It's all coming together... | Pat's House Highlights

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there we go H don't you just feel a little bit of uh reverence that we we get to commentate something as historic as mango vers lucky at a p house feels Feels So Right it it not it it's it's just soul food this is melee soul food right here Fox Falco mango lucky and you know I you know you know me you know you and I have commentated forever I always love talking about like inter player dialogue mango was going to laser and was like expecting to tank the laser and fall down to grab ledge but mango actually like slightly flubbed and didn't get uh didn't fall through the platform before the laser so you know maybe you know again yep off to a off to a game one we got to got a dream I feel like mango is getting a lot off those platforms especially these low percents oh are you just dead you might just I think you're dead that's it that's it comes into shield and slightly flubs a shine on a shield punish but you know was mostly about the safety involved anyway so B through plat yeah look at how ooh gosh that forward smash that was that was I know this dude forward smash that was raw yeah that was a pretty big call out but I love uh I love also how like the way lucky kind of like structures neutral mango plays very reserved on the gun yeah oh my gosh that stock was that stock was not deserve though that was laugh that one off uh oh maybe we're not maybe we're not oper the de Chase o oh little delay there on the back air I like it ooh yeah solid just you know follow through on the up smash yeah not letting that early stock really get to him going to be a big combo from I think Mega is so scary on the stage with this pill combos it's crazy to me yeah no that whole sequence was so fascinating to me lucky like just gave like a a random burst of aggression there like approaching multiple NS into the corner and mango was just ready for that change of pace before lucky even started showing it like I I have to feel like that has to do with like the story and history of these two as players yeah oh that's it wow like like Mango's always ready for like the aggressive option or for like the riskier double jump just to like blow you up for it I'd like to see a little bit more just like commitment to forcing juk to show it first but I yeah oh my gosh kind of just makes you look foolish sometimes yeah although in this matchup I actually don't never oh my God okay I was about to say a whole thing oh I play this character I don't see that very often no ooh oh back it up pressure oh my reading ah that pressure was so beautifully like classically mango hit him with the longest wave Dash back back into Stage give yourself so much room to react mango is just in J head right now I don't know what else to say yeah no we are we are playing so so well he's reading everything Lop back here I expected mango to kind of and in front of him and then back air him that way oh yeah but no just sends him the other way do two stock lead Mango's playing incredible TR of trying to cover himself from getting snuffed out twice uh between the past two games oh oh my gosh I cannot believe he found that shine in that F smash he's playing Amazing he's playing absolutely incredible which is kind of what we were seeing fromo earlier no you can't really convert anything there I love the up smash doesn't get anything for it though he went a LGE so fast there gosh the the movement from both these players I feel like is just getting a little bit a little bit heated and a little fun to watch yeah oh my gosh Meo chance coming through for top a qualifier 100% man he's playing so well h I I think that was a bad drop though could easily find a way back into this if he gets a grab here oh wow tried to roll a little bit of nerves coming through for juk I think oh yeah fall through the platform back here I think this is just death pretty cooked oh great OMS tech one last chance to recover a just calls it out wow yeah a slight flub there but honestly a beautiful set from mango overall tries to find the air Dodge but Cody gets him off stage just enough for the air Dodge does not matter mang finding look at these nice little tiny step lasers just running him down into the corner but mango with the dash away back there keep it and finds the shine how much are we going to convert off and that's going to be a kill wow and yeah I think Mango's punish game might be in a place to turn up here oh that's mango yeah he's fine he's fine yeah Cody with a little smile he knows that was his bad he's like oh oops Yeah at first I could tell that Cody just oh wow what a nare my goodness and here's that punish G down reverse bear oh that's bad the shine he goes to that is a crazy zero to death for me I I would love it to be so we would love for this to be true but I don't think what a Waveland bear and down smash gets his jump back though this isn't too bad the Laser Land and then just calls out the mangle again but the quick answer back and we got a true half timee that's two down smashes right there and hey there we go we got Stadium mango Hotel M's cozy yeah fact Hotel oh and he finds it down down the DI are another one it is not stopping with the and is he going to finish it the tech doesn't it does not it doesn't matter does matter at all last game we tried to make it a story this one he's putting on show for the stadium this one's going crazy I think we might have another game fiber oh my Lord look at these look at him s and what a mix up find it Cody has not found his footing once this game yeah th this this game has been all mango so back and forth look at this mement look at this movement he is crazy serious any single thing Cody thinks mango is already I feel like the mango style of punish game in these like weird Mix-Ups and call outs are going to benefit here on found of dreams as well Cody lucky that that s definitely as well this has been such a that's a and that's going to be a kill two one I mean it's funny both these guys have hand injuries right now cuz Cody also messed up his hand no you cannot be doing this right now oh my God another F smash into a bear one more and that should be it it should be a hold ledge angle another bear anyways for good measure go off stage and this time the mangle does work down smash does it a third time in a row Cody this time not calling out