what's in my bag 2023: everyday essentials for on the go ◡̈

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[Music] foreign okay hey guys what's going on and welcome back to my Channel today I thought it would be kind of fun to do a little what's in my bag video I'm honestly one of those people that keeps everything in their bag I love being that friend in the group that just has everything that everyone needs all the time so I think I've accumulated a bunch of stuff in here and I thought it would be fun just to kind of give you guys a peek into what I carry around with me and then give you guys a little bit of insight into what I think is definitely like a must-have essential if you're carrying a bag around with you but first off I get tons of questions about this bag I am so in love with it I found it at Savers I think like three or four weeks ago my boyfriend was actually the one to find it he brought it over to me and was like is this like a bag you would like and I was like yeah that's definitely a bag of like so that's where I got it from and I get tons of questions about where it's from but unfortunately this little leather tag on the bag has either worn down or it just didn't have like the name thing attached to it so I haven't been able to find out where this bag is from so I'm sorry about that I feel so bad because it's definitely a bag that I think is super great and it's something that I can carry around around with me every day and like have no issue with it so if I'm able to find something similar I'll link it down below for you guys but that is kind of what we're working with the first thing I keep in my bag is my Kindle I recently did the whole decorating your Kindle thing I even put like a little pop socket on it and I think that it is so cute I think you're supposed to tape these stickers onto the back of the Kindle so they don't move around but I did not do that because I was worried about it like leaving a Mark or something so they do move around a little bit but honestly not a big deal to me I think it's just a cute way to personalize your Kindle and I think that carrying a Kindle around with you or any book for that matter has really been great for me especially since I've been trying to stay off my phone I'm somebody who if I'm in public and I feel awkward or I don't know what to do with like my hands I'll reach for my phone and I'll start scrolling or something so having a Kindle on me or just any book for that matter has been so helpful with that I definitely feel preferential to the Kindle carrying this one around just because I feel like sometimes carrying around a regular book can get too big or bulky and this is just so thin that I feel like it goes into any bag really easily next up we we have my glasses case I got this off of etsy as well I think there were multiple listings for it so if there are again I'm just going to link everything down below but in my little glasses case I carry two glasses with me all the time one pair of sunglasses and then one pair of like prescription glasses this one obviously so if my contacts get itchy or if my regular glasses break for whatever reason I always have a backup and then sunglasses in case I need them or I forget them with like my outfit or something I really like just having backup pairs always with me in my purse the next thing I have is a portable charger and then of course like a charger cord for it this specific one is from the brand morphe I think I got this as a gift at some point I'm pretty sure my mom has the same one so I think we got them together before a trip we went on but I like this one because it holds a charge for really long I also really like that it has the USB and the USC I think it's USC just the different like cable core things because these new cords for my phone don't work with the USB so I feel like that's convenience and then it does hold a good charge so if I'm out and about all day I need to recharge my phone I have this or if someone else needs it I can lend it to them I think it's really small and compact which was really nice and especially if I know I'm not going to be in house all day this is definitely a must-have for me next up is a little hand cream this is a goat milk one it smells really good and I feel like it's really soothing especially if you're someone who gets like dry hands like here during the summer so always carrying around this with me then of course I have my wallets I got this off of etsy I did not see multiple listings for it but I'm sure you can find like a similar one to it I really like this one because it had a little coin purse thing on the back and then this part opens up to reveal all of your cards and stuff and I just love the color and the style of it I had one of those flat wallets I'll insert a picture here so you guys can remember what I'm talking about but I have one of those wallets for a really long time just because they were so thin and I wasn't really carrying around a bigger purse like this so those were what worked for me for a long time but I have since upgraded to this little mini wallet and I absolutely love it okay I am someone who has as so many of these little pouches I got these at an art fair I think like two years ago or so and I got like four of them because I just loved all the patterns that the booth had and so I got a bunch of them and I used these for everything if you're someone who carries around a bigger purse or if you just don't have a lot of organization like sections inside of your bag I would definitely recommend picking up a few pouches or you can even try making them yourself as soon as I started sewing more I was able to make some of these pouches for myself and I feel like they're just so convenient to keep in your bag keep things organized I just love them first thing in my pouch is my little powder set this one is brutal I've had this for so long and it's like that thing where you just have it with you all the time in case you need to do like a little touch up I'm fairly sure this one was from Maybelline and I just put some stickers on it or something to make it a little bit cuter then in the pouch I have my extra contact lens and then some eye drops I feel like if I carry around a lipstick in my bag sometimes I'll throw it in here if I don't want to throw it at the bottom of my bag but honestly this is great if you're good at keeping things organized because sometimes I have to go through my bag and find any of like the loose items in there and then reorganize it like if I'm being honest this hand cream should be in there and that's just how I keep things a little bit more organized okay the next thing I see in here is another little hand cream thing and then what appears to be another contact so I'll stick that in the bag but this is the universal mushroom body solve from Rainbow I can't remember what website I picked this up off of in specific but I know if you look this up it does come up and this is one of those things that I don't use all the time unless my hands are really clean I'm really picky about like if I'm out and about I'm obviously not going to take like my dirty hands and then touch a solve like this so I usually just opt for my hand cream but this stuff is my second purchase