3Dsimo mini // More than Just a 3D Pen

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[Music] cool how's it going people its Devin here with make anything and we're doing another 3d pen review this time we're looking at the 3d Simo mini and honestly I don't want to call this a 3d pen because it does so many different things it's also a foam cutter it's got a soldering iron a burning tool and it's a 3d pen so we're gonna put it through the test today see if it can really do all these things and if it can I mean that's really awesome so when you open it up you've got everything right in front of you here we have the pen and when I hold it like this you like wow this thing is phat and then when you hold it like this you're like wow this thing is tiny so it's a very interesting design and I think it's pretty smart actually because you're holding it this way so when you hold it it feels really small but you know they're able to fit all the components in there here we've got the foam cutting tool so there's gonna be a wire that runs here and that wire gets really hot so you can run it through phone like buttah this here well I don't know it's like a little tiny spoon it can be used to smooth out 3d printed parts it can be used to melt things to burn things basically it's just a piece of metal that gets really hot and this one right here is the soldering tool so it's got a special coating on it that makes it easier to solder and yeah looks pretty cool all these parts have little electronic connectors so the pen can automatically identify what is attached and it's a magnetic connection too which is always nice alright it needs that we've got the manual important as always so let's see what's in here so yeah you can tell this thing comes with a lot of different tools and attachments which is awesome so this right here is another point I'm not sure if this is also for soldering or just for detailed wood burning or things like that and here we've got a kind of scalpel type blade so you can get it nice and hot and cut through materials with that or also smooth out 3d prints and then this right here looks to be the wire that goes around the foam cutting tool yeah so we've just got this wired doesn't have any special ends or anything so I guess you just tie it around we'll get to that there's also the power connector so this is not a wireless thing you have to have it connected and we've also got the power connector with a European plug but it comes with an adapter so we can use it here in the USA and underneath all that you've got even more some abs and PLA filaments this is crazy fluorescent yellow one some black ABS and some green abs so as you can see this thing comes with a lot more than just a 3d pen it's got all these attachments comes with all kinds of stuff it seems really fun so I'm excited and also there's extra accessories that I got sent this really cool wooden stand that lets you hold the pen and all the different attachments and I also got a drawing board that they sell so that you can make more accurate drawings it's got a grid on it and also just to our service you're working on cool I feel like that unboxing was a whole video within itself there's so much in here but anyways let's get to the project why don't we so I wanted to come up with some kind of project that uses multiple different features from the 3d Simo mini so my plan is to make a model of a little lighthouse so I've got this scrap block of foam from another project I did and I'm going to try to use the wire cutter to make a cool little rock feature and then I'm going to use the 3d pen to draw a lighthouse on that and I'm going to solder some wires to an LED so that I can have a little light on top of that lighthouse and altogether it should make a really cool little miniature model so first thing we got to do is connect the wire to this wire header so let's see alright so I looked through the manual and it didn't say exactly how to get this wire onto the wire cutter but basically you just want it under tension between these two metal things so I'm gonna have to tie it around each end here and hopefully that work out and the manual it looked like the wire had the loops on the end so that you could connect it really easily but I guess you got to tie it yourself which is easier said than done on this side I just wrapped it around a few times and it seems to be holding so I'm not gonna tie a knot there can you do it like that you've got a nice tense wire so I think it'll work maybe you're just supposed to wrap it around a few times and there's plenty of extra wire so if it turns out I did screw up and this doesn't work I'll be able to try again so the patent comes with the 3d printing head attached already but I'm going to go ahead and slide it out so you just pull it out like that and then I'm going to slide in this wire cutter alright it's time to get the phone but I'm not going to do it right here because something I don't think the manual mentions is that cutting any phone if it's styrofoam or a thicker foam like this it's gonna release some nasty fumes that you don't really want to breathe in so I'm going to go take this somewhere very ventilated aka