What's Inside a Tesla Model S Battery Pack -- World's FIRST Tesla Swapped Nissan 350Z - Part 9

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[Music] I just wanted to take a quick second and remind you that in less than three days we are ending the STI sweepstakes so click the link in the description down below get entered and now back to the video you guys can tell I'm gonna pick up truck and I've got a 350z following me very closely and that's because it's on the trailer behind TJ's truck which he so graciously allowed us to borrow today I think it's time for the throttle to get a truck what do you guys think leave a comment down below in the comment section let us know what type of truck we should buy we seem like we need a truck weekly at this point for moving cars and picking up parts and metal and all kinds of stuff so it's about that time boys and girls I'm taking our 350z up to a company called stealth Evie if you guys have been following this project you know that matt has been helping us quite extensively on this build I've never built an electric car before so I'm learning during this whole process but Matt actually builds these cars in his shop daily Evie conversions are his business and we figured during Kovan 19 what better way to actually get this car done than to take the car to his shop I am gonna go there once or twice a week of course be masked and all that stuff but work on the car in his facility instead of trying to get him to come down to our facility I'll be able to shoot over there a couple times a week and actually get some work done on this 350z all right well the boys here a stealthy view are stepped out for lunch but they left the back door open and the their electric powered forklift Tesla powered forklift for me to use while they were gone and I got the 350z unloaded and pushed into the shop and here we are we've got to load it into the bay and they've informed me just to pull the door down behind me when I leave today was basically just the drop-off I will catch up with Matt and the boys here and come up with a game plan and that will be back in just a couple of days we're gonna start laying out the wiring system the cooling system and a few other doodads so we'll be back in just a few days time to pick right back up where we left off Deborah's days later I'm heading over to Stella TV to meet up with Matt because the boys down at Tesla parts actually sent out our 16 battery packs from a crash Tesla but before I take off I want to hang up my new air freshener check this out guys if you guys know anything about our future project this is a this is a nod to that and I'm gonna add it to my collection up here pretty cool and it smells nice so get a nice clean scent of vanilla oh and I'm also wearing a new ice cream drop shirt I love this logo I think they knocked it out of the park I hope you guys like it too these will be available very soon on the throttle website [Music] all right well I've arrived here at stealth Evie I'm gonna go ahead and get masked up I'm gonna go in an intro myself this morning to them let them know I'm here and there's one guy out here that's waiting to see me his name is Kevin the dog he is a very interesting dog a little skittish but I love him to death he's so cute and these easy videos that are here at stealth you're gonna see a lot of Kevin cuz I know he he likes to check out what's going on from time to time let's go say hi to the boys hi Kevin hey buddy Oh killer Kevin attack dog ha our battery is here this is what the bottom of a Tesla looks like gives us an indication of what type of car came out of this battery pack came from our friends down Tesla parts in southern San Diego they shipped it up here this morning for we're gonna go ahead and the guys here stealth if you're going to give me the secrets on how to pull this apart well you think kept waiting but alright well the battery pack is unloaded off the flatbed which is pretty awesome neat little process they do this a lot here at stealthy V so it's kind of old hat to them second-nature getting them off the flatbed so they made it look pretty easy here it is on to a pallet which they're gonna use their electric forklift which is Tesla powered as well which is pretty rad look at the big hole in the center [Laughter] so essentially he's gonna just lift this up and put it on the floor inside the shop where we will start to deconstruct the system and get the batteries apart alright there's our final resting place and now the fun begins I haven't formally introduced the guys that are actually behind the scenes here at stealthy V and they're both named Matt so that should be pretty easy for all of us to remember but Matt one is the owner of stealthy V and Matt two is his right-hand man who does a lot of the hands-on work here as well they have a lot of very cool projects here if you guys watched our previous video they have this cool Auto Sam that's being electrified they have this Volvo be 1800 project which is also being electrified and this thing is I kind of the hot rod of all hot rods the fab work on this thing is fantastic I might be able to show you guys around that a little bit maybe in the next video leave us some comments down below if you guys want to see a little more insight on this Volvo so this is so foreign I mean I didn't even know which is the front or the back of this battery pack which probably isn't that big a deal knowing that I haven't really ever Fausto's one for but what Matt said means that is the rear of the car and this is the front of the car and this is where the coolant is housed