- This is really happening. Lincoln is all harnessed up. We got police. We've got a guy in a bucket. The green light is blue. Aah! What? - Today, we have this giant stoplight. Look how big it is. - This is an actual stoplight. - A stoplight is so much
bigger than I thought. It's so big. Look how big that is,
like a soccer ball maybe, even a basketball. - Through here. - Like 52, 51 inches. - Here's the question. Is a stoplight really this big, like one that is up on the pole? So we need to see if we can get up there and measure one of them. We have the key to the city
that the mayor gave us. - I would also like to
present Lincoln and Dan with their own key to the city. - Yes. I think it's time to call
in a favor from the mayor, and then we can come back
here and cut this thing open, take it apart, and see
what's inside of it. - Oh, I almost hit you. - It's a real thing. Keys to the city will get
you access to a stoplight. We got our mayor here. Mayor, we've got the key to
the city that you gave us. Can we cash it in and get some
help here for the stoplight? - You can cash it in, absolutely. For you, anything. - For us, anything. Do you hear that? (upbeat synthesizer music) - All right. Ready? - There it is. It's green! It is 50 1/2 inches. It's the same as the other one. - [Dan] How big is it? - 50 1/2 inches! - [Dan] How's the view from up there? - Cool! We did it. - [Dan] You're sure that
guy is recording, right? - [Dan] Yikes. - That was fun. Yeah? - [Dan] All the street lights just blew. They made a loud explosion noise in there and all of them went down. - [Repairman] What did you do? - What? - [Dan] I'm serious. They're all off. - How? - [Dan] All the street lights are now out, those ones, those ones,
these ones, and those ones. Seriously, all the lights are out now. - Did we like blow fuse or something? That's kinda scary. - I swear we didn't touch anything. I promise, city. Please don't take our
key to the city away. We didn't mean to hurt anything. We have police blocking the streets. Look at that. At first I thought, "Maybe we don't need the police so much." But now that the lights blew just randomly while we were here, I'm grateful for the police. Good news. I see red. Okay, red and green. Whew! We didn't shut the city down. I was mostly concerned that there was going to be
an accident that happened and it would've been on our watch. Okay, good news. Everything is fixed. The street lights are good. But what are we even looking at in here? What is this thing? Don't touch it. Sticks his hand in it. - The thing a lot of people
don't know about traffic signals is it's basically just a computer. That's what this big box is right here. It's just like your computer at home, it's just in a different case and has some different buttons on it. - Does it have a sensor so it
knows how many people are on, like, say, there's 10
cars that are waiting, or is it basically timed? - Contrary to belief, we
actually do monitor that, and that's what these
components are right here. This particular one, if you wanna turn around and look at it, _ - [Dan] Oh, yeah, that guy. - [_] It's a radar _ Same technology you use in your microwave. - What if there's a firetruck
driving down the street and it has its sirens, is there
something in the firetruck that makes the signal automatically
change to green for it? - Another great question. Remember growing up when they used to tell you that you could flash your lights and
make the lights change? You ever heard that one? - [Dan] Yeah. - Yeah, that doesn't actually work, but it comes from the system
that the fire department uses. It's what they call Opticom. This site doesn't have it, but a lot of the ones
down in Salt Lake do. It uses an infrared light. It will mount on the truck. And as it approaches an intersection, it blinks very, very fast. It will make the signal change to a pre-programmed set of times. - What's inside your traffic
stoplight box, computer box? So basically, it's a computer
with a bunch of sensors, and depending on how busy
the stoplight actually is, that makes the determination of which type of sensors do
we wanna have in here. I always wondered, how
do the sensors work? Do the firetrucks and police
officers have a special sensor? Now we know. Let's take apart our stoplight
and see what's inside of it. Here's the back of it. We have some kind of wires that must feed from the
pole down to the box that actually tells it what to do. It's actually, for structural
reasons to be held on. Oh. That looks blue. I'm sure it's green, but
it definitely looks blue. Blue, yellow, and red. Oh, we've got a wasp nest right there, a little dead wasp nest. - We confirmed that it's
about the same height. - So now it's time to
get inside of this thing. But first things first, I wanna cut off this giant
shade part that covers the light so we can get a good look at the light. (upbeat synthesizer music) We could've just unscrewed those screws and it would've come off. Clean off that light. It's kinda cool, clean like that. It's big, right? How big is it compared to Lincoln's head? Oh, it's bigger. If we put this on Lincoln's head, Lincoln's head is
smaller than a stoplight. Do you think people should
make stoplight hats? - You'd have to hold it. That'd be annoying. - [Dan] Now, I think if we
just unscrew these things, this will open up and we can see the internals of a stoplight and see really what's inside a stoplight. Now let's see what's
inside the red stoplight. What's inside? - It's a red light. - [Dan] Is it? Now, it's a white light. It's just a regular light. This is the red. This is what makes the color. This is just one. - That feels so cool. - That does feel cool inside of there. This is the light bulb. Let's take it out. The light bulb inside of
here is traffic, 8,000 hour, 69 watt, Sylvania base down, 130 volts, 640 L, whatever that is. Let's see what's behind this
giant reflective light cover. This is screwed, this is not screwed on. Oh, whoa! - [Lincoln] Whoa! - Yay! Now we see what's inside of it. - [Lincoln] It's red. So, the yellow that I always
call yellow is called amber. - Amber. Red, amber, and green. I think of amber, I think of
like sap from a tree color, like in Jurassic Park. - Or in Zelda, the mineral amber. - So it's pretty simple what's
inside of a traffic light, 'cause really, the
brains and the operation happen in that box
that's down by the street that we saw that exploded
while we were doing this video. But in here, it really just has
a white wire and a red wire. I think we need to take a
BB gun and shoot this glass, see if it'll break. (rhythmic synthesizer music) This is our really cheap little BB thing. Let's get a little BB in there. You have to pump it like 30 times. I have shot through our plastic fence. All right, hopefully
this does not ricochet and hit the camera, but here we go. - [Lincoln] Three, two, one. (glass cracks)
Shoot! - [Dan] Oh! It went through it! Look at that. Oh, look at the exit wound. It blew up pretty big. And then there's little
candy-looking things right here. Wait, but where did the bullet go? Did it go into there? I don't know what happened to the BB. Let's give it another shot.
- Yeah. - [Dan] You wanna shoot it? - No. - [Dan] Little BB. - [Lincoln] Three, oh.
(glass cracks) (glass cracking) - [Dan] I shot it a few more times. - My gosh. This is good. - [Dan] Aah! What? - [Lincoln] I had to. - [Dan] Good move. There we go. There's a thick piece of it. Come look at the green. I feel like the green is blue. - What? - [Dan] Doesn't that look blue? - What? - It looks like your shirt. Is the green light
really blue, and if not, why does it look blue to us? That is one thing we did
not research for this video. It looks so blue, like the sky. Why is it blue? It totally looks blue. That is blue. The green light is blue! Next time we drive down the
street and you see a stoplight-- - I will think that
the stoplight is giant. - [Dan] And you know how it works. Every one of them has
the same color bulb in it with a couple little wires. Whether it's red, amber, or green, this glass is what makes the difference. I hope you guys learned something today. Thank you to our city, to our
mayor, to the police officers. Let us know what else we
should what's inside of. Twilight zone. - What's that?