What's happening with my GT3 RS?

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hey how are you M Watson here so I'm starting my lovely Porsche 9911 GT3 RS now I've had this car for about 3 months now but I've been wondering how much is this car worth I've been keeping an eye on used prices I've been watching what's been happening to GT3 rs's 992s as they've been coming on the market and what people have been asking for them but I want to find out exactly what my car is worth so today I'm going to speak to some experts to find [Music] out the first place I've come to to find out how much my GT3 RS is worth is Ren sport in the cotsworld it's owned by my friend Paul now he doesn't actually trade in these sort of cars He Resto mods old 911s but quite a few of his customers trade out a new car such as this into some of his cars so he should have an idea if any have been sold and if so for how much I'd like to introduce you to Paul how you doing Paul all right mate I hope you like my car first off I want need to tell me what you think of it the speck you think I've got a good Speck or a bit of a disappointing or hard to sell spec well it's a great spec it's an RS to start with but what have you done to the paint this is a matte ppf so it's it's ppf film over the top not a wrap but it's slightly opaque so you get this what's called a stealth effect what do you think each to their own you don't like it I prefer the shiny really you prefer the shiny shiny also I've had these wing tips painted yeah they look cool they look better than the black they and I've had gold RS badging I'll give you that as well instead of black it was black originally okay so you don't like the ppf Finish but that can be whipped off and you get GT silver then what do you think of the combo the silver and the gold wheels it's a good combo so you quite like the color scheme let's have a little look on the inside oh actually while while we're look at this I want to show you this like normally a standard you get like red light at the back and red here you prefer in like the smoked effect stands out from the rest of them don't it right let's let's go this side have we oh God it's locked it's locked I've got the key though here we go so I kept it kind of quite simple I didn't go for any like loud colors and I just kept it like silvery and it's cool cuz it's always going to appeal to everybody the ones that have got yellow seat belts and yellow roll cages and stuff is it's going to sort of put a lot of people off from that yeah there is one thing that I'm not so sure about I went for white dials have a look at the dials no they're right better than yellow ones see I actually think the yellow ones look better no really yeah it looks like you got a Vox of corser then a very expensive box all corser and I went for the visce pack so you get the carbon fiber roll cage you get the Alcantara on the dash you get the mag wheel so these are magnesium Wheels which you better not curb you get something for your money extra then don't you it's not cheap for the wise that no I think it's just it's about £29,000 but there's a lot of stuff these mag wheels actually that's most of it is it it's most of it if you to buy these like if you smash them 20 grand for a set scary it's it's very scary you also get like the exposed carbon fiber like on the the roof and on the Bonnet and look you can see it's ppf not a wrap yeah you see I'd be looking at thinking is that like a carbon wrap a come off it stop trying to do my car down what's the matter with you you can't really put it down it's It's cool cuz you got a GT3 RS haven't you yeah I got 991 in the same color but it's shiny it's shiny and you prefer it shiny it looks good shiny to tell you the truth and I was like uming an r in between just the normal C3 ppf and this stal and I just thought this made the cards look a little bit more unique it does look good on this I I wouldn't have done it on mine but I think on on the 992 it looks good I do have a question for you though Paul have you got Wing Envy does yours like move like that no it doesn't it's just fixed yeah but it has got big porch letters across it yeah but look at this oh you got it underneath yeah look yeah I'm going to see if I can do W let's see if I can do the wing have a look now see if it does it y yeah CU it moved oh it's good is it yeah actually so you can be like all those 9/11 turbo boys that park the car with the spoiler up can't you yeah and that's exactly what I do when I'm driving along sometimes I flash my Porsche logo at people I can imagine that writing is a bit over size from what you get as standard cuz the guys that did the stick B is not big enough you need to make it big so you can read it from like exactly from about you read it from London you can read about 2 miles away right just a great sounding car does your sound better yes because your car one sounds better re all those silly emissions things going on yeah you don't need to worry about the emissions so much so what year is your car 2016 when it was new roughly any idea what it cost it would have been about 165,000 at the time I reckoned and how much did he pay for yours 159,000 so it's kind of like held its value and how many miles has it done done it's done 9,000 9,000 yeah right so it's the same price as it was 8 years ago so these things the RS is really hold the value much better than a GT3 yeah cuz I had the GT3 the normal one before and they do drop and they steadily drop the RS is in its own little bubble there's too many gt3s especially 992s are everywhere aren't they it's got a lot but they really held their value for quite a while didn't they they're like up at over 200,000 I think that was because of the production problems they were having wasn't it postco sort of stuff going on and the first hype which I think happened with the old gt3s but they had that sort of engine problem with them blowing up rest of it yeah it's a similar sort of thing with with the modern GT3 I think when these came out people wanted these didn't they yeah