inside this compartment here so these are the inlet and outlet ports and so what's going to have to happen is we're gonna have to drain the coolant out of this before we can do any work the nice thing is is these guys are experts they've done it before you know there's two months in here there's fourteen on the bottom oh there's actually two batteries in there yeah okay so that's those two cooling ports kind of feed everything it's like or a slime they're all connected inside here and just sort of daisy chains through okay cool fur layman's terms BMS is battery management system so every battery has its own management system on this yeah Wow so the what the guts that are underneath all this kind of control that they control the there's two contactors in there is pre-charged all that kind of stuff now these are the two high voltage connections so unless the contactor was welded these aren't live that's no this is also a little sanity check plug okay nothing would turn on unless there's a pin inside of that okay got to so so they've made this very safe because that was honestly that was my fear when when the guys were like yeah let's do a logic vehicle project I'm like I'm gonna die I've built how many internal combustion projects but the eveyone's the one that's gonna kill me once you pull the cover off then it does get kind of dangerous and for sure okay yeah you're alive 400 volts are there you're gonna pull the back fuse first which will help and that's under this cover here need that little cover yeah so as soon as you pull the main pack fuse it's a it's a little more safe marginally missing [Music] alright well that took us about 10 or 15 minutes it's actually a pretty quick process but what Matt was saying was it's actually very critical to get all of this cool and out because it becomes quite messy if you don't and if you guys have ever worked on an internal-combustion car you know if you don't do a good job flushing out the coolant system when you pull your motor out or whatever you end up having cool and draining out of everything and it's a mess so we actually pushed air through this system with their their air set up that they have here because they do a lot of these and we removed about I don't know this is probably a gallon gallon and a half of coolant out of these water ports and so Matt was trying to explain to me that if these get damaged in shipping or in removal of the pack it becomes very difficult to actually remove the coolant out of this and then it becomes very messy so he grabbed one of these off the shelf he actually had this here now what you're looking at is basically this is the equipment that's inside the pack but we're just seeing the two tips right there these guys and what happens is these little pegs that keep it off the floor basically hold the pressure up against the top of the lid if those get if that little guy gets broken this gets pushed down and it becomes nearly impossible to remove the coolant out of these things so if you're gonna do this yourself you're definitely going to want to take care and not break this this unit or the stands that it sits on alright so Matt's saying the next move here is to remove all the nuts and bolts so we're gonna happen oh wow look at that whoa oh that's easy hold on alright and we're done so now we can go home sweet alright so that was easy usually this oh what's this an insulator yeah fire shield insulate it we won't be needing that why not not afraid of any fire here's like the receiving end of that oh okay but you just thought about that Matt we should be using this the drain hose clamps on there so this is actually like a factory dry break yeah which is pretty cool that's what's inside the Testament race car stuff I like race car stuff so that actually is what is on the chassis side of the car and allows the fluid to flow once you remove this these seal up and they don't leak which is really cool why don't they do this on all cars you guys listening out there auto manufactures let's sleep there's only one gun so Matt is gonna remove that's a lot of hardware brother yeah how many you're here that's not a lot let's just sit is a lot it looks like this about 150 that's my guess 160 move way high low here okay oh so that's one thing that we should explain so this well he just removed oh wow that's really light I didn't realize how lightweight that was gonna be so it has a rubber seal looks like a Viton ring or something in there and this is just a guide pin right an alignment pin so that when you put this pack up underneath the chassis they line up these guide pins and allows the pack to go in level that's one of the reasons that you would break that dry brake system is if the pack wasn't going up underneath the car level it would snap those feet and that is a problem so so he's gonna involve side fittings and because we're not gonna be needing I bet you guys have a slew of these sitting around huh [Music] all right so we've come to a crossroads here we've got all the bolts out of the container itself math says we're going to be moving the fuse out of here which will disengage this completely then I'm about disengage it but thank you a lot more safe yeah and then he's also removed the hardware for the dry brake for the coolant system so my guess is this lids coming off typical gasket sealant in it that's a fuse wow that's a big fuse right and then if that fuse is blown that'd be 400 volts across those two terminals so even with the gloves you're gonna be wicked careful not to touch them grab it by the plastic it comes so now there can absolutely be no