BEST Speakers for Music and Movies! KLIPSCH 8000F Tower Speaker Review

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you guys know that i am a big fan of clips specifically their heritage line of products not to mention they're more lifestyle oriented stuff like sound bars and powered speakers that being said we haven't really talked a lot about their core lineup of products specifically the reference premiere line of speakers well that changes today so settle in hit that like button and subscribe if you're not already because today we are reviewing the clips reference premiere 8000 f floor standing loudspeaker now the 8000 is a two-way tower speaker that features a one-inch titanium tweeter sitting inside a horn waveguide now mid-range in base is handled by the speaker's dual 8-inch copper serum metallic woofers which also help to give the speaker its trademark look now a rear port plus the speaker's driver complement give it a reported frequency response of 32 hertz to 25 kilohertz which is almost full range around back you are going to find dual binding posts that means the speaker is by amp and by wire capable something that is bound to please some die hard audiophiles though given its rated sensitivity of 98 db you don't have to go crazy with respect to power at almost four feet tall and nearly 18 inches deep the 8000 is a big speaker and if it sounds too big for you know that there are smaller options in the 6000 5000 and 4000 f though none of those three speakers are going to play quite as low as the 8000 will on its own now for 2 channel listening we paired the 8000 with our name unity atom the yamaha s 1200 the musical fidelity m5si and a budget stereo receiver from sony and for home theater use we added in the 600c matching center speaker and we powered the whole thing using sony's 2100 es av receiver now we streamed a lot of music either through the unity atom or the aurilic s50 pro all of which was done on the title app and for analog playback we relied on our audio technica lp 140 xp turntable but we have fitted an ortofon 2m black cartridge to that and if you missed any of that links as always are down below while the 8000 may be a large tower speaker it's not unruly it's incredibly well built ours was finished in walnut which it's a little bit dark for my taste but i do prefer the walnut over the ebony and gloss piano black but keeping things at a hundred i do wish that clips would bring over some of their heritage line of speaker finishes to the rp line i know that this would probably increase the price of an already rather affordable loudspeaker but if you're gonna go out of your way and call something a reference premiere series i do think that the looks need to match the name also i think doing this will help distinguish the rp line from the rest of klipsch's loudspeakers now because these speakers are rear ported they do require a fair bit of space in order to breathe i recommend pulling them out away from your front wall at least 18 inches i know it can be very difficult to judge distance in the b roll but ours rested 20 plus inches away from our front wall now more so than probably any other clips loudspeaker the 8 000s need to be fairly aggressively towed in for two channel listening i ended up with the speakers tweeters pointed directly at my listening position now i'm going to answer a couple of questions about the 8000 that i know you're bound to have so let's just get them out of the way really quick first do the 8000s play loud yes do they play loud without distortion or strain absolutely do they kick like a clydesdale down low you bet do i need an expensive amplifier to get the most out of them not really and are they good for home theater you bet your ass they are so what makes the eight thousands so special for me it comes down to one key specification and that is sensitivity at 98 db it just doesn't take a ton of power to get the speaker up and running and at low volumes music and movies manage to still sound well alive and this is one of the key things that impresses me most it's not the speaker's tonality bass response or whatever it's just the fact that through eclipse loudspeaker or through the 8000's themselves music and movies just hit differently so i'm not saying that klipsch makes the finest loudspeakers in the world but whether or not you have a beer budget or klipchorn type money eclipse speaker has character and that character is born out of a live sound so while it may have a substantial physical presence the 8000 does possess a delicate side properly set up it is possible for this nearly 4 foot tall beast of a loudspeaker to completely disappear orally and with the right amount of toe in center imaging is next level and the definition and delineation to its sound stage on the whole is fantastic now because this is a big speaker obviously it can play big musical passages very loud and at proper scale but if you're not interested in taking things to 11 or you don't want to piss off your neighbors well it's good to know that the dynamics and everything scales downward as well enabling you to listen at low volumes just as easily breaking it down the 8000s based performance is solid this is not a speaker that just barely hits the threshold of its capability no it hits its marks with confidence so base is deep but also very quick now the base is one area where i did find that having a beefier amplifier did pay dividends base was totally acceptable through the name unity atom but through the yamaha s 1200 or musical fidelity m5si it was notably better so all three amplifiers kind of possess the same amount of detail and nuance in the bass but through the yamaha and musical fidelity it was definitely deeper and had far more dynamic snap so should you pair a subwoofer with the 8000fs for home theater use i say i say go for it we did we paired ours to the yamo s810 with great results but for two channel music i'm actually a little bit hesitant to pair these speakers with a subwoofer because you don't want a subwoofer dragging them down or making them all bloated and weighty you want a subwoofer that has the same speed and attack that the 8000s have on their own and these types of subwoofers can be harder to come by and if you do manage to find one they're often very expensive to give you an idea i'm thinking like at a minimum svs's flagship subwoofers but if i'm being honest i'm actually talking more about subwoofers along the lines of jl audio's fathom or gotham subs which are hugely expensive costing way more than the 8000s themselves and as a result i just i don't think a lot of people are gonna pair that level or caliber of subwoofer to a speaker such as this so for for home theater for movies you don't have to be crazy picky about a subwoofer but if you want a subwoofer that's as musical as the eight thousands you have to probably spend a fair amount of money in which case i would say that the eight thousands play deep enough on their own that you may be able to get away without needing a subwoofer for 2-channel listening when it comes to vocals in the all-important mid-range choice in amplifier didn't seem to matter as much provided we are talking about a neutral-ish type of amplifier not one that has color of its own for example a tube-based amplifier or say a vintage piece like our pioneer 450. i just love the way that vocals sound through a klipsch loudspeaker and the 8000 is no different now it