A walk in the garden for two / Family Lake Fun / How to dehydrate Homemade Croutons/Bread Crumbs

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[Music] welcome to wherwell holler I'm Miss Lori and this is Mr Brown we live in the hills of Arkansas we love the Lord keepers are the old way but accept some of the new we love to cook and we love to eat we love to Garden it's in our blood it's how we stay sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live with sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us [Music] [Music] [Music] so I want to show youall around just a little bit I want you to look at this sweet little water can antique it's got oregano in it this was given to me for my retirement and it's I love it this is some of my hens and chicks and I need to kind of I need to start some more I need to take some out and start another one or two and back here in this chicken feeder that I got at a flea market I'm planting succulents in it I need to get me a few more to fill in the spaces but I just love it I love stuff like this and this over here is just a hot podge of a little bit of everything this is an old baby pig feeder that was bought for me a flea market and I've got succulents in it and a Vine and there's roses and um elephant ears my granddaughter planted some zenas in that little bucket and I've got a bunch of zenas planted in this Wash Tub and it has mint and there's just a lot going on in here and the Roses they really bloomed and bloomed and now they kind of quit and this has got a h hodg podge of a bunch of stuff too it's even got some wild flowers in it that I just let them grow and and Bloom it's got Hostess and Ferns and it's got some Lantana and roses and just all kinds of stuff going on in it I need to really get in there and clean it up a little bit but I love this old stuff sitting around I guess I've just got an old vintage sole I've got a and we're big on rocks around here as you can tell this right here is a beautiful hrer Bush that last spring I planted it and it was just a stick of a bush and I want you to look how much it has grown since this spring it has just absolutely taken off and I hope it gets huge but when it started blooming it was just Snow White blooms and now the blooms are turning pink and I just think they're beautiful and I do I hope this bush just keeps it growing and growing and getting so big cuz I absolutely love it I had just like I said I just bought one little stick it was just a little stick that I bought and I planted there and this is what it's turned out to be it's beautiful I did not know that the blooms would turn pink though and we have tree stance everywhere on this place this was uh a lot of Timber in here and we've had to cut a lot of trees down that were dead and we just leave the stumps and I just put little Planters on them with flowers and stuff there's some purple irises that have come back up some wild uh plants that are coming up and I like planting stuff in between the Rocks I think it looks more natural when we bought this place it's just full of big rocks and my baby chickens they think they had to be around me if I'm outside and they get into everything you got to shoe them off but they'll be laying me some eggs pretty soon and this is one of my old hens she's pretty this is Lamb's Ear this just grew in by itself in this little planter the Le these are so soft they used to use this just like you would toilet paper this bed right here is in front of my greenhouse and I don't know if y'all remember but last year it was full of Zenus this year it looks like it's full of grass and weeds but what it is is I took a couple big packages of wild flowers and I just strowed them all over this bed so it's full of wild flowers that haven't bloomed yet but I've done that for the bees and my butterflies you see some of them are starting to bloom and there is some uh B balm and there's some cone flour in here too but it is that's just full of wild flowers and I'm excited for them all to start blooming I wanted to show you my sweet potatoes now y'all see me planting my sweet potatoes so um over a month ago but you can see they're doing good they're they're crawling up they're Vining and I want them to crawl up my trellis and that's what they're doing the the leaves look good and healthy and you can eat the leaves of your uh sweet potato vine and I know you look at this you say boy there's a lot of grass out in that Garden but that grass is put nutrients back into our soil if that was be ground it would just deplete itself of any kind of nutrients and Danny's potatoes are doing pretty good we won't be digging those till about around the 4th of July some of them are starting to bloom so we'll have some potatoes pretty soon our green beans are starting to come up we are lighter than other people in plan in our garden so we've got green beans and okra the okra really come up good and these are the two troughs that used to be out in front of the house and this is where I planted tons of zenas and this is my first one that bloomed is it so pretty such pretty colors but I can't wait for them all to start blooming because I planted all these so I could have cut flowers for inside the house and uh these will as long as I I cut them and they'll keep blooming they'll keep putting on zenas and keep Bloom and Plum up to First Frost so I'll have cut flowers for months and months this little bed here I just I didn't plant much in it I just planted this squash and then I planted all the maros around it to help the bugs and then I planted another squash plant to come later on I don't like all my squash to come off at once and this bed here it's in front of my Greenhouse or my not my Greenhouse but my high tunnel and it is full of