What's the MOST AWKWARD thing you've witnessed at a High School Reunion? - Reddit Podcast

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what's the most awkward thing you've witnessed at a high school reunion not me but my brother-in-law's High School reunion a guy that was severely bullied in high school started a Facebook group to get the ball rolling on planning a high school reunion he planned the venue food drinks and asked everyone to pay a ticket price to cover it all he organized the money to go into a provided bank account received more than 200 people's dollar dues and then effed off never to be heard of again I've never laughed so hard in my life my mom's 35th High School reunion was at a bar that I frequent quite a bit I walked in with my mom and went up to a bartender that I know to order a drink for my mom and I he looked up at my mother and I and immediately got super shy and weird and then said you're the daughter of my mom's name apparently he had a huge crush on my mom in high school and my uncle beat the crap out of him because he creeped my mom out it was very awkward indeed I'm getting kind of a Peter balish Game of Thrones Vibe did he creep on you or treat you different after that I play in a band we got booked by a restaurant for some class reunion I showed up to set up for the gig and it was my freaking class I wasn't even invited hey everyone before we start I'd like to dedicate this first song to my high school class with this message Frick you and freck you twice for not inviting me to the class reunion also freck you guys I went to my wife's last reunion a few months ago the day of the reunion she got a call that it was cancelled apparently 5 years earlier a classmate got creepy and stalkery with another classmate the people organizing the reunion invited him to not show up then the guy posted on Facebook some vague threats they did actually change the venue and have the reunion but there were many people that couldn't be contacted with the updated info nothing and by nothing I mean the awkward feeling at being one of the 12 who showed up graduated in 1962 and never went to any of the reunions didn't even know about them until the 50th in 20 2 I'd been in the odd places of the world encountered a classmate 50 years later he gave me the roster most of the people who went had never left the small farm town of the people who could be tracks over half the males were dead Vietnam substances transmissible diseases and all the random bull crap I was nobody in high school but I still seemed to be on the green side of the dirt my friend said her cousin's High School reunion was really awkward because this guy ran up and kissed his high school girlfriend without her asking and then got in a fist fight with her husband it didn't turn out well from what I hear there has to be a balance between boring evening and fist fights and drunken disasters I'm so glad the latter are so present here for our entertainment two of our classmates passed away before our 5-year reunion one of the girls organizing the event thought it would be a good idea to make cardboard cutouts of their faces as if they were truly still here with us the worst part was that people got drunk and started toting them around taking pictures with them it was messed up a guy from our class passed away from cancer shortly before our 20th reunion he was never super popular but was pretty well known across our class during the awards and speech section of the night the lady our class president I think was trying to get the crowd to settle down for a moment of silence you could tell it meant a lot to her as she was starting to get heed the crowd started shushing one another and it got just quiet enough to hear somebody say geez did somebody die or something when I was about six I went to my dad's small town school's 30-year reunion his ex- fiance not my mom was dressed in her prom dress and kept talking to me saying she should have been my mommy even then I knew that was weird keep your crazy inside lady 10year reunion held at a bar owned by a former classmate started at 10: p.m. the owner told people adults over 21 only people said they needed to bring their kids and were told no several people brought their babies and toddlers anyway parents drank like teenagers and the kids ran wild owner called the cops who watched the parents be negligent parents escorted out by same cops and their kids were taken out by others for some clarification original reunion was going to be at our high school but less than 20 people brought tickets so it was cancelled a lot of us live not too far and see each other out and about anyway we had a Facebook group up for the event so when it was canceled the bar owner agreed to have something at his place but we had to follow the law since it was a bar and not a restaurant like no one under 21 he did ask people to leave with their kids and was cursed out I heard one girl spat on him so he called the cops one of my friends who was an organizer for the original event tried watching the kids and she pointed out their parents to the cops when they arrived the classmates were really drunk to the point they couldn't have driven their kids home and others were belligerent hence the arrests I was there with a friend when he saw his ex they approached each other him going in for a hug and her extending her hand to shake well they each realized what the other was doing she put her arms out for a hug and he extended his hand to shake by the time they touched it was just a jumble of hands and arms weirdly touching each other he started