but there's not many about is there no however you do know of a couple of people that have had them and have sold them yeah cuz you see lots of different like prices on the internet and so on and so forth but it's what you can actually sell it for isn't it yeah it's all very well seeing cars for sale for 420 450 Grand but is that just for sale to keep the wife happy cuz she's told him to sell it yeah so he's got this Theory right that people put them up for sale that just cuz they you know their other half is not happy that they've just spent a load of money on a GT3 RS I can't relate to that obviously so they put it to sale like they're trying to sell it but they price them a bit high so do make money out of it yeah and they don't but you know someone has sold a car to buy one of your cars what did they sell it for sensible guy you said yeah went for he sold it for 400,000 and that was quite recently wasn't it yeah so 400 Grand actually paid and what spec was his his was a similar spec to this one was it silver I think it was black what do you think of the black ones I wouldn't buy a black one cuz my favorite color is silver so it's it's it's a personal thing isn't it really so 400 Grand sold how many miles it had it done it hadn't done any oh so it was pretty much like yeah I think it had done like what you've done 500 Miles okay so not even running yet so similar so similar car quite recently actually sold 400,000 in Black was it a visc car I imagine it was it was yeah the only worry a lot of people have selling them for that much money is you're never going to get on the list again isn't it he not bothered he's buying one of our old cars so now he's going for something classic now he can afford it one day these will be classic wen't they the way you got to look at it is even in sort of 10 years time it's still going to be the same price as what you paid for it now so that's a pretty good investment for any modern car isn't it now before I go and speak to a real expert in valuing cars such as my 911 GT3 RS because he buys and sells super cars for a living I need to tell you something about my car you see if I run a car vertical report on it something you should do if you're thinking about buying any used car you will see that it has outstanding Finance obviously I didn't have £220,000 spare to buy out right so I bought it on finance it's the same thing with my GI Yaris even though it was a lot cheaper I've run a car vertical report on that and you can see that the only flag is the fact that it has outstanding Finance Now cover can check for other things as well whether the car has been stolen or been damaged for instance here's a report on another Garis which has been in an accident and you can see photos of it after the accident before it was repaired another thing you can check with car vertical is if the car's mileage has been wound back here's a voxal Astra which has obviously had its mileage wound back oh my gosh also if you look closer at the report it's also listed as being damaged in the past that is one car you definitely wouldn't want to buy now to make sure that you don't make a mistake when buying a used car go to car vertical right and use the discount code Watson for 10% off I'll put a link in the description and the pin comments in fact if you've bought a used car and you didn't do a call vertical check on it maybe you should do one now just to be sure now if you want to do that right away just click on the pop out Banner that should be appearing in the top right hand corner of the screen to get a car vertical now let's get on with the video I've now come to Philip Island performance car in the cotsworld now Phil is a car dealer he deals in Prestige and supercars and his business is buying and selling cars such as this so if anyone knows the true value of this car it's Phil this is Phil how you doing Phil very good how are you yeah I'm good little bit nervous about what you're going to say about my car oh really we got it here in part of your showroom yeah and we got some other cars here so it's McLaren 600lt right yeah what's that up for at the moment that's sold for 150 150 what have these been like what would they list 250 they've dropped obviously the whole Market is suffering interest rate so prices have come down across the board I think there's signs that there is uh some improvement in the market cuz we sold a few recently really okay yeah which is nice to see this one probably 95 that's up for so we've had a lot of inquiries on that a 570 GT that's a 570 GT MSO collection so one of a 100 what are mlar like how have they fed in the market with like interest rates going up like you say I think it's the same across the board I mean Mclaren has always been not the EAS saying that we've always done really well with McLaren so if we get McLaren in I sell them quite quick 765 LT spider I think I've sold that so you got 765 LT yeah upstairs okay yeah right and that's an XP so one a three prototypes so what was that price uh that's up till 375 375 but did they come down as well as part of it would have come down yeah everything the across the boards come down to be Porsches how have Porsches fed Porsches are always great for residual okay are they better than McLaren oh yeah hands down oh yeah that's what we like to hear okay hands down yeah they are I mean the thing is with the the three Rs though I think obviously when they started coming to Market recently dealers lost their nerve too quickly and started reducing the price when did you buy this one September that that's when it arrived I actually speced it way out in February supposed to have it in June it got delayed I think it might have been delayed just cuz the Race Tech sun visor that's what was I'm not entirely sure there was that and they're waiting for that bit of trim to complete it and then there was a Hol at the factory in August which delayed it again so I got it in September and I've had it about three 3 months I remember when I was waiting for it to arrive I saw some prices they're like almost