What's Inside Minecraft?

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hello everyone and welcome to a special minecraft video on my channel I am here with Lincoln and Dan from the what's inside channel and we're in a Mesa and I'm here with Lincoln hi Lincoln hi hi so over on the Watsons I Channel we actually it was so crazy we found real-life diamond door and we went and obviously cut it open to find out what's inside but on my channel I wanted to do something really special with Lincoln where we're actually gonna go what like inside of Minecraft Lincoln this is you don't know what we're doing but you were kind of suspicious when you saw these command blocks over here because I think you've seen minecraft story mode where the command block is a dangerous tool but if you have friends that know how to use command blocks like I do from the wall shirts build team that I work with they actually made some pretty cool custom commands for us on this map obviously this is the may said you like the stripey clay over there yeah it's my favorite I like stripes okay I'm not gonna put this off any longer because I actually can't wait to see what Lincoln thinks about this so Lincoln go ahead and hit that what's inside button hold on it should be fine I don't think that's gonna ruin the command for the button back oh no oh shoot okay oh how about I hit it okay okay there we go alright blinkin you're invisible see that right you I'm right here can you see my floating head I'm looking for it I'm right in front of you right here oh you can't see me on yours okay Lincoln you are going to fly down now okay look at that we've gone inside minecraft have you ever seen a cave this way but you glitched oh right look when you see like the chunk loading so look at this like that's even bigger though some creeper in the spider and and some um gold yeah alright so you can find should we do a little race who can find diamond first okay okay I'm gonna go down to Diamond level you can you see like the bedrock and the lava I'm lapis oh I found lapis as well sound some gold no I need to start sprinting so I can beat you well what you found diamond no win congratulations Lincoln you found diamond how cool is it that you could actually like and if you press even like that's creepy you have night vision yeah get right up in it look at this I found a stronghold this is where the portal to the end dimension is oh I've seen that place before the library yeah like look at it you can just like completely like the world is completely yeah and I like x-ray vision I like finding this down here I like going in here and then stealing this stuff yes right there's some good stuff I'm trying to find the portal see if you can find the actual end portal let's see where it's all oh I found it I found it you see oh you found it too all right should we go in yeah alright we're gonna have to go back into here fly right above it kay game-mode C Lincoln and now I'm in it no don't destroy the buddy no I didn't okay so this is gonna give us the same ability that we had before if we press it now we can actually fly through the end and have x-ray vision in the and in the end yeah now sighs ready press it the dragon died oh no I pressed it for you so just like fly down now you're in we had to kill the dragon in order to make the commands but here you can see the towers are the egg and the egg no that is the egg okay now here's something cool Lincoln okay go up to an Enderman let me see which in German you're going up to here go up to this guy right here okay now try to click on him the way you were gonna like open a chest or something like point point your mouse on him now and click yeah okay perfect whoa all right so now I'm gonna go into survival mode and I'm gonna look at him and you're spectating as the Enderman you're killing me no no no please be merciful all right go back in there should we go to the nether yeah yeah let's go to another all right so we're gonna have a common portal back to the egg oh yeah we go to the egg yeah and then I went through I didn't mean to go through let's go in well for me away from me okay I'm impressed I'm gonna press it okay no no you press it how do you present umm like you click you put your mouse over it and you click it link in place Pocket Edition so you hover your little oh you didn't got it you did it and now we have x-ray vision in the nether he came from the village and he's dying I can't help him oh I'm spectating him oh I'm gonna watch him die oh no I'm sorry I'm late again oh oh no this is this is awkward that's untied oh no all right just go there he died I was the one I was in and when he dies look at that you can completely go inside the nether like I'm that's me in the nether where you just fly into the blocks like this command makes it so that you can actually go through the blocks and all those little squares of lava this is cool cuz I've never seen Minecraft this way either all of the little squares for guests get to guest first wins oh okay I should probably mark down the coordinates to this portal because yeah I found some mushrooms oh it's like a zero zero okay if you go into the nether rack all of those little weird squares of lava like Lincoln have you ever been mining and then all of a sudden you hit lava and it comes out of the wall yeah and it kills you yeah that's what those squares are there's a little pockets of lava can't find any yeah all right well here come to me and I'll spawn one that does that's cheating this whole command is cheating you want to find one naturally okay I found a fortress you've had a fortress I'm a TP to you oh good job oh look at this I'm gonna go through the fortress yes oh you you what you're not no not I don't know what you're talking about this is a naturally