I've Been Having Weird Paranormal Experiences...

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oh my god he just started YouTube video with a classic sigh like honestly this is one of the videos where I sit down and I make it and my heart is kind of racing kind of smell this perfume oh my gosh remember this stuff was discontinued like five years ago now and I just have a bottle to keep to smell because it I feel like honestly this scent centers my brain and I feel like sometimes it just makes me feel calmer you guys incredibly weird bizarre extraordinary things have been happening at all of October actually a little bit before October this isn't actually my second time trying to get all of this out in order to tell you guys about this stuff that's going on now I feel like I have to tell you guys my thoughts of why maybe this paranormal energy has been kicked up around me and like why the things that are happening are currently happening and then sort of where all of that gets placed into my general life timeline you guys have been here since day one on my channel you know that I used to talk about paranormal stuff all the time I told you guys stories from my childhood and I was still really heavily into ghost hunting at the time I was going to haunted places and even before I started youtube I feel like I was even like way deeper into it feel like there's so much of my life that I just kind of never even talked about but pretty much before I started youtube I actually had like a little paranormal investigative team I guess you could say like I met this other girl on Twitter and we were both really big fans of a lot of the ghost shows that were on TV you would meet up all the time and we would go to these really interesting haunted train tracks in Houston and there's just one place I really wish I could remember where it is it's a long way away from where I live but it was one of the most creepy and fascinating and calming places I've ever then it's like a forgotten graveyard and it's a really little it's almost like in the middle of like a woods or a clearing maybe I'll go back there one day going out doing the gigs do you know what I mean I was doing like EVPs and I had like these cameras and I had the Ghost Box which I used to make videos with it I'm like honestly kind of intimidated about talking about this kind of stuff in our house I meant to go out and film this video elsewhere but by the time I got yesterday's insane video hiccup fixed it was like way too dark to go out and do like a teen vlog or anything and I don't know I get to feelings when I talk about stuff like this like one side of me feels better a lot of the times because I feel like if I open up and share these things with you guys like sometimes I feel like it's getting the attention that it wants and then other times I just get nervous to talk about it trying to like buckle it in because I've been tweeting about a little bit fair enough like when I bring it up you guys are obviously gonna be curious about it I feel like so much of this activity has just been in my life literally since day one since my very most prehistoric memories one video that I keep kind of putting off making because I mostly don't want to upset any of you guys past life experience because I definitely do feel like I have one and some of the details are clear and some just some things about me have never made complete sense to me based on my own personal experiences from 1985 onward but if you guys watched like my childhood paranormal stories you know that pretty much like from some of my first like cognitive memories it was about stuff about dead people and ghosts and like my parents were not just sitting there being like boohoo a little like telling you know it's weird stuff when I'm like 3 years old I did get really really really sick when I was about 3 and I feel like that kind of like the limbo between life and death that I was in and not such raishin like maybe tapped into some stuff further sometimes I get stumped with trying to describe these cycles of my life or these experiences some of you guys refer to it as being empathic sometimes there's just so much like robust feeling and it's just a visceral feeling about stuff that I get it's not like so clear to me that I'm like oh there is Fred over yonder he had a railroad accident like I can't tell specific details like that and I can't I don't feel like I can communicate directly like as if I'm having a conversation like I would have with you guys it's just like strong emotional feelings there have been a couple periods of my life where I just want to turn it off and I want to pretend like it's not happening and I don't want to do any paranormal stuff and I don't want to talk about it and I don't want to think about it and I literally just try and shut it out of my life but I feel like there are consequences to that when I behave that way it's almost as if I'm like dissing a friend or something if that makes any sense it's like sometimes I feel like people and entities just like to make their presence is known I do feel like when I deny this portion of my soul or my psyche whatever is the best way to describe it I feel like I am the least amount of myself if that makes any sense like I feel like there's been two major periods of my life that I have really just tried to shun all of this stuff and to not just let myself be myself and have whatever experiences I'm gonna have but I do feel like it's those portions of time puberty and second puberty that I have tried my damnedest to no avail to just shut it out block it block it block it block it block it and I feel like those are some of them most unhappiest periods of my life I feel like high school was just I feel like high school is mostly kind of a weird time for everybody emotionally like you got a lot of stuff changing and a lot of stuff coming out here really fast and I feel like for me personally the past couple of years have been a little bit on the rough side for various reasons that we shan't to entertain today these past couple of months I've opened myself up more again to these types of energies and experiences and I feel like overall these past couple of months I've been getting into a much better place mentally well touch on this again in just a minute I feel like I should just tell you