What's On My Modded 3DS!

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hello welcome to satma plus where today we're going to be taking a look at whatever is inside of this bag which uh you'll know if you've seen the Thailand thumbnail which is a 3DS which I literally bought last week in a broken State and uh I basically replaced this this ribbon cable which um had a tear right right there which basically meant it would turn on for like a second and then make a pop sound and then turn off and uh when I bought this on eBay I also bought the part for it which I was pretty sure would fix it which it did because it's a good take a minute it turns on now there are a couple issues with it such as this uh right trigger not working I have a part in the way for it uh which I'll hope you'll be here tomorrow I might do a extra section on the end of this video if it shows up by the time I finish editing this uh we'll find out I guess anyway I'm basically going to show you what I have on here now before we get into what's on this 3DS I'll give a brief introduction to my it's my experience with this console so back in 2011 I actually had one of these uh pretty much at launch um if I remember seeing the demo at my local shopping center for one of these and uh I was too young to even use the 3D features but I was I still reword one of these so I'll save up for a whole year and bought one and unfortunately this isn't the one I had obviously I don't have it anymore I sold it like four years ago um but it was the exact same like color and model and everything as this one so it is very nostalgic to me and I do have quite a bit of time by quite a bit I'm I'm sure hundreds maybe even thousands of hours on this console on some of these games um so I I have my favorite ones installed plus a few ones I haven't played yet so we're just gonna go through it together as well as all the modded stuff if I have installed because this is a uh a home brewed model if you can tell by uh things like V8 shop so yeah let's go into the Homebrew launcher which comes pre-installed if you do Luma 3DS hacks these are all just directories for some of the apps but down here we have cross Craft Classic which I don't think works because I tried it so we'll just go over that then we have line player 3DS which basically plays music files like MP3 um you know stuff like that and the one that I probably use most is NDS for the generator which basically you can choose an NDS file and it will pull it to your home screen and you can basically open it like any other 3DS app but it's a DS app um so yeah that's for The Homebrew stuff on The Homebrew launcher and I'll actually show you I have two DS games on here new Super Mario Bros and uh Mario Kart DS which I've forwarded through that app that I just showed you so yeah that's all the DS stuff and continuing on this is called the Twilight menu plus plus which is basically another way to launch DS games but instead of having them on your menu this is basically like a built-in DSi menu and then these two apps here they're basically where you can stream your 3DS screen however it works terribly on on the original DS if you are stream your DS screen to a PC you're better off getting the new 3DS which has upgraded specs which can handle this and then we have a couple app stores here we have ghost e shop and the universal updater which are basically we have the same app basically with different directories and uh this is basically where you go find all your Homebrew apps um in fact Let me let me open it for you oh there we go so you can see there's a bunch of different apps you can get yourself which are just Homebrew games but there's a lot of stuff that's Homebrew apps such as obviously you've got Luma 3DS obviously you can download that uh the one that I I use most is probably the Twilight menu plus plus which I just showed you uh so that's working DS games amiibo emulations that that's pretty good especially on the newer games like the new version of Animal Crossing new Leaf uh it basically means you can emulate any amiibo and it's a particularly important on this 3DS because it doesn't have built-in amiibo support and this basically means you can fake an amiibo on the console itself without needing to even have one which is very useful for for this one especially but even on the newer ones if you don't have specific amiibos you can just use this app and uh emulate it which is very cool so yeah you basically got pretty much all your uh you know emulators Homebrew apps or whatever retroarch that's on here NDS forward there's even Flappy Birds which I have installed uh CG CT gp7 that you download through here if you want so yeah there's all kinds of stuff in here I don't really need to go into too much depth so another cool app which you can download is called Thursday which is basically a YouTube client for the 3DS now this is important now because we've actually shut down the original YouTube crime for the 3DS so this is pretty much the only option because the web the web version just doesn't work and uh on the new 3DS this works great but on this version the old 3DS it you could already run it 144p and uh it looks really terrible like you can barely even make out what's on the screen because of how much compression there is um whereas 240p it looks great on this screen but it only works one of the new 3DS and this one just lags it it plays back like five FPS so not recommended to watch YouTube on this unless you have a new 3DS this is a uh save file merger actually so you can backup save to your SD card and then put them on your