What's inside a Chainsaw?

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(chainsaw buzzing) (loud bang) (logo chiming) - Welcome back to "What's Inside?". I'm Lincoln and this is Dan, and today we're gonna see what's inside a chainsaw. - This is in honor of the Team Trees' save the planet, plant 20 million trees, MrBeast's 20 million subscriber special. We thought let's do a chainsaw because we're not planting a tree here, but we're destroying the thing that destroys trees. That kinda makes sense. If you wanna donate, we'll put a link in the description. So Lincoln grab this orange sheath off of here. This is the biggest chainsaw that I could find. Look at that blade. - That is huge. - Massive teeth. Oh, and this is filmed in VR180, so make sure you take your settings right now, and bump it up to 4K, or if you have a headset you can put that on. But, make sure it's the highest quality possible, because this is gonna look amazing. We're gonna take this, and cut these dressers. This one from behind. Maybe this one, with the glass right here, we're gonna cut right down the middle. And if you know anything about me, you know that I'm not that great with tools, so I got my friend Bobby that's going to help us do this because he's lived in Oregon, and cut down lots of trees. - Yeah. - Wildfires are getting out of control sometimes, because there's so many dead trees, because we're not letting things burn. And so, chainsaws can be a good thing. Even though we're gonna take this thing apart, and see how it works, and take it out of the world, they're not like, bad things. (engine revving) Hey! (chainsaw drowns out dialogue) Let's back away, Lincoln. (chainsaw buzzing) (motor revving) - We lost the chain! Woo hoo! - I wonder can we rip this in half. - That is the crazy thing, it went all the way through at one point. It didn't get the very, very top. But what happened to the chain here? Did it hit the metal? (faintly speaking) Surprise alert, chainsaws have chains on them. (laughing) Ow! And they're very hot after they've been cutting things. But this is the chain. It just has these giant grooves in it, and there is some metal inside of this thing. There's potential that we hit it. But, we should be able-- Bobby can we still put the chain back on? - Yeah (faintly speaking) come apart. - Let's let it cool down. The way that the chainsaw works is we've got this giant chain right here that goes on this, and this motor just spins it around. Well, the chain came off, maybe we didn't have it tight enough, maybe it hit some metal, something. - Does this happen often? - It can, not supposed too. That's the dangerous part, is when it comes off. - Really? - Yeah. - Oh yeah, it like goes down into that groove, it has these little circles in it and it goes right into the groove. Oh man that's intense. So Bobby's been working on this for about 30 minutes, we've grinded down some of the different knobs on this but... Is it gonna work? - Nope, the chains bad. - That's so dumb, because it's like we've cut like half of the little dresser. - That's it. - That's nothing. - Wait, so when the chain came off, the part that's on the track, they got bent somehow on the wood. And so, we either need to continue angle grinding this chain, or we have to go get a new chain and put it on here. This part of it, the actual chainsaw, should be fine. It's so stupid. This is so brand new. Like what do you do when you're out in the middle of the forest, and you've gotta go and all of a sudden that happens. Do you have like an extra chain in your back pocket? So we bought these things just to destroy the chainsaw, and now unfortunately, this is the only way to destroy it. (glass breaks) - That worked. - It actually looked cooler than doing it the other way. - Yeah. - Chainsaws. (chainsaw motor revving) (dance music) Chainsaw on the loose. Check it out, we got the glass here. (glass breaking) That is not safety glass. (classical music) Oh my gosh, it's like it smashing a bug. There's the outside, if you remember where the chain goes, right along that and we were like "Inside there is a giant motor". Look at this. We should've brought that Tesla engine here. - Oh yeah. - We could've got right into that last part that we couldn't get in to. I'd say you effectively got inside of it. (classical music) The CAT did the job. So if you haven't already, Team Trees, every dollar goes to what? - A tree. - A tree. And thank you MrBeast, Mark Rober, Destin from Smarter Every Day for organizing this. Thanks for watching. VR180. This is really cool technology. What else should we do in VR180? - And I still really like this yo-yo. (whistles) - So apparently, there's a gun range. You can kind of hear it in the distance. It's straight down there, but it's a shot gun range. So those bullets shouldn't be making their way all the way to us. - [Lincoln] But they are shooting in our direction. - It's a little concerning. I mean, I'm currently more worried about this chainsaw hurting somebody than the bullets, but that is a little strange.
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 573,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what's inside a chainsaw?, chainsaw, stihl, stihl chainsaw, saw, chain saw, power tools, chainsaw review, what's inside, vr video, vr180 videos, vr180 camera, vr180, stihl chainsaw teardown, electric chainsaw teardown, chainsaw stihl, teamtrees
Id: TaDLbC37vss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 17sec (437 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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