guys like kind of what I've been doing and what's been going on a little bit behind the scenes before we just went to Disney World we went to Savannah Georgia for a couple of days and I pretty much went there specifically to film a I hope it's gonna come out during the month of October Halloween special and I visited tons of these really really haunted houses like Savannah is arguably the most haunted city in the United States and I know everybody like wants to duke it out for that title tourism is great when you've got a lot of dead people hanging around Savannah is definitely a city that I have had many amazing paranormal experiences in we went to these like haunted houses I of course went like Moon River Brewing Company I've done several videos on that place I love it there also went to a different graveyard for the first time and then I went back to the DAR cemetery or colonial Park Cemetery that I filmed a Friday the 13th special in about six years ago the other cemetery I went to was Laurel Grove North's I keep on you say Laurel Canyon that's Jim Morrison I'm gonna be honest with you guys it has been years since I have been in a graveyard once again I've been trying to shut it out block it out this next bit you're either gonna think I'm absolutely crazy or you're gonna get it I feel like people that kind of like have these experiences themselves or are more open-minded about it they get it and then I feel like other people look at this kind of stuff on the surface and they just think I'm crazy and if you think I'm crazy that is totally you're right that's totally your opinion I know what I experienced I know what I know I know how I feel and I don't care if people think I'm crazy moving on we're jumping back in time again because if you guys remember the beginning of my channel I took y'all to this graveyard in Galveston it's like the oldest one I think in Galveston but I used to hang out there at least four days a week just always felt a calling there and I feel like right before I started my youtube channel was kind of another one of the most darkest periods of my life like I had recently just been in a very bad car accident I was in and out of the hospital constantly I was in a lot of pain a lot at the time struggling to make friends in college and I was struggling in college on a whole to decide what my major was and what I wanted to do with my life and it was a very tumultuous time for me and I just had a calling to go to that graveyard and I would hang out there because this is the crazy part I literally was drawn to particular tombstones there constantly I literally had a feeling as if I was hanging out with friends when I would go to these certain areas of the graveyard I would feel the presence of almost like particular people like this type of man I don't know any other way to describe it except for just to say that I felt like I was literally there with people who were giving me comfort and solace like as if you were with a friend and I've never talked about this ever in my life and I feel like it's kind of a bittersweet thing I remember one of the times that I was in the hospital like post this wreck and I'm sorry I'm tearing up sometimes this kind of stuff just moves me that's what I'm saying it just like it almost impacts me on a level that I can't even put my finger on and I'm the same way especially with like EVPs anything vocal anytime I would record them myself any time I see like ghost TV shows where they're playing EVPs like it just strikes something in my soul and it's like I just it's like a reflex like my eyes just start welling up with tears I was in the hospital one day after I was in that wreck and after I'd kind of been hanging out at the graveyard I was literally in such pain that I thought I was gonna die and I had been having all these tests and like literally no one could put their finger on what was causing this pain exactly I was laying there like just freaking out an absolute pain and it's like I was and I know this is gonna sound dark but I was just thinking like God what do I have to live for this is gonna sound so okay I know it's like I had a feeling like I got when I was hanging out at that particular graveyard and it at that point in time like gave me a will to live just so that I could continue to go back to that graveyard and like hang out with all my friends that were there I do think on them fondly like I haven't been there in years and I kind of feel guilty about that but I also have reasons for why I don't go to that particular graveyard anymore and that's a whole other story which I've already told I feel like that's my scariest paranormal story I do feel like guilty for that because a lot of these historical graveyards the markers and the people there are so long ago passed that really like their next couple of generations have also already passed or like maybe don't live around here like you'll go to a lot of these older historical graveyards and things will be just a little bit off like a little bit on Kemp like some things will be overgrown they look like they're forgotten and so in a way I feel like maybe they enjoyed having me around so much because I was visiting and talking to them and just giving them company I've got to switch my battery again you guys this is one of the things that is going on right now it's like I have three batteries that I have been making sure are constantly charged like to roll with vlog alene every day and I will sit down and just film like a couple little eclipses and then the battery will be drained it's literally so many crazy things so fast forward to present day we went to oral grove north and i had never been to that graveyard before one of the portions that we wanted to talk about in the Savannah paranormal video was Victorian gravestone symbols and what the different symbols mean and what the different symbols might mean about that specific person and so we were just wandering around all over because supposedly that particular graveyard is a great one to find many references if not all references of these symbols so once again it's Victorian era literally we were the only people there you guys know that in the past couple of months like I've kind of just been trying to like come into my own again you know like I feel like I've been doing better but still