What's Your Melee RAGE Story (& other Questions!) ft. Jmook, PewPewU, mvlvchi, Asashi, & more!

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all right what's good YouTube Welcome Back to con at Pat house 4 and fun fact Pat House 2 is my first tourament ever 10 years ago and yeah here we are asking some top players some questions making a new video and hope you guys enjoy peace all right what's good everyone welcome back to Cony at Pats house 4D it's crazy in Pats house 4z Pat house my first tournament but joined here by 69% Malachi joined here by Trey the trash man been trying to get this one going for quite some time joined here by Mojo joined here by pewu and we got J M here at the very end of the night joined Here Again by asashi and [ __ ] I might as well tell a story real quick I will'll put it in but Pat house see one of my first tournaments I asked this guy to play back when I was a huge Noob and I didn't know it was during the bracket and whatnot and he was super nice to me and said he was down after I had to go cuz I was like in high school still but yeah that story is always really funny to me cuz one of my first tournaments and here I am 10 years later and I'm interviewing him so what's up I just asked us a Genesis do you have a rage story what's the most mad you've ever been at melee most mad I've ever been at melee um oh the most mad um I've had a few really mad moments like I've like spiked my controller a few times I've like got like a there was like a water cup in my hand and I like [ __ ] crushed it like it was a plastic cup and crush it and like cut my hand and like water went everywhere I don't know I've had some angry moments I'm not like an angry person either so when when the anger takes over it's like kind of trippy and like it's it's extremely uncomfortable for everyone around me yeah okay so so it actually was out of Genesis it was Genesis 8 and I had just got SoCal ranked and I was like all right now it's time to get top 100 ring and I lost to a fiz wiggle and then after I lost to fiz wiggle he beat mango so that I was supposed to play mango cuz I was seated above and I lost to him then I played dsj the puff and this is kind of like I I have always like struggle vers puff and I was like playing Falon or Fox and that was the first time I tried like only Falco and then I lost and then I remember I was like and then I like took my controller and I like I didn't like toss it I like cocked it back and I like yed it really hard to the ground and like hit someone's foot like while they were playing and I didn't even pick it up I was like all right I already like like shamed myself I just walked away that was my worst race story shout to dsj I guess uh but maybe actually when Zach my my my partner asked about when he fored thought comeback me at uh don't park on the grass [Applause] I've been around that's a Trippy one yeah yeah yeah I really choked that one I choked it bad tce there's PL too oh he's he's comeback King dude um comeback is he going to get it doesn't get the T oh my gosh oh my God but all right yeah it's a good story sorry to hear about that okay don't park in the grass uh it was big house I don't know what at one of them I was not even ranked locally let alone globally type [ __ ] so it's like uh is Versa ranked Luigi man it was day two I made it my first time making it day two and I was about to make it you know what I'm saying just further than I ever been and I was game three last stock I was at 0% he was at like 150 um and then I just immediately SD I just I don't know I air Dodge off the stage and die instantly rip out my controller and Chuck it across the venue it hit some poor kids head or set up what a mid tournament my TI's like messenger you can't do that I flick her off and I don't know how I didn't get banned or nothing no and this might get me into some trouble but that's I don't know how honest you guys want me to be on these [ __ ] on these on you know however comfortable you are that's how comfortable I am so uh I don't a [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean you're going to slap me on the wrist now that was years ago [ __ ] you know what I'm saying bro like I'm I'm an adult now I'm like too too old to be raging and [ __ ] like you got a good story you you got to be able to hold El's gracefully that's how you learn the most you learn the most from L's right and if you don't know how to handle L's you're going to stay bad at least or just angry as [ __ ] and get some ulcers at like 40 so like good luck you know what I'm saying uh I don't know what my most mad one is but I would say like a funny rage story is definitely my Leroy danin set at fight for SoCal when I like got up and I like I like tried to just like unplug my controller and walk away really quickly but it didn't unplug and I like tripped over my controller wire like kind of coming down from the stage on streamu after I lost like me and Leroy danens had a nice little rivalry for a while but the Leroy denkins moment at fight for SoCal if you know you know okay for sure and then oh jeez it probably would have been arim the second time that my fob malfunctioned okay so being abroad makes s i uh I think I'd have I've had pretty good luck all my life except for two moments dude and they were both in Grand finals at a European tournament and it costed me the set FY nice what's happening oh no arele fob dude my controller is working it was working fine at all times Grand finals it's like hey uh why don't we just uh you know this controller that works uh how about it just doesn't right here like that that'd be fun be fun so I think yeah Arham was probably you know I've never thrown a controller in my life but I think I could have used a one time for Arkham melee versus mky losers finals finally finding one of those up tots yeah and this is going to be big as well forcing J off stage J Mo he no he looked I like I don't like this is this again no way are you kidding me I feel that yeah now that is definitely the the most I I keep it cool you know I I keep it ice cooled from the most cucumber cold cucumber yeah and then other side of that what's your favorite tournament run you've ever had favorite tournament run that I've ever had um uh this one's pretty