of it because it works so well I find that it really just relieves any sort of dry cracks that you might have and it's just really soothing so I really love that so yeah I don't know keeping this in my purse is the best idea the one that I used most often I kept in my bathroom room and I would use it like after a shower or something so I thought why not just those one in my purse but honestly because of the whole like clean hand thing I just don't use it as often let's stick this in here keeping up with that organization the next thing in my bag is my little mini Altoid tin or I guess not mini just the regular size one but I carry Altoids tins around with me all the time for both the mints because I really like them and then also after I eat everything in them because I think they make great little boxes so I keep a couple of different things in my little tin here I started to decorate the outside and like the inside here with different stickers but I found that just like the wear and tear of it being in my bag it kind of wore some of them off so I think I'm going to reserve decorating it to the interior I have been wanting to get like a little piece of mirror to keep in here as well but for right now I just have this cute little stamp and then in this box I keep two hair ties one bigger one one smaller one I keep a ring in case we find any geocaches and I need to leave something to swap with have one of my crystals this Burt's Bees chapstick is so good I love birds bees in general but this Lip Shimmer one has been really fun for summer this is in the color fig but if you're getting the regular chapstick I would definitely recommend the color pomegranate that's my favorite one I have a little rare Beauty blush this was like a little freebie that came when I bought the real thing I think that this is really cute for if you want to touch up something around your lips or on your cheeks love that for that I always have a nail file handy just because I feel like if your nail chips and then it starts catching on things it can be kind of annoying so I like to carry one of these around with me this is one of those glass ones I don't know if I would say it works better than just a traditional one but I do find that I'm able to use it for a lot longer without it kind of wearing down so I have that and another thing I bring with me are of course tweezers I am so terrified of getting something stuck in my skin that I can't get out so taking tweezers along with me anywhere especially if I know I'm going to be outdoors is definitely a mess I got these little perfumes from a brand called Pacifica this is the island vanilla scents and I believe believe it came in a little pack of four but if I know that I'm going to be outside or at the gym or something and I want something to just give me a little bit of a refresh I love carrying these little mini perfumes around I like this one especially because it does fit into this little tin here but even if you have like a smaller bag in general I feel like this can be a really great fit if you just want a little something to add in and then of course because it's summer I have my Sun Bum little lip balm thing this is the 30 SPF one just a staple for summer especially since we live in Vegas it's so hot here and the sun can be brutal so keeping that has been really important and then the last thing I have is my little lucky two dollar bill I just keep that kind of at the bottom I used to keep it in my wallet but ever since I started using this tin I kind of moved it over but yeah that's what's in my little Altoids tin and then of course because having like five different lip products isn't enough I have this gal collection fragranced balm I got this from anthropology because a it was on sale and B I loved the packaging of it and then I started to use it and I actually think it works really well I love that it's in this little violet color I think that that's super pretty and kind of different from the regular like pink or red colors so yeah I thought that was pretty cute and of course I guess I can just never have enough lip products let me see if there's anything left in here I guess this pocket has something okay a receipt oh I have one of these hand sanitizers from touchlands if I'm honest I think they're really really cute and they are kind of fun to use just because like the design of them type thing like I do think they're really cute but I will say that these are about ten dollars a piece and I definitely don't want you guys spending that much on hand sanitizers so I would recommend just carrying around a regular hand sanitizer in your bag I just always saw these on social media so I wanted to try them out to see like what the hype was about but honestly I wish I was able to replace the liquid inside of here because I like the container I just don't like the price and I think that I'm just always gonna revert back to my Dollar Store hand sanitizer when it comes down to it but it's still pretty cute and I really like the scent of it too looks like at the bottom of my bag I just have a bunch of like miscellaneous stuff I have this little bag that I keep in there in case I find any cool rocks let's see what we have in here I think I picked this one up on a hike we went on thought that was kind of pretty and then I also have this one which I thought was really cool so if I find a rock that I think I want to Tumble or something like that I'll just kind of stick it in this little pouch and that way it stays safe somewhere at the bottom of my bag I also found this ring which I thrifted a while ago and then a nickel it looks like I've got a hair clip back there again guys this purse is like a black hole I feel like Things fall to the bottom and then I don't find them again for a while but I like this haircut for two reasons number one because it holds my hair and number two because it works as a little mini tripod I saw a tick tock video where somebody put this on a flat surface like that and then it kind of clipped onto their phone and if you're somebody who it does create content then this is definitely something that I would recommend carrying around with you or even if you're somebody who just wants to be able to take photos without carrying around a try pod with you finding a hair clip with a flat Edge can be just kind of a little fun hack and then of course the last thing I have in here is my car key I do have like a little Leather Pouch thing on it just to kind of protect it which I don't know I got it when I got the car so it's just been on there ever since and then I have two charms and for my boyfriend and then this was like a little Pinky Promise charm that we had for each other but yeah that's pretty much everything I keep inside of my bag if you guys enjoyed today's video feel free to like And subscribe if you're new and I will talk to you guys all in the next video bye guys
Channel: Life with Hope
Views: 332,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifestyle, workwithme, workfromhome, vlogs, dailyvlogs, routines, thatgirl, aesthetic, lofi, inspiration, vlogging, motivation, productivity, productive
Id: U0Z-dBUyLVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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