What's Going On Today? Noneya

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ask marlo ask her what i'm sorry what mom i accidentally did something i wasn't supposed to so i handled it she's helping this mother out oh happy tuesday jay happy tuesday hey listen i have a question uh-huh what is this on your leg down here what what is it yeah what is that it's it's a band-aid what happened i had uh i accidentally did something i wasn't supposed to so i handled it well i mean like what was it was it a bug bite or i i guess it was a bug bite and it got into a scab and i accidentally pulled it off but it wasn't on purpose i don't know like yesterday like this morning i don't know like so you got the bite and scab and then you picked it all this morning except for this one oh except for this one yeah except for that i'm not bothering that one that one's okay so you left this one along so far today yeah yeah this one you don't have to worry about but you know what i'm proud of this one on your forehead is all gone this one on your face is all better if you'll leave it alone it's okay now we can get you to leave that one alone well that's why i i got this why you didn't want a pool day yesterday no it wasn't it wasn't the reason it wasn't no it was not is it why you don't want one today no no no no i'm just kind of watching the weather and that's what it's called since you have an open sky we'll have to wait on pool days until that heals back up okay we don't want to get infections well i've already told myself that okay great then i don't have to tell you because you're grown up and well you don't need me telling you do you nope [Music] mom um how long do i have to wait um for what for like my water days and stuff oh probably a couple weeks when no probably not when that heals up when it's all smoothed over like this and this then you can have a water day so probably because thursday tuesday probably about thursday will be okay but you got plans thursday actually hannah i don't really have to wait hey why did you say that that's what i thought because she thinks that there's a possibility that you'll keep picking at it and then it'll keep being an open sore do you think that's true it's not true actually um hey would you like to give the camera an update uh sure um nani i'm sure okay give an update on donnie okay lonnie came home at nine o'clock last night how did her procedure go fine great marla where would you like to get lunch today i don't know me and mama joe talk about it and figure it out favor it out i will be spending the night with you soon you know what that's a plan you know you know it that's a plan it's a plan stan i guess what what ask marlo ask her what i'm sorry what mom i'm sorry my cheese toast was hot ask marlo what she's doing saturday what are you doing saturday i have to puppy set why because hannah has a an eye appointment i'm gonna puppy sit down are you okay to come get him or yeah come get him where here it's none of my business well actually yeah actually it is you and me well just me has to babysit daryl where would we go just daryl not you i'm sad you'll be here with me that's tomorrow's off day on saturday um i don't know maybe i'll take him to mama jones to meet her or i could take him there to meet early gar or i could take him by my mom's to meet lady nick's dog i don't know we might just drive around and look at stuff or we might just take a nap somewhere while hannah's busy it just depends on how it feels what do you do whatever all kinds of stuff like that well mom he lives right here yes well i have an appointment and i need help that gum it marlo's just gonna hang out with him for a little while it's practice for when i get mom you cannot keep him uh-huh you have to bring it back [Laughter] [Music] wait are you sure yes just for one day nope hey i need help i need a baggie oh no okay i guess i'll bring him back oh you're talking about just taking daryl or yeah small does she mean just him yeah just daryl not zoey because your mom's gonna be here not zoey just daryl why i need you to help me with zelly why for what reason oh god because i've got a lot to do will you watch zoe for me on saturday yeah okay that'll be good why is there one gonna go out hannah's got something to do i just wanna and marlo said can i keep him we don't know what he's gonna keep him can i babysit him can i puppy see them only for a couple hours just to help you guys out for a minute what's an appointment you know what there's the real thing she's helping this mother out so that motherhood doesn't have to watch him while i have an eye point so i don't have to watch joey abby jesse and daryl who's marlo where are you going to watch him at probably oh yeah so maybe not a good idea to have him meet the dog the other dog well i mean he can as long as he stays calm oh yeah okay he met rhaegar that one time oh yeah he did they weren't besties but they're working on it what you cooking hannah i'm gonna have sausage eggs and toast hope i can get it done by 9 40. [Music] i believe in you what is like a couple of hours two about two marlo can you pick him up at 10 15 yes or for four that's probably what i need to leave yeah okay yeah i'll be here by 10. okay thank you i'm so excited i get to practice that's right that's exactly what i was about to say but then you're bringing him back practice practice practice she has to bring it back it's my baby i know i can't if she didn't bring it back i would put her down she knows where mama joe is i would hunt her down and say marlo you bad girl give me my baby i've been like okay what time's your appointment hannah 10 40. i gotta drive to the mall i gotta have time to be anxious and find where to go inside the mall i got a park i gotta remember where my parking spot is excuse me what are you eating oatmeal what is protein oh sorry it's okay love him i love that baby i love him oh that was hardly a love at all yeah i love them longs good job why would she take him to mama josh to visit and to let him have some down time while japan is gone and to help your mother out jessica yeah it's mainly to help me out so that i can get some things done on saturday instead of just watching dogs all the time yeah he's good all right thank you okay bye sit do you want to know what they said what they said you know we're just reminding