Inside Shailene Woodley's Loewe Squeeze Bag | In The Bag

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what's up British fogue I'm shayen Woodley and I'm going to show you what's in my bag it's kind of like a Mary Poppins bag it's sort of a Choose Your Own Adventure situation this is something I never go anywhere without because it's very important when you find a magician on the street to make them do tricks for you some people travel with snack packs I travel with a coffee pack compliments of my mom which is very sweet when I leave she's sometimes worried that I'm not going to have good coffee cuz she knows how much I love coffee that she gives me a silicone travel coffee filter and a bag of Costco's finest coffee also from my mom I carry a little birthday note that she gave me because when I travel on the road it can be quite lonely and she made it travel size so I keep that in my purse too this is essential as well because it doesn't leave a crease in your hair I have a habit of touching my hair every 2 seconds that can be a disaster when I have to work a few minutes later so this is the key this is also an essential item I have to take medicine every morning and I've learned to keep it in my purse cuz you never know where you might end up the night before this is essential for when you're someone that likes to leave little fairy notes in people's houses and in their cupboards and in sneaky little cheeky places I always need a roll of tape in order to stick things to walls I guess I am just like every other Millennial that travels with a film camera I believe in photo albums because I think there's something really nice about having something tangible to touch and so I buy disposable cameras and travel with my film cameras and then at the end of the year develop all of the roles from the year and it's a sweet little treat and then some friends and I will get together with all of our film and we'll put them in photo albums and give them out to each other and that's our film tradition I actually can take a photo of this um the camera gave up because it's a really old camera and the battery just died actually so I'm not going to take a photo right now I got my first Christmas present already it's a coupon book from a friend of mine I guess they're vouchers that you can leave for people when you want something like one day of pampering when I'm feeling under the weather a full body massage you got to be careful about who you give that one too this is my favorite one closing the argument and never being reminded of the argument again to all of my exes other Essentials these because Bluetooth freaks me out I know I'm probably the only person who still thinks that but I refuse to put them in my ears so I'm traditional old school wire headphone girl Sun's very crucial I have two different pens from two different hotels usually what I also have in my bag is a notebook because I'm a chronic journaler I really love the power of writing it helps me clear my mind listen there's like a time and a space to be fancy and there's a time and a space to enjoy things that are just very easily accessible like my NYX NYX however they pronounce it lip liner but the color is just perfect and I've yet to find another color that can compete with this one so this is my trusty lip liner what else do I have in here I have my phone obviously the last thing that I actually took was a a good old screenshot I have matches because there's always candles to light and other things I have so much stuff in the I'm telling you it's like I pretend like it's the merry Poppins bag but it's not it's a beautiful the way bag please do not tell Jonathan Anderson how much I stuff inside of if I had to go in someone else's bag I think I'd be interested in like a mom's bag you know someone like Kate Winslet or Emily Blunt or moms who are working moms who have massive lives massive careers successful careers and still moms I feel like they'd have snacks I feel like they'd have practical things Band-Aids things that we're going to actually need my trusty essential oil perfume situation that I go nowhere without and a wallet I should probably invest in a nicer wallet this is something I got for $10 at the Brooklyn Flea Market it's lasted things don't get lost in it it's just functional that's about it I wish I always like I look at people like Zoe Kravitz who I adore so much and I love that every time she puts on an outfit there's a bag that miraculously not just matches her outfit but makes her outfit the outfit and I'm just not I'm not really that person if a stranger uh had an idea of who I am based on the contents of my bag I mean you're a stranger what do you think thanks for watching I'm shayene now you know what's in my bag and you might think you know me but you don't all right that's it this is going to go in my pocket
Channel: British Vogue
Views: 409,521
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Keywords: british vogue, british vogue in the bag, british vogue shailene woodley, ferrari film, ferrari shailene woodley, in the bag, in the bag british vogue, lina lardi ferrari, lina lardi shailene woodley, loewe squeeze, loewe squeeze bag, shailene woodley, shailene woodley actress, shailene woodley bag, shailene woodley british vogue, shailene woodley films, shailene woodley in the bag, shailene woodley interview, shailene woodley lina lardi, shailene woodley style, vogue
Id: zGQyp6txcgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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