50 Year-Old Can of Vintage Gold Paydirt

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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of gold prospecting at home this is episode number 104 and about a month ago i got an email from a dude matt up in seattle and he told me that he has this vintage painter that he got for his birthday um from his grandfather's belongings and he sent me this old vintage can of pay dirt now on the back i don't know if you can tell here i'll put a screenshot right here to me it looks like it's from the 1950s or 60s it does say hallmark precious metals out of seattle washington and that company as far as i can tell from online research it looks like that company at the very latest operated in the 1970s but looking at the font here it looks like it's older than that to me but this can still in really good shape for being that old i'm going to guess 1960s um if anybody knows anything about this this product definitely put it in the comments and i'll pin your comment to the top so the story behind this paydirt is this can of placer belong to sig maguire who spent most of his life in the mountains of river and see that surround washington that's what matt said and he wants me to sign this can and send it back to him and of course i'll send the dirt and the gold and everything i'll it'll be basically original when you get it back he wanted me to sign the can but i'm not going to do that just for historical reasons but i will write a nice note and sign it and everything send you a guitar pick some stickers some pay dirt and everything as well if you guys want to buy pay dirt of course clutchgold.com i do sell five levels of difficulty of patriot over there so before we get started on this can of paydirt i want to give a big thank you and shout out to four brand new major credit patreon supporters and channel members we have john wilson jaylen ottmar ashley robertson and david cosin thanks so much guys i really appreciate the support and if you guys would like to support the show there's always a little blue join button down below there's also patreon i also have a brand new merch store crowd may definitely check it out all new designs and some limited edition stuff over there as well so let's go down to the panda station we'll carefully open this thing up and we'll take a look at it okay here it is the authentic placer gold from hallmark precious metals in seattle washington get a good shot of the can for archival purposes feels like it's about three quarters of the way full the label is in great shape it's got a couple water issues it was stored in a basement for who knows how long looks like it has water damage coming up to maybe here see the line that's what it says on the back you can pause it there and read it but let's take a look at it in a pan very nice so i have a special can opener here so we don't destroy it when we open it this actually cuts around the side here it leaves a very unnoticeable opening area so let's go ahead and open this up [Music] all right i think we're all the way through oh yes it opened all right cool right now we've got it popped open i'm gonna be very careful in opening this the rest of the way try not to bend it too much yeah perfect cool so yeah we got river gravels in here even some quartz stringers in that rock right there very cool nothing left in the can all right so it looks like we have a lot of darker gravels round darker gravels with some quartz stringers in some of these rocks i don't see any gold but i would never expect to unfortunately it's not a can just full of authentic plaster gold that would have been uh yeah that would have been tens of thousands of dollars all right so that is what it looks like all right before we get into the panning process normally i don't do this but for this product i want to make sure that we get everything on camera for everybody to see and enjoy i'm going to go ahead and read this entire thing you guys can skip to this time stamp right here if you'd like to skip this part but i'm going to go ahead and read it so place contents into gold pen or pie pan tap can to make sure it is empty alright so we did that already submerge to cover the contents with water grasp pan with both hands at opposite sides of top and tilt slightly forward now shake pan from side side allowing gold and other heavy particles to work their way to the bottom now with pan about level rock pan to start a rotating motion with the water as the water comes around tip pan slightly forward and let the top gravels wash out step six repeat steps two three four and five until only a small amount of gravel remains step seven tip pan slightly forward and shake now carefully with pan still tip forward dip in and out of water letting the top fine gravels or sand wash out repeat step 7 several times until the black sands are visible the black sand should now be in the front edge of your pan swirl a little water around inside the pan to wash back the black sand so that the gold particles will be exposed hallmark precious metals po box 6145 seattle washington normally i would take a magnet to it and remove all the magnetic material and that would be part of my panning process but i think for this video we're actually going to follow the steps and do it that way but i still want to remove the magnetic material just to show you guys what's actually in here all right here i have my strong neodymium magnet with a silver dollar tube on the end of it let's go ahead and remove this black sand there's not a lot in there anyway if you guys don't know the black sand is heavy like the gold and the more black sand you have in a painter product or concentrates the more difficult it is going to be to recover the gold so i like to use this magnet whenever possible to remove the magnetic material but in this case we're just going to leave it in there because it's part of the experience here all right so on the can it does not say anything about classifying it says to just add water and start panning and pick out the