half a mil I was going to say probably around that time about 450 uh so then we hours we had for 450 and then we reduced to 420 but then obviously more came to Market and the prices were being driven down by the dealers and the trouble is you have to follow suit almost y there's still not many about is there there's not a huge amount no we got a black one and when that came just three days before another dealer listed one and I was I was so annoyed because I was just thinking literally that 3 when the first black one to mark it was the first black one to Market as far as I'm aware and it was vac as well so that went to Market and I think that probably sold a lot quicker than ours did but ours is now sold well we'll come on to that in a moment you got these here upstairs you've got a 765 LT said which is sold what other cars have you got up sold I think you sold okay you think youve sold so hopefully he's watching this and he bought it by there's an as db11 488 GTB sf90 stradali how's the sf90 done no comment not great not amazing what were they like 400 Grand I mean 450 it depends on the spec they went down and they came back up they're kind of I think fixed around the 400 at the moment what's a bad super car that people have bought and they like really do tank probably a GT silver 3 RS 992 shut up so Ferraris have they held their Valley better than mcclaren's it's all plateaued because of his the interest rates so this year especially last six months you know it has been quiet I have seen a turnaround recently in the last couple of months where you know people started spending more money and I think what's going to happen come spring people are going to have held on to their cars for longer when they normally change once a year the interest rates have come down a a tiny bit so I think yeah next spring is is a time when we'll see another surge so it could bounce up again so what this could be a low point I don't I don't know if it will bounce back up I think the cars will probably remain where they are okay but I think people are going to just accept the fact that the interest rates are what they are right so let's get on to my car then so what I'm going to get you to do first of all is I mean you'll probably recognize what's specs on it but point out some things that might go against it and things that will go in its favor when working at the price on it what I would say would go against this decals you put on it I'm sorry to say they look cool what's wrong with the gold decals you know who told me to do them in Gold who Andreas Pinger he knows and he these end caps he told me to do the end caps yeah the end cap definitely looks better yeah that is that I no I completely agree with you yeah that that I think they should have done that actually from Factory I would say that works they wanted them from Factory and if they point2 second gen they might just have it as standard so that's not going to devalue it I wouldn't say it's going to devalue but you think the decals will yeah I can take them off I know exactly if you put them on and put because they're not genuine Porsche o I bet I've actually got genuine ones sat at Porsche GB waiting for me it's just they were delivered too late when I was doing the video on this so I had these other ones put on which are cut to spec but they're not the OEM ones but the OEM ones no one else can get them so they're from P there we go does that add value oh yeah they're from the factory but I don't think they're available to the general public they could be wrong it was that you're showing off now a little bit showing off for me when it's a special edition I think it needs to be in its original original black I would say so oh it doesn't look as good it may not look as good but that's the spec isn't it that's what it spec with so if I want to take these off to put other ones on I think the decals are like if I just want the black ones they're like 500 to 700 something stupid how much are these taking off the value it depends I mean obviously you could put this online and someone could love it and just just buy it with these on but I think because it's a special edition a lot of the times when we found it people want it as it's come from the factory what about my ppf then which is Matt ppf I think is fine I mean this is protects the car because essentially it's removable so someone's got an option if they were to buy it they could take it off and they could put gloss ppf it's essentially GT silver but they got then pay to do that which is quite a bit of money yeah but if this was a wrap I think it's a different story the fact it's ppf no panels are being removed and this is essentially just on top of the GT silver people want a car protected also looks awesome don't you think Matt yeah I do think do you prefer it in Matt or do you prefer it in the GL GT silver looks really good but I actually prefer it in this satin ppf for this car for the spec you've gone for NE yeah like the gold decals are not do you want my honest opinion yeah of course no no no it's not it's not me go with your I really like the gold I think the gold works well with the silver and even if you don't like that I tell you what I would like it more if this gold yeah matched yeah it doesn't quite it doesn't quite match actually if you look at the Porsche pyro red to the red it doesn't quite match if you look at the blue to the blue it doesn't quite matter in terms of colors to sell then GT silver is it an easy one to sell but I'm not a a silver car man I don't necessarily like silver cars I think it works on this because you got the nice contrast with obviously all the arrow let's have a little look inside and get your opinion on the interior what is this was this your first choice did you have a few choices or you got so originally I was going to get the car in flat white with vyro red and red interior so like red seat belts red red red red red my M said no get it in silver she's very monochrome but she has tastes and she always looks better than me does she like the gold