WHAT'S NEW in Primavera P6 Version 19.12?

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hey fellow p6 users it's Michael Lapage from Plant Academy and I want to tell you about version 1912 of Primavera p6 that was just released in December let's get into it so have a look at this webpage this is our latest version of p6 and you can see that we haven't had an update to the on-premise version of p6 since August 2018 so we were on 18 8 and now we're jumping to 1912 now I just want to remind you that cloud users those are you using Oracle cloud you get updates every month so you'll see all these small incremental updates but the on-premise users we only see one update a year now in fact this year Oracle made a change that they are only releasing one update per year for on-premise users where before they have the doing two updates per year so now every year we can look forward to an update in December of course that may change but that's where we're at right now so 1912 released in December 2019 let me show you what you're gonna see okay to begin with it's no surprise that there is better integration in 1912 with existing Oracle Primavera applications especially the web ones that's Oracle Prime and Oracle Primavera that whole other suite of stuff that has risk and EPP M and all of that stuff we've got more data coming back and forth and a better integration between these big tools but I want to focus on on-premise users those are guys like you that probably are using pyram of era p6 in their small to medium size company or as a standalone scheduler let's talk about what you're gonna see I'm gonna have to show you all of the things and some of them will apply to you some of them will not ok here we go integration with contract management no longer support it so contract management has been deprecated for a good while and now they're officially saying it's no longer supporting saury contract management guys or expedition users if you're still up there high-level planning has been removed from Primavera p6 professional as well that's okay I don't think that was a terribly Buhler feature but it's now gone let me tell you about the new things that you're going to see okay so the first thing we're going to see is check in and check out if you're using a Microsoft sequel database you can check in projects and check them out that process now only happens with the XML file format no longer with X er so have a look I've got a project open here and we can go and do a file check out and check out there's my project check out to XML or check it out to a prima fair p6 Pro local database so the check out to XML is a new feature another new feature is the ability to dissolve relationships and retain the lag so when you dissolve an activity relationship if there is lag on that relationship Primavera will retain that leg ok here's what they say if you choose to retain the leg the leg from the dissolved activities predecessor relationship will be added to that of its successor relationship and applied to the new relationship haven't played with it yet but I will dig into this maybe in another video for you but I want to show you this new option that you'll see related to this you had to edit user preferences and you go to the calculations tab down at the bottom you will see this option to retain legs so that's the new few feature that we're talking about here retain leg check it on or check it off there's also been new improvements to the stored images feature to be honest I had never seen this before but if you head to the enterprise menu and go to stored images again you may have to be on a sequel database not an SQLite to see some of these things you will see the images manager option here this is where you can actually upload some small images I believe this is really meant for logos that end up on reports and now these logos are actually stored inside the database whereas before when you'd print a report that was referencing a logo pre-six would try to pull it off of someone's desktop and that became a problem if that desktop wasn't available so now we have stored images and there have been some enhancements here so that you can get those logos onto those reports if you happen to be an administrator of Primavera p6 there's a couple new things that you want to be aware of number one there's a new permission for exporting data that gives people the ability to export data to excel and to other places before that permission was bundled in with the import permission but now they've separated them out let's have a look we go to the amend menu and head down to security profiles and head over to project profiles down at the very bottom you'll see this new permission export project data so that allows users to export data to excel now the import permissions have been separated and you'll see them on the global profiles area so here they are XLS XML and p6x er MPX so that's something new for administrators also for administrators you can now control in a more refined way what resource access users have let's see that feature in action so when I head to the admin users area there is always an option to control which resources that the user has access to and in the past you've only been able to select one resource in there and it would be it would give you access to that resource and everybody underneath it in the tree but now we have the ability to pick a few different tree headers so I can here I can pick trades and then I can also go down and say pick management like this and add them in there just pull this over and so now I am providing access to this year for everybody under trades in everybody under management in the past you just had one field here to pick from so now you have more options and better control as an administrator one other little change for administrators is that the project's code character limit has been up to 60 characters I guess that's a request from people that were complaining that 20 characters was just not cutting it you know 60 it seems like between version 18.8 and version 1912 there's been a lot of enhancements to XML and what is going in and coming out of an XML file let me show you a couple new things related to XML the first thing is that now the scheduling options that you set in Primavera p6 on the scheduler page those can be saved in the XML file when you export a project and import it in let me see if I can show you that so when we go file import and choose XML Primavera p6 XML and let's go ahead and pick our XML file when we get to the default import template here if you edit the template now in the project level you will see scheduling options so that means that the scheduling options the settings that you have on the scheduling window are now saved in the XML file and you can choose to import them update or keep them as is when you import so that's a new feature if you're an e ppm user there's better currency import via XML files you can choose to import currencies that are in that XML file when you import your project in so that's another new feature you also now have the ability to update baselines when you import XML files as well so if there are baseline updates inside the XML file when you update your project you can also pull in those updated baselines at the same time on top of that we also have zipped XML files as well so when you import XML files they can be in a zip format now as well and it will import them in now lastly let me demo this enhancement for you this is an enhancement related to user-defined fields we use user-defined fields extensively in Primavera p6 and they've always been a bit tricky because there's hard to find whether a project was using a particular user-defined field or not but primavera has made some changes that make it a lot easier to decide or to find out if a project is using a particular user to find field let's have a look at the bottom of my screen here if I customize the details you'll find a new tab called user-defined fields and we can add it here on the activity screen okay and what we can do here is we can add and pick from our list of already created user-defined fields we can add them here so that we have visibility on them on each activity so this makes it a lot easier to see which user-defined fields are set up for a project now it doesn't only apply here on the activity screen it also applies on the project screen we can add a new tab here user-defined fields and we have the same feature here it also applies to a few other screens I believe the WBS screen as well there's quite a few enhancements in version 1912 of Primavera p6 and I'm actually happy to be able to deliver to you a list of enhancements that are going to make your life a little bit easier and finally make some improvements to Primavera p6 so there you have it that's all for me for the moment I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Plan Academy Inc.
Views: 8,542
Rating: 4.9674797 out of 5
Keywords: p6, primavera p6, 19.12, p6 v19.12, plan academy, project controls, what's new, michael lepage, eppm, oracle p6, schedule, p6 scheduling software, p6 update, new version of p6
Id: eiKjDIFHarw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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