PC or whatever and you can restore saves this is particularly good if you're moving to another 3DS as well because for I've heard the transfer system built into the 3DS isn't the best when you have Luma 3DS installed or any other CFW hacks so this is basically the best way to move your save data this is anemone which is a theme manager so you can do like custom backgrounds and stuff and since they shut down the eShop this is really good if you want to just use any of those eShop themes as well because most people will be stuck on the standard you know colored themes like what I'm using right now I personally quite like the black theme though of the 3DS so I'm probably going to stick with that and then this is notepad 3DS which is basically a very Bare Bones word editor so you can type out stuff and save it it's basically what you'd get in a command line on a computer or whatever especially if you use Linux it's a very Bare Bones although it I guess it's quite cool to have and then we have red dragon which is a Virtual Boy emulator which I haven't managed to get working I don't know whether it's because I have the original 3DS or whether it's just the app's broken I don't know it'd be very cool to get working though because the virtual boy was the first Nintendo console to have 3D and uh this also has 3D as you can see so I think this would be a very cool thing to emulate a virtual boy on other than like a VR headset in fact I have managed to get Virtual Boy emulation working on the Oculus Rift it's really really good way better than an original virtual boy because you don't have the way the Virtual Boy works is basically it's a row of pixels and it's got a mirror that goes like like that and that basically introduces a load of it basically gives you a headache because the pixels are going like that and stuff just being a constant display of pixels if you get what I mean so playing virtual one of Rift is really cool but I think the next best thing to that would probably be on a 3DS so if I can get there working I might make an update video on that moving on we have Wordle for the DS not the 3DS just for DS and it's basically what it says on the tin every day you get a new Wordle and you do it on the DS now this is very cool this is probably one of the better original Homebrew apps that I've seen well games other than some reports like Five Nights of Freddy's and and uh Half-Life and all that this boy was my favorite Homebrew games it's basically a mobile game but I think it's you know it loads up I'm really terrible at this let's try again yeah loads up really quickly and come on let's get past the first one I'm usually good at this there we go yeah those are very quickly so it's pretty convenient on the go and uh it's very simple I don't I'm not playing this anymore I'm very bad one talking a bit better when I'm actually concentrating on this but it's really hard to talk and concentrate on a game such as Super Hexagon anyway it's pretty good on the go because it loads up basically instantaneously and it's you know a quick gameplay it doesn't take forever to play so it's a nice pick up and go game just like most mobile games you know very simple pretty fun so I quite like it then moving on next we've got a few board games these are all made by the same guy actually and you know we've got connect for Uno and a Ludo I think a pretty well fleshed out ports to be honest I mostly play UNO on this you know it's a bit rough around the edges here and there but it's it's a 3DS pull what do you expect I don't know maybe someone will make a better version of it in the future but yeah it's all right it does the job uh moving on we've got a media player app I have no clue what's actually cool because it just says Nintendo 3DS but this basically pays your MP4s or whatever since I don't think there's a way you can do it built in but you can comment if I'm wrong and yeah we've also got 3D Shell which is basically a really really good actually file manager for your SD card and uh it's really fleshed out the theming is based on Android's film Azure what they said in the description I quote is that it's based on the lineage OS file merger so it's very you can kind of see what they mean by that frame material design-esque but you can basically you know select your files you know go into your well you press X to go into your options and then you can do like properties copy move delete refresh you know new folder new file you know there's all kinds of stuff this is really good file merger and it does save me a lot of time if I'm merging files you know having to go to my PC and you know move around to SD cards and stuff this is a massive Time Saver for like you know organizing your ROMs and stuff this is great one of my favorite apps on here to be honest and then last but not least on this page we have ccrmus which is basically a very very Bare Bones music playing app it plays pretty much any format and uh that's about it the controls are very Bare Bones you can't even skip halfway through a track and there's not really a display of and you know your file manager so you basically have to use your controls to basically play pause you can't even skip tracks for a playlist but I don't know maybe someday for some might actually make a good music player because the problem with the built-in one on the 3DS is it's very very low bit rate so whatever you play for it sounds terrible but it does have a best UI by far because it can do playlists so if someone can make a Best of Both Worlds that would be very be very good on 3DS very well appreciated by me at least