What's Up With Nightmarionne? - SOLVING The Nightmare - FNAF THEORY

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This freaky little guy first appeared  in FNAF 4’s optional Halloween Edition   Update as a non-canon swap for the Final  Boss, Nightmare. At the time it was cool   to just get a Nightmare Puppet design, even  if it wasn’t canon. But then FNAF World came   out. A game which IS canon. And Nightmarrione  was in it, meaning HE is now canon as well. Since this particular character has been  circulating the FNAF Theory Community a lot   for around a year, you might already know that the  way to get Nightmarionne in your FNAF World party   is by beating a strange minigame called Foxy.EXE,  a reference to Sonic.EXE. But what you might not   know is that he actually has some dialogue in  this game. And what Nightmarionne says is really   important to figuring out what he is supposed to  be, but we’ll get back to that dialogue in a bit. When that question is asked; ‘What is  Nightmarionne supposed to be?,’ I usually   see four main schools of thought in response.  The first postulates that Nightmarrione is just   Charlie. That after Pizza Sim where her father  lured her into a Bear Trap and then seemingly   repeatedly shocked her with steady voltage  to “soothe” her and then set her on fire,   she sort of changed into something  else. Something a little darker,   and a little less…benevolent. But the fact  that BOTH Marionnette AND Nightmarionne appear   in UCN, the latter’s mainline game debut,  makes me feel like this is not the case.   ESPECIALLY because Charlie calls herself  aware, while the others are like animals. Even if you believe that the animatronics in  UCN are just projections of Afton’s fears and   memories brought on by Cassidy, rather than the  actual spirits of those animatronics themselves,   it would just be weird to have both a phony PAST  Charlie AND a real PRESENT Charlie in the game.   Especially considering UCN is Nightmarionne’s  first canonical appearance in a MAINLINE game. The second theory I usually see is that  Nightmarionne is a representation of death itself.   Like a Grim Reaper type of entity that’s super  powerful and weird like Old Man Consequences.   This would explain why he looks to be a twisted  version of the Puppet, since the Puppet is   associated with life. This idea is mostly based on  his UCN Voicelines. “This time death cannot save   you,” and “Let’s taste death, again, and again,  and again.” But while this theory is intriguing,   I don’t think it’s fully right either. If  Nightmarionne is a representation of death,   why has it seemingly only encountered William,  when a lot of other characters have died? Not to   mention that William isn’t actually dead in UCN  anyway, so why would he be seeing Nightmarionne?   Don’t get me wrong, I like the theory, but I  don’t think it has a super strong foundation. The third school of thought I see is  that Nightmarionne isn’t Charlie herself,   but rather, her AGONY, or Dark Remnant. This  would explain why they both appear in UCN and why   their personalities and goals and whatnot are so  different. All the stuff she went through in Pizza   Sim created a Dark Remnant version of her, making  Nightmarionne not only a Nightmare animatronic,   but a Shadow animatronic too. Speaking of, a  branch of this theory is that Nightmarionne   and Nightmare are the same entity. That’s  why Nightmarionne is Nightmare’s swap in   the FNAF 4 DLC, why their jumpscares can be  overlapped to look like this, why they share   the same jumpscare noise, and why Nightmarionne’s  Security Breach collectible is titled Nightmare. This theory is definitely more plausible than  the first two in my opinion. His voicelines in   UCN even support this idea to an extent. “I  am the fearful reflection of what you have   created.” William’s actions caused Charlotte’s  Agony, thus creating Nightmarionne. This could   even explain why Nightmarionne is seemingly  around in the Pizzaplex/AR World in some   way. Even if CHARLIE burned in FNAF 6,  the manifestation of her Agony DID NOT.   Leaving it able to possess the systems of  the Pizzaplex that is built right above it,   thus explaining all the Nightmarionne  plushies and black and white tentacle   imagery. It’s honestly a pretty solid theory.  