What's Poppin' with the Creopop 3D Pen?

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[Music] cool how's it going my lovely lovely friends it's Devin here again with make anything and I'm here with yet another 3d pen review yeah we've got a lot I know this is like a 3d printing channel so most people are here for 3d printers but you know I'm trying to mix it up keep it interesting besides the pen we're looking at today is pretty different from all the rest we are looking at the Creole pop and what's so special about this pen well this is the first 3d pen that doesn't have a heating element so you don't have any hot plastic coming out of the end no instead is a UV curing resin hmm whether that's better or worse I don't know let's find out just by the looks of this box it kind of has a more professional feel you know we've got a sleek silver pen with some black acrylic it looks fancier than the other pens I think all right open it up you've got some lovely pictures people using the pen and this comes with three different inks so they're not filaments in this pen they're inks they're coming to cartridge that's kind of a liquid or a gel I guess and as soon as that comes out of the pen it's hit by UV light that should harden the resin I'm really curious to see how quickly the ink gets hardened as it comes out of the pen because I think that could really make or break this product yeah this starter kit comes with three of these inks so if you want refills a pack of three inks like this will cost you $19.99 on the kre-o pop website and they have a few different varieties they've got regular inks but they also have hangs with glitter in them they have glow-in-the-dark inks color changing with temperature aromatic interesting stuff here's the pen there's really fancy and one thing that I'm really excited about this is that it's battery-powered there's no plugs besides when you're charging it but once it's charged you can take it wherever you want so I'm definitely gonna have to go on some adventures with this pen so it also comes with the instruction manual Quick Start Guide there's a little drawing mat here it's kind of bent but I might have to use some putty and stick it down or tape it down or something to get it flat but it's nice of them to include that and there's also a little charging cable I guess I'll charge it while I read the instructions and then I'll get back to you guys alright I'm back I read through the QuickStart guide and I have to say I wouldn't call this the most intuitive device but I'll show you how it works as I'm going along but basically it has five lights here that you can use indicate the speed and the different modes and there are three modes on this pen so the standard mode is the drawing mode and that'll just have the ink come out with the UV curing lights on at the same time so that should harden the ink while you're drawing now if you want to do large filled areas you can also use a fill mode which doesn't cure the ink while you're drawing so it kind of just creates a puddle of resin and then you can switch to the light only mode and then go over everything with the light to harden it also this thing needs to charge for two hours in order to use it cordless so unfortunately I can't just start running around with this thing just yet but I've got it plugged in so I'll be able to draw now also the charging cable that comes with is pretty short so I mean you're not going to be able to plug this into a wall and draw on it unless you're on the floor or if you plug this into a laptop or something but it is a standard USB micro so I was able to use a different cable I have that's much longer so I'll actually be able to draw stuff alright let's do this sit down a drawing surface take down this little drawing mat and we'll get started I have no idea what Creole pup is supposed to stand for except maybe just like Oh create and pop because popping is exciting it is a kind of catchy name I would like to know it's origin all right there we go so I have a nice flat mat so this should make it a little easier to draw with the inks there are these silicone nozzles that you use on top of the ink cartridges and those let you do different sizes of drawing so there's some really tiny holes there's some wider ones and there's also this flat nozzle I don't know if you can see those but anyways it's kind of cool and hey maybe one day I can 3d print my own nozzles here we go and I'm guessing these are the indications on top that tell me what color I'm using so it's orange one I'm going to take off this little protective nozzle that comes with it and then I'll put on just the standard nozzle to start with so you put on that silicone nozzle then you can just unscrew the pen like that the half-twist so you just go ahead and throw it in like that the nozzle comes through the front and then you can don't want to force this in looks like Ariel all right so now I'm going to press this power button up here lights are on so I guess that means it's working and I'm just going to try the standard drawing mode first so to do that you just hold this for a couple seconds and then it'll continue coming out and then once you press it again it'll stop holding it hmm nothing's happening let's try film mode I think you hold this down for film mode all right that's working