Whats INSIDE? Klipsch RP-600M

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welcome back to new record eh my name is Ron and in today's video we are going to be doing a complete and total teardown of the clips RP 600m so this is a way for me to show you what's on the inside of these speakers peel back the curtains and show you everything objectively that I can about these speakers so I'm covering facts and I'm not gonna weigh in with my personal opinion about what it is that we're finding and what it is that we're looking at I'm just gonna show you this is what we have here in this loudspeaker so I hope you enjoy the video make sure you like and subscribe if you enjoy this type of content and clips RP 600m now before we get started we got to do the disclaimer and I cannot stress this enough do not do what I'm about to do do not take apart your clip Sharpie 600 M's it is a terrible idea I can promise you you can absolutely break something and certainly void your warranty and I don't want that to happen to you the reason that I'm doing this is because I'm very good at it and I can easily put these speakers back exactly how they were without any problems or issues whatsoever so I am not encouraging you to go in there and start messing around and taking things apart let me do it for you that is the purpose of these videos so there it is that's the disclaimer all right so let's go ahead and cover the basics the front of the speaker in terms of its width is just at 8 inches super close to 8 inches height I am showing I would say 15 and 3/4 is pretty darn close according their website it's 15.69 I'm not gonna argue with them that's probably spot on and the depth of the loudspeaker is like just over 11 and 3/4 according to clip choose website it's eleven point eight five inches and again that's probably right on the money so those are the dimensions and I will be ordering a tape measure that gives me the metric information so I'm caving in I'll get you guys the metric numbers and I'll stop messin with ya sorry guys all my friends from across the pond alright so here's the deal the front baffle is a little bit tricky to figure out the exact thickness and I'll explain why where you have your woofer installed I have this looking at it's like three quarters of an inch right on the money now where you have your horn installed they have an additional frame and it feels like it feels like it is like a quarter inch frame up here and that's gonna give us one inch so there's parts of the front baffle that is indeed one inch thick and then there are parts of the front baffle that are 3/4 inch thick the back is 3/4 inch thick from where the port is installed as well as the speaker plate speaker terminal and the side walls top and bottom all appear to be 3/4 inch as well now I'm sure as you can see as I've been moving the enclosure around if you take a look on the inside there is no bracing inside of this loudspeaker Oh before I forget and we move on from the cabinet yes it does have this polyfill sheet inside of the cabinet and this was lying on the walls it's just one sheet and it basically just wraps around inside the cabinet like so yeah similar to what we saw in the boo car s400 as well as the S vs ultras hey kiddo what are you doing outside of that that is our enclosure for the RP 600 M let's go ahead and chat about the woofer alright folks and there is the woofer for the RP 600 m and it has that iconic copper color I'm hoping that there are gonna be some clips gurus that might be able to assist us in this I don't know if this is actually copper it's a little bit confusing the wording on Clips is website actually just let me read it what it says is six and a half inch spun copper Sarah metallic Sarah metallic woofers now Sarah metallic is a trademark of clip so using Google I was able to find a previous reviewer that I don't know if they asked Klipsch about this I did send an email and I haven't heard back myself but this is what they had to say and I think this is pretty interesting it says this cone is of an anodized aluminum that makes it tough but does not detract from its beauty the anodizing process converts its inner and outer surface to ceramic is it just copper in color is this really an aluminum comb driver and then this process that they do turns it into ceramic I'm hoping that one of you guys will be able to help us figure this out but what I do know is this the motor structure is quite substantial and I would expect this driver to be able to hit some pretty low frequencies without too much trouble that is definitely some type of a steel and your guys little magnet trick confirms that and so on the back here we do have what appears to be a stamped steel frame on the back of the woofer alright let's go ahead and move on to the tweeter on the RP 600 M I almost forgot something we got a beauty ring this is plastic for sure so posit mu T ring that is also included with the RP 600 M now let's go ahead and talk about the tweeter now this guy is really interesting