the angle trying to go high but mango again stick pressure the reversal is not stopping Cody below ledge going to be another Edge mango takes the first so clean on the reversal there SL the ledge oh finds the wave dash out Shield full hop air these guys are shield from mango scrapping is how you could describe it and again another pass the ledge Cody scared though Cody so scared go this is Mango's chance smash oh he finds that smash is going to do it just needs one Edge guard oh but gives Cody another shot finds the bear but it was the final shot Ando closes it outes win finals and there an amazing set seeo can take advantage of the situation here FAL can be annoying to kill like this super high percent here especially if you're Mar yeah exactly oh I love it I love the let's play oh wow disguised recovery though from Zane repeat yeah there it is okay I have not seen zann drop a power Shield oh this match those of you guys at home I'm in my like oh mode if you can't tell things are things are happening people are coming hot I'm just oh oh oh it's it's going to come out wow swinging I think at a certain point like I wonder what Mango's thinking would oh okay I won I'll just shut the hell up oh that was massive can he clean this up yes I don't think I don't think tan has a jump and he doesn't nice hey look at that matters a lot more in this stage bring it down yes yes oh wow take him for a ride let's go at the Pat's house franchise okay okay oh the the single hit fair I love that extension that was beautiful little early on the get up there for mango just kind of giving stain some space dude this neutral oh this neutral is too good oh and he calls it out oh wowow the that that one dare spacing oh the dance the [Music] dance what control they've been back and forth each time oh good catch with the laser waiting for him to jump oh we all want to see a game five my bias is real come on M there it is there it is great for Zayn here two stocks up against mango oh and zay's just milking it tooe just sitting in the corner a little bit over I don't know do we call that over seven maybe that last counter worked yeah maybe it's scared maybe maybe we'll save that for the uh interm time between this next set okay oh already like this is where this is where they're kind of feeling each other out going on Shields in [Music] there oh my God back and forth mango with two dunks I'll goe it is but it's been really entertaining to watch as as a nice little combo extender yeah yeah I mean you play oh I I'll just set the hell up oh what a crazy Choice there he was going for the tunk what step oh okay okay all right all right this is great melee sloppy melee is great melee we're getting weird at Pats house 4 we're getting weird Dreamland Dreamland yeah absolutely yeah for sure I'm a big Dreamland I love I love Pokemon oh really I love it what about Pokemon like just speaks to you um I don't know I just like it just feels like the perfect perfectly like balanced stage um I feel like it it has like the the the width to allow for like these long strings to carry across the stage if you want to be that type of player or if you're a FAL my God ending a fox's life here you have opportunities like that pretty funny I mean we we both saw them each get clipped with the tail end of a forward smash on the right side there where are you going to go that's how you can tell you're in San Diego yeah yeah what what you see that spacing what oh Mango's on today mango getting some started definitely not on purpose would be no no it's always on purpose it would be hysterical oh the trade you had enough time you had enough time to catch him with that really really mango oh my God holy crap is still holding on and doing well and that's what you expect right yeah you're not going to expect anything less I'm calling a forward smash I couldn't even finish my sentence that sounds safe that sound [Music] safe okay we got to start yeah just eating that up smash oh oh no that's scary wow for these early stocks throughout the set is this another one oh all right Cody's going to have to dig deep oh no jump that's a that's a stock Randall okay can mangle close it out 3-1 and can Cody stay on for like the rest of the oh for one more match oh that's it just a boot to the face just a boot to the face and the Crowd Goes Bonkers and now we get to see it in gr I that just happened so fast I was just talking and vibing and chill we had the had the music going talking about history giving you guys a history lesson and then now we're just into the melee and now we're making history here with his Grand finals of Pats house 4 mango from losers Zayn from winners let's go oh and the base the base just kicked in in the room I love it thanks production I feel alive I feel Al with that audio boost but Mark killer uh insane defensive reaction from Zay to get back there on the ledge but that will do it yeah then now the crowd's I mean wasn't punished but we're going to still say over for eight you could say that was a stall though a stall for position maybe we'll say seven nice very nice down okay oh wow interesting okay beautiful spacing for that opening there off of dare from mango Shields nice choice oh beautiful beautiful just can't take too much more just can't take too much more and and Z just going you know he's going to milk get for everything he's got here he has to this is the perfect situation for zann crowd absolutely quiet oh wow what an option brilliant brilliant anything's possible here if mango can get this down to last stock and he's just going to fly right at Z player oh what an extension oh that was so beautiful okay guys Okay we okay the crowd's coming live they see they see a chance they see an opportunity it's possible oh that's not going to do it oh and it is it is oh my gosh I'm surprised yo if you're mango fans you got to be pretty happy for his showing here mango showed up I I was incredibly impressed in this game play had some insane W's beat out Cody schab beat out a number of other amazing players [Music]
Channel: Mang0 - Cloud9
Views: 39,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mango, mang0, c9 mango c9 Mang0, Melee, SmashBros, Smash, Nintendo, Esports, Cloud 9, C9, SSBM, Ludwig, Valorant, Falco, Fox, Ultimate, Tourney, Zain
Id: QAkS3hmsBUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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