just um herbs and manable plants herbs um things that I plant for my bees and my butterflies it's just full and it's full of oregano and uh spearmint some of the stuff have been here planted for years and I took the plastic off my high tunnel um I'm probably going to have to pretty soon put my shake cloth up I need to plant some flowers in that container and back there you can see my cucumbers and my green beans and um I got squash and I've got B bomb back there in that container is full here is some Yaro and different uh wild flowers and ible uh plants that I have planted from seed that's coming up I love having stuff for my bees and my butterflies and this is a yellow y yarao there's different color yaros look how pretty isn't that the prettiest blush pink or salmon color so if my cucumbers put off really good like it looks like they're going to we're going to have plenty of cucumbers me and Danny like raw cucumbers and our salads and just to eat with ranch dip we're not big pickle eaters though usually when I make relish and stuff I actually use my zucchini and squash to make relish and I do have videos on that so I just have my cucumbers just climbing up this small trellis here and that's all the Cucumbers that I planted for this year but it will be plenty for us I use de on um if there's something like bugs or something getting on my cabbage and stuff that is my muscadine Vine and I've got some um turkey purple tomatoes planted under them so that vine will kind of help shade my tomatoes just a little bit because the sun really Bears down right here on this corner and Danny loves Cherokee purple tomatoes y'all you can't go camping without Paul's coffee his Cowboy Coffee and he's got to have that fire just right because that coffee's got a perk for good 5 minutes to make it perfect Paul loves his first cup of coffee in the morning that's his first cup and the sun is shining on him he's ready for the day now so we're going to get ready and go to the lake here in a little bit but not till after we cook up a bunch of bacon and make some french toast for breakfast and we're heading down to the lake for the kids to play and of course for Paul to play too I'm really surprised y'all that Paul got in that Lake it was a little bit cold but he done it and if you look behind him that is the aqua park that's fixing to open up about uh little after 12 and all these kids are going to run over there and they're going to play on that Aqua Park it's only open certain time during the day it's part of their Resort but you do have to buy a ticket for it and it's different prices on different days look at Paul he's got a rough life really nice Beach we are camping at Crown lake at Horseshoe bin Arkansas it has a wonderful RV park it's clean it's got a wonderful store it's got a a walking path and all kinds of things for kids to do it's got a little house and cabins to rent things to do on the lake you've got a outdoor pool and a beautiful beach beautiful white sand P put golf indoor pool a hot tub and just being out with nature so if you like the outdoors Crown lake at horse you in Arkansas watch the sun go down or sit on the beach it's a wonderful place to take your [Music] family you see rer I can't see who he is where he's at now he's right there Levi's getting up Levi's getting up I say they're going to go to a side Rock he crawl he don't have no balance where'd Levi go he's in left him where he is rock is so short legged [Music] is Le back is he going up there I've lost him I've lost Le he went behind the there he down he must have fell in the water too I think rocker fell in or is he it where's he at on top slide I think it's him yeah it's him where'd he go oh disappear in the water I figure he don't like that life jacket it kind of hinders you okay Levi's going up the Rope Rope did rocker get up there he is come on leevi get up there oops The Rocker fall in the water they go they get faster they get it wet he's trying he's trying to get up the oh you can jump off there [Music] whenever I'm in Walmart I always go by and look at the bread that they put on sale they always have seems like french bread and these were 27 cents a loaf and um they weren't even out of date they had another day before they be out of date and I put them in the freezer when I got home and I took them out and now I'm going to make some croutons out of them these French breads like this make the croutons and um I mean you can't beat it you know when they're 27 cents how can you beat that price so I can um I can chunk these up into Crouton size pieces and I can have a lot of croutons made up my family love homeade croutons and um with these croutons you can also make like bread stuffing you can make um you can grind them up in your processor and make breadcrumbs and that's what I'm going to do with some of mine because I do use breadcrumbs in a lot of my recipes so you got three different things that you can use these for salads bread stuffing and breadcrumbs I also end up using probably if if I ever have any homemade bread left that's um which ain't very often but if I do you know homemade bread doesn't it gets uh dried out pretty fast gets still before your store bought because it don't have any preservatives in it and if I have a hunk of it left and I'm needing some croutons I just cut it up just like I'm doing this French bread and uh make some homemade croutons out of them and they're delicious too you can cut these up in any bite-sized pieces you want we do like ours kind of kind of big anywhere from a half an inch to an inch we like them big croutons now if I make homemade croutons at the family's coming over and I'm making a salad and I'm making homemade croutons you see some of them are pretty big but that's okay and you want