uh so yeah that's all the Homebrew stuff apart from these two apps actually so obviously we've got the eight shop which is definitely not um piracy uh but but for real though uh ever since Nintendo shut down the eShop there has been no other way of then eight shop and you know other places on the internet to uh to download things like DLCs and download exclusive games on the 3DS so eight shop is basically your only option for for digital downloads that weren't physically released and uh for me at least it's worked very well obviously you can buy the full games on here as well if you want which I would only really recommend if you own the physical copies and you know you can still re-download stuff that they've already bought on the earshop which is pretty good I'm glad they haven't taken that away so yeah yeah and then the next the next app which is probably the the backbone of this whole thing is FBI which basically is a package installer for the 3DS and it's how you're going to be downloading all your apps in the first place pretty much although Luma 3DS does come with them pre-loaded anyway at least for ones you go use uh although I don't think H Shopkins pre-installed so I think you have to do that through FBI so yeah let's move on to before I go into the main 3DS tiles let me do the Retro stuff so we've got SNES 9x because I've got the old 3DS so it doesn't have SNES Virtual Console so this is really good actually it runs flawlessly um I I do have Mario Kart Super Mario Kart on here and you know let's give this a little play actually you can see it's it's running up let me zoom in a bit it's running right now you have to bear with me because I don't have a functional right trigger yeah let's just do uh a little bit of mushroom cup then just so you can get the point of this [Music] yeah like this runs perfect I don't know why they didn't do it this weapons where you try and play while looking at the camera I don't know why they didn't just do Virtual Console SNES on here because it runs great I don't see how there's a performance limitation especially given that this isn't even an official Nintendo Port so it's not even well optimized and it still runs perfect I think even uh Yoshi's Island works well on here [Music] so yeah that's that's SNES emulation all right let's shut that all right so next up I have a couple Virtual Console titles on here so we have uh Super Mario Bros the original on the NES and uh f-zero on the Game Boy one day I'll probably fill up this Library a bit more but I I downloaded F0 because it's for one game I actually have on Game Boy Advance and I want to see how it looked compares to one that since I knew how well it played uh I've only ever played this once on this 3DS uh I do want to get some Mario games on the Game Boy Advance and and the other game boys as well and I've also yeah I've I've played this actually quite a bit because I I quite like playing the original Mario Brothers and seeing how far I can get uh and then we've got Super Mario 64 for the 3DS it's a Homebrew port and uh on the 3DS it is playable but it runs it doesn't run the best If You're Gonna Play this port it runs flawlessly pretty much on the new 3DS so download it on that and not this um you'll be much better actually playing the DS version uh which is you know native DS game released by Nintendo if your place Mario 64 on the DS since you're not really going to be able to do any N64 emulation on here either and last but not least we've got the actual 3DS game so I go through them one by one obviously you've got Super Mario 3D Land which I have pre I think I fully completed it back when I actually had it on my original 3DS all those years ago um I believe I got close to completing Mario Bros 2 as well on the on my old 3DS back whenever that was probably about 10 years ago now and of course we've got Miracle at seven which is the oldest Mario Kart it's a staff multiplayer online so I'm gonna make the most of that while it's still there although I do we'll see later on actually I'll show you the modded Mario Kart 7. obviously you've also got Animal Crossing new Leaf which I've also played a lot on my old 3DS however I've lost that save because of selling it um so I have been playing this a fair bit actually to try and build up my save back up and uh it's been quite fun I've been playing with New Horizons for quite a while now so it's quite refreshing to go back to the different Animal Crossing and uh yeah we've also got one for three Nintendo release launch titles pylons Resort which is basically you fly around uh wohu Island which is what you get on Wii Sports Resort and uh it's probably quite a good demo for the 3D you know bit for 3DS as well although not as good as the 3D is on Mario 3D that that is probably one of the best uses of 3D but yeah it's an overall quite fun title there's not much to it but for a launch game you know back in 2011 where I got my 3DS it was quite a bit of fun moving on a game that I never really actually played on my original 3DS is Super Smash Bros for the 3DS um I've never actually been that big into Smash Bros not because I don't like it I just never bothered paying the full price for a game because I don't really play with many people on my old Nintendo consoles and when it came to smash bros on the switch I had friends who had it so I just bring my joy-cons and we'd all just put on one switch because that makes more sense doesn't it I never replayed it on my own uh although I do have it on here because this is modded and this is definitely obtained through very legitimate ways so yeah moving on