bigger gravels but um just for archival purposes we're going to go ahead and classify it just to see how much plus and minus kitchen strainer size is actually in this product and if we're lucky we'll see a nice gold nugget okay so here we have our plus and minus kitchen strainer it looks like it's about 50 50 at the same amount let's see if we can find any gold nuggets here i'm not gonna get too crazy with it the gold will reveal itself during the panning process so i think we're going to go ahead and pan out the big stuff first so let's bring over crusty rusty we'll add some water and some frozen jet dry that's just a surfactant that'll break the surface tension of the water in case there's really small gold that wants to float away all right let's go ahead and pan this down stuff hasn't seen water in many years it's been sitting in that can for i would guess 40 or 50 years [Music] i understand there's a lot of new people watching if you guys have never panned for gold before and you're interested in learning exactly this entire process i will link a gold panning tutorial for beginners right in the corner there as you can see it's just kind of like round black gravels for the most part there's some green and blue in there as well see if there's any gold in there [Music] okay there's no gold and the bigger stuff and that's okay all right next we have the minus kitchen strainer size material this is where we're gonna find our gold now there's no guaranteed amount of gold or anything on here the only hint that there's actually gold in here is that it says um the gold particles will be exposed the very last line there so gold particles let's find the gold particles i'm going to guess it's some flower gold maybe some flakes so we got some nice chocolate milk happening right here it's not too terrible though so yeah right here you can see the nice line of black sand that's the stuff we picked up with the magnet i mean it does look like actual gold sluice concentrates it looks like it could have been material that was actually processed at the river and then brought home his concentrates so it's possible that it actually is and that's why there's no guarantee of any gold amounts in here we'll find out here in just a second all right getting down to the black sands here it seems like there's more black sands than we picked up with the magnet so there's a lot of non-magnetic black sands in here most likely hematite all right no gold yet and even if there's zero gold i'm not going to be disappointed it's still a very cool product but there has to be a little bit of gold in here yeah there it is right over here we have a little piece of one flake of gold no very very tiny flower gold yet just some nice flakes [Music] and that's actually not terrible i don't know what these were selling for back in the day no idea but um now i don't even have to weigh this up i can tell you that this is about two one or two dollars worth of gold maybe three bucks worth of gold back in 1960 it might have been worth you know 20 cents or something now even though i have an approximate value on this gold i still want to weigh it up get an actual value on it and we can even take a look and see what gold prices were back in 1960 1970 and stuff so you can kind of do your own math see how good of a deal this was back in the day i don't know what it was sold for but all right so we got four little specks of gold i'm gonna actually take all this material in here i'm gonna dry it back out and put it back in the can and we'll ship this back to matt in seattle but in the meantime why don't we go ahead and weigh up this gold and see what the actual value is [Music] [Music] all right well that was really really cool i do have to reseal this i might just you know tack it together with some super glue or something because i have to ship this back to matt so again big thanks matt i really appreciate you sending that to me and um allowing everybody that's watching this video to share it so make sure you guys hit thumbs up if you enjoyed this video let's go ahead and figure out how much it was actually worth so we got 0.025 grams now i'm going to call it 24 carat pure because you can resell natural plaster gold just like this to pay dirt vendors like myself if you guys want to sell me your gold klushgold.com click on the sell your gold button and i will buy your gold a dollar 44. so yeah 1.44 cents um the value of gold back then like all the way from the 1950s up until like 1970 um gold was in the two 300 per ounce range by today's standards we got a dollar and a half worth of gold in reality um it was probably like i said maybe 20 cents worth of gold back then it's still a really cool product you know just the packaging alone and just having the opportunity to open something like this up on camera for everybody to look at it was a lot of fun again big thanks matt either way that was a lot of fun i hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did please hit the thumbs up button if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and do that i put at least one new video every week and that's all i got for today thanks for watching if you're still here you're one of the 42 percent that haven't left so thanks so much and also big thanks to all my major credit patreon supporters and channel members scrolling right there and also if you enjoyed this video you're really gonna like the other ones linked here so definitely check those out and i'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Klesh
Views: 366,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vintage gold paydirt, gold paydirt, klesh, vintage gold, vintage, can, paydirt, gold, vintage can of gold paydirt, klesh paydirt review, gold mining, gold panning, gold prospecting, paydirt can, can of paydirt, can of gold dirt, panning vintage paydirt, klesh vintage paydirt, gold paydirt review, gold paydirt 1970s, Gold paydirt 1960s
Id: NtnKPnC0jlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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