spawning amount of gas look you can go inside it now look inside the gas like look at this little legs look I found a magma cube yeah yeah look I want to go inside this bag are you there we go that where'd you go I should go back to the overworld mm-hmm come on Superman all right come over here I want to show you this one last thing remember I said back at the command blocks let's see up here okay so remember I said we had to press the summon button at the very last go ahead and press it I made a giant zombie you like him he's holding a diamond I want some diamond um but he doesn't really do anything like even if we were in survival he wouldn't go after us you're inside the diamond huh could that look inside of it well I've never seen inside of a diamond in Minecraft okay so Lincoln actually just asked me if I had any other worlds that had builds in them so Lincoln I have brought you to the world of book craft this is the coolest world so this right here is cruella de Vil's house that we built if you come down into this tower you can actually go and see the Redstone that just panda does so like all of these like all of these command blocks like where'd they go oh here they are all of these command blocks down here and like these repeaters this is what powers this door so I'm gonna press this and see how the door is opening like all of that was powered there oh wait oh look Jess panda and Nathan one day from the wall shirts bill team are here somewhere I can't see them hello these are the builders that helped me build all this where are you Lincoln there you go now they can see you yeah these are the guys that built the logo if you go watch the what's inside video they're the ones that we did the speed build of the what's inside logo with that great so actually come over here with me Lincoln I want to show you the actual world of book cross just follow this track okay like the roller coaster just follow it and you'll actually come to book graph so this is the world where I build things from books so we're gonna come to like my pirate ship and my lighthouse is this the White House where are you over by the lighthouse the blue and white lighthouse now you're on the that is the home of the dear leads from 101 Dalmatians see that's Carla de Vil's car right in front but if you come over here I actually have a white roller coaster here with a loop-de-loop that's got a beacon that was from Misty of Chincoteague let's see I don't know if I have built from any books that you've read I wonder what books what are you reading in school right now in school Oh Michael there yeah but is that like your assigned reading no what's your in the fourth grade you have to have assigned reading you read nice yeah alright so come out this way over the ocean so like do you see the minecart out here like the rail the rollercoaster follow that see that's a volcano over there yeah cobwebs this is the area go round so I'm gonna actually go underneath because people on my channel have never even seen this either I'm gonna fly invisibly underneath and show you guys all of the command blocks that went in to powering the area around this is you're gonna see it in a minute it's kind of invisible right now but this is all just panda building command blocks okay like all of these command blocks do something again here take the bill done yeah to figure it out I couldn't figure out even one command block okay so what you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to come over let's see here you're gonna come into here and grab this book and then you're gonna want to inflate the balloons block please whoa what's going on I'm Seth today let's make a day so we can see all right so hold on don't do anything yet Lincoln now come up to like want to come over here and come stand up here and you're gonna want to put your your X right in the middle of this boat right right and like put put your X see where my X's yeah put it there and then hit right click right yep perfect now we are sitting now I'm going to begin spinning how does this work it's like it's just command blocks this should not work in Minecraft Lincoln and now I'm going to commence the ascent look you're flying up we're flying up how cool is this and Lincoln this is without any mods this these are no mods these are just command blocks that Joss Panda and Nathan placed I love how twists like that wood takes and now we're going down well this is actually from the book the 21 balloons so this contraption exists in the book and we built it in Minecraft yeah those are all balloons no yeah but actually when we did the finale episode of the book actually I don't think it works anymore hold on let me ask this doesn't work does it he's jumping up and down as if it does it does oh my gosh okay Lincoln you're in for a treat come over here so come stand over here and watch the volcano essentially the volcano is on this side where see it all right I'm gonna hit a button the volcano erupted all right well thank you I wanted to show off Nathan and Jess pandas amazing redstone skills but let's go over now Lincoln back to the Mesa world okay look behind you Lincoln all right but I don't have anything I'm sorry where'd you spawn whoa escaping the nether oh no I did you survived all right well thank you guys so much for watching this video and I'm gonna leave a link in the description to go watch the what's inside video where we actually cut open diamond door all right Lincoln I hate to do this to you bye I would
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 3,154,598
Rating: 4.672152 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs, Cave, Mineshaft, What's Inside
Id: RmjyXB2wr6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2016
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