by saying so how have you been and I just said uh excuse me and got the heck away from that a girl I like we work at different facilities but hang out a lot of trainings came down for an audit she introduced me to someone she's training and we talk for a bit until they have to leave she invites me to join all of them for dinner and I say cool I go for a hug and she sticks her hand out and we both sort of back up and flip our actions so I stick my hand out and she goes for the hug we hug and it was awkward that night at dinner we're joking we all have a few drinks and I excuse myself for the night she stands up from the table and her arms start to open up but I instinctively reach out to shake her hand the guy she's training has a huge grin as she turns red in the face shakes my hand and says good night at my 10-year High School reunion a guy I hated and who hated me showed up and came directly towards me not saying anything at all to me he then engaged the person standing right next to me on my left he proceeded to move around the room talking to literally everyone there only 33 people in my class and stopping with the person on my right didn't so much as acknowledge my existence the whole rest of the day it was super weird at the time but many years later it was the most memorable thing that happened I laugh about it now at my 10th the organizers gave Awards to people for various reasons one girl from our class was given an award wward for having the most kids of anyone there she had had four by different guys which was part of the announcement the look on her face as she slinked up to the podium said it all at mine someone made a speech along the lines of to all those that felt picked on or bullied I have something to say to you she then started to sing Let It Go from Frozen a kid in my class 1982 was hit by a car during our junior year and wound up in a persistent vegetative state we had heard bits and pieces of information about him over the years but none of it sounded reliable he was dead he was still in a coma he'd come out of it he was normal he had become a born- again Christian he lived at home and couldn't do anything for himself You Name It We had heard it every reunion there's still some misinformation being passed around about the guy in our 10-year reunion program he was in the inmemoriam page then it was pointed out that he wasn't dead last fall we had our 35th reunion and he was announced along with the let's take a minute to remember our Departed classmates and then others pointed out that they thought he was still alive and living in Florida now I don't think we'll ever find out the truth not that it matters though he was a freaking jerk anyway I wonder if the truth will ever be known about the Floridian Man of Mystery or maybe the author is the reason he's missing and is covering his tracks the captain of the football team was a pretty sad sight he looked like hell and was so proud of sneaking booze in with his flask I mean it was a cash bar but the prices were reasonable guys mine is in a few months but the awkwardness has already started first I never had any plans to go things like that really aren't my speed I'm not a mingler and I always want to leave right away besides I'll be away on Military orders by that time anyway so there's no way I can go so a few weeks ago I get added to a high school 10-year reunion page for my school on Facebook by someone I don't recognize I immediately think nope and leave the page then don't think about it again I got a phone call a few days later from an unknown number Not Unusual since a lot of people call me for work stuff I answer and get this really enthusiastic oh my God hi it's name how are you I apologize and tell her I think she's got the wrong number I don't know anyone with that name she says my whole name and says she's got my number from a friend from high school she was the class president but to be honest I don't remember her she asks about the reunion I politely tell her I'm not going I have other obligations she says I don't know if that will work I'll be in touch and hang hangs up I'm like what the freck but whatever a few days later I get added back to the same group by her and again I leave it not 30 minutes later I get another call from her she wants to know why I left the group again and again I tell her I have other obligations she told me that you don't skip reunions we've planned this for years you'll be there so sarcastically I said okay well save me a spot then and hung up a third time I'm added to this group I'm like for Frick's sake and I leave again I get a call and this time she's calling to tell me that my ticket and dinner money a Jew by the end of the week I politely remind her that I'm not going she gets snoy and informs me that the venue and cering have already been reserved and that I will need to pay for my meal as the fund wouldn't cover it once again I remind her that I was never attending and that it wasn't my fault she had paid in advance without a proper count she then told me you don't have a choice I've already paid for you so you have to be there I said all right bye wrong name and then hung up again I ended up blocking her on Facebook ignoring her calls and leaving the group two more times when members of the reunion committee added me back in in short class president that I don't remember won't take no for an answer you can submit your own stories to be featured here on the channel the story submission link is in the description below and if you want to listen to some viby music in the background check out easy mode also