There Are TWO Types Of People - Which One Are You?

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welcome back guessers today let's find out how much you know about yourself and which type of person you are before getting into the video please subscribe to our Channel alright let's begin are you vegetarian or non-vegetarian [Music] what do you like more singing or dancing foreign do you make your bed in the morning or not how do you eat KitKat do you break it or eat it like one bar [Music] my favorite Oreos but are you a splitter or a biter by the way I'm a splitter [Music] what do you prefer online shopping or traditional shopping thank you when you are done reading do you use a bookmark or bend the corner of the page [Music] [Music] what do you like more tea or coffee [Music] [Music] do you like to watch movies in theaters or Netflix and chill [Music] are you a dog person or a cat person [Music] which alarm picture more resembles your alarm app foreign [Music] do you eat the whole pizza or leave the crust [Music] do you like hamburgers or cheeseburgers [Music] do you open all the notifications or leave them unread what do you like to eat scrambled eggs or boiled eggs [Music] do you dip fries into ketchup or spread ketchup all over the fries [Music] how do you put toilet paper under or over [Music] which phone do you use iPhone or Android [Music] foreign text message or voice memo [Music] which one do you wear more skinny jeans or straight jeans [Music] foreign vacation mountains or Beach [Music] sparkling water or still water [Music] a hot shower or cold shower foreign what do you prefer laptop or desktop [Music] do you like your peanut butter creamy or chunky [Music] are you a night owl or an early bird [Music] car or a bike [Music] what do you put first in a bowl cereal or milk foreign which drink do you prefer Coca-Cola or Pepsi [Music] how do you enjoy Nutella with bread or without bread [Music] are you a Marvel fan or a DC fan [Music] are you the type of person who sorts their playing cards into suits or just mix them [Music] [Music] [Music] do you tuck your laces into your shoes or untuck them [Music] how do you eat sushi with chopsticks or with a fork foreign drop your answers in the comment section and click on this video and guess the Candy by emojis goodbye
Channel: Guessr
Views: 2,638,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: two types of people, there are two types of people in the world, there are two types of people in this world, two types of people in the world, there are two types of people, There Are Two Types Of People In This World, this or that, this or that challenge, two types of people in the morning, put a finger down, personality test, what type of person are you, what type of girl are you, what type of person am i quiz, which one are you, which type of person are you, guessr
Id: EJ0E8fErFns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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