is gone and then stares at the ceiling for another five minutes trying to figure out how it took his bone rest in peace eh you're an amazing dog I had a cat named Buddha and I'd had him for about three years I noticed that there was pee in the toilet so I asked my boyfriend if he'd stop flushing her what then one day we were both in the bathroom and he said what is Buddha doing Buddha was on the toilet peeing into it he must have learned from watching me I never taught him he only peed in there no poop but it was the funniest thing I have a picture of it because no one believed me God I miss him when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories linked at the top of the description and if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot link to the description too either way thanks a lot for watching and we'll see you guys next time we had a dachshund growing up that's it that's the story
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 21,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UbNzwuLrARE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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