What's on My Personal Nintendo 3DS

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hey I remember this rectangles right the Nintendo 3DS I sure have a lot of memories with this thing I originally bought mine the day it went on sale because I was a cheap yeah so the original model launched in like March of 2011 and retail for 250 bucks considering I was 14 at the time and didn't have 250 to waste on playing Rayman 3D I didn't pick mine up until they announced the price cut uh later that summer so 3DS was only 250 for a little bit and then you know a couple months in they were like okay uh never mind it's 170 now that was doable for me I traded in my Nintendo DSi got a cosmo black 3DS the day it went on sale and uh ever since then you know I just have so many memories of just logging on to the Nintendo eShop and getting all this junk whether they were Virtual Console titles eShop exclusives retail games that eventually uh those were made available on on the EU shop so you could download like full-fledged retail games to your system and there were also a bunch of free applications that I downloaded and this right here houses all of the stuff from my personal 3DS so yeah this is this is my personal one I have a lot of 3DS's uh you know a lot that I use for video stuff you know like I'll buy games on them and use those systems to record off of for those videos so you know I have a lot of eShop games on another 3DS and and like a 2DS that I use to capture footage but this right here this is the 3DS that uh has all the stuff transferred over from 3DS the original Cosmo black 3DS that I owned to the red 3DS XL that I upgraded that to and then finally I upgraded from the 3DS XL to this the new 3DS this was the model released in 2016. I believe like around August or September it came with Super Mario 3D Land pre-installed and uh two face plates uh they had a Mario one which I just looked like you know like any other fifth graders lunchbox but it also came bundled with a Mario Maker one this was based on all the 8-Bit Sprites of Nintendo characters featured in the Super Mario Brothers art style on Mario Maker uh on Wii U and yeah this is just absolutely beautiful it looks so cool it's so unique I love it of course I was gonna pick that over make my 3DS look like I'm a badass fifth grader but yeah even though I got a new 3DS XL a little bit after that I never transferred the contents of this system to that 3DS XL I just never bothered to I always liked this one this is my favorite 3DS system I just love how it looks I love how it feels it feels so premium and just nice and cool but it's not afraid to have like some color to it I love it and yeah I thought I'd just take a look at the contents inside this system to just so you know like hey what did I buy on the 3DS us throughout its lifespan when I was actively actively playing it from like 2011 to like 2017. opening it up here we are greeted to the eShop folder that's my spit yeah so I enjoyed organizing my stuff uh Nintendo eventually added folders to the 3DS this wasn't always here I believe they added them around 2012 or so I believe they all they announced this around the time they announced new Super Mario Brothers 2 for the 3DS guess what I was more excited for holy the DSi wear folder yeah so I kind of organized Things based on the type of game they were whether they were just like an eShop only game uh these are kind of just full-fledged 3D yet made for 3DS games uh whether they were eShop exclusives or retail games that I downloaded off the eShop and then we have kind of the older systems we have the DSi wear folder NES SNES Game Boy and Game Boy Color gotta say I am interested to see exactly what I bought because I have a very good idea of most of the stuff that I bought on the 3DS back in the day but uh you know I just I want to see it I want to see to believe it maybe there's something I forgot but uh let's go into the eShop folder ah so first thing up is Animal Crossing new Leaf I remember I bought this just on a whim it was in the summer of 2013 and New Leaf launched and everybody was playing it was huge or at least people that I saw online you know uh that was during my phase where I didn't want to tell anybody I like Nintendo so I was kind of alone on this one so I was pretty much only playing Animal Crossing new Leaf by myself but uh I just remember I think I was just in the mood to play a 3DS game and uh if there was any game to download to your system it was Animal Crossing I mean just pop it open play a little bit shut it you're good to go and I stuck with newly for a couple days but it didn't really sink its teeth into me and I still definitely played it for a good few hours but uh definitely in comparison to New Horizons I think it was just because you know like by the time New Horizons launched in 2020 I just had more friends that were you know playing Nintendo games right alongside me you know pretty much all my friends have a switch it was just more fun to kind of keep at it and constantly just open up the game every day a new Leaf I stuck with for a little bit but fell off after like a couple weeks or so but next up is Mario 3D Land This was included on this system pre-installed I