you of daryl's appointment tomorrow and i said okay he said he needs to be here between 7 30 and 8 o'clock in the morning and i said okay and she said no food or water after 10 p.m so daryl's gonna wake me up around 5 45 like he did this morning crying and crying and crying and crying and crying wanting to eat and he's not gonna be able to i think you should feed him a little bit 9 58. okay two minutes did they say what time to pick him up no not yet they'll tell me tomorrow they're on you already you know what i think they'll say what after three o'clock we'll call you when he's ready it's at three o'clock oh okay three [Music] daryl come here come here say come here come here say it like you like him daryl you want a tree good good dog good dog um what's after hannah's appointment martha uh daryl comes home i'm gonna call him bring him back this instant okay no more practice for you i just won't need it you just need it wait i just need this jessica do you think marlo just needs it sit sit good sit wait how long do you think your appointment is given maybe an hour good girl zozo go look out the window come on zoe let's look out the window right there you get me to open the dirty window okay but he can't play in surgery you get to go next yeah i'm supposed to get some of them today but you're still supposed to get more yeah hey i have a question yes ma'am um whenever i get his stuff could i have like show it to you do you want to see it oh sure okay i might bring it tomorrow if i get it by then oh my god or while we're at mama joe's today it might show up we might just be able to open it there marlo do you have anything you want to tell everybody oh my gosh because if you don't i'll cut it out well we we have that video i'm telling her oh okay is it insert it we can insert it now i've decided i'm gonna get a puppy on august 22nd i want to go with you together you want to come yeah okay mom guess what what you want to hear the videos i do marlowe is deciding that august what day august the 22nd what day is that it's a sunday um yeah sure okay this coming august yeah right like yeah like in a couple weeks where are you getting it from audrey that oh the lady that we got ours oh yep ask her what kind it is what kind is it um a black standard poodle oh it's the same kind as i've got oh my gosh can't you believe that can you even believe it i'm so excited she's ready for a preacher that makes your bestie happy you know yeah yep okay so my surprise i'm getting a dog yay august 22nd yay and it's a boy yay and it's a poodle yay and his name is do you remember his name benny benny [Music] [Laughter] did it marlon when you don't have a mouth of oatmeal better [Music] if well we might not can because of the meeting we will get it ready before the meeting okay here here will this help you i promise i'll make chicken spaghetti today can y'all start cooking it at 4 30 yes jessica does that fit your schedule yeah because we may not have time to eat before the meeting though okay well if not we you can eat during the meeting how about that yeah hey listen have a question yes ma'am why did we not make chicken spaghetti yesterday because we've worked all day we worked hard yesterday what all happened yesterday we work on jessica's hannah's room moving furniture yeah and that's why that's why we couldn't we and i cleaned out the garage i took a whole she's never meant to be loaded stuff outside that's true she hasn't met daryl yet either who is she joe marla jesse's pretty reflective still today have confidence jess what the is going on with your doggy zoey quiet i don't know oh somebody walking a dog good girl good girl good girl you don't have to get down you just have to be quiet don't have to get down just quiet just quiet you can look out the window zoe quiet good girl good quiet good girl a little bit and talk to her before when you have to go get lunch yeah you do yeah can we don't leave [Music] none of your business me no tell me don't do it tell me you know what i'm gonna do what none yeah i was just kidding i'm going back what are you going to do nanya i'll tell you it's not your business not mom what tell me what you're going to do you tell me what you're going to do and i'll tell you what i'm going to do okay um i'm going to go go ahead and go and see mama joe before i have to go get lunch okay well wow everybody's gone and the dogs are taking a nap i'm gonna turn on some dirty garbage wrap in the living room real loud no not too light not too loud well not loud enough for the neighbors to hear but almost no and i'm gonna have my own dance party everything about that you better watch it are you seriously gonna do that i'm gonna do it yeah none yeah hopefully would you like to have another dirty garbage dance party when you get back yeah okay i think we need to eat some tomatoes and okra today just like that cucumbers oh yeah i'm not gonna need to make a tomato cucumber salad that would be good if you say so come on you want a treat she ever call her no no collar no it's over here though okay and you know she's got a harness too i don't know if you want to use it but where's here abby i'm gonna go for a walk come on abby here abby come here i'm thinking you might have to take the leash to her so she knows what's going on um the brown leash yeah if you'll walk up here if she doesn't come to the leash then i wouldn't take her everybody may still be hurt you go for a walk gonna go for a walk come on abby i'm not gonna make her sit uh okay hey you want to tell all the um good ones see you later see you later good one hey thanks for watching thanks for watching bye sorry mom it was an accident that i messed with my leg i know sorry it's not on purpose do you do that more when you're anxious yeah sometimes but not all the time okay all right have fun with marlo all right
Channel: Sharing A Joyful Life
Views: 30,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autism, autistic, blind, cortical blindness, cvi, hydrocephalus, epilepsy, vp shunt, brain malformation, anxiety, anxiety disorder, severe anxiety, special needs, developmental disability, standard poodle, poodle puppy, girls with autism, women with autism, caregiver, family, kitchen, morning
Id: e48Vo6AR-Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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