she didn't want the gold she wanted silver Andreas Pinger told me to do it and I figured that he knew what it was on about but maybe he's better at engineering cars than designing them yeah we blame him no I think this is not I to be honest I think less is more You' gone for the white dials yeah this I love this race Tex yeah so that comes as part of the visce pack interesting fact right in the UK can you see how we got race STS on the front of the dash but the top part is actually leather now if you get a car that's leftand drive it's full race T across the dash the reason is when there was like a delay on vceac and one of the reasons for the delay was The Race Tech they couldn't get enough of it to put on the dash for rightand drive cars yeah and so they compromise and just had the front bit done when the supply ease and they could get it no problem they decided not to do it for the fall Dash because it wouldn't be fair on the early cars that had come through yeah they just kept out for the UK it's different to the European cars boring aren't I I've got aluminum pedals as well which I think I didn't notice them yet and I've got um Porsche puddle lighting that's not such a an you know yeah look at that I do have lift which I think you have to have on one of these cars right 100% would not having lift make it a lot harder to sell I would say so most car most super cars if you not got lift in them it does make them harder to sell I've got reversing camera and I've got the full Matrix LED headlights not just the mids speec ones so when you ordered this what was your you know what was the thing that you wanted most of all I had to have visc and the reason I had to have viac was just this is that not the carbon Bonnet and the roof and stuff I don't actually like the carbon Bonnet so much no so this is another thing that Andrea said I should paint it but I think you I think it's the viac is is the one obviously You' always you have the VAC you get the mag wheels carbon fiber suspension bits carbon fiber roll cage right then before you give me a value on this yeah let's have a look at the black color you've got cuz I want to make sure that I chose the right color oh here we go yeah watch this I'm a little bit nervous I'm going to prefer it the mine ooh initial thoughts it's black it's very black the plastic at the front doesn't look so bad because it Blends in with the body work but the plastic bits down the side like the spats don't stand out quite as well because it's black so it's the visc element the um carbon fiber Bonnet doesn't stand out quite as obviously on my car but in some ways I prefer it on the black car cuz it's not so high contrast would you put gold decals on the side of this I think it look Wicked with gold I actually really like it it's a tough one cuz I I thought about black but I've seen a black with red pyro red and red de I really like that I I'll pick out something I don't like first of all I didn't have the quarter lights tinted on mine I think it looks weird when you got this just normal transparency then that's like darkened out but other than that it looks pretty much the same Speck as mine you know I really really like it in black but I think with the stealth effect I'm going to say this on I'm not going to say I don't like mine as much but that looks meaner but that is sold now so you can't have that I we could do a swapy um yeah I do really like that ah it's tough if I gone for a basic car yeah what are they going for do you think a basic car yeah one without vceac one without carbons what are they probably normally 50 under aren't they okay 50 less I would say so okay and it's Ceramics it's optional on these aren't they so waited for that for the for the Ceramics right you got to have ceramics on this car right especially if you're looking to keep this yeah so let's come back to mine then I want you to tell me what you think I could get for this as it is as it is like this or would you you I could put the decals back on you know if it's going to make it easier to sell it I can do that 750 quid it's not not a problem I'd still list this for 385 probably well there's definitely profit in that yeah that price with like almost 500 Miles 450 does it matter much with the mileage difference like from two like what's that got on it delivery that's 19 miles so I think it does make a difference massive depends what someone's looking if there someone's looking to buy it for an investment and just put it into a collection and not ready drive it then yeah but if someone's looking to buy it to use it depends on on what you're buying it for if you go over a, miles is that quite a I would say because thous obviously you need a th000 miles to to break it in not broken in yet one of these now if it was 1500 miles let's say probably I would be saying to you 370 375 okay so not the end of the world you want get out and enjoy the car but for this one here 385 the value of this if I change the stickers if I don't change the stickers €450 380 with the stickers uh to be honest I it depends someone might love them as much as you 390 with the stickers but I don't think you never you're never going to be in a position where you're going to be worried about losing I'll never lose money on this I don't think not for the next 5 years no well there you go thank you very much for your time Phil for talking me through like the various kind of prices on these cars and what works and what doesn't work £385,000 I think it's worth every penny but then I would say that wouldn't I anyway I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like click on my little face not this face the other face to subscribe and click on the video Windows to watch some more videos thanks for watching
Channel: Mat Watson Cars
Views: 1,109,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: porsche, 911, gt3, rs, mat, matt, matthew, watson, carwow, review, value, for, sale, depreciation
Id: z7exgOQNDjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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