current passing through because you have a hole in these really inside the pack that's still 400 volts no batteries are all still series of it so it doesn't end here there's still plenty of that in here and like shouldn't be any problem oh yeah scary stuff I can't remember that splits it back directly in half that's kind of the idea like the safety switches and pack use a lot of time so when you turn that safety switch off after you pull the fuse angrily doing the two yeah it's not it's not as bad 200 volts 75 volt Simon who the man that covered on the other side of that [Music] they can wait up bottom of the pack there she goes he-man all right there you go this one's what is that for that's mica sheets that above all the modules just a bit of vibration dampening and yeah installation yeah PM shields now very cool so that's 2 of 16 the other 14 and hidden under there [Applause] well I got a bloom so the goodies in there like Christmas morning lots of glue in there [Music] so Matt diligently pride that off took what about 20 minutes 15 minutes and now it's off and there is like special techniques that they're using to do this he's gonna go ahead and remove the EPM plates electromagnetic plates from the top and those go in the dumpster yeah use another project those do not go to a dumpster but for what we're doing they're not needed so they're gonna sort those on their shelf probably and keep those around but man that's a pretty sight that's a lot of batteries all right now that that covers off Matt's actually going around and cutting the coolant lines that run down the side of the pack that basically connect all the batteries with coolant lines so they're basically pushed to connect fittings he cuts them in half because it's much easier to remove them that way and we're not reusing these lines anyhow we may be using the connectors but we will not be using the lines themselves that's why we're able to cut them and it doesn't matter he's got me removing some of the lines up here on these front two packs I've already removed - have you got one more here and then I'm gonna try to get these as well but actually pretty cool little connectors they basically release the yellow guy and then they just slide off so quick disconnects there we go and they just pop off so those are all salvageable what's cool about these is they're just the heat shrunk onto here so you can just heat these up pull this connector out of the hose and you can actually put your own hose onto these so to reuse them and according to the mats these have three o-rings inside which are really good very nice Oh II quality there you go what are you doing Matt what's he doing he's pulling out the VMS wiring so these are the board's I was talking about earlier where each one of the modules has its own DMS these all connect to this main board here like like I said the BMS isn't all that Nashawn seeing everything is handled on the module which is pretty cool so most of this is powered communication okay gotcha powering communication so one other thing that I'll explain while there plug in the rest of these modules is that this component is actually basically the bottom of the car and so you can probably tell by looking at the shape that that's what that is so basically these batteries or modules are embedded in the floor floor of the car and it can unbolt and be dropped out really a really cool concept and execution but one thing that really intrigued me was this thing is pretty much watertight so that's why everything is so hard to get off it has to be pried off is because it's actually sealed with some sort of silicone or some type of sealant that keeps water out and he said it's not uncommon for like a flood type vehicle to actually be taken apart and this to actually be dry it can happen so tests will did a really good job with sealing these up it makes them a little more difficult to take apart but if you think about it at the bottom of a car if there is a flood situation that's the first thing that's going to get wet so having these watertight is actually really important this is the VMS board that's that we're looking at this is what's actually on the module okay so cell tap wires come in on this side and then there's to their misters on each module so there's two different styles this is the earlier generation from the 8585 packs and then these are the 70s 90s all the new generation packs were they this one's missing a plug but normally they're a bit more compact - yeah right not much a little bit and then so we take these off and then we put our boards on Oh even Brandon that's nice so we'll be running these on our that's correct all right I need anything I'll use here is running these correct specifics we have been running any of the stock BMS is from Tesla can but we use Orion better management systems so these work well for that but yeah this goes you know it uses the same rivet holes and everything as you know what's holding them on the module and Alan right and then you hook your cell taps and thermistors and all it really is this is just relaying everything to one plug ok so you can hook your let's gather knowledge into one plug and yeah and it's just voltage in thermistor so get to resistive a thermistor your statute yep so we're gonna go and start pulling the modules down we usually start like in this middle area again it's the same thing you've like infused we're just trying to limit the voltage while we're messing with the rest of the tag I mean we're careful with everything but if you knock a couple of these out now you're only talking about working