But there’s just one little itty-bitty thing. Remember that dialogue from Nightmarionne in  FNAF World I mentioned earlier? It’s his first   ever line in the franchise. He says, “I would  help you if I could, but my code is being used   for a second rate horror game. Maybe if  you beat the game and get my code back,   then I could help.” Now, yes, it’s possible,  maybe even LIKELY, that this was supposed to   be a throwaway line by Scott originally,  but FNAF World is confirmed to be canon,   so this line is canon. And what this line tells us  is that Nightmarionne is or has CODE. Could this   mean that the Agony Theory I was just talking  about is true, and that what Nightmarionne is   referencing here is the code he has corrupted  in the Pizzaplex/AR World? Absolutely. But we   still have to consider the final school of  thought out of the four I mentioned earlier. A recent hot topic in the community has been  the debate about whether Glitchtrap is a form   of the Mimic program or not. I do plan to do  a whole video about this topic in the future,   but for now, I want to discuss the idea I’ve  seen thrown around that Nightmarionne is a   program mimicking Charlotte. This theory dives  into a lot of stuff about parallels between   Edwin and Henry, and how Henry could’ve  made a Mimic program of Charlotte (ie:   Charliebot) after she died. And that THAT  program is Nightmarionne. An evil version   of Charlie like we see in the books. This  explains his FNAF World dialogue about code,   and how he’s messing with the AR World and  Pizzaplex. You can make connections between   him and Tiger Rock if you want to as well but  either way, that’s the idea. Sometimes people   call this the Charlie-virus, or the C-virus,  which is something FNAF AR teased with Lefty,   but none of that made it into the game so it’s  unclear if we can really use that as evidence. In any case, this theory could also  explain the Nightmarionne Staffbots,   which I’ve neglected to mention so far. We saw  these things first in Security Breach where most   of them were just reskinned regular Staffbots that  don’t act differently compared to normal ones,   except for notably the ones in the sewer which  kill you rather than just alerting the Glamrocks.   What’s really interesting is how the Nightmarionne  Staffbots seem to be under Glitchtrap’s control. We see that Vanny has control  over them in Security Breach,   and if you do the Faz-Force ending in Help  Wanted 2, Glitchtrap summons a small group   of Nightmarionne Staffbots that follow his  orders. Also in Help Wanted 2, we see that   regular Staffbots can just…BECOME Nightmarionne  Staffbots when they get aggressive. Which implies   to me that all Staffbots are infected with this  Nightmarionne Virus if you want to call it that. The issue with this theory is that there  should be no real way for Nightmarionne to   be in Ultimate Custom Night if it’s just  a mimic program. The Mimic can do a lot   of weird things but it can’t invade someone’s  nightmare coma. So we’re kind of at a dead end,   huh? Not quite. You see, we’ve been leaving  a big part of Nightmarionne’s history out   of the discussion so far. Let’s talk  a bit about the first FNAF VR game. In its first few moments, Help Wanted kind of  implies that FNAF 1-6 are in-universe games.   This is not to say that we should disregard  them or that the events shown in them didn’t   happen though. Anyway, what’s important is that  both Ultimate Custom Night and FNAF World do not   seem to be in-universe games. Both of these  games were the only canonical appearances of   Nightmarionne up to this point. Which is to say,  the people that made Help Wanted 1 in-universe,   should not know who or what Nightmarionne  is. So how did he get in the game? The same way Cassidy and Old Man Consequences  did. It’s still debated who the Princess is and   I made a whole video on it which I’ll link  in the description, but with the Princess   originally being named Cassidy and the Old Man  being named OMC (meaning Old Man Consequences)   in Help Wanted 2, I feel pretty confident  in saying that Princess Quest is where these   characters are. But we never really stopped  to ask how they got there in the first place. We know Glitchtrap got downloaded into Help  Wanted 1 via something the developers scanned   into the game, which seems to be a chip  Helpy was carrying in his skull when he   fled the Pizza Sim fire according to Help  Wanted 2. Whatever you think this chip is,   and whatever you think Glitchtrap is, the  only thing that makes sense to me when I   ask how Cassidy and OMC are in Help Wanted 1 is  that something containing a piece of William’s   Remnant or consciousness was scanned into the  game. Even if you think William is 100% gone   and Glitchtrap is 100% a Mimic program, I can  think of no other explanation other than William,   in some way, shape or form, was brought into  Help Wanted 1, and Cassidy and OMC followed him,   as both of those characters are present in the  UCN Torture Coma that William was experiencing. Something else present in Ultimate Custom Night  that could’ve gone from there to Help Wanted 1 is   Nightmarionne. An argument CAN indeed be made that  because we see Nightmarionne appear in the Night   Terror levels that Nightmarionne has NOW been  canonized in FNAF 4, from a meta perspective.   