linked below and subscribe probably the reunion itself our 10 year was in 2015 and I did not attend as I got roped into helping Salvage a four-wheeler from the river river that a couple of buddies had found if you're interested the guy who kept it got it running again for about $1,000 worth of parts and work hours score so for about 3 or 4 months leading up to the reunion date a few of the popular girls from our class started a Facebook group to organize everything and it seemed to be going really well people had moved all over the country but were saying they were moving their schedules around to attend there was talk of renting an event Hall on the fairgrounds one girl's family now owned a local restaurant and offered to put up that venue for an after hours thing every everyone seemed really into it and from what I could see all seemed ready and willing to put behind them whatever Petty grudges and high school BS had existed 10 years before comes to the morning of and absolutely no one has committed anything and in fact it's almost complete radio silence on the Facebook group someone suggests that since we have no place reserved should everyone just meet at bars downtown or go from there so it was that exactly seven people showed up and played oversized jenger they at least looked like they had a good time but what a let down I was initially a bit bummed about knowing I was missing our reunion but when I saw the turnout on Facebook when I got back into cell range I wasn't that disappointed anymore that's not too different from mine we had planned an event but apparently the turnout wasn't high enough to cover the cost of the place that fell through and one of the organizers made a melodramatic Post in the Facebook group and another organizer put together a small gathering plan for whoever showed up to get dinner got six of my class plus a girlfriend of one of the guys had dinner and then we all hung out at one person's apartment for a couple of hours reminiscing I think that was probably probably more fun than the original plan would have been to be honest at my 10-year reunion it was more everyone getting really drunk at the 20th there were a few people seemingly bitter at those who'd done pretty well in life odd really when my lady teacher came up to me kissed me on the cheek and told me she loved me she was very drunk I felt very awkward no she wasn't hot she was old once spell corrected a Christmas card I gave her and the night of the formal smelled strongly of booze haven't had a high school reunion yet but here's a fun one from my mom's third reunion she went with my dad back to her hometown for the reunion my dad grew up in a different place so he didn't know anybody there bored out of his mind he decided to have some fun and found a way to discreetly ask someone who the biggest juvenile delinquent Troublemaker was in their graduating class let's call him Albert Davis so my dad went to the name tag table and found Albert Davis's name tag he put it on and went around saying hi to everyone just to watch reactions because most of them assumed that Albert Davis was in prison my mom did not think it was funny allow me to introduce my partner the one in our year voted most likely to end up in prison excellent prank apparently every year my brother's graduating class gets together at this one neighborhood bar over Thanksgiving it's not a formal thing but anyone can come and they all have a few drinks and it's totally normal I literally had no idea about it and apparently my brother didn't either because 3 or 4 years ago we showed up to get a drink together alone and his entire GR graduating class of 50ish people were there now my brother was super nerdy and kind of an awkward kid but the Marines in college turned that around and now he's an outgoing sociable guy coming out of the closet once he hit 23 helped too since he was comfortable in his own skin and it showed outwardly thing was no one seemed to know he was gay and this is small town in the midwest where there's nothing else to do but gossip and since no one leaves everyone knows everyone else I literally spent all night cringing while my brother dodged the advances of a bunch of girls aggressively hitting on him since the dating Paul is the same guys they went to high school with and he was fresh meat they were all coming on super strong and it was bad then everything got worse when he told them he was living on the East Coast because he was gay and married and his husband's job was there I went with my wife to her reunion I may have had one or three before arriving and when I got there I remembered hearing a story about a guy who was my wife's thirdd grade boyfriend later in life he had a rough time of things substances booze run-ins with the lore and other things as a joke I wrote his name on my name badge and went about my business not long after a rather strong and stocky woman turned around looked at me then at my name tag and when she saw the name she looked up at me and screamed excitedly as loud as I've ever heard and bear hugged me while lifting me off the ground and bit my neck no blood but a decent bruise at my 10-year reunion one of the good-looking but not very bright guys from my class argued with me that we had done the deed in high school after 10 minutes of me trying to explain to him that we had never done the deed I realized he was thinking of my friend's sister not me he was then like well we can fix that I declined and left he had gone 10 years not knowing who he had done the deed with I'm not touching that with someone else's downstairs area