with a few in series at a time so a lot less risk when you when you split them in half right so effectively you're splitting the voltage in half or yeah exactly and you know thirds quarters you all that stuff right breaking it all down like the board like these ones are in the middle so so as we take these two Center out now we're really down to like small groups okay but right now we're gonna pull these 13 millimeter bolts out of the terminals when we do this we have to be very careful that a bolt can't just fall right out of that you know right out of the busbar in terminal so this is delicate this is prey the most [Music] [Applause] so the boys tell me this is the most difficult battery pack to pull out of here so I'm gonna go ahead and film it Matt just made easy work of it it seems it's a couple hands and so Matt's have agreed that we're going to actually yank all these out here which they already been sort of pulled but now they're just gonna be lifted over onto a pilot for the night we're running short on time today this is not a fast process for anybody that's trying to tackle this themselves know that you're gonna need to set the better part of a day or more if you've never done it before to doing this job we're actually going to install one of the stealth Evie cell tap boards onto one of these modules which is basically gonna go right here it's going to replace one of these green boards with one of the beautiful black stealthy V boards so we're not gonna do all 16 of them today we're gonna do one show you guys how it's done all right guys well we've dragged one of our 16 batteries over here and one of our mats is gonna take a break the other Matt is gonna pick up where he left off and show us how to install one of their stealthy V cell temple cell tap boards so this is so we can hook you know our external orion battery management system onto it which is what we're gonna be running so the board comes just like this comes with a pack of pins a lot of people get this confused and think where's the matching plug guys you just got to pull that off maybe that's not the right customer for yes all right so pull that off there's your plug these these are just the molex mini foot junior fans on our website with these special tools to install this yeah I mean you don't like everybody finds the random crimper that'll work but this one so the part number is on our website as well so anyway here you're gonna connect your Orion cell tap boards or you know deliciou MBMS any there's other BMS options these are work anything but again all it's doing is it's taking all the cell taps this is from the factory Tesla module and then these are the thermistors and it's just putting it in one convenient plug there's really nothing fancy about this so it's simplifying a lot easier okay and so it's gonna replace this board here correct okay 24 volt you're not gonna get you're not really gonna be hurt you know there's there's not a lot to worry about here so we found it's easier just to put them over on there on the top you know be careful the terminals these are pretty fragile break you're landing on them same with the cooling side so there's a little tab there and then there's two little piece of strips just below oh I see on the inside yeah okay and then you know I just it's pretty simple before it kind of keeps it out of the way pull it off the to the edge of the bench just so that you can get this part down yeah I got you so it's pretty flexible stuff mm-hmm these are all live so as you go to you know pull these little rivets out there a two piece rivet those are all live so if I was to do that and you know touch across those that's bad you're gonna burn up on your cell top wires okay and so we had one module that a guy do that to and it's really hard to get it to stick you can't solder these wires Oh can't get enough heat in oh oh jeez the only way you can really do it is like a good spot loader okay I just come in here with these flush cuts just really easy to see pull that little pin out grab all those you can use needle nose to that we don't worry about like cutting through ohm I've just found it Stella is here for me with these yeah just pulling those are just like a flush cutter yeah to be clear you're not cutting anything correct [Applause] you know water at least and so those are the main source of fastening that board to the yeah those are modules type of rivets and they just expand okay perfect and then I'm just coming in here like you'll see this little back pad here I'm just kind of giving them a little just a real light twist great you're not trying to damage the circuit board I mean if you're doing these on your own there's a chance you might be able to sell these you know something's interested so you just keep them so just give it a little delicate pry with the twist of the screwdriver but we've seen you know a handful of customer pictures they sent us like this is just split off people that like Center rivet out you know yeah there's a little sharp punch those same thing here just kind of a little plastic edge you can just get right underneath those pop that out again these 85 modules there they're the easiest ones so when you get to this sign there's just a release plug right there pop that off and you get some thermistor side we do do a lot of quality checks this goes through 3 differents through different stages because it is super important not only that none of these bled off into each other like you know soldered in the process or something or maybe it's not even connected because you're gonna get these modules and