What I mean by that is, if FNAF 4 is canonically  a video game, an argument can be made that the   Halloween DLC for FNAF 4 is ALSO canonically DLC.  Thus explaining how the in-universe developers for   Help Wanted would know of Nightmarionne.  But I don’t quite think this is true. In Help Wanted 2, we get to play Princess  Quest 4, but more interestingly, we use the   Princess Quest 4 cabinet to access Princess Quest  Alpha, a VR game. It’s important to note that,   as Princess Quest Alpha is in fact,  an Alpha version of Princess Quest,   it came before all of the other Princess  Quests, including the one that the mobile   port of Help Wanted released with. And it’s  in this earliest form of Princess Quest that   we see a Nightmarionne plush, which seems to  me to be the very first one. The beginning   of a long line of stuffed toys that mark  the presence of this mysterious entity. I think it makes sense that the very  first iteration of Princess Quest,   where we see Cassidy and Old Man Consequences  were ported to from Ultimate Custom Night, is also   where Nightmarionne first arrived on the scene.  Help Wanted 2 sees us face the last remaining   piece of Gltichtrap, which interestingly, also  resides in Princess Quest Alpha. However Afton   was scanned into Help Wanted, followed closely  by the Vengeful Spirit, Old Man Consequences,   and evidently, Nightmarionne, it seems like they  all were brought in originally to Princess Quest.   But out of these 4 characters, only 2 of them  actually managed to manifest themselves outside   the arcade game. I can’t come up with  a firm explanation as to why this is,   but I find it VERY weird that the two  beings whose code/Remnant spread from   Princess Quest into Help Wanted 1 take  the form of plushies inside the former. So Nightmarionne went from UCN, to Princess  Quest Alpha, To Help Wanted. And from there,   to the systems of the Pizzaplex and AR  World. But is that really true? Let’s   examine the evidence of Nightmarionne’s  existence in Security Breach and Ruin. The big obvious thing is the  existence of Nightmarionne Staffbots,   which we now know is something all  Staffbots are capable of becoming,   as well as switching back and forth between  Nightmarionne mode and regular mode. The fact   that these exist at all is extremely strange, and  I’ve seen absolutely no rebuttal or explanation   for these bots by those who claim Nightmarionne  is nothing more than an Easter Egg or Mr. Hippo   Style-”You’re Overthinking Things” dig  at theorists by Steel Wool and Scott. A more subtle reference to Nightmarionne  is the fact that multiple locations   throughout the Pizzaplex contain  black wires with white stripes,   which are eerily reminiscent of Nightmarionne’s  limbs. These wires take different forms,   like the thin ones in the Arcade that act  like ambient lighting, and the big thick   ones in the Server room near Fazerblast. The  fact that more than one incarnation of these   Nightmarionne-esque wires exists tells me  that it’s not just a one-off coincidence. These branching tentacles connect the entire  Pizzaplex like a series of nerves, or like   the many threads of a spiderweb. Steel  Wool used Environmental story-telling a   lot during Security Breach and RUIN, and  these wires are a good example of that. There are a lot of Nightmarionne plushies  around, as I mentioned. In Security Breach,   they’re seemingly scattered randomly, the only  recurring theme between the placements is that   they’re all not places you would expect to  find a plush. They’re all in spots that are   almost hard to spot, and sometimes in  places where they have vantage points   on the area they reside on. Almost as if  they are observing what’s around them. RUIN uses Plushies a lot. We can  see a table of the Glamrocks,   each of their plushies ripped in the