actually used this as an excuse to play through it again Mario 3D land was always kind of my comfort food game you know a game that I could always kind of come back to and just blast through a hundred percent it I've told this story numerous times before but uh one thing that I did was I wanted to 100 the game like fully without dying at all and I did that but you know that's not to say I didn't die however if you play the game and you die you can just you know hit the home menu and exit out and then go back in the game and it'll still say unlike your uh your data screen that oh zero lives lost and I was just like well you know hey look at that I'm a badass so yeah I really do enjoy this game uh there's not really a ton about this game in particular because it takes so many elements from other Mario games kind of comes down to the time it released and just how much fun it was and and just the overall aesthetic of it even though the aesthetic isn't all that unique uh it's very kind of generic bubbly Mario but I don't know there's something about it that's still very Charming to me and it's just very nostalgic looking back at it and just kind of remembering how this was just an exciting time to be a 3DS player because 3D Land came out and then shortly after Mario Kart 7 and it was just this big triumphant moment for 3DS throughout the entirety of 2011. like everybody was like yeah yeah sucks to be you and then 3D Land came out sold like crazy Mario Kart 7 came out after that sold like crazy the 3DS actually started to pick up steam and throughout 2012 2013 2014 it was just the little handheld to own and uh 3D Land just kind of brings me back to just that you know know kind of innocent fun time gotta be honest I'm already noticing that a certain game isn't here probably because I deleted it because it was so big uh but that's Lego setting Undercover the Chase Begins uh yeah I downloaded that game mainly because I I was just kind of in the mood for like an open world game and I thought like oh man it's on the 3DS that'll be pretty cool uh it wasn't yeah that game just felt soulless and empty on the 3DS the Wii U game's okay but uh you know they had a uh side game a prequel story on the 3DS and uh you know barely any voice acting in comparison barely any music it was just it was just empty feeling when you run around the the open world you know you'd have a lot of pop in it was very slow you just kind of heard like ambient air noise and maybe like some car horns but it just it just felt very lonely and uh yeah I played that one for a bit I downloaded that to my system mainly because I just kind of wanted to play like an open world game at at a whim just kind of be like oh yeah yeah I want to play open up 3DS play shut it that kind of thing but I believe it was probably very large in file size so that's why I deleted it but I already noticed that's not in my folder here next up we have pushmo uh one of the all-time greats it's really really saddening to me how Nintendo seem to just kind of like throw pushmo off the face of the Earth it's really only exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS eShop and the Wii UI shop and outside of that like it's nowhere like it does have like a micro game in like War you wear gold but that's it but yeah this is such a fun little puzzle game you know just about like pushing and pulling blocks to get to the top of each puzzle uh this was just kind of like the beginning of how it really felt like Nintendo was putting so much more effort into their eShop exclusives on 3DS comparative to like we wear and DSi wear when you look at what was being put out on the Wii Shop Channel and DSi Shop Channel uh like those games were so basic and they were just they they had barely anything to them they were all kind of like just high score based games and pushmo frankly could have just been sold at retail like it was so high quality there was so much to do in it like it just felt like Nintendo had a higher standard for what they were putting out on digital storefronts speaking of which Mario and Donkey Kong Minis on the movie usually the best Mario versus Donkey Kong game outside of the first one and Donkey Kong 94. uh just because they did something different uh They removed verses from the title they're not absolutely pissed off at each other in this game I don't know why I think they just changed the title because it wasn't like a traditional Mario vs Donkey Kong game because the traditional ones at that point were just you know the 2D games where you click on Mini Marios and and they move automatically and you know you have to kind of manipulate the environment to get them to a certain goal this one is similar but played you know for more of an overhead perspective in 3D and uh they move automatically but you have to move the correct pieces onto the plane uh to guide them in the correct way it's pretty much like pipe dream on the Game Boy I I assume most people know Mario and Donkey Kong Minis on the Move in comparison to pipe dream but yeah it's like pipe dream ah this was great this was a fun game and it was definitely a lot better than the regular Mario vs Donkey Kong games in contrast ker sploosh uh Chris sploosh