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hello everybody and welcome back to the bones 5 YouTube channel on YouTube within the FNAF Community the general fan base is usually focused on the horror lore and jump scares of the games why but an often overlooked aspect of these games is the difficulty and intricacy of some of the maxed out custom nights or the max modes of the FNAF games these Max modes provided a unique challenge due to their need for precise mechanics as well as a deep understanding of the technical inner workings of each game the fascination of these Max modes led to a full community forming around them however no game has split this community more than FNAF 2's Infamous 1020 if you had ever attempted this challenge then you would know that FNAF 2's 1020 is generally regarded as the hardest of the first six games but this isn't because it's super mechanically challenging or hard to understand for a while the game just simply seemed unfair and we'll get into why 1020 is so unfair in a bit but generally speaking this is due to the RNG or Randomness and not the lack of skill from the player [Music] hello [Music] but if there's one thing that the maxim Moon Community really doesn't like it's baseless RNG at the expense of skill-based gameplay and this made experienced players really dislike the gameplay of FNAF 2's 1020 oh Five Nights at Freddy's 2 you know I can always tell whether someone's actually played the games or not just by how they rank FNAF 2 in a tier list and if it's at the bottom they've probably beaten it multiple times however on December 13th of 2023 a new strategy would finally be discovered that removed all Randomness from FNAF 2's 1020 this is how players removed Randomness from FNAF 2's hardest [Music] challenge [Music] [Music] n [Music] ready [Music] go because I've already released a guide on how FNAF 2's AI works I'm not going to go super into detail about how the basic mechanics of this game work if You' like to hear more about that I'll leave a card the FNAF 2 guide video instead I'll be taking a deeper look at the evolution of the strategy for 1020 as it has had an extensive history over the past 10 10 years holy [ __ ] I old and it'll make some corrections and clarifications to some of the AI information present in my original FNAF 2 video particularly relating to Foxy and toy Bonnie with that said how did the first players beat FNAF 2's hardest challenge in the very beginning and by beginning I literally mean 2 days after the game came out FNAF 2 veteran ol lookat FNAF would upload his completion of FNAF 2's 1020 this was the first 1020 completion in the whole world and the strategy that he used was essentially just playing the game normally but really quickly lucky for us o lookit FNAF would document his strategy over the course of attempting 1020 in a Reddit post one of the most obvious things in this strategy was that every camera except the prize corner or Cam 11 was pretty much useless as knowing where the animatronics are provided almost no advantage to the player and almost anyone who's played FNAF 2 knows this it's often a major criticism of the game's gameplay the cameras just don't really have much of a practical use put a pin in that we'll come back to that in about 10 years in a look at fnaf's Reddit post he covered quite a bit of ground with the game only being out for 2 days his General strategy was based on on the tick s the music box makes to measure out how long to stay in the cameras and he would adjust this amount depending on Foxy's position he also states that you should always check the left foot first the reason being that if someone is in your left vent and you happen to pull your cameras up out of habit they will instantly kill you whereas if toy Bonnie is in the right vent there's a chance that he won't kill you on the camera drop with hindsight however we can actually see what was truly going on in this strategy let's first talk about toy Bond in the vents toy Bonnie has a 50% chance to leave your vent enter a blackout every. 5 Seconds no matter what I actually had this information wrong in my last FNAF 2 guide but well-known FNAF player true player corrected me on it this means that toy Bonnie is prone to draining insane amounts of your music box with bad luck oh lookas FNAF actually had an interesting way of countering this if he had little music box left he would actually flip up the cameras knowing toy Bonnie was in the vent this would risk him getting jump scared he would then drop the cameras immediately to hopefully trigger toy Bonnie to come out faster or have a Wither animatronic block toy Bonnie and have him magically go away but what's actually going on here well let's first determine the risk factor of getting jump scared by toy Bonnie when pulling up the cameras whether or not you get jump scared here is determined by this equation if toy Bonnie has been waiting in your vent for 10 minus the night number time 100 frames which in 1020 equates to exactly 5 Seconds you will get jump scared on the next camera flip all of the other vent animatronics work mostly the same toy chica will jump scare you after 6 seconds and both mangle and balloon boy will enter instantly on the next camera flip assuming you survived the camera drop one of two things can happen either a the office animatronic will enter your office and start a blackout or B you drop