to get them pretty much the same size if you can but I'll make um some homemade croutons and what I'll do is I'll toss them in a little bit of olive oil and some seasoning like parmesan garlic Italian seasoning and I'll either toast them up in a skillet or I'll stick them in the oven but I'm not going to do these with olive oil because I want these for longterm storage and if you put oil on them olive oil or any kind of oil on them and then try to keep them for long-term storage you see how big those are um they could go rancid on you so I'm not going to put any oil on them I will put a little bit of seasoning on some of them not all of them but uh I'll just put them on there and hope for the best that some of the seasoning will stick to it my kids and grandkids they love to come over for Sunday dinner and see the homemade croutons and the homemade ranch dressing they love it so I've just got one of the racks that come out of my dehydrator and I'm just going to place the pieces on here in one layer you don't want to double layer them or anything like that so A while back I bought me a new dehydrator I had my old ones um I've had them for years and um in fact I give one of them away because I wanted a bigger one I wanted a a different different kind this is a what I bought was a Denali and if you know anything about Denali they make canning products like uh canning lids and stuff like that but now they have a dehydrator and I read the reviews on it and it really got good reviews so I thought well I'm just going to try this one and I'm I'm really pleased with it I really like this dehydrator so I'm just going to continue to cut up my red and put put it on my racks and I found a piece of homade bread and you see it's just the end hunk of it and it is kind of drying out so I think I'm going to slice it up and chunk it up in croutons we've been eating on this bread all week making sandwiches and toast and I think the grand kids got a hold of it while it was still hot you know still warm they love when that hot bread comes out in the oven and they don't even want me to wait very long this one I made in the breading machine and it just it turns out so good every time and I don't have to heat the house up makes really good sandwich bread my two favorite ways anymore of making homemade bread is either in my wood cook stove during the winter in the summertime anymore I love making it in the bread machine because I do not have to turn my oven on it'll heat your house up in no time do y'all like homeade croutons I'm surprised I mean those I have ate them out of the store and some of them I'm telling you are so hard I can't even bite into them especially with my dentures I cannot bite into them and these here get really really crunchy and dry too but they don't seem to be as hard as on you buy in the grocery store and you can take these croutons like during the summertime when you're getting fresh tomatoes make sure you got some of these croutons with diced up with a chunked up tomato um it's really good with a little bit of Italian seasoning and salt and pepper now I'm going to take the rest of my croutons that I have left over and I am going to season them but I'm not going to put any oil on it so I'm just going to hope for the best I've got just about a cup almost a cup of Parmesan and I've got two teaspoons of Italian seasoning and I think what I'm going to do is get me a little bit of garlic to put on it too I think that'll be good not very much probably just about teaspoon teaspoon and a half or so and just mix that up good so I'm just going to sprinkle it over my bread and uh mix it up really good and just hope for the best that most of the croutons will get the seasoning and and all that on it and and tastes really good I just don't want to take the chance of putting oil on it and it um it you know putting it up and not eating them fast enough and then getting rancid I mean that's just a waste of money and time so I'm just going to do it this way now my dehydrator has a a tray that goes in the bottom of the dehydrator that catches any kind of crumbs like bread crumbs or seasoning or anything that way you can take that bottom tray out solid tray and uh just wash it there's already a little bit of break crumbs in the bottom of this bow okay I've got all of my bread cut up and in my dehydrator my Denali dehydrator it's a six trays I'm doing it at 149Β° for 4 hours and they should be perfect but I really do love this thing it's easy to work it does a great job and um I mean it's long but uh it's not wide so it won't really take up a lot of room on your counter but I've got mine up here on the on my top shelf I can reach it and it just uh kind of hangs out there it's easy to get to and use now here is our our bread after we've dehydrated it and you can see see and probably I don't know if you can hear that or not how how um crunchy that is how that is so that's dry that is completely dry there's no moisture inside this and that's what you want for them to uh especially to keep longer in your shelf so I can use these on a salad like croutons um you can make bread stuffing out of these and what I'm going to show you is I do use breadcrumbs every once in a while for for different recipes so you can make these into breadcrumbs really easy so I've just got my small um little bunder here but what I'm going to my processor and I'm just going to take um sometimes a ratio of a cup of these to make a cup of breadcrumbs doesn't always work out so I just usually get a handful a couple hand fs and I go ahead now if I want to make enough to store I just get me a a mason jar with a good lid and just as long as these are completely dry through and through you're going to be okay and they're going to be shelf stable