appropriate  place to match the damage of their animatronic   counterparts. The Plushbaby room  shows us another example of this,   which I go into a lot in this video about  Baby and her relationship with Elizabeth. The   important thing in this room is that these  Plushies giggle and laugh and disappear. People have said this is Cassie’s brain chip  bleeding AR World stuff into her perception   of reality, but I disagree. This room  specifically disables the Vanni Mask,   and there are no other instances of  this kind of thing or anything like   it occurring with the Vanni Mask off. Even  the Brazil Ending, the ending literally about   Cassie going crazy and seeing things that  aren’t there, makes her put on her mask. So whatever is going on in the Plusbaby room is  happening in the real world. The reason I bring   all this up is because I want to showcase  how RUIN uses plushies and the amount of   emphasis it puts on them. They matter, and  they can tell us about what’s going on with   the character they depict. With that in mind,  look at RUIN’s use of Nightmarionne’s plushies. Unlike Security Breach, these Plushies aren’t  placed randomly, instead they are placed very   deliberately. And yet, they still look as if  they are observing what’s going on. Immediately   at the start of the game, we can see one  of them watching Cassie as she narrowly   avoids being crushed by an ATM on a cart. (PUT  A PIN IN THIS, it’s going to be important soon) We see it later as an unmissable detail that  you can’t ignore because you use it to proceed,   and most importantly, we also see it watching  us during the final chase scene. Whatever doubt   there was about Nightmarionne being  a key component of modern FNAF Lore   is completely out the window. This isn’t  an easter egg, it’s not an inside joke,   this is Steel Wool telling us something.  Nightmarionne is around and it is watching us. But watching us isn’t ALL it’s doing. See,  throughout RUIN, the player is hit with   a number of scripted events, close calls for  Cassie. Things outside of animatronics chasing   her or MXES trying to hunt her down. THINGS,  like, REAL OBJECTS, attempt to halt Cassie’s   progress or stop it entirely. And these things  happen out of nowhere. Constantly, vents are   collapsing while she uses them. An ATM Machine  on a cart rolls towards her out of nowhere. An   elevator falls and tries to squash her. A Go-Kart  suddenly activates and tries to run her over. There is a force at play here that doesn’t  want Cassie to reach her goal and is willing   to stop her even if it means killing her. For  all the events where surviving is not scripted   and is something the player actively has to  do, the player WILL die if they do nothing.   And funnily enough, the two instances where  this is the case are also the two instances   that have the strongest ties to Nightmarionne.  A Nightmarionne plush is situated in the perfect   place to watch Cassie die by runaway ATM, and  shortly after being attacked by a Go-Kart,   Cassie can see Nightmarionne Staffbots  driving Go-Karts in the AR World. Okay. So we’ve explained how Nightmarionne went  from a non-canon Boss Fight to a secret but   important player in the FNAF Storyline, and we’ve  explained how it canonically entered the real   world via Princess Quest Alpha, but we still  haven’t settled on an answer for what it is. For me, personally, the most sensical option is  that Nightmarionne is indeed a manifestation of   Charlie’s Agony, taken digital form.  In essence, a mix of the two most   likely schools of thought I mentioned earlier.  This way, Nightmarionne’s existence makes sense,   and it being in UCN makes sense. But it saying  it has code in FNAF World also makes sense,   since it was scanned into Princess Quest Alpha.  And its dominion over the Staffbots, connection   to the AR World, and sway over the real world  make sense too. It’s Dark Remnant that’s been   digitized and spread like a virus over the System  of the Pizzaplex and the AR World parallel to it. The only real question left is  how Glitchtrap is connected to   this Nightmarionne Virus. But that’s a  theory for another day. Subscribe to the   channel if you liked the video,  and thank you for watching. Bye!
Channel: Vaguely Rowlet
Views: 6,960
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Id: Rnk1ZC1twA0
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Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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