I think you double click this oh there we go double click that to get the light so now you can just cure this and how do we know when it's done I don't know I'm going to use this little poker smells kind of funky okay that's pretty cool looking light huh so for some reason no there we go now the drawing mode is working now one thing that this apparently can do that other pens can't do is really draw like not straight up but to the side so let's see how that goes well it seems to be working that's pretty awesome Bob where's the button again it's not stopping okay I guess I should press that to stop it yeah I was able to make it like actually go at an angle and horizontal while I was drying so in that sense it's more 3d than the other pens so since this doesn't get hot I figured I could try to fix this old gnarled up iPod cable I have came with the original iPod touch mine is also totally like wrecked I'm still using it though it still plays music so yeah let's try drawing on top of this no old wire and see if we can fix it [Music] all right so as you can see it's not the neatest looking thing but seems really strong I think for this purpose it works really well it's kind of cool I want to try switching out the filament so let's try putting some blue in here I think I should turn it off I already forgot what the instructions said but let's hope that's okay where did I put that little protective nozzle I'm really hoping and throw it away all right I found it is in the packaging um so make sure you don't lose these little nozzles use the same nozzle and everything easy enough oh I got this backwards again okay so that was pretty quick to switch it out that's nice so let's get some blue on here make it a little artistic at least [Music] it's good cable protector guess we'll move on and do it on the rest of this stuff really cool now this end is fine but might as well do it [Music] see if I was using a one of the other 3d pens I would be hesitant to switch out so constantly because it's a little bit more effort here it's very simple to just switch it out slick takes a couple seconds see I was really quick [Music] [Music] there we go I didn't see it's kind of blobby but still pretty cool um I can just like switch at the nozzle that even having to take out the cartridge that's pretty cool boom just like that we've got another size it's definitely not as easy to do that on another pen also I can make like a tactile indicator of what the front is okay like a kind of a little tab that comes out of here so now I'll be able to just like feel which side is the top of the cable everyone knows how annoying it is to always plug a USB in the wrong way hey this is the top yeah there we go mmm some wild cable protectors the question is should I fill this in dude why not why not let's try out the flat nozzle where's that thing yeah there's a cool flat nozzle here and I'm just going to try using the film mode here so that one doesn't use the light you can kind of use this as a little spatula kind of spread it in there and then I'll just use the light mode and cure that boom I fixed my broken the iPod that's not something I would have expected to do with a 3d pen interesting interesting but I guess if you're looking at this pen it's probably for artistic purposes so let's try to create something more aesthetic so since I made a lot of plants in other tutorials I'm gonna make another plant this time I'm going to try making a little bonsai tree I think that should show off the ability of this pen to make really thin structures that are hopefully more stable than the other 3d printing pens so first I'm just filling in the whole bottom of this pot and that gives me something to stick on to and then I can just start building up with the pen and well make sure it's cured enough because otherwise it'll break to make it a little stronger I did some coiling on the bottom of this branch but really it's just a matter of making sure that you had enough exposure to that UV light so that the ink hardens completely [Music] so we've got the branches and now I'm going to start adding leaves to the top of these branches and since I don't have green they're going to be blue and basically I'm just going to go from one branch to the next hopping around and just putting a bunch of little dots of ink I think it's easier to work on all of the branches instead of just doing one at a time that way it kind of all grows at once and you can get a feel for what you're making since I'm kind of just doing this as I go along also if you just covered one branch with a bunch of leaves it might make it hard for the nozzle to reach the other branches [Music] [Music] that's cute I guess I'll open up my read and we can add some little apples to the street or fruits because I guess that's not how an apple tree looks is it adding little dots and details like this are the things that turn a model from something kind of boring into a really interesting small piece I'm not doing anything crazy difficult it's just a lot of little things that when you put them together make a really cool model as always with these 3d pens I totally lost track of time I don't know how long I've been working on this probably one or two hours but it came out super nice and I just love the transparency of these things they really glow in