Samsung 860 Evo SSD Repair- Data Recovery Lab said it wasn't possible.

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here we have a Samsung 860 Evo 1 TB 2 and A2 in SSD drive that came in for data recovery the drive looks something like this and the customer is hoping that we can save the data for him the customer did mention that this drive went to a data recovery lab before it arrived to us the lab wrote the customer hi Richard your SSD drive has a failed controller firmware corruption or a power issue given the present state of SSD drive data recovery tools failed controller and former corruption problems cannot yet be repaired for this device which is 100% true typically the solution for this kind of problem is trip off recovery however this model drive use a type of encryption that results in the chip of recovery being impossible once removed and read the chips are encrypted with no way to decrypt companies do this to prevent other companies from seeing how their drives work and stealing their secrets so on and so forth what the lab told the customer is 100% true we cannot do chip out data recovery for this drive the 60 Evo but I'm going to take a look at the drive anyway because it was mailed over to us for a second opinion and I do not know what else we can do beside what the data recovery lab already did but we'll see you see how we have the N Shape right here and we have one on the back usually we can desolder the chips and we can use PC 3000 to read from the chips and rebuild the files but for this drive it's not possible I just want to quickly look at the circuit board and it looks like we have flux on the board I see a burnt a slightly burnt plastic right here it means heat was applied to that board we see flux here possibly this trip was reflowed because of the residual of flux that we see on the board all around the chip right look at this so that tells me that that chip was reflowed or rebol who knows just quick visual inspection this chip was not refloat or rebolt only this and N ships are clean if we flip the board the N ships are clean and I do not see any physical damage on the board no BN marks no blown components what I want to do is measure for a short circuit randomly go over capacitors like this one here in diet mode this one is good and this one is good we have a that short here what's going on let me go to HS mode we have a zero ohm reading and we have a zero ohm reading what we have a that short here what if you measure this cap right here meter in diet mode so you can hear the beep 0.39 voltage drop that's not a short and if we go over this one we have a short on this cap no short here wow we have a that short here too those two caps are in two different locations one here and one here and both of them are shorten to ground that short we have a that short here we have a that short here wow no short here and no short here what the how can we figure this out probably the chip that was reflowed or rebuilt is what's causing the problem because we have a short all across let's continue with the measurements and let's measure the Caps here what that short also if we go to ohms mode what ohm reading are we getting zero and here we have a zero zero diet mode zero what about this one no short and no short okay back of the board I do not think we even need to measure back of the board we have enough shorts on front of the board okay so we're going to leave back of the board alone and let's focus on this area right here how do we proceed we have a short here we have a short on like 10 components here and we have a short here what's going on you know what we're going to do we're going to inject voltage at any one of those shorted caps and we're going to monitor the board under a thermal camera and see what is getting hot why don't we inject voltage right at the two caps on top and see we're going to inject voltage at the top shorted cap and look at this we have something hot right over here surprisingly we have something hot right over here and not the chip itself we're going to use an atomizer and we're going to spray flux powder on this area and then we're going to inject voltage again and see where that flux powder melts first so we're going to spray flux powder and just in case you're wondering you can purchase this atomizer from our website just log in to click on shop and you can purchase all your tools from there we carry everything from soldering stations hot air stations thermal cameras this amazing microscope articulating arm the anti-glare light the ring light tweezers flux spudgers everything just add to card check out pay and we almost always ship out same day right now what we're going to do is inject voltage at any one of the shorted caps I can do it right here and then we can look at this area and see where flux melts first much better than alcohol and you will be able to see and pinpoint where exactly the short is coming from hopefully it's one of the Caps because that will be fixable one two and three wow wow do you see it that's amazing we are able to pinpoint exactly where the short is coming from that's amazing that flux powder the atomizer wow Rosen flux melted right here because of heat I injected voltage right over here and this component or the flux in this area melted we still have Rosen flux all over the powder you see how we have it all over but here it's gone it melted so we are able to pinpoint that our problem is this component right here 1,000 times better than applying alcohol and see where alcohol is evaporating first because alcohol evaporates by Nature now assuming the chip was reflowed properly or it was rebolt properly removing the short should get the drive to work again I just want to see the difference between using Rosen flux the atomizer or alcohol so if we applied alcohol like we are doing now let's inject voltage and see if we can tell that we have a problem with this capacitor right here see how alcohol is evaporating if you do not have an atomizer you can use alcohol but it's going to be difficult especially if heat is minimal so we're going to inject volage right here and we're going to apply alcohol right here I'm able to see it look I'm able to see it not as clear as Rosen plug the atomizer but I'm able to see it you see how alcohol is evaporating throughout the board it's kind of hard to tell but watch it's evaporating on this cap first so both methods work but the atomizer to me is 100 times more accurate let's go ahead and remove this cap hopefully that's the problem I do not want to get too excited yet we may have a problem with our controller chip we may have a problem with our Nan ship or we may have a problem somewhere else on the board but for now I know that we have a short circuit on this cap let's put it on the side and we're going to measure it using our multimeter in diode mode the component is bad wow we got it we got the shorted component we're going to throw away the cap we do not need it anymore and we're going to go and measure the caps on the top and the ones that measured for your short to see if we still have a short hopefully we do not have a short anymore whoa whoa .35 voltage drop we do not have a short anymore we do not have a short anymore and we do not have a short anymore amazing that's amazing we do not have a short anymore we do not have a short anymore no short no short not a single component has a short circuit anymore look at this wow I think I'm too excited too excited I cannot wait to try the drive and see if if we can recover data all right so let's plug the drive in I have an extension cable here and we going to connect this adapter and connect the drive right here we should hear a tone I have an extension cable connected to my desktop I'm not reading anything we do see a light right here but nothing bummer let me try something quick get rid of the extension cable and try it directly to my desktop nothing it's not the extension cable because I know the extension cable is good what I want to see is if this drive is being detected by this device okay connected directly to my desktop if the device is being detected we will see a blue light somewhere right here yeah right there we see a blue light right there but nothing whoa look at this look at this it's this drive right here here wow I'm able to read the files this cannot be happening I cannot believe it I honestly cannot believe that we were able to solve the problem by removing that shorted cap even though that drive went to a data recovery lab and they deemed it at no fix because of a possible faulty controller firmware corruption whatever we got it look at the files let me try to open a folder yes we did it we are done let me know what you think did you have high hopes for this drive or did you deem that drive in no fix as soon as I started working on it I hope you enjoyed the video let me know what you think leave it down in the comments don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll do something else in the next video [Music] better than [Music] Factory
Channel: NorthridgeFix
Views: 346,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samsung evo ssd repair, samsung 860 evo repair, samsung evo SSD data recover, evo ssd data recovery, data recovery, northridgefix, repair, ssd repair, ssd fix, evo ssd repair, evo data recovery
Id: 7HMKphim2jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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