outdoors so that I'm not dying for this project although I am dying to start hahaha let's go alright here we are outdoors it's kind of nice maybe I should film outdoors more often anyways I've got everything pretty much set up I've got an extension cord running inside so that I can power this thing up alright so let's go ahead and plug it in so this pen has an actual full text display hidden beneath the plastic here and that's pretty awesome so it's giving me some kind of option between percentage I guess how hot I want the 4-wire to get it knows the wire is connected because uh because of that smart connector and it's making a kind of whistling sound but when I press this button it stops so you can turn up the percent so I guess that's how hot you want it and then as soon as you press the forward button it starts heating up and it's ready to go styrofoam would be a lot easier to cut through but um I got this heavy foam from another project so we're gonna try to use that yeah it kind of works for this kinda have to saw through a little bit this foam was really dense so the cutter can go through it but really slowly this foam right here is a lot more like it's more comparable to like packing foam that you'll get when you have something delivered to your house so let's see how it cuts through that oh that's what I'm talking about so that actually works really well boom okay so now I'm just gonna kind of carve out my rock a little bit I'm just freestyling it maybe we can have like Boulder up here and we'll go down to the smaller part it's more flat so you gotta be really careful not to hit your fingers here this is a very hot wire [Music] and I'm gonna keep it nice and flat right here on the top I guess the top of the hill is where they would have the lighthouse I'm gonna try to just make a straight cut all right so I was able to cut my little Boulder um I need some practice with foam cutting but I think it's pretty decent and I gotta say even working outside the fumes this thing puts out our really toxic I could smell them and I'm pretty sure I lost some brain cells so in the future I'm gonna use a gas mask and I would recommend you do it as well so the next thing I'm going to do is use some grey spray paint to paint this rock to make it look slightly more Rocky all right so I got my spray phase checkup and now I'm actually gonna wear this mask do things the right way for once all right so while my foam rock is drying the next thing I'm gonna do is solder some wires to this LED alright so I've got this little gumdrop LED so if I just connect some batteries to it you can see how it lights up and that's going to make our lighthouse light and instead of putting this inside of the lighthouse we're actually going to draw the lighthouse around that LED but the first thing we need to do is extend these wires so that they can run down through the rock into the hidden batteries so we're going to solder some wires to these connectors first and of course the 3d Simo mini has a soldering attachment so we're going to use that alright so with the 3d Simo unplugged we can now disconnect this just slide it out and here we have the soldering attachment so I'm gonna slide that one in and now we're gonna plug this thing in again so when I do that it shows right here soldering 300 Celsius so I've got some solder here and some flux which helps the solder stick better and you're gonna have to get that on your own the CDC moe mini comes with filaments for printing but it doesn't come with solder so that's something you're gonna have to buy yourself if you plan on doing some soldering alright I'm not really a master at this but I can do it a bit all right so I'm going to get some flux on both ends of these wires and I'm just gonna twist them together so got my solder the iron wire wrapped up I'm gonna press the button now and we're gonna see how long this takes ah okay so I forgot this trick from the manual if you hold down both of these buttons for two to three seconds it'll turn into continuous operation which means it's as if I'm holding this button down so now this thing is going to start heating up on its own and I guess that's something you got to do if you're using the soldering attachment because like I said it takes a while for a soldering iron to heat up so now I'm just going to leave this in continuous mode for a while and see if it gets up to heat and is able to do this all right so as you can see I'm using the gas mask again cuz soldering is another kind of toxic activity and it seemed to work this actually heated up pretty quickly just a couple minutes and I'm able to start soldering which is a lot faster than the soldering iron I'm used to using let's try this out we've now got long distance electricity all right soldering is done I've given the iron plenty of time to cool down because this is very hot so you don't want to touch this even even having let it cool down I'm still gonna avoid touching the top but I'm gonna swap this out now for the 3d printing hot end we're gonna start working on that lighthouse as you can see the rock is finished it came out really well looks a lot more rocky now and you don't want to really draw into the