your cameras to no blackout and nothing changes let's talk about scenario a a first because more often than not someone will be waiting to give you a blackout office animatronics work on a queuing system so only one office animatronic can do a blackout at a time during this blackout toy Bonnie has a onethird chance to leave the vent every second leaving just a 133% chance of toy Bonnie still being in the vent after a 5-second blackout however if you don't get a blackout nothing has really changed except now you've wasted about a second pulling up the cameras assuming you didn't use this strategy and just waited for toy Bonnie to move on his own after the course of 5 Seconds the chance would instead be zero .9% so despite toy Bonnie camera manipulation sounding like a cool strategy and concept the actual AI behind it unfortunately just doesn't hold up too well the other major component to this strategy was how o look at FNAF dealt with the second most annoying character in the game withered foxy in my original video my explanation of Foxy's AI was a bit Bare Bones you get that one I get that one I got it I got my joke so I'm going to go a bit more in detail here this is the exact equation that determines Foxy's movement and it's a bit more complicated than the rest of the animatronics the first part is pretty simple it just generates a random number between 0 and 4 and then adds 21 to it however this alterable variable D is where things get a bit complex D is the variable behind the flashlight mechanic of Foxy's gameplay where every second that a blackout is not occurring from any of the withered animatronics or toy Freddy alterable variable D will increase by one in this example here withered Bonnie is ready to start a blackout from 4 minutes to 4 minutes in 6 seconds alterable variable D increases by six then pauses once the mask is put on to deal with the blackout D will also increase by an additional 1 per second if you have the mask on with no animatronics present in the vent blind spots so leaving the mask on for no reason does actually make Foxy angry this is also why foxy will still appear when his AI is set to zero as alterable variable D can and always will increase unless it is manually turned off and it's only turned off at two points in the in the game all of night one in the first hour of Night 2 it's also worth noting that Foxy's AI is actually capped at 17 assuming it wasn't and it could go the whole way until 20 there could be a scenario in which you'd have to flash foxy within 1 second or you would just straight up die here's a quick visual example of Foxy's AI using a custom Knight with only foxy active at 10 AI though I could use zero Ai and this would still work the timer starts almost exactly when the night starts meaning that on 5 Seconds 10 seconds 15 seconds and 20 seconds the game is going to check Foxy's equation I don't know exactly what random number I got in this situation but they would have all had the same outcome so I'm just going to say I got a 24 at 5 Seconds the equation will return 19 which is not less than or equal to 10 on 10 seconds it returns 14 and at 15 seconds it returns 9 9 is less than or equal to 10 and you'll notice the funny noise starts cling this noise plays whenever someone is in the hallway and now our flashlight cannot shine into the hallway meaning foxy has arrived if you turn the office hall light on this will decrease alterable variable d by one every half second that the light is on this is true despite foxy not even being in the hallway yet once D is high enough that this equation becomes true foxy will then move from Parson service to the hallway when foxy is in the hallway the flashlight becomes much more effective every time the flashlight is turned on alterable variable D is instantly reset to zero and Foxy is stunned for 50 frames or 0.83 seconds this prevents Foxy from jump scaring you but he won't go away until the flashlight has been on him for 100 times the night number frames this is tracked by a second variable known as alterable variable J once foxy returns to Parson service he won't move for the next 500 to 999 frames then the cycle repeats this equation is checked to see if it's true on 5-second intervals if you can't keep alterable variable d low enough and this equation becomes true on one of the five 5 Second checks foxy will be marked as got you target confirmed once in this state foxy will jump scare you the next time you try to flash the hallway or on the next 10-second interval if a blackout is not occurring now with our modern understanding of how foxy works we can see how a look at FNAF decided to combat foxy and his strategy a look at FNAF used the tick system to measure how long to keep foxy waiting each tick of the music box which is this sound again equates to actly half a second so it's an easy metric to measure time using this we can convert alcas fnaf's chart to seconds this means that when winding the box for the absolute maximum of seven ticks when foxy is present o look it's FNAF will be winding the box for 3 seconds now combining this with the time that it takes to flip the monitor up and down and the time that it takes to flip the mask up and down and more often than not D will be set at 4 this means that most of the time you'll be okay with this Strat but if you happen to get a bad lineup with Foxy's 5-second check and or some rough RNG