good I'm not going to lie if I beat spark it would probably been the best one the Genesis again I can't remember which one it was but like my first time beating a top player I beat Army and that was like the closest I've had to of a breakout tournament I guess right just then knowing what it feels like to even though it's Peach iy I get it but like yeah that's funny you know what I'm saying like knowing that like what it feels like to just like beat a top player you kind of cuz you got this people get this metal block in their head like holy [ __ ] I'm supposed to lose to him like n [ __ ] they're just like you you know what I'm saying so you beat them you beat them it is what it is so that was that was helpful with every other run I've ever done you know what I'm saying there's probably two that I'm the most proud of the first one was Evo 2015 that was the first time I ever like made top eight I played in The Mandalay Bay Arena and like 2 months later Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather fought in that same Arena and they're playing for like eight figures whereas I'm like making like $150 and putting it on black right after but that was probably the first time I proved to myself I could make top eight and that was gorgeous but the other one which is probably like my favorite melee moment ever for me was not the hungry box one people think that that is that's that's like my most impactful one but I think my favorite one ever was smashcon 2023 how was more yeah uh it's cuz well that was my first tournament I was sponsored by the yard to go to and then um I lost to Anakin the Marth and winners from mdva and that was in round two pools so then after that I played Dr Lobster who was top 100 ranked at the time and I beat him to make it out then I played a little puff who I beat him then I then I played the real thing another top one ninja player beat him okay and then I beat and then I beat uh after that I played uh Essie and then I threw out Essie another top 100 win the same run all from losers and then I played uh zamu and then I beat zamu to beat and remember this is and and then I got 13 all off stream by the way all off crazy and then I lost to AO for 13 that's like what solidified my top 100 like placement oh yeah big house 6 which was only like a month after Evo 2015 I think and that's when if I could tell the story really quick that's when it was like team ugs or team Alliance they just got signed a team Alliance the Undisputed number one European team in the world and we are like the disputed number one maybe number two North American team in the world we're playing at Big House 6 and we're we're supposed to play each other and I'm spending like 3 weeks before like scheming like trying to beat them coming through their vods doing all that thing and we finally get to play each other Winner's final we win in game five and then Grand finals we win in game five and there was a moment in Grand finals where it's going back and forth and back and forth and then I like find a really early kill on Armada and like I open the game up and that was like the first time I ever felt like I like mused like a a championship like in into existence through players who were like way way like they're like really respected and like I really loved them and that was also like the start of our rivalry bam yeah no that's dope hell yeah that's a good story still close it is for stock as close as a GU across the board oh my goodness percents are very even some damage on Android oh is that Tipper on Armada he is dead he's done and Android tied to get the opportunist vulture kill on the svat uhoh Pew Pew's going in Pew Pew's going in is that going to finish off Armada again not yet no oh but he tiers his own teammate I think he could have he's still got it he's still got it was worth it was worth and that's it oh he's saved by the back hereid with the most amazing save done there it is that's it pat pat are doing it three stock to one Android CG Chas to the crowd one last combo to finish it off fat and that is it pat winners of big house six doubles I mean this it's a little it's Genesis 8 dude genesis8 I was in the crowd I was there you were there no [ __ ] way bro what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah bro if you had if you would asked me the craziest crabs TR to cut you off is the day two crab before day three when you was it against PL PL yeah yeah first that was the one was was like bro what the [ __ ] is going on and yeah yeah yeah sorry continue if you want no you're fine yeah I if you had told me like the last big termin like that went to was like smashcon 2017 and then before that Evo 2016 I could never travel I was a Brie to working at Starbucks I was still in school last semester so I showed up and I was like yo if I get top 64 at Genesis I'm going to celebrate I'm going to celebrate top 64 I've never done that before getting I've been getting second dude at this tournament dude I'll never forget like so the San Jose Civic is dud the best smash venue it's melee Church like there's one place where we if there's a melee God he exists in the San Jose Civic I I love that venue I'll never forget watching Genesis 3 mango versus mod Grand finals I was I put it on the um put it on the living room I I remember telling my brother I was like I was like someday I would love to play on that stage cuz you play on the stage and you hear like Fox's shine is like boom you feel in your chest it's so you know it's awesome so it to go from like oh I would love to play there someday and then actually doing it on the same exact stage where Armada and all these players have showed up that I that worshiped it's it's super surreal man yeah know that's a crazy answer that's super dope yeah my favorite tournament run I've ever had either the first tournament I ever won where it wasn't even a like super crazy run or anything but just the first tournament that I ever won it was like a monthly in one of our neighboring little cities honestly the first main stage run was really fun that was like I made top 64 top 48 at that main stage and beat a couple good people ended up losing a Koran and that was that maybe that one that was a good one that was fun I remember main stage Trey that was