for quite a while and you can even put these in maybe myar bags or something like that or um your vacuum seal bags that would be really good too but what I'll do and I've just got it in one of these with a lid on it but since I've got them done what I'm going to do is I'm going to make me some breadcrumbs plus I'm going to find me a quart jar or a or maybe a half a gallon jar and put the rest of my croutons in there so they'll last me on the Shelf I know with them being dry like this that it'll last me a couple of months but I don't figure I'm going to have them that long cuz we do eat salads and when I have the kids over they absolutely love homemade croutons and homemade ranch dressing so I'm just going to take a couple handfuls and put them in my processor I don't like to fill it up completely cuz sometimes one that's small kind of gets um is hard on it now if you're making breadcrumbs to uh to put in a meatloaf or something like that you don't have to do it as fine but if you're wanting it to make like a chicken parmesan or something like that you do want it ground up kind of fine and there's nothing any better than homemade breadcrumbs when you need it in a some kind of recipe so I'm just going to take it out and uh put it in my my little mason jar here I'm going to do another handful and you can do you can do enough to um I'll probably do enough to fill up my my mason jar it's what I'll do that way I'll have [Applause] it and um usually if I'm making chicken parm or something like that depends on how many I'm feeding I could use this whole this whole Mason Jar full when I'm feeding quite a few [Applause] people now the ones that I had put um a little bit of Parmesan all that on there they're in here too so it's going to be good either on the salad or already seasoned up for my U breadcrumbs but I also like to add just a little more to it I like to add a little more oregano and parm to it when I'm making chicken parm okay what I'm going to do is you add whatever spices that you know that you want in whatever recipe you're using and I'm going to put in probably a teaspoon of garlic powder and then I've got this says oregano on it but this is what I when I um when I harvest my herbs basil rosemary thyme oregano I put it in a coffee grinder and I grind it all up together and then I put it in here so this is pretty much my homemade Italian seasoning and I don't really measure out I just kind of grind it put some in there and grind it up and that's what I go with but I'm going to put a couple teaspoons of my Italian seasoning in that you know what I'm going to put three I'm going to put three about three teaspoons and then I'm just going to shake it up real good now I will put parmesan in here but because I try to use um fresh parmesan if I can find it I put it in last when I right before I'm I'm going to use my breadcrumbs I will grate up some Parmesan and put in here now if you're not going to be using this pretty quick this will stay good in a good seal jar for a couple weeks um I know in the summertime our home s seem to be humid especially here in Arkansas um you could keep it in the refrigerator but it could draw moisture in there too you could I the best bet would be if you make a bunch of it up put it in the freezer just like you would bread so there it is that is my homemade breadcrumbs so so many things you can do when you dehydrate bread for croutons for your salads for breadcrumbs for making stuffing just whatever it's a good Frugal idea and it's delicious too well I hope that y'all had a wonderful weekend and um me and me and Danny's kind of been aw for the last couple weeks but uh we're back home right now for a little while and uh we got a lot to catch up on the garden and uh things here at the house and of course I'm retired now and uh it hasn't sunk in yet but I know I'm going to have a lot more time to get things done and not be in such a a stressed out anxiety uh mess just trying to keep everything going um Mr Brown helps me a lot but you know it's it's a job and I'm going to be here more for y'all too so that right there makes me really happy but anyways I just want to come in because this is what I was doing so if I'm doing something I might as well just bring y'all here with me in the kitchen and uh making these homemade croutons was number one on my list for this week and uh getting that done because I had that bread that I bought cheap and then I had some of that homemade bread left over and um so there you go gives y'all an idea of a homemade better for you and Frugal so a little walk around in the garden um we're not putting in a bigest garden this year because we're going to be doing some traveling but we won't I cannot have a garden I need to come home and be in my garden so yeah and just little bits and pieces but I just wanted to come be with y'all so we will be back I'm going to do some recipes here this week too of y'all absolutely love our cooking for two so we're going to be doing that this week too and um I really don't know what else Danny won't be digging potatoes till around the 4th of July so uh we had to replant the green beans I done told y' all that but it's just busy busy just like it is at your house so y'all have a wonderful wonderful week be safe be blessed and uh we'll be back in a few days we love y'all so much I've climbed the mountains in Montana danced in the lights of New Orleans pour and Rain away with me and San Francisco stayed with me Nashville made it
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 23,103
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Id: ZfTnNOhvbIM
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Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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