How to fly drones for beginners

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if you just bought a drone and you want to  learn how to fly it safely today i want to   give you some of the basics so you can go out and  have a great first flight and hopefully not crash   your first drone now if you want to go really in  depth and dive into how to fly your drone well   and learn some advanced moves how to take care of  your batteries how to take every drone all those   kinds of things i do offer a paid course it's  linked in the description but for now we're going   to jump in the basics of how to fly pretty much  any drone that's come out on the market in the   last few years now when you take off or when you  go fly for the first time make sure that you're   in a place that you're okay to fly and there's  a lot of different ways to look at that i use an   app called air map there's before you fly there's  a few other ones that you can check and make sure   you can legally fly wherever you're gonna go fly  and make sure you're in a big wide open area where   you're not going to be really concerned with  running into any trees any poles any buildings   anything like that could get in your way so make  sure you go out to a big field big open field   big open space and fly there for the first time  before we jump into flying the drone for the first   time the first thing you want to do is turn the  controller on and we want to understand how the   controller works so you double tap and hold the  second push to turn the drone on once it beeps   turns on then it's on open up the app plug  your phone in whatever device you're using   and then be ready to go now there's a  few basics that we need to understand is   this stick on the left side here is the one that  basically the drone stays in the same position   but moves uh up or down or turns left or right but  it stays above the position wherever it's hovering   at that time so if you push up the drone will  go up if you push down it'll go down you turn   to the left it'll go left if you turn to the right  it'll go right so that's the basics of movements   on this side this side the right stick is a little  bit different this is the one that actually makes   the drone move forward backward or left to right  relative to whatever the position it took off of   so if you push left the drone is going to slide  left if you push right the drone will slide right   if you push up the drone will move forward and  if you push down the drone will move backward   those are the basics of all the controls and  everything we're going to do today revolves around   those things now there's a few other things  that you might want to familiarize yourself   with if your remote has a pause button or return  to home button like this one does that's good to   know just in case you get in trouble you can push  it and have the drone come back i always recommend   flying the drone back to yourself don't just use  the return to home function because sometimes that   can go wrong depending on the settings that you've  used and then in the middle we have a switch here   that selects between three different flight  modes the one furthest on the left cine mode   or sometimes called tripod mode is the slowest  and the drone everything about the drone will   will respond slowly to the controls so that's  a good mode to start with if you've never flown   drones before normal means that if you have  obstacle avoidance that obstacle avoidance is   also active just like it was in the city mode but  everything is a little faster the drone will move   faster it will go places faster up down left right  all of those things will happen a lot faster and   the gimbal will move faster and then sport mode or  the fastest mode ludicrous mode depending on the   drone manufacturer will move the drone at the  absolute maximum speeds that it is capable of   but if your drone has obstacle avoidance there  will be no obstacle avoidance available so then   it is 100 dependent on you to not crash your drone  and then on most dji drones on the back of the   remote here is a record button so you can take  pictures or start and stop the video recording   and a gimbal control wheel so if you push the  wheel one way the gimbal will tilt down if you   push it the other way the gimbal will tilt up  so now that we've gone over some of those basics   let's jump into unfolding our drone taking off  and flying for the first time some drones might   unfold differently than this but you should be  able to find your directions in your manual or   there's probably videos out there about how to do  it the first thing you want to do is definitely   take the gimbal cover off so that the gimbal has  free range of motion before you turn the drone on   and then usually you unfold these two legs  the front two legs or the top two legs   by moving them forward first and then the back two  legs fold down and back now the drone is unfolded   you don't have to straighten out the  propellers if you don't want to but you can   most drones will have a like soft start to  be able to get the drones going or get the   propellers going and spin them out before  the drone actually takes off and then power   it on by double pressing and hold the second  press until it beeps or you hear it turn on once it's completed its boot up process you'll  hear that tone everything's ready to go so let's   take off for our first flight i don't recommend  that you hand launch and hand catch if this   is your first time using a drone i'm going to  because that's how i do it a lot of times i do   have a whole video about how to hand launch a hand  catch it'll pop up here and it'll be linked in the   description but for the most part just take off of  the ground something hard some surface area that   won't get your drone too dirty and that will  give you safety to be a little ways away so first things first if you are going to  video record this you want to make sure that   it is in auto that may not be the best for all  situations but it is good and it will certainly   get you through most things and will give  you pretty usable footage in most conditions   so make sure that you're in auto and everything's  ready to go and record the way it is and then what   we're going to do is turn the drone so it's  facing away from us and perform our first few   flights up down turn it left and right back or  forward backward left right all that with the   drone facing away from us if you remember this  is up down and left and right so if you push   up the drone is going to go up if you push down  the drone is going to come down and then if you   push it to the left the drone will turn left if  you push it to the right the drone will turn right but all of that is staying in the same position  that the drone took off in it's not moving forward   or backward and then when we come to the right  stick if you push left the drone slides left   