much less my own got invited by Facebook message we're not friends on Facebook by one of the girls who made pretty much the whole time I was there a living hell didn't attend obviously because everyone I wanted to keep in touch with I did but got a ah sorry we missed you Han we should do lunch message but why selective memory or went to a wife's reunion introduced myself as George George Michael I was only there 3 weeks I was bullied so I left but so and so invited me some people actually bought the story there's a slight recurring theme of husbands being hilarious goofballs and I kind of love it it was a party with all old high school people at it not sure if people actually have reunions anymore but it ended up with the same effect I met up with an ex and an ex- buddy of mine kept saying crap about how we would be perfect back together it was just stupid for a ton of reasons and the dude kept pushing first I was married didn't bother this dude he said we should just bang and not tell my wife second She's a Lesbian no interest in men I knew this already and she had trusted telling me even though I think she kept it private but this guy pushed and pushed and when she said she liked girls he just told her to bring her girlfriend along I don't even know the guy's endgame but he looked like a total [ __ ] and I'm pretty sure he made my ex feel pretty uncomfortable then I had to feel uncomfortable when I finally told him to F off for us younger folk there will even be a physical reunion someone made a graduating class of 200x like a year after graduation which had one post every few months and then had been absolutely dead for several years now the lighting was dim we were old and some nitwit decided to let people scroll their own name tags which then hung on lanyards at crotch level nobody could hear anything over the snot-nosed DJ blasting eye of the tiger and trying to figure out who you were talking to was pretty awkward my wife at the time and I had dated all through high school and college we married and had a child we still had a few close friends we graduated with that were going as well I would say that there was about a 70% turnout we had a good time and everyone got pretty drunk we all mingled and my wife talked to a guy who she had cheated on me with right after high school they didn't speak for more than 3 minutes they hadn't spoke since that day almost 10 years before we had moved past it and had a family at least that's what I thought less than a month after the reunion I could tell that something wasn't right when I asked her about it she told me she wasn't happy and wanted a divorce we'd been together a very long time and I was devastated after a week of feeling like I'd failed and doing everything I could to win her back I discovered she'd been having an affair with that same guy not my high school reunion but my mother's she walked in and was saying hi to a few of the women when one of them dragged their husband over in a very loud voice she said you remember Sharon her brother was the one that fired you last month my mom ended up avoiding them the rest of the night I heard that a classmate set the venue on fire glad I didn't go it was lit though actually my high school reunion was the awkward thing I didn't attend and neither did very many people Everyone pretty much hated each other and from what I heard only one click turned up with the odd person from one or two others making an appearance even though I didn't go it was still awkward when a guy who severely bullied at school tried adding me on Facebook to invite me to the reunion she still hates me to this day so I don't even know why she would have wanted me there let alone directly contacted me at R1 15th they asked then gave out prizes for the person who traveled the farthest to attend traveled the least far to attend had the newest car the oldest car the youngest child the look on the MC's face when he realized what he was asking for the oldest child would mean was priceless had a 10-year reunion last year things were going well at this low-key local bar things shut down about 1:00 a.m. however everyone is having fun and doesn't want to shut it down turns out the old school Captain a smart guy not particularly socially intelligent though says we should head back to his place to kick on tells the whole grade 100 to 150 people to drink what they want including his dad's Blue Label Scotch which he thought was the cheap stuff ended up costing him several thousand and apparently his dad rather understandably wasn't stoked feel bad for him but I have to laugh I remember even trying to warn him on the night but he was riding that social popularity in dorphin high I suspect I was in the first integrated High School class in 1971 for our 10-year reunion the organizers did not invite any of the black students I haven't been back 5year reunion basically it boiled down to what do you do for work and if you had anything lucrative people wanted to be your best friend and try to get connections when you subscribe make sure to hit the Bell to turn on notifications put the playlist on in the background to finish listening to all the stories or if you want some viby music to put on in the background check out easy mode if you like am I the genius give am I the jerk a shot everything Linked In the description
Channel: Am I the Genius?
Views: 14,259
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Id: qRqZ2vuA8LU
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Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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