with the random number you could die to Foxy it's also worth noting that there's no difference between the hallway when foxy is visible and the hallway when someone else is visible such as toy Freddy or toy chica these animatronics take precedence over foxy when shown to the player but foxy is still there and works the exact same that pretty much covers the original 1020 strategy I know we spent a long time on this one but I thought it would be important to correct some of the information that I had in my first guide and go a bit more in detail with foxy what this really shows is that olit FNAF was able to figure out all a lot over the course of 2 days and as we'll see later down the timeline players only grew more and more knowledgeable of this game's mechanics moving away from the first completion a few more players would beat 1020 one of these players is well-known FNAF Legend DJ stf glutton for punishment man what do you mean by that DJ star is possibly one of the most influential players in the max Moon community and is a Pioneer for a lot of the strategies that we use in modern day and this is no exception on January 30th of 2015 DJ stf was already using a timer but in perspective how ahead of his time this man was a timer wouldn't be widely used until shooter 25 Strat in late 2021 now let's actually get into What DJ stf was doing in the description we can see some strategy tips and information about what the community knew at the time most of this information I already covered in olat FNAF strategy but there are a few key points that DJ sterf mentions that I feel are worth going over first DJ sterf mentions the iterations or what we now know as Cycles but you'll notice he doesn't say any values that we're used to such as 5 seconds or 10 seconds he instead says 4.67 seconds and 14 seconds why is this well earlier patches of FNAF 2 actually had some of the intervals sped up a little bit similar to the mobile version on iPhone I didn't cover exactly how this changed the game previously because it gets a lot more confusing and I like to keep all the information of my videos current but DJ stf's logic still applies here he says that when you're in line with an iteration or cycle it will usually get rid of the left vet animatronics and that if you can Flash foxy at the end of the current iteration as opposed to the beginning of the next one he won't jump scare you this is huge for General game understanding as players now understood that foxy gets checked at specific intervals however not everything was understood quite yet toy Bonnie was still dealt with by flipping up the cameras and DJ sterf States this is a guaranteed to get rid of toy Bonnie even though it actually only has an 87% chance of working regardless the the ideas of cycles and intervals now being public will be a huge Discovery for the community this leads us to early 2018 in which these discoveries along with a few more along the way would lead to one of the most influential strategies being created this is the right vent Camp Strat the right vent Camp strategy was first discovered by FNAF gam player in early 2018 and then later popular ized by ambience in 2021 the basis of this strategy involves waiting an extra 0.5 to 0.75 seconds during a blackout this completely gets rid of all the left vent animatronics and mangle meaning you only need to check the right vent for toy Bonnie after blackouts now what's actually happening here is that you're accounting for the lost time of putting on the mask each blackout lasts exactly 5 seconds or 300 frames so if you took 20 frames to put the mask on you would still need to wait an extra 20 frames for the game to register that you've had the mask on for 5 full seconds and get rid of all the ventor though this wasn't known to the community at the time and just saying 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds worked for Simplicity sake on FNAF gamep player's original video we can see a pinned comment from Ambience that details what the community now knew it was now public knowledge that the event animatronics aside from Toy Bonnie will now always disappear after five consecutive seconds with the masone it was also known that foxy should always be flashed within 3 seconds and if you remember our equation from earlier that checks out with the worst possible luck you could get this strategy was much much more consistent than previous strategies and usually had players beating 1020 within 1 to 2 hours though there was still some problems while foxy and toy Bonnie will understood much more Cycles weren't fully optimized yet so if you were caught at the end of a 10-second interval with no music box usually due to toy Bonnie or no blackout vent attack an office animatronic could pull your cameras down and completely run out your box no no oh my God dude but the community had almost completely figured out foxy and the left vet animatronics and this was because of our next entry in the timeline DJ stf's informational guides on September 1st of 2019 DJ sterf would release a 1H hour long guide video on the right vent camstat and we revise It 2 years later with another guide on September 29th of 2021 this is when all the information that I've been talking about like Foxy's equation how toy Bonnie really works a IAT and everything in between would all come to light this is extremely important as now intricate game knowledge