What's next after Trump convicted of 34 felony counts

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the 7we New York criminal trial is over former president Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 charges against him and he is now able to campaign freely until July 11th when he will be sentenced that's exactly 4 days before he is officially nominated at the party's convention in Milwaukee as a felon Trump cannot own a firearm or serve in a jury but he can vote for himself as he can run and be elected Ed president but we are clearly in Uncharted Territory and it will be some time before we can fully see the impact of the conviction our new CBS News poll finds that 57% of Americans think the jury reached the right verdict with virtually the same share 56% saying he received a fair trial as more evidence of the partisan split in America 96% of Democrats said the guilty verdict was the right one so did 56% of Independence but 8 in 10 Republicans say the verdict was the wrong one and that the trial was not fair finally half think that Trump is not fit to be president now that he's convicted with 40% saying he is and 8% unsure what you just heard Trump say about the case coming from Washington is not true charges in this case were brought by the Manhattan district attorney it is a state case which means an appeal would not automatically go to the Supreme Court for analysis and context we want to bring in our chief campaign and elections correspondent Robert Costa who covers Trump and the entire trial for us in New York and our chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford who has been covering the Supreme Court for decades but Jan nothing like this ever before uh Jen can you help us to understand Trump said he will try to appeal this conviction what is the next step well I mean as he said you know this is a long way from over but there is I think zero chance this is going to be overturned before November and the road ahead for Trump on appeal doesn't look too good either as for timing he's got 30 days to file what's called a notice of appeal that's procedural uh that could then start the process through the New York Court State system which could take over a year now you said as you pointed out in the intro uh his supporters have been kind of thrown around the Supreme Court should get involved the Supreme Court this but you have to go through when you're challenging a criminal conviction the state court system first then he would turn to try get the Supreme Court to take the case by raising constitutional issues as for the appeal itself that he'll try to file the lawyers throughout the trial I think were laying the groundwork uh for possible issues from start to finish I mean starting with the venue and heavily Democratic New York the indictment the charges themselves a pretty novel legal Theory bringing in federal election laws to a state a case he's going to talk about the evidence that was allowed or not allowed he uh could talk about the jury instructions and certain components of that even attacking the impartiality of the judge himself but that is a very tough road to hope he's got to show this is clear reversible error that that is very difficult to do um on any kind of appeal and so I mean that's why people say Bob if you're ever in trouble spend your money on a good trial lawyer because once you get into the appeals process uh the odds are not uh good and not good for Donald Trump here Bob uh the political impact here obviously it we're in the early stages but we know that Laura Trump who's chair of the RNC said on another Network this morning they had raised $70 million in 48 hours is this only helpful it's helpful in terms of raising money but for former president Trump there is still a logistical Nightmare on the horizon when I spoke to his lawyer Tod BL that he didn't rule out the possibility that Trump could be in jail during the Republican National Convention when sentencing happens on July 11th there's an expectation he could be put on probation but this was a tense trial I was there for seven weeks when you sat inside that court at times the judge cleared the courtroom because he was so frustrated with the defense and one of the witnesses that was being called Trump violated the gag order multiple times so Republicans the top Republicans in this country are privately telling me they're not ruling out the possibility that Trump could be in prison when he accepts the nomination there's a real concern that some traditional Republicans Suburban Republicans might look at someone being called a convicted felon and say I really can't go there even as it motivates so many of Trump's core supporters but Jan I mean from all the research we've done it seems like legal experts do not believe that there will be jail this kind of case not in this kind of case under his age I I mean I I think it would be pretty shocking to most people who follow the New York court system that he would get jail time for this MH and that's not just because of Secret Service detail or who he is if he's treated like other defendants facing the similar charge uh again also because of his age he's would be a firsttime offender and and the charge itself is is somewhat unusual bringing in that federal election law so typically in these kind of cases you would have other charges fraud charges uh that could then carry jail time so that makes this case different as well it's just this one issue but he does now have a criminal record and there are three other criminal cases just to remind people at in the federal level uh the special Council has the two one related to National Security and mishandling classified information the other trying to change the outcome of the 2020 election and then there's the Georgia case as well when will the Supreme Court make a decision on whether Mr Trump will face charges uh and trial ultimately for these Federal cases well of course you know Trump has said he's absolutely immune from prosecution he lost that argument in every court that is first considered I think he's going to lose that in the Supreme Court that he's absolutely immune but this court uh does seem to think like on the Civil side there may be some immunity and so they're working on that decision now we expect it by the end of June they have agreed to expedite this case this case if it were on the normal of course the business would come sometime in the fall or winter so Jack Smith the special counsel ask for a decision sometime this term he is going to get that the question now is whether or not uh he will then have time if this case has to go back to the lower court and kind of figure out what immunity Trump does have whether he will have time to have a trial before November but I think this verdict does lessen uh the pressure on the Supreme Court and on Jack Smith to to get that conviction there is a conviction now already and it's not going to be overturned by November interesting point Bob quickly our polling also shows 85% of Republicans feel loyal to Trump is either very or somewhat important how's that impacting the campaign people close to former president Trump tell me that he is watching very closely who's on television defending him who's going out there and really speaking out and saying Trump did not deserve to be found guilty who is going to Rally to his side at a crisis moment inside the Trump campaign this is seen a lot like the Access Hollywood moment in October 2016 which was involved in a sense with why this trial unfolded and they're saying if you're not out for Trump right now good luck trying to get a spot in this Administration should he win great analysis and insight from both of you thank you and Jan you got a busy June ahead of you but we'll see more of you I'm sure Bel
Channel: Face the Nation
Views: 91,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels, Face The Nation, Politics, U.S.
Id: wsA5tySsOzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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