let me pull up their website here it is what is known as their LT s tweeter which is linear travel suspension tweeter and reading directly from clip shows website what they say is Clips exclusive linear travel suspension LTS aluminum tweeter minimizes distortion for enhanced detail performances using captain and extremely light and rigid material and the tweeter suspension provides high efficiency and improve resolution in detail LTS tweeters are a hallmark of clipped speakers making them some of the best speakers in the world so this guy actually surprised me when I first heard about the RP 600 M and with this being the very first clip speaker that I have ever reviewed I expected to find a compression driver like a true horn compression driver inside the RP 600 M and then we found this fella which is interesting so that is this guy and what's really confusing and I wanted to bring this up to see if you guys can help me out with this on the landing page of the RP 600 M they say this is a one-inch titanium LTS tweeter but then in the explanation of the tweeter they mentioned that it is an aluminum tweeter so I'm a little bit confused is it titanium is it aluminum I don't know so if you guys happen to know please help us out but this is the tweeter inside the RP 600 M and that is exactly what it looks like let's go ahead and talk about the horn alright so if we're talking about the horn on the RP 600 M it is basically two different pieces this guy sits inside of the cabinet screws right in and then this guy which is interesting this is made out of rubber this sits on this guy and this guy is clearly made out of either fiberglass or plastic I'm not sure which one I can't find any information on it but yeah so these two pieces is what makes up the horn on the RP 600 M let me go ahead and show you guys the port which is rather interesting yeah so on the back of the enclosure this is what you're gonna find is this flared port it is flared on both ends and I do know for a fact that what this is going to do is it's going to minimize and help with any kind of port turbulence or chuffing is what they call it port noise basically the speaker farting which is not a good sound so the material that we are looking at appears to be plastic yeah so that's the port on the RP 600m let's go ahead and move on to the crossover alright so similar to what we saw on the SVS ultra we have the crossover mounted to the actual speaker terminal so we're going to go ahead and discuss both of them on the back here we have the ability to do by wire or by amping and you just simply remove these little jumpers here if you want to do by amping and the terminals here are five way binding posts so this is gonna accept pretty much any type of speaker wire or speaker cable configuration that is out there if we flip it around here and take a look at the back what we are looking at here is a total of five components on the crossover and I am looking at one iron core inductor once and cast resistor I am looking one air core inductor one electrolytic cap and I'm looking at what appears to be but I can't confirm this does look like a polyester cap but I'm not positive that is the crossover on the back of the RP 600m alright folks and that is a wrap wait a minute what about the measurements I've got some sad news here folks this is rather frustrating for me but my little Clio pocket which is what I use is my measurement system it's a little under the weather it's been acting up on me and I was not able to do any kind of measurements of the clip Sharpie 600m I will be leaving some links down below to a couple of different folks that have done some measurements of the clip Sharpie 600m so if you're interested you can check out those links in the description box below and hopefully I can figure out my Clio pocket and get it up and running so I can continue doing measurements it is a big part of new record day now so I'm sorry I don't have my own measurements and hopefully I can get it resolved very soon thank you so much for stopping by if you have any questions comments leave them down below and hey kiddo what's up buddy oh you got enough duck oh that one's for you for Christmas Oh oh wow buddy I love that that is awesome that's really cool hey can you make one for daddy okay cool all right folks so that is a wrap and we will see you guys in the next video
Channel: New Record Day
Views: 57,280
Rating: 4.690258 out of 5
Keywords: hifi, audiophile, audio, vinyl, turntable, Amplifier, Tube Amplifier, Preamplifier, loudspeaker, vinyl record, speaker cable, Review, diy audiophile speakers, audiophile setup, audiophile music, 4 things for better sound, gik acoustics, acoustic diffuser, acoustic absorption panels, Audiophiles, buchardt s400, whats inside, measurements, off axis, impedance, horn speaker, klipsch rp-600m, 300b, nad m10, best speakers, high end, amplifier, klipsch, rp-600m
Id: M5_SRQ6H31s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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