a fun one yeah oh when you were Noob did you think you're going to be this good and would your Noob self be proud would you be proud of where you are yeah I thought I would be good but that's just cuz I play it all the time yeah okay when you NB do you think you're going to be this good [ __ ] proud I think I newb me would be like shock for sure now it's kind of just like well I just played a lot so it kind of feels a little different but when you're when you like first start playing it like you kind of just like idolize players and then you don't really think you can get to that skill level yeah um okay I'm still not satisfied with how good I am it's still a journey and still got to get better but like yeah I don't know like I've done a couple of things right I like I wrestled at a state level I skated uh like for many I still skate but my point is like I Know Myself And if I I'm not the most disciplined but when I do decide to do something I put my all into to it until I get to where I want to be like nothing stopping me you know what I'm saying I got have bad days I got have bad tournaments whatever mental this that or whatever but it's like we go next we always go you know what I'm saying until there is nowhere else to go you know what I'm saying so uh and then we find another path to [ __ ] take down so yeah I when I was first starting I knew I was going to be good uh I'm still not where I want to be or where I first envisioned so but yeah I'm very confident in that all right that's dope to hear my Noob self would be extremely proud I don't think I ever had any aspirations to ever getting this good it kind of just like as I I was getting good my goals grew bigger but I always started small first it was like I want to beat this guy I want to beat that guy maybe I want to get power ranked oh like maybe I could be like a good a good doubles player like somewhere in the future like I I didn't think I would ever become like number one doubles player or anything like that but when like when the opportunity arose that's when I was like okay maybe I could do this and then uh so yeah long story short L Kev very proud of me at current Kev hell yeah oh dude 14-year-old Jook would [ __ ] himself dude I I was not expecting to to be to be wearing a jersey and and and you know when I mean haven't won a little bit but you you know what you know talk about no being a a top player uh I was never on my radar I never wanted I never thought I could pursue this I didn't think that was an option um melee was always like a side competitive hobby it was like one of my Main Hobbies um since I started so it was kind of like after Genesis 8 I was kind of surprising myself one ter run at the time I was like I'm like damn dude like I worship these people but I'm kind of beating them like like what's what's going on here it's it's either I'm either they're they're playing bad or I'm other there's some something in the water then you realize eventually yeah yeah pretty pretty good M it's funny cuz we're for light in the sense I'm asking everyone else is top 100 I'm asking were you a noob but did you think you'd be this good and would you be proud uh I thought I I am proud now of just every and all the good times I've had in melee and I'm like happy with getting better when I first started playing no I I I thought I was going to get a lot better and uh old me would not have been proud no I could say the same everyone else has been say bullsh I I I would be very disappointed in myself right now if it was 2016 yeah uh yeah not just me that makes me better to hear it's been all these top ass players bro uh all right real quick only 5% of my viewers are subscribe to my channel so if you enjoy the county content and You' like to see more of my videos check to see if you're subscribed to the channel thanks and back to the video what's your favorite and least favorite stage out of the legal stages normal Cony question uh favorite is probably aesthetically and gameplay wise I think fod is really underrated I feel like on a CRT the colors look beautiful the song is clearly the best like neutral it's just uh it's Dreamland but it sounds good instead of annoying that's fair and yeah definitely F favorite stage unfrozen Stadium give me the chaos give me the chaos oh baby I want all that unfrozen Stadium unw Stadium that's the6 opinion uh my my friends have called me see what is it a melee constitutionalist I want things as original as possible bring more of those back BR that's how I feel going to say more about controllers but I feel yes go back I miss the old days but uh I love Yoshi's dude I love Yoshis I love fod um Dreamland I would say dude honestly in terms of like most fun I have favorite stage is Battlefield oh Battlefield yeah CH bias but like Yoshi's fod even Dreamland I love the the Dreamland platform configuration one out of them what would you say is your favorite favorite it's probably Yoshi's it's got least favorite stage FD I'm horrible on there and the uh the Spacey and Chic propaganda will tell you that Mark wins uh and I I will comment no further on uh who wins that uh yeah FD least favorite not entertaining melee even when people's combo games are good I feel like it's not entertaining for anybody including the players probably least fun is like Battlefield which is funny cuz I play Chic uh my least favorite stage is Fountain of Dreams especially because it's a stage that ends up realistically being one of the ones that is my best option left at a lot of times and I just don't like it but I'm I'm stuck in between personal Grudge Vendetta is unfrozen stadium and as a Chic player I mean just the the pain that I felt from that in tournament even just like watching PLU lose on there is like been enough so unfrozen stadium and then nowadays it's fountain [Music]
Channel: Kony 20XX
Views: 3,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssbm, smash bros, melee, kony20xx, kony, melee interview, ssbm interview, top 100, pats house 4, pats house, jmook, pewpewu, flyquest, mvlvchi, trey the trashman, trey, trashman, asashi, the yard, rage, story, favorite, stage, least favorite, stories
Id: 5uxNAqLmoek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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