struggling sometimes and overall just in the past year like just feeling like very discouraged and kind of just wanting to like give up a lot of the times very similar to the period of time in my life before I started my youtube channel entirely like just feeling very like directionless and discouraged we were walking around this graveyard and for the first time in a long time I began to feel that feeling again and once again it's not voices it's not like seeing specific people it's just like a feeling that I absorb into my soul this is just a feeling on a different level it's not a tangible like human I want to say not human but it's not a tangible love it's not a type of love that you can embrace or hold or kiss or any kind of like familial love it almost felt like if I was in a room full of people that were just love bombing me it was just such a feeling of warmth and I feel like I kind of just woke up and snapped out of it it's almost being hit by like some sort of like beam of enlightenment sounds like way more pretentious and what I'm trying to say it just sort of began like realizing things and walking through this graveyard and thinking about all these people who had all these lives and it's kind it's almost like it's it's not really like a flashback but I'm I'm really trying to put words to these feelings into these emotions it felt like I had like a room full of faceless cheerleaders or maybe I got like the suggestion of faces in my mind it's really hard to communicate I can't I can't say that enough something almost at that point woke up inside of me again and I feel like ever since that day I've just been on a completely different path and I feel like it's sort of reflected in me like I feel like you guys can kind of see it because I've seen a lot of comments about it it's almost like a youtube comment section right because when you are open to this sort of communication it allows everything to come in right and actually my comments section is a great analogy for this because I feel like for the most part the experiences are extremely loving and positive and warm and I feel like this is sort of the reason why sometimes I try and shut myself off from this entirely it's because sometimes these emotions are extremely intense and when you're already like trying to live your life and do everything else that you've got to do during the day like sometimes it's really disruptive to like all of a sudden have some sort of experience and just like really feel like an intense this wave of emotion and it's not like mood swings it's just like and I feel like I'm kind of this way with living people as well sometimes not always but sometimes sometimes I'll be out in like Target for example like it it literally happened to me yesterday I was in Target and I walked past this random girl and it's like I just knew something was going on with her and I don't know what this specific is but it's just almost like I can feel pain and sadness or I can feel extreme joy as well but it doesn't happen constantly but it's just like sometimes when I have those experiences and particularly if they're negative or sad it can really like throw me off for at least like a couple of hours when you open yourself up to it you open yourself up to it and you are gonna get tons of positive loving experiences and then there's gonna be those ones and you know the ones I'm talking about and sometimes it's not even like mean like I feel like sometimes that's why like when I'm trying to make comparisons I'm like oh it's a good comparison up to this point and then I'm like wait that's dog crap that's not a good analogy at all erase the whiteboard jump over somewhere else as I was in that cemetery and I was having all of these like positive the only way I can express it is like a pep talk to my soul I was walking around and I saw this gorgeous victorian-era statue and I really wanted to film it for you guys it was a statue and it was like in a little kind of like like many Victorian monuments like they will be fenced off with like a iron almost like partition lots of times there will be like a bench inside because in the Victorian era it was common all the time like people had picnics in graveyards they hung out there all the time they would fly kites they would it was like a place like that's why a lot of times when you go to a Victorian historical graveyard they are so architectual II established it were places that people went to spend a lot of time in why don't you walk into this little area show you guys this bit of architecture and it was like suddenly I was hit I don't know if you guys have ever been like shocked by electricity before but like it's just like it's like it's like a like it's like a dolt like no it just feels like a big no that was the feeling that I felt but it wasn't a feeling of anger it was just like I felt like I was feeling like some residual energy that was tied into that complete situation which I almost I know the specifics a little bit but I don't really feel comfortable with sharing them so forgive me I'm not intentionally withholding to you guys to be vague I just feel like I shouldn't talk about this specifically but I did just feel like intense sadness and so sometimes I do feel a little conflicted because it is like a youtube comment section and you've got like 80% of the people like cheering you on and being like yeah that's great like we're so happy you're here doesn't it and then you've maybe got like the other amount of people that's like I hope you go die in a ditch we had this experience and I kind of had like a no no bad experience a little bit a little bit I didn't really think anything of it and overall I left that cemetery with renewed sense of life and purpose which maybe doesn't make any sense to most people but I'm just telling you guys how I felt then we went on to Disney and I feel like this is maybe where some of the weirdness started I feel like all of my life I have been surrounded by good and then a little bit mischievious most of the time I feel very is guarded a good way to put it like I feel like most of the people who are dead that talk to me sends me feelings like it's a happiness that they kind of like somewhat make their presence be known not like some super special person like I believe a lot of people have these skills and I do