about pretty much everything was known to the community and it was only a matter of time before someone would create a new more consistent strategy and we wouldn't have to wait long for a better strategy as on December 6th of 2021 shooter 25 would upload his FNAF 2 strategy which took what made the right vent Camp stck good and made it even better now with use of a stopwatch shooter 25 could accurately keep track of the cycles of the animatronics these Cycles would be timed such that it leaves more room for the player to reset foxy with the flashlight before alterable variable D is checked again this means that as long as an office animatronic is ready to initiate a blackout when the cameras are dropped 99% of the time there's absolutely zero risk however if you drop the cameras to no office animatronic the challenge becomes a bit harder as you'll have to align yourself back on cycle by either timing a toy Bonnie attack or waiting without winding the music box always staying on cycle will keep your camera from being forced down and causing the music box to run out and you may think that on 10:20 there would always be an office animatronic waiting but everyone's AI except for golden Freddy and Foxy is capped at 15 which makes the scenario of no blackout possible shooter 25 detail what you should do in every single scenario and this did wonders to make the game more consistent top players like shooter and Braden were able to beat 10 20 15 and five times in a row respectively so is this finally the end have we removed RNG from FNAF 2 and made it consistent enough to beat a 100 times in a row no we have not unfortunately toy Bonnie can still end runs with bad enough luck if you recall earlier in the video when I got 13 failed movements in a row though it's extremely rare that was essentially an unwinable situation so if we were going to make FNAF 2 100% consistent we can't just deal with toy Bonnie we need to eliminate him [Music] entirely remember about 10 years ago when said that there's no reason to look on the cameras outside of winding the music box well the toist was actually right in thinking to watch the animatronics phone guy says this on night two models would always get disoriented with bright light it would cause a system restart or something uh come to think of it you might want to try that on any room where something undesirable might be they might hold them in place for a few seconds this actually applies to most of the animatronics flashing them on the cameras will stun them for 6.66 seconds or 400 frames however it's important to make some distinctions between animatronics as not all of them work the exact same with the stalling mechanic with the exception of Foxy who cannot be stalled the withered animatronics don't even need you to flash the camera they only require you to be looking at them to initiate their stall everyone else with the exception of BB and Foxy who are both immune to being flashlight stalled requires you to flash the cameras in order to stall them the first application of this Tech came in a glitch Strat known as minus 3 this Strat would be executed by glitching the game and thinking that you were looking at two cameras essentially when you swap cameras in FNAF 2 there's a brief moment where you're looking at both cameras if you pull the cameras down during this interval the game will think that you're simultaneously looking at two cameras but keeping your monitor on the original camera before you swapped this freezes any withered animatronics within that camera as they don't require the flashlight to be stalled so if the game thinks that you're looking at Parts in service but you have your main camera set on the music box you can wind the music box while withered Freddy Bonnie and Chica are all completely Frozen for the entire night hence the name minus 3 make sure that you do this camera glitch within the first 5 Seconds of the night though as if you wait too long the Wither animatronics will have already moved out of parts and service and therefore won't be frozen this strategy was originally found by insta and became the new best way to complete 1020 however technically it still isn't RNG proof and it's also a glitch Strat which is kind of cheesy but the logic that minus 3 used will be used for the final entry in our timeline minus 7us 7 was created by Nico frost on December 13th 2023 and completely stalls seven of the animatronics essentially you're going to be holding down three cameras with your flashlight each of the seven animatronics we're stalling has to go through one of these three cameras at some point toy Bonnie and wither chica have to both go through party room 4 withered Bonnie withered Freddy and toy chica all have to go through the main hall and toy Freddy and mangle both have to go through the game area from this Nico developed a timer strategy first start the night and wind the Box until 7 seconds then Flash the three cameras and wind the music box until 12 seconds flash foxy pull the cameras back up and wind the Box again until 17 then repeat this entire night revolves around cycles of ending digits in 2 and 7even which is within that stall time of 6.66 seconds however there is still one big problem in this strategy balloon boy is not able to rest stalled using the flashlight this means that you'll have to listen for him in the vents and change your strategy according to two