How hard is it to ship an exotic car across the country?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 1,161,317
Rating: 4.9023523 out of 5
Keywords: Ed Bolian, VINwiki, Car Stories, Car Shipping, Lamborghini, McLaren, Ferrari, Atlanta, Transportation, Transport, Ship, Truck Driver, Central Dispatch, Box Truck, Liability, Insurance, Damage, Accident, Crash, Fail, Exotic Cars, Car Buying, Car Dealers, Exotic Car Dealers, Stupidity, Trailer, Liftgate, Breakdown, Broker, Lamborghini Atlanta, Lamborghini Miami, Aventador, 360 Modena, Car Hauler, Verde Ithaca, Arancio Argos, Car Story
Id: -inPRBhonfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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