definitely felt more like a weeware DSi war game uh this was published by Nintendo as well and it's pretty much just throwing rocks down oh well that's it uh you get to pick which different types of rocks or balls or or whatever you want to throw it on the wall you get to pick whichever you want and uh you know they all have different kind of consistencies and speeds and weights all that and uh you know there are a couple different stages where there's different uh things on your way down to the well it's very simple I played it for a bit it was pretty cheap so it you know it's not bad it's just kind of like you know it's Chris bluosh moving on harmonite this was my favorite eShop game for a while there it's a rhythm platformer made by Game Freak uh who you know developed Pokemon and I remember specifically during my grocery store job there was somebody that was asking me it's just like ah you know hey Scott have you ever played Pokemon I'm like I played one game from the people that made Pokemon and and I said it was harmonite never talked to them again after that but I thought this was a really fun game pretty much like I said Rhythm platformer where it's a platform and you jump and you have to hit you know to the beat uh pretty much I played it again recently uh it doesn't hold up as well as I remember it doesn't mean it's bad doesn't mean it's it's even not good or mediocre or anything it's just you know like it just didn't hold up as well as I really wanted it to I remember a reviewer saying at the time like uh yeah for a rhythm game uh this this game has like no memorable tunes and uh yeah I agree after playing it again recently uh yeah the songs are pretty weak in this one which is which is kind of depressing considering uh you know it's all about music but still pretty good game I would love to see this return in some way next up is Rusty's Real Deal Baseball I just realized the pun like a little bit ago why it's call Real Deal the deal with this game is that it was a free to play game that you just download and uh you know you talk to Rusty a dog he owns a baseball shop who starts to sell video games and you can haggle with him and it's kind of like an ace attorney-esque puzzle where you're haggling with him to try to get uh you know the price of games down because you want to buy a video game and you know he'll sell for like four bucks but then you know you start talking them up you start making them feel good about himself and then I'll cut you a deal more and more and more and you know they'll tell you in the game they'll be like I think this is where he's uh you know I think this is as far as he's gonna go and uh yeah you know since it's a free-to-play game those games cost real money so you are haggling for that Game's real world price which is honestly pretty damn cool and the games themselves are very simple they're basically just little arcade type baseball related games you know it's not specifically oh you're playing baseball it's more so like hey here's a game where you want to hit the baseball with your bat at the correct time it's almost more of like a timing based game a rhythm game sometimes and it's very simple but very arcadey and I really like the real world cost element I think it's really cool and fun and even then you know the starting price of most of those games isn't that bad so it's just like even if you didn't want to haggle you just look at you're just pushing everything through it's just like I just want to play the games I think it was like four bucks a pop for each game you know I I would be okay with that these These are fun to go through and try to get a high score on and I thought I thought the whole story element was really fun and cool you know I just I just I really like this one uh moving on we have 3D Classics excite bike this is the first uh game that I ever got with my 3DS unfortunately uh this was available for free uh when the eShop launched for the 3DS which these shop launched in like June of 2011 so like two months after it initially launched but this was available from the very start and it was for free for a little bit uh I got my 3DS at the exact wrong time and I had to pay for this because I didn't get it in time and uh yeah you know I don't regret that at all I think 3D classic excite bike was more than worth like six dollars seven dollars however much it was but yeah I have the other 3D Classics games I have 3D classic xevious 3D classic serving champion and 3D Classics uh Kirby's Adventure I got uh those though I I skipped out on Kid Icarus and twin B and I already made a Scott the wise episode about the 3D Classics line uh it was really cool though uh definitely didn't live up to the potential of uh you know what it could have been it felt like it was very odd uh odd games for them to to pick for this so they pretty much went in and they remade these games from the ground up while keeping all the Sprite out all the feel you know it was pretty much the exact same game but most of these games were in widescreen you know in stereoscopic 3D which is really cool but then later on you know they kind of just got rid of the widescreen they kind of started stopped doing that and uh you know they they