they could be buried and and you'd have to pull the whole thing apart just for this so these are pretty inexpensive especially what they are but like we do put a lot behind them make sure stuff okay I'll say in our application if we have to fix one on the bottom of that right being that oh yeah that's hours of work you know this section here we're just gonna take the plug push it back in just make sure it's bottomed out all the way same thing here go to quick make sure you're not crushing any wires like in between this cooling channel or anything like that it's easier to put the bottom ones in first because we have two sets of holes so it sees room at the bottom ones in first and then you know which two top holes to use making sure there's nothing pinched in there so yeah I'm just using this side because it's something flat you can use a flathead screwdriver or whatever again now these are live so if I were to get that across those mess up my my cell top wires like these ones here yeah because these are all connected to the cell tops on the other side so you know as I'm pushing this in really you should use a plastic tool when you're gonna put these back in just so you don't accidentally bump those but and then we'll drop this back down again I just kind of push on the plastic just to get that adhesive kind of go back on and then I'll just pull this guy like that and it's done so sometimes if you if you leave the yellow tape on there you can just like put it back on we have many tapes so we'll just put some new yellow cool well that was pretty easy there's have 15 more to do now a lot of people get this confused and I understand to like that you just need to look at this and and take this image and put it right on top like if you took this image and put it right on top you're looking at it from the wire view gotcha wires are coming up yeah so rotate it up because it's obvious so that when you look down this is what you're seeing so t2 is the upper right corner yep t2 upper right you got I could figure this out when you're checking these with a voltmeter it'd be real easy to take those two pins like if I'm not careful and I can cross those two so again that's kind of an issue like if I was just checking at me oh yes don't touch them so don't touch those to you but I'm putting the negative lead up in the top left-hand corner which is this negative and then I'm gonna go to cell 1 and we get three point six three five and then as you go up roughly seven roughly ten fourteen and a half it's my lucky number 82 14 and a half 18 and 20 1.81 so that's the entire yeah so that's at all the voltage you know available in the back come over here the resistive side these are a 10k thermistor that are in here so all you got to do is there mister one is on the inlet of the cooling side like a lot of people were gonna wear this now I'm gonna think about this kind of stuff what we do the inlet side of the module is always the lower side so t1 is gonna be the thermistor on this line so when we wire up all the thermistors we do make sure that like we wire them just like we do to be a mess so we can actually tell how hot the water was going in first it's coming out right so right here T t1 t1 that's your your in left thermistor and T 2 and T 2 is your outlet there mystery so what we're doing right here is all we're doing is we're just checking resistance up there is 10 point 1 4 so we're checking that one and we want to compare it to the next one ten point three so long as they're somewhat close because temperature changes right so if it's 100 degrees out that's gonna be a different but yeah everything checks out simple as that with that we've got 15 more to do which we're going to tackle in the next video I want to say thank you guys for joining us today this was a bit of a long day and a long process but I want to give a huge shout out to both the mats over at stealthy V for helping us out I could not have done this by myself in the matter of time that it was done here these guys do this very regularly so for them it's just another day on the job so huge shout out to them and I'm looking forward to seeing where this project goes going forward I'm gonna be here a lot so get used to seeing this shop and seeing all these cool cars we'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for subscribing to our channel thank you for the comments if you have anything that you want to know about electric vehicles let us know down below I'll ask Matt I'll give you guys the answers we'll see you in the next one all right well for those of you guys actually made it all the way to the end of this video you're gonna get a treat those of you that dipped out early sorry you don't get to see this we were here working today and a special vehicle cruised up it was actually a couple hours went by before I even realize it was behind me because it's silent that's right it's a 1949 electric mercury and Matt built this a number of years ago this was a SEMA a few years ago it's actually just back here to finish the battery thermal management system kind of been an ongoing thing on that side it's been funny drivable it's gotten a lot of traction out there it's so cool man you guys wanna take a look at the front yeah that's depressing I know this car was a hit at SEMA I remember seeing it myself and thinking wow that's really cool but it just looks like an old car right so that's what the customer was shooting for like jonathon over like a 4x4 he's big on the team like he's you know he's kind of I don't know if many people were doing this before him honestly like you know