styrofoam this hot end for the 3d pen will melt it but I'm just going to draw on top of it alright so I've got the 3d pen hot end on now and I'm going to plug this in again and you'll see this turns on once more and it says 3d tool abs I'm going to switch through and look at this it's got all these different types of plastic what fluorescent brass ABS PLA so we're gonna be using PLA I'm noticing that my camera makes this look like it's flashing like crazy in real life this looks like a solid text so don't be fooled by how this looks on camera okay so I've got PLA selected I'm going to press the feed button and that'll start the heating and it'll let me know when it's done heating up so I've got a little bit of white PLA here alright this is PLA ready so that didn't take very long to heat up at all now I'm going to press the forward feeding button and stick that PLA in the back just like every other 3d pen it's a pretty tight fit alright so we got the PLA in there and it is in fact extruding like it should look let's just do a quick test draw see how fast it is so this pen only has one speed it seems to be pretty decent to me alright let's get right to it I'm just going to draw a circle I'm going to see if I can draw right onto the styrofoam if that doesn't work I'll have to draw it down here then glue it on let's see I'm just going to start with a big circle [Music] all right it's pretty neat it does have retraction so it's a good functioning 3d pen and it didn't melt the plastic a little bit but that's actually good because now it's pretty much fused on there and I can start working my way up I'm going to do a coil kind of just like when I was doing those cactuses in the 3doodler video I'm just going to build this up and try to create a relatively consistent coil for my lighthouse you all right so I got that white done now I'm going to switch to fluorescent red and you can press these buttons again to go through so this is PLA but it's also fluorescent so I guess I want to use the fluorescent setting right are you with me guys actually you know what I'm going to plug it first and we're going to swap this out with be careful not to touch the top here we're going to use this pokey tool now and we're going to melt from the bottom so that we can create a space for our wires to go through so I'm going to swap out this wood burning bit it's really tight on there alright I'd run and get some pliers so that I could get this off since it was really tight on there screw on this new one I guess I'll use the pliers again just to make it nice and tight and we're going to stick that on and plug it in and now it says burner so it's using the burner two hundred eighty degrees I'm actually going to turn that down since we're just going through styrofoam I don't need it to be very hot at all I'll just do 200 now once again I'm going to hold these two buttons together at the same time so that it goes into continuous operation and now we're just going to have a hot poking tool so put it into little stand while it's heating up and this time I'm going to remember to use my mask since we're burning foam again now this is just gonna be a matter of a good aim because I'm going to just try to go through the bottom and get a hole that goes right on the inside of that lighthouse I think my aim is pretty good so let's see Oh all right easy enough we're gonna make a little cavity here also so that we can get the batteries and everything inside the bottom of the rock so to do that I'm gonna have to swap out this top again all right unplug this so now it's cooling down again and then we're gonna swap it out with this kind of little hot knife looking tool so that it's a little easier to hollow out the bottom of this rock I probably could do it with the same tool but it would take a little longer the one thing about this is I wish I could know when it's cool again you can't really know so you just got to leave it for a few minutes with all of these you know the wire cutter the 3d printing pen the the soldering iron everything they all get really hot so this isn't a toy this is a real tool for making things if you're a little kid you're going to want adult supervision to use any of these tools and there's my stupid test for how hot it is all right let's swap this out again this little stand is really handy and they're actually as I filmed this video there's a Christmas package that you can buy that comes with this drawing pad it comes with the stand and it also has a variety of different filaments like the wood filament fluorescent ABS everything so that's a pretty cool deal if you guys are watching this the day that I post it you can check out the link in my description and buy that Christmas package it'll arrive before Christmas and they'll come with those extra accessories alright so let's see I'm going to rotate this so that it's sideways I'm gonna hold down the two buttons again get into continuous operation and then put on the mask hollow this guy out [Music] if you want to clean this thing off you can carefully use a paper towel while it's still hot but of course don't touch it alright that worked pretty well now we've got a nice hollow inside that we