kept like a game like Kirby's Adventure in 4x3 they kept uh twin B and uh Kid Icarus in 4x3 uh it just kind of felt like they kind of gave up on a lot of this and the games they picked I I just don't really think benefit from 3D Kirby's Adventure is really cool to get in 3D but it doesn't benefit from it same with Urban Champion uh excite by you know probably benefits more than the other games and so does xevius but yeah this was a really cool line of games Nintendo did I just wish they they did more of them and and that they picked different games but uh yeah this was very much prominent throughout the launch year of the 3DS and into 2012. but were Nintendo slacked Sega picked up with uh the Sega 3D Classics line so Sega did very similar things but with their own games uh and uh the only one I got was the original Sonic the Hedgehog 3D Sonic the Hedgehog uh yeah it's Sonic one uh with a couple little enhancements not in widescreen but it's in 3D ooh that's so damn cool yay 3D Sonic I didn't play this one a super ton but Sonic one was one of my childhood games you know like when you re-release it I'm I might pick it up there there's a solid chance I will I'd say it's it's close to 50 50 chance I'll pick it up maybe a little less because you know I'm not in the mood all the time but I might pick it up later down the road if I'm just feeling a little a little sad enough colors 3D uh I had a lot of fun memories of this one this was a drawing application for the 3DS where you could actually create 3D art and I remember drawing a lot on here just for fun I remember tracing the the Mario 3D Land box art randomly and trying to turn that into 3D and just doing my own little original Doodles and all of that yeah just a really fun little art application uh birdmania 3D uh this was kind of just a big title just for the fact that it was so cheap it was like two bucks like I think it made headlines just because it's just like hey do you really want a super cheap 3DS game here you go it's fine it was pretty much just an endless Runner type game but instead said you know are you just a bird just moving up and down up and down um you know just trying to avoid things pretty much like a precursor to Flappy Bird but you know the same Flappy Bird is birdmania uh yeah I got the Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures this was super exciting when that came out just to see uh a YouTube series that I watched get a video game that was incredible it was PC only at launch but then it got a release on Wii U and eventually 3DS uh randomly enough seeing it on 3DS was was definitely just bizarre to me like I I picked this up I think I picked this up later down the line just because like I just wanted to experience this game on 3DS seeing this on a 3DS screen there is just something more surreal about that compared to seeing it on like a Wii U because you know that's just on your TV uh you know a 3DS screen that's just weirder so I picked this up uh it's a pretty good game you know kind of old school retro hard uh nothing too crazy but uh also just you know kind of a just a really cool little retro intro Game Swap no I gotta be honest I experienced nothing of swap no I did nothing with swap no it was it was free so so I downloaded it so that that's why that's there uh same with Nintendo Zone it was free I believe this was kind of just a setup where if you download a Nintendo Zone you could go into certain stores and uh you know if those stores have Nintendo zones set up then you could download like demos or free content for some games or whatnot uh Pokedex 3D this was another free game uh I really like this because of how high quality the 3D models looked on the 3DS and they're still using these damn 3D models and Pokemon games to this day the Super Smash Brothers for 3DS demo I was very lucky to get this one uh Nintendo sent out to a select club Nintendo members uh access to the demo for smash 3DS it wasn't available to everybody right away uh you know you had to get an email specifically from Nintendo from Club Nintendo saying like hey here's is the demo for smash3ds and you also got you know like a couple other codes for friends man like this was so cool to experience I love smash 3DS uh obviously Smash Wii U is the one that you know prefer to play and and I definitely played more however um smash 3DS is one that I look back on like a bit more fondly just in terms of just how cool it was and just you know sitting in my room playing through smash run in classic Mode numerous times just trying to collect all those trophies on the 3DS it was just so cool and that demo releasing was so exciting and and it was really telling to just see how well Smash Brothers worked on the 3DS I saved a lot of these things uh Nintendo would release trailers on the 3DS for free that you you would download you wouldn't just watch on the eShop they kind of just did I believe they just do that now at least like they used to when when they would put out trailers on the eShop but they would pretty much just have most of the trip trailer stream like like a YouTube link um to the eShop but they would also do this sometimes where you could just straight up download the trailer to your system I