Whats inside a BLADELESS Fan?

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- Have you had problems with your fans? Have you had unpleasant sensations? Well today, we are going to fix all those problems with a bladeless fan. And show you -- - We are not going to have any unpleasant... What's it called? - This is not sponsored by Dyson, by the way. We just thought it looked really cool. (mechanic whirring) (electronic music) - Welcome back to What's Inside, I'm Lincoln, and this is Dan, and today we have this awesome bladeless fan. - Super mysterious. How does a fan work without a blade? - Quieter. - I think it's pretty funny, it says it's 75% quieter. - Quiet, please. - Blades cause choppy air. The blades on conventional fans chop the air before it hits you, creating an unpleasant sensation. The only unpleasant sensations with air today is going to be from Lincoln's bum. - Oh. Okay. Don't, no! - Unboxing, right here. And let me see that one, two click. Alright, here we go. It has-- You basically get it out the box, and you just have this as a one, let me see that one, two click. Click. Isn't that a song? - No? Ta-dah! - Look how nice that is. Does that feel pleasant? Here, let's plug it in. I'm excited to see this, we've never actually used one of these things! And then the one we get, we're gonna destroy. (dour piano music) Ten, it says ten on it. (fan whirs) Do you feel it? - It's not choppy! - Oh, it's going toward the camera. It's probably super loud. Is that pleasant? - Smells like cardboard. - Whoa. That is pleasant. Oh, that feels nice. His heads in the fan! You know what they say about when your head hits the fan. Sometimes it just hits the fan. - Pleasant air. - Even if we stick this in it, nothing. Nothing, it's still blowing air everywhere. Do you feel that, in the camera? Do you guys feel that? No, you don't. How can we show this blowing air, here. Pleasant. ♫ I know you won't let me What is inside of the bladeless fan? How does it make such pleasant air? Would you like a fan that can turn? This is the personal size one, so I think it's like, for people in their office. Sometimes people have that problem where you put your fingers in the fan. (metallic clang) (screaming) Not gonna do that. - Wait, what? - I thought this was loose. Oh, what is that? You can make it point up or down just by sliding it. - That is awesome. - Sometimes with regular fans, when you talk into it, it makes a weird noise. - When you talk, it sounds like you're on helium! - Luke, I am your father. - Hello, is it making a weird noise? No. - No, you're just talking weird. - Oh yeah, I'm just talking weird. Hi, is this a weird noise? No, it doesn't do it. (upbeat orchestral music) Well, that was fun. Lincoln, we're done with the time lapse. Come on, get up. I'm gonna try taking it apart with my hands a little bit, and then once that does not work, I have some tools. - (screaming) Whoa. - Here's the inside of the fan. As you can see-- - Yeah, if you look at that, and you're just like, "Wait, that doesn't look like the inside--" (fan whirs) - See that? You can't even see the blades. We're doing something we don't usually do. We are going to use a screwdriver. But that's because I want to be able to see this fan functioning still, with some of the top layers off of it. Thanks to our friends at IFIXIT for sending us this toolkit. - I fix it! I fix it, but we don't fix it, we destroy it. - That's hilarious. The first thing that's coming out is this part right here. It had one screw attached to it. Let's take the second one off. We gotta find the blade. You can't call it a bladeless fan and then have blades inside of it. Wow, that's a long one. Look at that. - [Lincoln] There's the fan! - [Dan] I don't know that that's the fan yet. - [Lincoln] Oh. I think not. (machine whirs) - [Dan] Where's the fan? (machine grinds) Whoa! (talking drowned out by machine) Okay, alright. - Okay! - Oh, don't touch it, careful! (electrical grinding noises) - Ow! (electrical grinding noises) - It's like you're at the dentist. Okay, I am fascinated by this. Isn't that so cool? This is the blade, it's not really a blade, though. It's this spinning jet thing. Like, see the bottom of it? - (whirring noises) See that, and the air gets sucked up into there? Take a look inside of there. Nothing really, it's just a little home base for it sit. So this little jet propeller really does all of it. What happens if we put something in there, like vegetables or fruit or something? - We're gonna put cheese! - It is time to cut the cheese. - Still don't know what that means. - You've never heard that saying before? Let's tell in the comments what it actually means, so Lincoln knows, okay? - Okay. - Cause we're about to cut it. We're gonna rip it. - We're gonna sling it. (machine whirring) (shrieks) (machine whirring) - That did not cut the cheese, that cut my pinkie. I caught my pinkie in it! - Is it bleeding? - No, it looks deep though. Cut the cheese, take two. Oh, no. (sad piano music) Oh, no, now it's saying F4. Stop saying F4. Come on, we just want to cut the cheese. It'll be so great. We are having some serious problems with this. I'm trying to lift it out, cause it's not wanting to go. Okay, we've got the base of it out, almost. Oh, hey, there we go. All the wires look like they're in the right place. Oh, man, almost had the cheese. These wires look like they're still in good shape, but the fan is smart enough to know that somebody is tampering with it. This fan spins incredibly well, though. Well, now that we have effectively killed the fan, it makes me want to buy another one, just so we can cut the cheese. Lincoln loves cutting the cheese. - Yeah. - It's like his favorite thing. That's why this fan's perfect, cause it's pleasant air. Okay, here's the top part that spins. It has a little cushiony part so it doesn't wobble-- - That part's broken. - I'm sure this is so that it doesn't rattle around and make noises, and then that's the motor. We found the actual giant motor. Check that out, let's try it again. Plug it in. We got it to work! - I know! - Oh my gosh, but the protective cover is off. Whoa, you try to move it, it's like a-- what are those things that spin? Those tops, like a top? - Yeah, just top. - Okay, it works. But it is very dangerous, do not try this at home. We gotta cut the cheese. (electronic buzzing) Okay. - I'm getting down. - I got cheese in my eye, on that one. (upbeat rock music) (laughing) - [Lincoln] No! - Oh my gosh. - [Lincoln] Wait, is this all cheese? - This is all cheese. - [Lincoln] Oh no, this is all cheese on the table. - [Dan] That is how you grate the cheese. - [Lincoln] Cheese! It's cut nicely. - [Dan] Your mom is going to be so happy that all this cheese is all over the place. (plastic smashing) These teeth, it has like these sharp teeth. That's what made the cheese come off, and also made part of my finger come off. This is one of the first injuries that we've had in our entire three years of doing What's Inside videos. My poor little pinkie. That's pretty good for three years of working, but the bladeless fan finally did us in. It has a jet engine inside of it with little blades right there. What do you think cut the cheese means? - I don't know. - (laughs) I need to clean up this grated cheese before Leslie wakes up from her nap and comes down and sees what we did. - That was super cool. It is a bladeless fan, there's no blades. It's just this motor. - Very safe fan, unless you start taking it apart. Then it is not safe, it is very unsafe. Super fun, super not sponsored, we just thought this was fun. So if you're looking for a fun gift for Christmas for somebody that likes pleasant air, we'll put a link in the description to where we got this. - Bye! (upbeat electronic music) (singing) - Okay, here we go, here we go. Alright, that is a wrap. Another video done, I like it. - [Lincoln] Woo-hoo!
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 3,642,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what's inside a bladeless fan?, fan, dyson, air, engineering, bladeless, technology, cool, video, blow, review, bladeless fan, science, how, design, cold, fresh, motor, how it works, electrical, tool, teardown, explained, dyson fan, inside, what's inside, appliance, invention, vacuume, educational, education, whats inside, cutting things open, cut in half, cut open, tech, unboxing
Id: 2Wnep79ULAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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