can have plenty of room for the wires and batteries so I'm going to take my LED and feed the wires through that hole and there we go beam we've got that LED and now we can print the rest of the lighthouse around it I'm going to go ahead and trim these wires here while I'm waiting for this to cool down strip those let's go ahead and switch back to that 3d printing end Wow ah my lighthouse alright heat it up ready to go takes a little force to get it to actually start pulling it through on its own so if you think it's not working just push a little harder I want to build up the pink a little more and this LEDs in the way so we're gonna pull this out for a little while longer so we can finish building up this that having the LED in the way let's stick that led back in again now now I could cover this whole led since this is a fluorescent plastic and it's kind of transparent if the light would shine through but I don't really want a very pink light I want more of a white light so I'm just gonna kind of draw a little bit but I'm going to leave some of this LED exposed just going to do those struts and supports on the lighthouse all right and I'm gonna switch back to white to do the top of this then maybe have a little bit of blue accents so we're going to take out the white now and I'm gonna finish it off with a little bit of blue some blue dots on this thing little antenna type thing [Music] what a fancy lighthouse this is turning out to be so that was a fun project you know my daughter's a little crooked and it's got some decoration that you might not see on a real light house but art would be pretty boring if you have to do everything like it was in real life right for now I just taped to the batteries together Hey look at that I've got to say I never imagined being able to make a project like this using a single tool the fact that the 3d Simo could cut the foam solder the wires for the LED and print the lighthouse is pretty awesome I actually managed to use most of the attachments that come with the 3d Simo mini to make this project but there's still a lot of other things you could do I didn't get teased the burner on wood or leather which is another thing that sounds really cool that you can do with the 3d Simo mini so I guess I'll have to do another video on that sometime I guess I would just consider this like an intro to the 3d Simo mini but I hope it gives you guys a good idea of what it can do and you should know by now if it's something you'd like if you're only interested in drawing with a 3d pen that maybe you don't want the 3d Simo mini because there's other pens that are a little bit cheaper and they can do basically the same kind of thing when it comes to 3d pens but the 3d Simo mini can do so many other things so if you're the kind of person who wants to play around and experiment with wood burning and foam cutting and soldering and all that then this is a fantastic product for you guys my criticisms are few and far between for example the adapter for the u.s. plug is a little loose so that came out a few times not a big deal and it would be cool if there was an option to cool down the pen without having to just unplug it that way it could tell you like oh it's cool now so you're safe to replace the parts and stuff like that but really you just have to wait 5 10 minute and then you can swap out the parts now one thing to keep in mind is it does come with everything you need for doing 3d pen drawings but if you're going to do soldering you have to buy sod or you have to buy flux and basically for all those other things I would really recommend a mask like I was using because there's a lot of fumes that are created from all these different processes but yeah I don't know I'm very happy with the 3d Simo mini it does a lot and it does it well so if you guys are interested in this pen check out the description if you buy it right now when I posted this video you can still have it delivered before Christmas which is awesome and if you do use the link in the description I get a little commission so it's cool you help support my channel and you also get a great product I definitely recommend the 3d Simo mini for anyone who wants to do all of this alright well that's all I've got to say for the 3d Simo mini for now I hope you guys are subscribed I'll probably be using this for some future projects and I'll also be going back and doing more 3d printing stuff other 3d pens I don't know what else should I do you guys let me know I'm doing this for you guys so if there's something cool that you think I can do and I think it's cool maybe I'll do it I'm Devin and this has been make anything don't you forget to stay inspired
Channel: Make Anything
Views: 444,987
Rating: 4.847868 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, tutorials, make anything, 3d pen, 3dsimo, 3dsimo mini, 3dsimo mini review, 3dsimo review, 3d printing pen, 3d pen review, 3d printing pen review, best 3d pen, what is the best 3d pen, 3dsimo tutorial, 3dsimo mini tutorial, review, soldering, pyrography, foam cutter, foam cutting
Id: OFM39N_xPKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2016
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