believe an upside of this was that a lot of these trailers if not all of them potentially uh were in 3D so you could actually see how the 3D looked and you could view the 3D trailer on your 3DS so I have Mario 3D Land here I have Mario Kart 7. I have Luigi's Mansion 2. I really liked uh saving a lot of these because so many of them have like the original title for these games uh you know back when they had preliminary logos and working titles so this is when Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon at least here in North America was just called Luigi's Mansion 2. uh also uh here's Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D when it had an older logo the newer logo has like a you know a red ball with with yellow text uh in there uh the Legends Zelda Link Between Worlds when it was just called you know the Legend of Zelda for 3DS the uh Paper Mario sticker star when it was just called paper Mario Mario Tennis Open was just called Mario Tennis and Animal Crossing new Leaf when it was just called Animal Crossing so I liked saving those just because you know I get sentimental and then we have some video apps here we have Nintendo video which housed a bunch of exclusive stuff I believe they had like random uh shorts from like college humor they had like a couple other random series that would debut on Nintendo video it was named because you know it was 3D video so a lot of this stuff that Nintendo put out you know really did emphasize the 3D but eventually they just kind of stopped doing it because you know like it's just what do you gain from that I think I got to a point where Nintendo just gave up on anything but just making games for the 3DS uh because you know Nintendo video went down you know like uh I don't know it only went down like a couple years into the 3DS I believe but we also have Netflix and YouTube I just like around with these on the 3DS again it's kind of like the AVGN Adventures thing where uh it's not so much that I really want to use this on 3DS it's more so I just want to see what a YouTube video on 3DS looks like and then uh these things were kind of just like stuff that I bought more recently A lot of times when I'm doing videos sometimes I I want to show like a game running on maybe like you know like this uh this 3DS um so you know I'll buy them again on on my personal 3DS but uh pic Rossi I believe I bought just because you know I wanted it I love picross games uh you don't need to buy all the picross games picross isn't a isn't a series you need to you need to keep up with but I just wanted a regular pick cross game so I picked up pick Rossi I don't have any opinion of it other than it's pick Ross us much like how I I don't have much opinion on like pick cross s on the switch it's picross they're all pit cross it's a fun little puzzle game that's it uh what I actually would have more of an opinion on is Twilight Princess picross this was an award or a reward they gave away uh for my Nintendo this was when my Nintendo was actually kind of cool at first now this was the replacement to Club Nintendo and it had big shoes to fill and uh you know they were like hey we'll offer you an exclusive game pick cross Zelda Twilight Princess this came out around the time of Twilight Princess HD and it's definitely made on a cheaper budget there's not as much going on with this one but it's still pretty cool it's an exclusive game it's it's picross but with Twilight Princess I really like that they actually did that and similar thing with my Nintendo uh or I believe this was Club Nintendo uh flip note Studio 3D actually I believe it was Club Nintendo and my Nintendo I believe this was a reward given out like when uh Club Nintendo was shutting down but then they they also offered flip note Studio 3D um for my Nintendo users uh yeah I absolutely adored the original flip note Studio on dsiware and yeah they announced flip note Studio 3D where it was easy free animation software uh for your 3DS but you can make 3D video um and uh they never released it over here I forget like the thing of like why they never released it over here but they just didn't it only came out in Japan and Nintendo just kind of like gave it very very lacking support I forget exactly what happened but uh something did and uh they just never released it over here until Club Nintendo was shutting down and my Nintendo was a thing they offered Flipnote Studio 3D it's very limiting I don't think there's a lot of sharing functionality in here but it's cool that it came out um but unfortunately I didn't play it all too much because I came out a little too late for me to care and also uh there wasn't uh the features that I really wanted in there uh and then these were actually the games that I kind of bought as more of like a uh you know bought four videos played them for videos cheap durable photo finder 3D Classics Kid Icarus and 3D Classics twin B um you know as much as uh photo finder is pretty cool I didn't play uh back when it first launched in 2014 uh same with 3D classic skit Icarus and twin B and then this is something that was pretty much on everybody's 3DS was uh Nintendo pretty much like downloaded demos for planet robobot and uh Tomodachi Life to