believe a lot of people try and shut it out and turn it off and I completely understand why but I do feel like sometimes and it's almost like the best way maybe I can put it into like easier to understand analogy would be like almost like a little pesky brother kind of thing a bunch of stupid stuff going on at once that just becomes like really exhausting but not like harmful not like hurtful but like why went to Disney and I feel like that's where it's what I started because every night that I meant Disney like most of the time I'm a dreamer and I can mostly like remember my dreams and most of the time I have vivid dreams but they're either Pleasant like just completely Pleasant or what I like to refer to as adventure nightmares that I genuinely enjoy like sometimes I genuinely enjoy having a nightmare because it's like a very exhilarating exciting experience that I wouldn't live out in my own life or have happen in my own life so it's almost like a choose your own adventure that you get to like wake up from and then everything's okay but I very rarely have graphic or disturbing dreams or anything that I would want to avoid sleep because I've been having them and particularly at Disney I always have like very fanciful colorful wonderful dreams I feel like it's because all day you're just seeing this magical imaginative stuff and everybody's in a good mood and you're eating all this delicious food and then you get home and you're so tired you're ready to go to sleep at the hotel and like everything's great and so I feel like I always have very vivid dreams at Disney but they're always very good dreams but this time I kid you not we were there for I think nine days and it was really bad nightmares every night like very I'll just say like true crime kind stuff that was like very graphic that I don't want to get into detail of obviously that went on like the whole time that I was there and I got home we finally got back to our own bed and the nightmares stopped but basically like right when we got when we got back we hit the ground running with vlog ween because I've got a couple things like pre filmed but definitely not enough and definitely not enough that I need to keep going with everything all month I've got these like grandma's plans that I want to do with you guys this month it has just been a consistent struggle I'm not gonna lie like vlogging is always a little bit of a struggle I know it might look like a 20 minute like run around Target or whatever but I'm actually like filming there for like five hours it's just like very fast paced and there's normally at least like one or two hiccups that I have every month where just something doesn't work right or whatever pulling all nighters almost every night or like I feel like I'm always just skirting by on the skin of my teeth like to get everything up at the same time every single day life is messy right like you're gonna have challenges that come up all the time and you just have to kind of like deal with them head-on take care of them move on whatever but this is just madness okay so a couple of my grand plans that I just mentioned to you guys is vlog oween room and vlog wean car and so vlog wean room we filmed the amazon unboxing video in my parents house is fine like I was there filming for hours and hours and hours that day everything was fine nothing was going on so the next day we were supposed to start painting the room Orange I came back from Walmart with the paint literally get over in the morning and they were like well hey guess what um and by the way like a couple years ago this house like got flooded like a pipe burst and so pretty much they redid the entire house at that point so pretty much like every fixture and all the plumbing and everything is like basically brand new like a couple years old I don't 100 % know how to describe this to you but basically something in the ceiling had this crazy like leak I think it was like a pipe with the AC basically to make a long boring technical story short like there's a portion of the ceiling of that room all of a sudden got a big leak and there was like basically buckets of water rushing out of the ceiling and so now of course like we're gonna have to have all that like repaired and fixed and patched up and anything that's wrong with the AC fixed and patched up but it's just like odd that everything is a hundred percent hunky-dory and it's like just in that specific room that I'm planning on using there's like water rushing from the ceiling and obviously it's just put everything basically like at least a week behind to like start painting and start decorating and everything else I'm with October it's only four weeks long big craziness number two is I bought that orange Jeep specifically to do vlog alene with you guys in I miss like gold vlog car a lot I feel like we used to like decorate that car in vlogs together and it was just sort of like a swamp family thing I just want to make my content obviously like more interesting for you guys and kind of like bigger and better than ever and I just thought that that would be like a perfect little side project that we could have fun with throughout the month of October in August I got that car only like you know and I really haven't been driving it all that much I didn't drive it too much in August because I was kind of like waiting to mostly like savor the experience with you guys in October I driven it just like a handful of times and everything seemed okay and I didn't drive it much in September because I was gone basically for half of the month I got back and I had been driving it a couple of times and I noticed that it was doing really bizarre not okay things for a basically like one and a half month old car I would like go somewhere in it I would run Aaron and everything would be fine and then I would get out of the car I would come back in and like half of this stuff or more wouldn't be working mostly like all the electrical stuff like the windows wouldn't roll down the radio wouldn't turn on the air-conditioner wouldn't work the phone would like charge and then not charge and he was like really just like sporadic and random and weird and so now vlog Jeep is in the shop it's just like crazy it's just like all these like hurdles that I feel like keep coming up every single day despite it all