if you push right the drone slides right   i'll get it back here in the center and then  if you push forward the drone moves forward and if you push backward the drone moves  backwards now that's relatively easy but   when you turn the drone around and have it  facing towards you everything on this stick   and the left and right on this stick has just  become the opposite and so this takes a little   more time and a little more practice but that's  all you need is a lot of practice if you've never   flown drones before so again remembering that when  you push these sticks this is forward backward   left right and then turning right and turning  left on the left side here you just want to   remember that it's going to respond the opposite  of what you think because it's now facing you so the way to do that is just very slowly and very  gently move the drone to the left to the right   maybe a little forward a little backward up down is of course still the same  but and then turning left to right all you're really doing is building muscle  memory and so the way to do this is keep an   eye on the drone don't get stuck looking at  your screen all the time but keep an eye on   the drone as it's flying and do these motions  over and over and over again and you'll be a   pro in no time because what you want to do is  build the muscle memory so that you don't have   to think about it as much and that just takes a  little bit of time and a little bit of practice   and then as you get more practice you can combine  the motions together to do things like orbit   like what i'm doing right now which is where  the drone is moving around me the subject and   keeping me somewhat in the center of the frame or  on a third because that's kind of where i want it   as i'm moving around i'm keeping my subject and  this is where you do want to keep an eye on the   screen but also check on your drone to make sure  you're not going to run into anything because   obstacles do appear out of nowhere and just get  a nice smooth motion around your subject as you   go takes practice you're combining two different  controls don't try this until you've gotten a lot   of practice with the single controls and now i get  a lot of questions about how to make your videos   look good how to get good photos if you don't do a  lot with videography and photography there's some   really simple ways one is just use the auto mode  on the drone that will get you good photos and   good video in like 90 percent of situations  especially if you're just doing it for you   for friends for family just for fun don't worry  about it we talk a lot about using nd filters   and there are times and places to use those but  if you don't know what those are you don't know   how to use them just don't worry about it go out  and shoot a lot of stuff in auto you'll get some   great footage and have a really good time as you  can see here i'm recording in auto and that means   the drone is managing everything for me now if i  switch it to pro which is where i have set all the   settings you can see that it's dramatically over  exposed that's because i have the shutter speed   set to what i would use the shutter speed  at and the iso is set at what i would use   the iso at but because i don't have an nd filter  on there that means there's too much light coming   in so i would have to raise the shutter speed up  until i get the exposure to about where i want   now the rule of thumb if you're going to use  the manual settings is you want to keep your iso   as low as you possibly can you want to keep  your shutter speed at two times your frame rate   and then you want to keep your white balance set  to whatever your white balance is supposed to be   so on a sunny day it would be 5500 or 5600 on  a cloudy day it might be more in like the 64 to   6600 range uh just depends on what you're shooting  this is where nd filters come in essential because   you can't really do anything but adjust your  shutter speed when you're flying to get the   proper exposure now even though a lot of drones  have obstacle avoidance i never recommend relying   on obstacle avoidance 100 of the time because  it will fail it will miss things small branches   things like that it can't see as well and it might  run into something and in addition to that not   a lot of drones have 360 degree obstacle points  where they can see objects around them completely   and so like this one does not have side obstacle  avoidance which means if i'm moving sideways it   could run into something don't rely on obstacle  avoidance learn to fly it manually and you will   be much better off and then obstacle avoidance  just becomes a nice added safety feature or added   benefit something that's really neat about drones  today is most of them have smart features built in   which means they have pre-programmed flight paths  that they will fly those are a lot of fun to use   they will give you some really great footage of  yourself of your family of you doing whatever it   is you do whether you're hiking out in the middle  of the wilderness or you're just on the beach   having a good time so use those i did put together  a video about how to use those it's up here   up there it'll pop up in one of these corners to  master anything it just takes time and it takes   practice if you go out and fly three five six  seven eight batteries fly a couple batteries every   day for a week you'll see massive improvements  and you'll get a lot better like i said i do have   a full paid course that really goes into depth  on not only how to do the basics of flight but   how to take care of your batteries take care of  your drone and also do more advanced flying more   complicated maneuvers and how to use that in video  a little bit drones are an incredible tool they're   a lot of fun but you do want to use them correctly  and use them safely so please take your time and   learn to fly smart and learn to fly safely as  you go about exploring this new world of drones   now if you want to learn how to film great videos  and take great photos with your drone i've put   together a short playlist right here that will  take you through some great tips and some great   ways to learn how to fly your drone as always you  can join my live stream wednesday nights at 4 pm   alaska time 8 pm eastern if you have questions i  will see you again soon in the next video cheers
Channel: Jake Sloan
Views: 889,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drone film guide, dji mavic pro, how to fly a drone, cinematic drone footage, drone beginners guide, drone filmmaking beginners guide, mavic air, mavic mini 2, mavic mini, mavic mini 2 beginners guide, drone tutorial, drone flying tips, drone tips, how to fly, drone mistakes, mavic mini 2 tutorial, drone flying mistakes, how to fly a drone for beginners
Id: 7s5TYFPP6Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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