What's it Really like Living in Kyoto as a Foreigner?

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kyoto is about the most you know popular tourist destination in japan but when it comes to living like it might be a little bit different so i want to ask you about actually living here yeah yeah it's different really i think i want to continue living in japan but no kyoto probably not oh really hey guys how you doing i'm takashi from japan today i'm going to interview foreigners in kyoto what's it like living in kyoto as a foreigner and kyoto is one of the most popular tourist destination in japan but when it comes to living in kyoto what's it really like what is the difference what is the pros and cons of living in koto i'm gonna ask them for people who want to come to kyoto for living for traveling it's gonna be informative video let's find out today on my channel i interview japanese people and foreigners in japan so it's the best channel for anyone who wants to come to japan without traveling or living and you can also learn japanese here so if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to my channel and on my instagram i show my daily life in tokyo and share information about japan so if you haven't follow yet please follow it too okay let's get started okay thank you for having me from i'm from bulgaria bulgaria you'd be in kyoto right yeah so what you do kyoto in the first place i'm studying abroad now in kyoto university and i just like the university and i liked kyodo so i decided to come and study here so i wanna ask you about like pros and cons of living in kyoto as a foreigner yeah because i think like kyoto is about the most you know popular tourist destination in japan but when it comes to living like it might be in a little bit it might be a little bit different so i want to ask you about actually living here yeah yeah it's different really um as a tourist destination it's amazing especially in the spring in the summer there are so many people it's so lively they're blooming sakuras it's so beautiful but when you live here [Music] it's a bit different especially in the sum in the winter there's almost no one the streets are kind of desolated from my experience of living here the people can be rather cold compared to other places in japan like tokyo and osaka oh really yeah like when you sit on the subway like there's almost no one sitting next to you even if it's full yeah it happens a lot in tokyo and also no but in kyoto it happens almost every time yeah maybe now because of corona there are not many foreigners so they look at us a bit like um who are you why are you here yeah and i recently went to tokyo for the first time it was amazing now i'm thinking i would rather live in tokyo really maybe it's just a lot more young people and it's more lively and yeah i like that thank you so much last question do you speak japanese [Music] okay thank you for your help where from i'm from america america we're in america i'm originally from indiana but my family currently lives in california california i want to ask you about living in kyoto and in the first place vibratio kyoto so i've been wanting to study abroad in japan again because i studied abroad in high school in osaka and i just love the vibe of kyoto i think it's like a really traditional city the architecture and the nature is beautiful so i wanted to come and try living here here locals in kyoto including like yeah i think uh kyoto and osaka are very different oh can you explain how different it is so people in kyoto are very polite almost tupelo sometimes yeah yeah and people in osaka are very friendly and they like to joke around and i think for some people if you're not used to that type of humor it can be intimidating but it's a lot of fun i really like the vibe of osaka for kyoto i think sometimes people can be a little smith yeah yeah i think there's a stereotype like kill the people out kind of like you know pride but the same time it's called to others yeah but i still think people from kyoto are very polite and a lot of foreigners come here because it's a tourist destination so i think it's a pretty welcoming place i want to ask you about like pros and cons of living in kyoto as a foreigner actually living here like i can already speak japanese so i didn't really want to live out in like the countryside i wanted to live in more the city so i can experience a lot of things i think if you really want to immerse in like japanese culture maybe a big city like tokyo isn't the best place to be but kyoto is really nice because you can experience the traditional side the city life and like osaka kobe all these like big cities and fun places to go are really close so i think you can experience a lot of things the cons negative part of living in kyoto where i live there's a lot of older people elderly people and i like more living with more younger people like tokyo i mean just like for shopping and hanging out with friends in general there's maybe less places than a big city but not like party yeah okay now you live in kyoto right yes uh what's the problem you're gonna leave kyoto are you gonna continue living kyoto or you're gonna go to some other city in japan or you're gonna leave japan yeah i'm i haven't really decided yet i think i want to continue living in japan but no kyoto probably not oh really it's enough already um i just like i don't have as many friends here more in osaka and i want to go to tokyo like experience more things welcome do you speak japanese [Music] uh thank you for helping from yeah i'm from indonesia indonesia you expand living in lots of places in japan right including kyoto here yeah so i can explain like where did you live and then like how was it like okay so i first came to japan i lived in nagasaki for about one year one year one year i studied in the japanese language school then i moved to tokyo then i moved to canada for one and about two years right now in kyoto about half year okay and from what i've experienced living in japan i feel more calm i feel more enjoyable living in the countryside more than the city and now you live in kyoto right yeah what is the difference kyoto between kyoto and other cities okay the people who lives in kyoto is not they're not actually not friendly but i feel that people in osaka and kanagawa are more friendly than the people who live in kyoto osaka feels like a big family you know i know there are so many friendly people in osaka but when i come to kyoto i feel like you know it's always about yourself so people are not as friendly as osaka maybe it's just for me i don't know but yeah some of people like this kind of lifestyle but oh yeah yeah yeah i actually don't really like this kind of lifestyle if you like to hang out i you better go to osaka and go to kyoto for starting in steam uh have a cheer actually i prefer this kind of lifestyle well kyoto is not as friendly but yeah it's a city but also have a countryside of you know feeling about it okay last question do you speak japanese hello thank you for watching stopwatch how was it that was interesting actually uh when it comes to living kyoto it's really different from you know traveling here but it's really beautiful place i really like it okay anyway thank you for watching if you like this video click like button please subscribe to my channel if there's any question that you want me to ask people in japan please leave a comment see you next time
Channel: TAKASHii from Japan
Views: 185,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BjYV2HTWmz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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