everybody's systems uh so you know I can't do anything about it other than delete them but uh I'll humor them I'll keep them there next up we have dsiware which is uh you know a fair amount of titles uh this is just a lot of stuff from like back when I uh you know had a DSi these were these were games that I liked back then uh Mario vs Donkey Kong minis March again I don't believe I had this game on my DSI or I might have I forget damn but uh you know either way this is pretty much just kind of a uh another variant of Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 which I already had uh and this is pretty much just a DSi eyewear version of that where it's just you know hey here it is on your system go nuts photo dojo absolutely adored was pretty much just a very simple fighting game where you could take pictures of uh yourself or other people and put yourself in a little fighting game love that uh art style Picto bits that was a club Nintendo reward uh Club Nintendo offered some digital games that you could uh redeem with your Club Nintendo points and uh yeah I picked this one up um didn't get super into it mainly because I was super dumb and I just never took the time to actually learn how to play it uh because you know it's a puzzle game that involves like a lot of 8-bit Nintendo Sprites and uh you know I I just I I gave up after trying it when I was like you know like probably like 15. so I'll definitely have to try it again but uh yeah I never I never actually learned how to play that one uh Game and Watch Mario's SMUD Factory I remember I got that just just because like I I was feeling it I was feeling like getting a cheap DSi Ware game and uh yeah DSi where had a couple of Game and Watch games we released on onto it pretty neat Cut the Rope uh that was pretty cool to see uh that was like one of my favorite mobile games from back in the day and like nobody else in in real life like people that I talk to in person say that say the same thing they're always like I I didn't give a about that one I'm like God damn it that's like the best one it was really damn good if Nintendo made it and they put it out on the DS everybody would have been like oh my God I love this game just because it's a mobile game you don't think it's very good this is an awesome little puzzle game I love this game and I got it on a DSi where uh through my 3DS uh this was a game that came out in like late 2011 and I picked it up on the 3DS eShop but it's a DSi wear game but I played it through that just because I I just I thought it was really cool that they put it on on a DSi wear or 3DS and we have Dr Mario Express a very simple Dr Mario game pretty much a DSi wear version of the we wear title Dr Mario online RX you know I got I got nothing really about that one I got nothing to really say about it other than like it's Dr Mario Dr Mario without multiplayer if you will so you know it's fine but it's just like how far is fine Gonna Take You Mario calculator uh so Nintendo put out a lot of this trash on DSi where uh they just put out like Mario calculator Animal Crossing calculator Mario clock Animal Crossing clock and I'm just like Jesus Christ fine I'll get one of them and yeah I got Mario calculator because that was the coolest one they have a couple cool things in there where you can like translate like I don't know like things to dog years or something like I I thought that was pretty cool how they had a lot of different like measurements of things you could do and uh just you know uh inputting stuff on the calculator and hearing the 8-bit Mario sounds was pretty neat definitely way better value than the clock the clock was a rip-off I will say that right now anybody who got a clock I'm sorry you're a fool and you should know that by now the Legend of Zelda four Swords anniversary edition that was free for a little bit until they just took it out of the eShop entirely like you just can't get this anymore um and uh yeah I like this it was it was free it was just free so I'm just like yeah of course I got it and uh I'm very thankful I did because you know you you can't get you could get this on the eShop after after they took it down uh I believe these two I bought for video purposes so Shantae Risky's revenge and flight control uh you know I wish I got those back in the day because you know they're they're good games but uh you know I bought those uh more recently for video stuff uh but why are you wear touched uh this was also a my Nintendo reward I just found this very odd like it was a full retail Nintendo DS game that Nintendo offered as a digital download for my Nintendo users as like a reward uh for for getting enough points and uh yeah it's it's classified as like a DSi wear game on like the 3DS's operating system which I just found very very odd and it's specifically called like WarioWare touch DL like downloaded I'm like okay but yeah those are all my DSI wear games uh you know we're getting to the end here uh specifically we got the NES games um yeah I pretty much just got these six these these were the six that I had uh clue clue land I bought later for business purposes but yeah I have Mario one Mario two the Lost Levels Mario 2 USA Mario 3 Mega Man 2 and