scenarios when you first hear bangging in the vents that means balloon boy has entered a vent but is not yet in the vent blind spot once you hear bangging a second time time he's entered the blind spot and will enter the office on the next camera flip you have to play around BB's position extremely precisely in order to keep the animatronic stalled remember that the vent animatronics have a 75% chance to move on 5-second intervals when the cameras are up meaning that if the cameras are down balloon boy will not execute his movement opportunity until they're pulled up again and this is how we deal with balloon boy once you hear bagging in the vents for the first time make absolutely sure that you pull down the cameras before the next 5-second interval if you hear bagging a second time you've already lost and balloon boy in the vent blind spot hello hello dude are you kidding me most aggressive BB ever literally ever literally every move dude bro however if you are fast enough you can wait until the next 2 or 7 second interval pull the cameras up flash cameras 4 7 and 10 as fast as you possibly can pull the cameras down Flash the hallway and put the mask on balloon boy has a one in 10 chance to leave every second but a guaranteed chance to leave after 5 consecutive seconds with the mask on if he chooses to wait 5 Seconds you will need to react immediately to when he leaves and Flash cameras 4 7 and 10 right away this window is extremely precise and when factoring in the average time that it takes for a player to drop the cameras put the mask on take the mask off and pull the cameras back up you're left with 0.7 seconds to react to BB's vent noise and Flash the three cameras think of balloon boys attacks like one of those western cowboy duel when they have to wait until someone says fire and it's a battle of like pure reaction time and speed under insane pressure this in my opinion is the absolute peak of skill when it comes to FNAF 2 even with the worst possible RNG it's still possible to beat this challenge every single time it always comes down to your own skill good RNG can make the run a lot easier like BB leaving early or failing more movements on his way to the vent but RNG alone can't kill a run like with toy Bonnie now I have a policy whenever I cover a game I will always try to complete the challenge that I'm talking about firsthand before I break down how it works and this challenge was brutal if you're going for your first 1020 completion ever I really wouldn't do minus 7 for strategy First Complete 1020 normally and if you really want to master the game- 7 will be the way to go my - 7 completion was one of the most intense challenge runs I've ever done and to my knowledge I was the fifth person in the world to complete it with a video and I would personally say it's significantly harder than sister locations 1020 so with that said this is how players eliminated all Randomness from FNAF 2's hardest challenge 63 High coming in on target you need to move a little faster than that son she just light [Music] no oh [Music] wait no puppet puppet hello no dude I got no way puppet you got to give me 10 seconds you got to give me 10 seconds you got to give me 10 seconds come on come on you know you want to do it you know you want to do it just a little longer just a little longer come on come on 8 9 yes oh let's [Music] [Applause] [Music] go oh my [Music] god dude oh my God that was so clutch thank you all so much for watching this video on screen are the credits for all the people that help me put this video together whether it be through fan art or explaining and correcting some of the strategies that I listed in this video if you would like to be part of the bones 5 videos in the future please consider joining my Discord server as there is now a full character reference sheet for any fan art you'd like to make provided in the server so if You' like to submit any fan art or just talk to me in my community feel free to join the Discord through the link in the description or the pinned comment I also now have a second Channel where I'll be posting more random videos gaming or non-gaming related so if you're interested in seeing some content that might be a bit less edited and more focused on either raw gameplay or me and some friends just talking about a particular topic feel free to sub over there I have the raw minus 7 completion already up on that channel also if you'd like to see me do any of these challenges live live I am streaming some of them on this channel I don't have any set schedules unfortunately because of how my schedule is with school but I will be streaming most challenges so look out for the lives with that said Thank you guys all so much for watching [Music] peace
Channel: TheBones5
Views: 51,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Five nights at freddy's, Fnaf, Fnaf 2, TheBones5, The Bones, The Bones 5, fnaf 2 complete guide, Five nights at freddy's guide, fnaf 2, fnaf 2 guide, five nights at freddys, fnaf movie, five nights at freddy's 2, five nights at freddy's 2 guide, five nights at freddy's security breach, five nights at freddy's movie, fnaf 2 golden freddy mode strategy, How to beat 10/20 mode fnaf 2, How fnaf 2 works, Fnaf 2 AI, 10/20 mode fnaf 2, fnaf, Fnaf 2 minus 7, fnaf 2 history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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