and I was still like chill check to Charlie she's chugging along right so I get up the second day of October and I was you know I've been like waiting up a lot earlier than I normally do and I woke up and I was so dizzy like there's only been a couple times in my life that I've been this dizzy like I basically like couldn't stand up and so I lost like more than half of a day because I just had to basically lay there until I felt better and so that was really weird then the next day Dogman had a horrible tooth ache I think he got like a little chip in his tooth or something we're still kind of getting that taken care of and so there was all of that there's just been a slew of like weird technical stuff going on like I said like a lot of it just seems like electrical like it'll be with cameras computers like Wi-Fi I'm not sure if that counts as electrical but it's just like camera batteries keep dying all the time like my computer which has been perfectly fine like just keeps shutting off and going black and it'll be like in the middle of me editing a video or making a thumbnail like something that I'm on a time crunch to get done little like playful goofy also like exhausting stuff that I've been battling every day yesterday it's actually kind of like two days ago now the night before I got that avatar video up it was such a stretch for me to edit that video like I was physically beyond exhausted but I don't want to like disappoint myself I don't want to disappoint you guys when it cannot fail on day four I was just like put your game face on drink some caffeine like muscle through this literally when I made the determination to not fail and to muscle through this the freaking like smoke fire carbon monoxide BB beep alarm started going off insanely loud and only the one that's in our bedroom like we've got them all over the house and every other thing was fine it was just that one so dog man gets on a ladder he's trying to fix the battery we're trying everything we put new batteries in it will not shut up and I'm sitting there like oh trying to grind out and this freakin alarm just keeps bbbbbb beep and then finally randomly it just stopped what is that I don't know muscle through and churned out that avatar video and then as many of you guys know I'm sure there was like all of these bizarre audio glitches like nothing I've ever dealt with in my life before like normally I can just see like where the video starts to glitch or not match up vocal to visual and I just editing or take that little clip out or whatever but like it was three-and-a-half hours just trying to figure out how to fix that video yesterday and like frankensteining files together and like finalizing it a little bit here and a little bit there I mean it was it was just like exhausting absolutely exhausting especially when I'm like trying to churn out like the next day the next day the next day the next daily it's hard to get like bogged down with like yesterday's work on the next day because I have to be doing tomorrow's work I'm sure you guys can see like how I just feel like like I said like life is just gonna always throw you curveballs and normally like yeah you just deal with like 1 or 2 like annoying things whatever but this has just been like a lot of majorly annoying crazy stuff to deal with in four days so if I seem a little drained today I'm sorry there's a lot going on I don't feel bad about it I just once again I feel like it's a little like pesky I feel like when I'm more open like this I am more fully myself but I feel like this with anything else there's like good and bad to all of it and I know this is a really long video but I just wanted to tell you guys like what's going on and and everything else so hopefully you guys found this little update interesting let me know your thoughts and opinions on this stuff down below are you somebody that has experiences like this do you experience periods yourself where you feel like things are kind of like really dormant and then more active sometimes when I tell these personal stories like people are disappointed because I always say most of the time things are not like they are portrayed in the movies like you don't just see like things spinning around I mean it definitely does happen I'm not discounting those experiences but I find that at least in my life like my paranormal experiences are things that are much more felt than seen and they're not like super crazy like that like poltergeist activity or something it's not really like that I feel like some people are like that's not even creepy but I'm like well like if you're living it yourself and sometimes you feel these kinds of emotions that I feel like sometimes when I'm in like my room with antiques and stuff like sometimes I will get a feeling like I need to like run out of that room and I know how crazy that sounds cuz then I'll go in the next day and everything will be fine and most of the time I'm in there all the time hanging out during my work filming whatever but it'll just be like sometimes I feel like I gotta get out and it's almost like a cyclical thing like I feel like sometimes stuff will be very dormant and then sometimes like for whatever reason I feel like it gets like kicked up again and that's just my personal experience but everybody is different so and some people don't believe in this stuff at all and if you believe then that is fine I feel like it takes all different kinds of folks you know to make the world go round not everybody has to believe in the same things and that's okay thank you guys so so much for hanging out today and for watching for spending time with me and I love you guys so much and I will see y'all tomorrow
Channel: grav3yardgirl
Views: 540,941
Rating: 4.8929219 out of 5
Keywords: beauty, how to, makeup, style, fashion, new, clothes, clothing, follow me around, target, shop, shopping, cosmetics, funny, haul, store, look, silly, cute, eye, eyes, vlog, grav3yardgirl, as seen on tv, infomercial, does it work, 2018, cheap makeup, makeup shopping, reborn, avatar reborn, reborn baby, reborn doll, reborn unboxing, starbucks, amazon mystery box, amazon customer returns, amazon return palette, amazon, palette, halloween, paranormal, ghosts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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