punch out uh you know you gotta have the uh the OG 8-bit Mario games I actually remember uh Mario one on the 3DS that was the way I initially uh beat Mario one for the first time uh and you know these games I just always want to have you know just at a moment's notice they're just fun to pick up and play you know it's something where you're just kind of feeling it you're just like you know what I want to play Mario 3 again you know hey it's great to have it on the 3DS but uh you know I love Mega Man 2 and I absolutely love Punch Out punch out is probably one of my favorite NES games uh and you know I just wanted to be able to play it at a moment's notice same with Mega Man Too and uh yeah other than that didn't do a ton of like NES stuff I think I was just a little burnt out on buying NES games like through the Virtual Console I already bought enough of them on Wii and Wii U so it's just like you know uh 3DS I think I was kind of buying the ones that I knew specifically like I want to play that on the go SNES here uh yeah I think I only bought this for uh video work um you know so I I bought this I believe I was doing the Virtual Console episode of Scott the Waze so I needed to show like you know an SNES game on new 3DS so I got I got a link to the past you know yeah it's a great game you know why not but no I never actually bought an SNES game for the 3DS in its Heyday um you know I've played SNES games on 3DS they're really cool on 3DS uh they look really crisp and it's just it's cool to see them on the 3DS screen but uh yeah back in like the Heyday before the Nintendo switch I never got to SNES games on the 3DS they launched in like 2016 and that was when I was like I don't care I think you waited too long and they were new 3DS only I was just like piss off but the main thing I really got a ton of Game Boy I got so much Game Boy stuff here so I have the Mario Land games Mario Land one two and War you land Super Mario Land three um absolutely love Mario Land one I remember I played this at like my parents friends boat house or or like house like they that they at least had like nearby like a lake or something the lake house there you go and uh yeah I just remember laying on the couch they didn't really have a ton of Technology going on there like not a ton going on with their TV not a ton going on with like the Internet situation and uh yeah my parents were just kind of talking to their friends for a while so uh you know I was done I was done at the lake for the day I was done being outside I was just kind of hanging out on the couch and I just blasted through Mario Land one you can critically rip this game apart but it is just so charming and just so cozy to play like it's fun to just have a game to just blow through at a moment's notice and and Mario Land is is one of those games for me uh same with Mario Land 2 I beat this uh this just reminds me of like the holidays I don't know why there's Mario Land 2 just feels very Holly and jolly and I believe I beat it around the holidays uh you know I just remember staying up late and you know just being nice and warm in my bed and just and just playing through and uh you know beating Wario on that last stage um I don't know I just you know I love Mario Land too I think people constantly uh kind of over praise it a little too much I think I think it's kind of a little overpriced because like oh it's a cool looking Mario game on the on the Game Boy but you know I think if it was on any other platform it wouldn't be like that special um but you know I I I'm not one to say that because I still really like it because it's a Game Boy game and it's cool and it is really fun uh so yeah it's Mario Land too I really like Mario Land too uh Warrior land I never really got super into but I have it Donkey Kong 94 I love Donkey Kong 94 so many of like my initial 3DS memories I really had to do with like the Game Boy games I downloaded on here I loved playing these Game Boy games on the 3DS and Donkey Kong 94 was one that you know I discovered on the 3DS virtual console and it is like my favorite game boy game it is so damn good Mario's pit cross that was where I initially discovered my love for picross um again there's just something about it where just the sound effects and visuals of clearing those pit cross puzzles just like nailing down a piece on that picross grid just feels really satisfying in this game I don't know why but like I just got lost in this game for a while Tetris now this is a cool one they delisted this one uh while in um mainly because you know Tetris Nintendo doesn't own the tetris name or brand you know they had to license it from the tetris company but I believe around like Christmas time at 2011 they put Tetris out on the Game Boy virtual console and uh yeah it was really cool that they did I love this version It's just such a simple version of Tetris but there's a reason it was so popular there's a reason it stood the test of time and then we have Kirby's Dreamland a classic now one that I really have to go back to all too much though uh I beat this one on uh Kirby's Dream clay I might have beat it on here first and then I beat it on like Kirby's Dream Collection on Wii I remember I was getting