may lack some of the immediacy and absolute transparent presence of our say heresy mark fours or the la scalas that we have in house but the 8000 does get very close but yes it is giving up some of that transparency due to the fact that it just doesn't have that horn loaded mid-range but as a result the 8000 is far more forgiving of a wider range of source material so in the end the 8 000's mid-range is detailed nuanced and intelligible it's a little bit warm ever so slightly dark of neutral in direct comparison to say klipsch's horn loaded loudspeakers but for what it is it's pretty impressive now klipsch is often criticized for their high frequency performance but the 8 thousands tweeter i found to be very composed if not a little bit round or rolled off in spots the 8 000's high frequency performance is not going to fix a bad recording but for 95 percent of what i played through these loudspeakers i found the tweeter completely agreeable it wasn't harsh or fatiguing at all if anything it was airy and rather sweet and it only gave up say about five or so percent of absolute transparency to its costlier siblings the heresy for endless scala i just absolutely love the speed and articulation of this tweeter and it it lends well an organic and real in-room presence to things like symbols and the top-end snap of a snare drum so you give me that high-frequency performance and you couple it with a loudspeaker that is dynamically captivating like the 8000 and you're just you're gonna win me over every time the only real caveat i have about the 8000 is this because of its size and relative affordability i think people are going to buy it treat it like a party speaker and just turn it up until their drywall cracks and you can do this the 8000 will let you but you don't have to do this in fact any speaker is going to start to sound a bit brash the more you get to or past 100 decibels but the 8000 isn't a speaker that has to be played aloud in fact if you treat it more like you would a high-end loudspeaker i think you're going to find that the 8000 is not a one-trick pony and in fact it is capable of running with some truly high-end towers like i advised earlier be prepared to experiment a little bit with placement specifically toe-in the dispersion of the 8000s is good but with proper placement it goes from good to great and trust me you're gonna you're gonna know when you get it just right now you don't need a lot of power to bring this speaker to life but more power does pay dividends in the base department so i am recommending an amplifier of say 50 watts per channel or greater for best results you're just going to want to make sure that that amplifier is on the quieter side as is the case with any high efficiency loudspeaker if your amplifier isn't up to snuff you'll probably hear some high frequency or tweeter hiss while at idle comparing the 8000s to similarly priced loudspeakers in the yamo c97 mark ii or s809 all three lounge speakers are dynamic and punchy but the 8 000 just it's more balanced more neutral thanks to its better bass response not to mention more refined top end taking finish off the table i think that the 8000 actually manages to match the performance benchmarks set by the q acoustics concept 500 and in many respects especially with respect to dynamics and low volume listening i think the 8 000 embarrasses the 500. now the 500 is a little bit smoother up top and as a result it pairs nicely with a wider range of source material but that one caveat aside i think the 8000 is as good if not better than the concept 500. i even thought that the 8000 sounded well truer to life and were more engaging than polk audio's l800 flagship towers the l800s are just way too finicky in comparison and are by no means as captivating as the 8000s at low volumes and the same is true of the bowers and wilkins 702 signatures the 702 is the better looking better built loudspeaker without question but you have to throw an ungodly amount of power at that loudspeaker to get it to come to life once it's awake it sounds brilliant one of my all-time favorites but the 8 000 just gets to that point so much quicker the clip reference premiere 8000f is both beauty and beast it definitely has the looks and can play the part of the back alley brawler but inside i i do think that it just wants to dance because i can hear you clips faithful right now saying that's all nonsense andrew look at it just look at it it's huge it's big it's got big eight inch drivers you should turn it up to 11 and piss off the neighbors that is the klipsch way and it is it is fun to do that but i do think that you are missing out on a lot of what this particular loudspeaker is capable of by only looking at it through that lens in fact if you were to pay at the same respect you would say a true high-end loudspeaker i think that you're going to find that it competes very favorably with some of the best towers on the market it's not perfect but it manages all of this at a far lower price so when you look at it through that lens the 8000 isn't just a great speaker it's an insane value so that's it that is our review of the klipsch reference premier 8000f floor standing loudspeaker what do you guys think let us know down in the comments below and my question of the day for you is this what would you do or what do you think klipsch needs to do in order to elevate the 8000 f into kind of that reference or audio file tier of credibility let me know i i really am curious also bonus question this being the day before thanksgiving what is your favorite thanksgiving side dish let's get a list going um if you liked this video please do give it a thumbs up like and subscribe and be sure to ring the bell so that you're notified when new videos come out we wouldn't want you guys missing any of them also we are still helping to raise money for feeding america so be sure to click donate before you leave this video and go do whatever it is you have to do today so far you have helped us to raise over twelve hundred dollars in a little over a week so thank you very much but if you haven't yet donated now is the time click donate 100 of your donation goes to feeding america and helping those who are less fortunate have a meal this holiday season if you use any of the links that christy left for you down below know that that is a great way that you have continued to show your support for this channel and the work that we do here and both christy and i thank you all very much follow me on instagram at recovering audiophile and that's it so remember the only person that has to like the sound of your system is you so happy listening everybody thank you so much for watching have a great thanksgiving be safe wear a mask and we will see you on the next video bye
Channel: Andrew Robinson
Views: 437,277
Rating: 4.9165301 out of 5
Keywords: best speakers for music and movies, klipsch 8000f tower speaker review, klipsch rp-8000f towers, 8000f speaker review, klipsch 8000f tower review, Klipsch RP-8000F speakers, klipsch rp-8000f, klipsch rp8000f, klipsch rp 8000f, klipsch 8000f, klipsch tower speakers, klipsch 8000f review, rp-8000f review, klipsch rp-8000f review, 8000f review, klipsch reference premiere rp-8000f, best large speakers, klipsch speakers review, reference premiere rp-8000f, Klipsch speakers
Id: ZDemAt9h0BU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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