leaving the outside and completely redoing everything under the skin maybe yes on the outside this is all original original rust riddled patina but under the skin part Morrison frame Wow you know six piston Brembo calipers all the way around independent rear suspension everything on this car has been updated to modern right it's just got the outside skin so all the interior they did all that stuff really it just came came to us for the evey side of it this looks like an internal combustion engine of sorts it's obviously not but what's the story with this setup I mean obviously these are your controllers and what's inside the senator what would be like the engine part as everybody knows with Jonathan Jonathan's bills that icon like I mean they all have some like really really awesome special flare to them you know what I mean he's got a really good eye for that kind of stuff but anyway I mean he did all the all the designs for this himself it's all gonna come together like they take care of all the machining they do that on their side underneath here is 7 Tesla modules it's not just wasted space so you know we've been a full 16 pack in here Wow Devin up in went on it went up here we've kept some under the floor some in the trunk something like the rear package Travie we put it all over sighs yeah when you're walking like you know the customer one in the back seat you know he's I think he's got like he wanted everything to be normal right so I mean he's got every bit of space that he would have had before as a gas car so one thing that jumps out at me is I know these are the power cables and they've actually gone and shielded them with what looks like an old-school fabric yeah covering which really mimics like a cooling line or of something else that you would see in an old car that was the other one that Jonathan was like hey can we put these on there and you know I said yes yeah that was that actually was a lot more work than you ever could have imagined sweating that many feet of cable through that stuff I can imagine yeah I mean and it carries on like even into the back where it's gonna disappear it goes all the way down to the motor you know all the way to the front here you know so the underside of all this is for the 12-volt system that's great yeah cuz it's it's kind of buried in the you know an offender so man you don't have to like access it this car is really cool and so you guys were basically solely responsible for making it an electric vehicle yeah we had a big part in it oh he designed the you know underneath the hood like what that engine block was gonna look like but I don't remember any 49s having one of those No wha we we had an artist of Jonathan's actually do the graphics and then this is an in drama to display and so the dominant displays they've always been really good to us and willing to help us for these like crazy one-off projects and so they they made it they made it work so it's got sixteen thousand miles on it it's got a 95 percent battery charge and it has a very old-school lookin dial which is so neat if you look at the mercury gauges they're close to that and like you said you were able to retain the back seats which is really cool you know when you start adding batteries that that space goes away really fast well originally this build was the batteries are supposed to be in the back seat like a good majority of we're in you know right so I'm we're gonna go front just to balance it but like we were I wanted to just ditch the seat yeah and I left icon month or two they were working on some stuff and they come back and we but the batteries underneath the car we're putting in today like oh no but I mean now that it's you know now that su pulled it off John it's it was worth it but it was a you know a lot more work to have it that way such a cool vehicle you know I can't afford buy for obviously does a really good job with the patina and keeping the outside looking old but modernizing all of the systems and everything and so this is the ultimate in modernization you have an electric 49 Merc with all the goodies and one of my favorite things like there's a lot of details in these builds one of my favorite things are like these little emblems they custom make and I really like a little lizard on the hood it's just a cool touch I don't know how that's fastened but oh no it's got bolts through it has pretty cool like you know you know if you look at our Instagram I don't know how many posts ago it was but it's just the bare frame with the more you know already mounted oh wow so we'll drop the Instagram right there guys go check it out if you're interested in more on this build there's a what is it a bear photo of the chassis itself which is pretty cool I'm actually gonna check that out too sweet well thanks for sticking around guys we hope you enjoyed this little easter egg at the end of our video we'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: throtl
Views: 809,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: throtl, throttl, throtl.com, tesla, tesla swap, liberty walk, liberty walk 350z body kit, liberty walk 350z, nissan 350z liberty walk body kit, electric drift car, tesla hack, tesla hacked car, tesla rebuild, 350z build, 350z drift, 350z 2jz, nissan, nissan 370z, nissan 350z, tesla 350z, tj hunt, the huntquarters, liberty walk 370z, 350z, battery box, fabrication, mickey, mickey andrade, mishimoto, mishimotot 350z, peak auto, stealth ev, tesla battery breakdown
Id: ENu8uuPIss8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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