footage of it on like Kirby's Dream Collection for Wii like first got the wise episode and it was I just blaze right through it you can beat this game in like 30 30 minutes yeah probably not the best value to buy this on the 3DS because it was probably like like four or five bucks um and just blasting through it in 30 minutes you know whatever but hey you know it's Kirby it's a classic Metroid two I I got nothing from Metroid two I bought it and I think I tried it out a little bit on 3DS but like man like I I needed I needed a little more of a guide for it um and you know I definitely got that later on I tried it again later on and I've grown a lot more appreciative towards the Metroid series especially after you know I beat zero Mission and Dread and you know I tried out all the other games um but Metroid 2 is definitely it's definitely a little little stinky to go back to a lot of the time a Mega Man Dr Wily's Revenge I played this one a lot really like this one it's just a cool little kind of like weird alternate reality version of like Mega Man one you know black and white uh you know bigger Sprites but you know still kind of classic Mega Man and uh and it's really cool to go back to it it was just really cool to just see all these Game Boy games again because you know they got they never really got a lot of love in terms of re-releases because most of the time if they would re-release anything they would re-release the NES games or the SNES games and it was really cool to get these versions re-released uh but I got the other Mega Man games Mega Man 2 uh three four oh man I don't even I don't have Mega Man V five Mega Man five was like the best one on Game Boy apparently I never played it but um yeah I think I got these because like Capcom I remember they were kind of doing like a big Mega Man Game Boy sale on the 3DS Virtual Console at some point so I got all these but uh I don't really think I played any any of these on 3DS past Dr Riley's Wiley's Revenge uh all too much uh then we have balloon kid uh you know the Nintendo game uh you know basically balloon fight but on the Game Boy uh but more so focused on like balloon trip mode where you know it's kind of just an auto scroller where you're just trying to avoid all the obstacles uh you know decent amount of fun uh kicks I really like kicks uh pretty much just where you're trying to create completed shapes where uh you know you just complete you know like a square or you just you know you just complete part of the screen and you just want to complete the majority of the screen before that little you know that little thing catches up to you I think it's a really fun and addictive little little action puzzle game uh golf I don't really think I've played much golf uh avenging spirit I don't really think I played much avenging Spirit some of these I just kind of got because I had 3DS eShop funds left over so I was just like ah yeah sure I'll get another game boy game and uh it just had to be Avengers Spirit apparently same with Pac-Man I mean I mean like I I like Pac-Man quite a lot but um it's Game Boy Pac-Man I don't know what else there is to say about it uh but then we have a burger time Deluxe uh I don't know it was kind of charming to play these arcade games in in Game Boy form honestly like I do kind of like I did kind of like that I I do remember playing these a bit more than uh you know avenging Spirit then we have a game and watch Gallery I had a ton of fun with that pretty much just uh you know remaking Classic Game and Watch games with Mario characters uh to Showcase them in like new contexts while also having the original uh game to watch games available in like their LCD Glory uh you know that gaming launch gallery it's really great after that we have Game Boy Color not a ton of stuff I have links Awakening Mario Golf and Toki Tori uh I believe I got Mario Golf because I remember like IGN gave that like a 10 out of 10. I was just like I have to see what the fuss is about and I tried it and I was just like it's definitely a Game Boy Color golf game but Link's Awakening I definitely played a lot more I didn't get far in it um you know I definitely didn't understand classic Zelda back then but uh you know I played this uh definitely a decent amount on on 3DS and uh Toki Tori I think I got that on sale um you know and I also wanted to see because tokitori was kind of a big name during the Wii UI shop days because they had tokitori 2 come out on there and the remade tokitori uh you know so I wanted to see where the origins were but I never really played this version uh and that's pretty much everything that's on my 3DS um there is um Animal Crossing calculator and photos with Mario but I mainly got those afterwards for video stuff you know when I was filming stuff I needed to uh show those on the 3DS so downloaded it on here and then other than that uh the health and safety information which I can either talk about that or the change size option for the next 20 minutes what would you prefer
Channel: Scott's Stash
Views: 383,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -zOHEmX8-Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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