the sunlight all right guys so to test the portability of this thing I decided to bring it outside we're gonna do something that I definitely couldn't do with the other pens I'm gonna try to draw on this tree branch I'm gonna make a little sloth um so yeah this is kind of loose and I'm just gonna try to draw off of the branch so this could be a huge failure but if it works I think it'll be pretty awesome now the kit doesn't come with a super portable way to carry all these little nozzles and I already almost lost them a few times so that's something that you really have to keep track of all these little things luckily I already had a ziploc bag that I just used to carry these and I've got the other inks in my pocket so the pen does in fact turn on I'll set this to to speed and start by just wrapping the sloths hand around here we've got the big nozzle on here so it's going to come out really slowly slowly is usually a good way to start when you're doing something like this hopefully this doesn't poison this tree it is an apple tree guess you won't be able to have any apples off of this particular branch uh-oh I guess it's not charged enough okay I think I figured it out so the pen let's see if I turn the light on as soon as I tilt it turned off so I guess the pen has to be pointing downwards so that the ink can come through which is gonna make it a lot harder to draw on this branch because I was planning on doing it all upside down but I guess I have to do a right-side up I'm still gonna give it a shot but no promises so I was still able to draw under the branch I just had to hold the pen horizontal and then it still works you just have to be careful not to go completely upside down but once I had that figured out I started working on the limbs and just brought them together and then I just slowly started adding thickness to the body in the head until I had some kind of resemblance of a sloth [Music] I switched to the blue filament and added in some facial features as well as the toenails and the stomach but notice since it's transparent the blue on top of the red kind of just turns into black or like a really dark looking ink but I did finish and ended up with a little sloth hanging from the tree branch oh hello little guy all right as always with these 3d printing reviews the Sun is setting and I'm losing light but I've got to say the creo pop very interesting very interesting I think overall it's definitely tougher to use on the first go then the other pens I tried out but it also does some very different things I mean you guys saw what I made this time and you saw what I'm capable of with the other pens so it's kind of up to you to decide what kind of a pen you want because they're pretty different you know the look of this ink is actually super cool I mean other pens have transparent filament as well but I don't think it would look quite the same as this this looks more like something that would come out of an SLS printer which is like you know it's a clear resin versus a plastic so you know I mentioned at the start of the review that this is packaged more like something professional versus a kid's toy and I think that was the right move the ink is apparently non-toxic but they still tell you not to put it in your eyes or mouth and when you're touching things the resin might not be completely hardened right away so you do end up with some of that resin on your skin and it feels kind of oily and you know if you're a little kid and you're like don't know better you can end up rubbing your eyes or touching your mouth the box doesn't really have a recommended age it just says it's a choking hazard if you're 3 or under which is standard but I probably wouldn't recommend this to someone who's younger than like 10 years old still this is a very unique pen it's not anything like the other ones I played around with you know you can draw horizontally through the air which is super cool you can really draw more in thin air with this you just have to have a really steady hand I mean with all of these 3d pens I feel like a tattoo artist you know you got a really like whoo gotta have that steady hand I love how easy it is to change out the inks here you know if I had a whole bunch of different ones I would be swapping them like crazy and making super colorful things so there is potential here hopefully I can play around with it some more in future videos and really see everything that it can do but I hope for now you have a idea about what this thing does and how it works and I hope it helped you out I've still got more pens that I'm gonna be testing out in future videos so subscribe stay tuned let me know what you guys think about this pen in the comments I'm interested in what you guys think about the projects I did today tell me how terrible my sloth looks doesn't matter I love hearing your guys's opinion it helps me make better videos in the future so that's that alright well hopefully I'll see you next time until then I'm Devin this is make anything stay inspired
Channel: Make Anything
Views: 211,854
Rating: 4.9043827 out of 5
Keywords: solidworks tutorial, 3d printing, 3D print, 3d printer, solidworks, tutorial, tutorials, make anything
Id: -chXEMEp9mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2016
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