we've got Mario Maker for the 3DS again a game I never replayed that much on my old 3DS purely because it was quite late into the lifespan of the 3DS and I only rehabbed the earlier on games although I did get this at launch on the Wii U and this is pretty much a direct Port of the Wii U version um but yeah it's quite nice to have on a little 3DS for making Mario courses although I still by far prefer the switch version just because of how my features that offers over the uh original moving I've got Tetris for the 3DS I mean it's a Nintendo handheld what do you expect and then you've got Super Mario Bros 2 new Super Mario Bros 2 special Edition yeah I've pretty much played through the whole thing on my old 3DS and I aim to do that again once I finish 3D Land and uh I haven't actually loaded this up on here yet but once I finish 3D Land I am probably gonna finish this one as well because I have nothing better to do uh next up we have Nintendogs and Cats Golden Retriever and friends because I also had this on my old 3DS and uh yeah I like dogs I'd what else do I say um I I do have a dog it's not a golden retriever it's a Chihuahua yeah I quite like Nintendogs and Cats it's there's not much to it but you know it's quite fun just having a little dog with a lot of Personality on a little hand towels where you can bring with you kind of reminds me a bit of a Tamagotchi but better then obviously we've got Tomodachi life which is basically the Sims if you like Meads it's literally just the Nintendo version of The Sims 4 but you can't build houses it's this game is very Japanese it's a very unique game it's very strange um I remember watching a lot of YouTube videos on this when it came out and maybe one day I'll actually properly play it because believe it or not I've played much of it moving on we've got Paper Mario sticker star which I also had on my original 3DS and I play I didn't ever complete it because back then I was really terrible at video games and uh I think I just ran out of patience to try to finish other levels because to be honest it was quite a bit harder than the other Mario games on here um but maybe once I fished Mario Bros 2 I'll do Paper Mario sticker Star as well and below is a game that I've been playing a lot of on here is Captain Toad's treasure Tracker which is you know it's a really fun puzzle game and the graphics on this is probably one of the best looking 3DS games and it makes excellent use of the 3D I think it's just really fun game because just pick up and play because the levels are so short and uh you know you don't it's not as intense as Mario you just kind of play it at your own pace and it's got some pretty good puzzles it makes good use of the touchscreen as well again this is a game I didn't have on my original 3s but I did have on the Wii U like I did with Mario Maker although I think the levels are a bit different I don't know for sure I haven't played the Wii U version in like five or six years so yeah moving on we've got a couple games about one on the 3DS e store or physical copies we have CT gp7 which is basically you know the Wii version of ccgp is that the Americorps 7. and what it means is you've got a whole boatload of modded tracks and much better online support as well a lot of people actually play this not as much as the Wii version but still very popular and if you're a Mario Kart fan this is something that you genuinely should download because it's a lot of fun although I haven't really been able to play it probably because of my broken right trigger and then last but not least we have Flappy Bird hey what do you expect if it has five better I'm downloading it um this poor is really terrible though because you you don't actually press for a button you use a really terrible touch screen to a jump which makes it very hard to actually do well compared to you know any other version of flappy bird I don't know anyway it's Flappy Bird I have it because why not anyway that is pretty much everything uh of that's noteworthy on this uh on this 3DS I've had it for a week and I plan on buying more of these of the other models and stuff because I quite like collecting old consoles at the moment so yeah um obviously this is a uh a brand new sort of format for this channel for me in general so if you did like it please like And subscribe leave a comment or whatever tell me what I could improve or even so if I can make a video on because uh I need ideas I think some of the ones I have ideas for obviously I have a Wii U there's a lot of modded stuff on the Wii U I can also go through and I've got one of those mini Super Nintendo consoles I've got a switch as well so I can go through stuff on my switch you know the the possibilities of this are endless you know I'm happy to get my hands on on all kinds of old consoles and bits of tech and I I really enjoy repairing this kind of stuff as well as I said you know at this broken ribbon cable on this on this 3DS which was an absolute nightmare to fix even if it was quite cheap but you know we got there in the end and uh I'm sure if I did it again it'd be much easier because I know what to do now so yeah that I think that is uh the video I'll probably cut it off there so yeah thank you for watching please like And subscribe and I will see you hopefully in the next one goodbye
Channel: Zakmat+
Views: 29,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nintendo3DS, 3ds, Modded3DS, modding, hacking, GamingParadise, CustomFirmware, HandheldGaming, zakmat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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