ALS Reversal McFinn

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so this is mcfinn la beer first symptom started in 2005 and you were diagnosed with ALS in January of 2006 is that right that's great perfect okay so tell us just a little bit you were born in the early 50s you moved to Hawaii when you were 18 and then you participated he went to sort of a monastery type we were 20 was equipment manager for rock and roll band 1969 and Hawaii there there wasn't any place to much to go to enjoy monastery I went into the Holy Order of man is trying to understand this world about okay great okay and then you were there foot and what did you learn while you were there just really quickly I learned how that I'm a spiritual I mean a physical experience and that there are zillion different religions but there's only one spirituality and that's mmm pardon me and that's because connected so that's what I learned I learned how to meditate I learned how to be compassionate I learned how to open up a halfway house for homeless people and that's when the FBI came and arrested me when I was at the halfway house in San Francisco and they said you didn't show up for the draft we need to send you back to st. Louis that's when I was sent back to st. Louis then one two three years and social services joined the Vista worked at the Missouri state mental institution and at the inner city mental health clinic I served my time I went back to the judge after nine months and said if you let me go today I promise you I will serve mankind for the rest of my life and pretty much that's what I've been up to okay fantastic oops sin you need to I oh shoot I think I blew it I'm sorry unmute all yeah I was such a mute someone else a lot of participants okay uh ten could you wanna meet me a microphone because I muted everybody you just have to unmute yourself got it beautiful thank you so everybody should be muted except for me and Finn perfect I know where you should hear any background noise thank you so much for the information on the background noise so okay anything else just put it in the chat and we'll just kind of do any questions you come up with if you could put if all the participants could put them in QA if you look at the bottom of your screen there's a little Q&A thing and if you think of questions and you don't you can save them till the end rather than if you want to chat with each other go to the chat but if you actually physically want to ask a question and we're going to that then just put it in the Q&A box okay perfect okay so Finn let's continue the story now you so you you they hauled you back because you were avoiding the draft and you ended up working at the Missouri State mental institution okay inner city mental health clinic perfect and then what happened after that after that I moved back to Hawaii and I got married to the only person who understood what I was really up to in life and I spent 25 years with that person and after 25 years we had a very I don't know how to say divorce nicely but a very nice divorce we're still good friends and so that 25 years took me into my business career and into hospice and I retired after I got a divorce actually okay so you spent 25 years as a manager of a large medical center that was doing your marriage is that correct that's correct Fremont Medical Plaza and Yuba City California okay cool all right and then you you retired in 2000 at the age of 50 yes and then you got divorced in 2000 also yes okay and then you were looking for a place to live and threw Mona's daughter you actually started living in a trailer in a house I don't know yard actually I went I needed a place to stay Mona was going to Bernie man and she said I have a house my daughter's gonna be there she needs somebody to stay with her you could stay at my little farm for the next week so for that week I cleaned her house inside now cleaned her windows cleaned her gutters cleaned everything packed up all my suitcases had him on the porch ready to go she came home she looked around she said I got a trailer down in the woods you could put your stuff down there yeah now it's been 20 years this this week that'll be 20 years well that's great okay so then let's fast-forward you will get tired you were doing some part-time work and then in 2004 you started researching this your company and you spent like a year researching it finally decided to buy the year by the year and then in 2005 I got that bonus I got to notice from them that they went bankrupt hmm gentleman called me who owned the building and said there are some parts in this building with your name on it if you want to come here you could finish building the rest of them but you're gonna have to put that yurt together yourself so I went and finished building all the parts brought it home started to put it together could not get the floor level and that was the day that I told my helper I said I'm not coming to lunch today and I went down in the woods and I just started crying it was so stressful and I went inside and I told my wife I said Mona we have to get carpenters to finish the yurt because it's driving me crazy thirty days after that day I started to lose the grip of my hands within another month or two my legs started to wobble and that's when I started seeking out medical help okay so this was basically nine months of stress because you had never dealt with a huge so what really brought this on was really from January until September September huge no stress right in your life like huge huge enough to make me cry and and to lose my grip I mean that's pretty powerful stress if you just want to say that the stress did it but it seems like the stress was the beginning of a of a much deeper illness right so the stress was a trigger that's right okay so okay so now so you lose this is in September you lose your grip your legs start wobbling tell us what's next next I decide that I need to see a neurologist but he couldn't see me until the end of December so I said well I have a vacation plan and I'm gonna go to Mexico so I went to Mexico in December and as I was walking down the street I fell down on the sidewalk my friends picked me up I could walk a little bit more all of a sudden I could walk no more anytime that we went anywhere I had to crawl up the steps to get into a restaurant finally they just put me in a wheelchair and brought me back to the States and I basically never got out of the wheelchair again I'll hold it I apologize Scott you just started screen sharing could you undo your screen share are you showing oh you are you're showing pictures is that what you're doing okay that's fine so that would be great I love the idea of getting some of the pictures so Scott's gonna try to get some pictures which is a great idea okay so while he's doing that we're gonna just kind of keep talking and I'll be there you go okay good so okay then you and Mexico you falling down this is December and then what happens when do you see the neurologist and on January the 3rd 2006 I went to see the neurologist okay examined me and told me on the 10th I want to do a nerve conductivity test on you I came back on the 10th he put the nerve conductivity into me and said I'm sorry but I haven't seen anything progress this quickly your nerves are dead and they're dying and there's nothing that can do to bring them back I was devastated I told my daughter when we left the office I hope this gentleman is a liar because this does not sound good he sent me for Ace he said you need a second opinion so he sent me to UC San Francisco where I saw a doctor laser doctor laser said I believe that you have motor neuron disease and as far as ALS you have two things that aren't happening right now you you're you can swallow and your tongue isn't twitching so therefore I'll just say right now you have motor neuron disease I would like for you to go next door to the Norris Center and talk to them about having a feeding tube install now while you're still healthy so it'll heal and when he told me that I looked at him and said no and was very disappointed that that's all that they could come up with so I came back home and the next thing I knew I was at my medical doctors so I had two neurologists weren't being very helpful I went to my medical doctor and he looked at my report and said I can give you antidepressant antidepressants sleeping pills and pain pills and I got my prescription came home I took him one day and then I called him up and I said listen I don't want to take these I'll take I have cannabis oil and I smoked marijuana and both of those seemed to help me a lot more than I think your pills will so no no pharmaceutical pills just the marijuana and the cannabis oil the last thing the doctor wanted to talk to me about was Hospice so I got you're gonna die in a year and a half from the first neurologist the second one said you need to have a feeding tube put in right now and my doctor said let's talk about hospice so at that point I wanted to die that was in February was around Valentine's Day I remember Valentine's Day very clearly I was left by myself that day my wife came home in the early afternoon and she brought me a strawberry dipped in chocolate she brought me a cookie and she brought me a new sheepskin for my wheelchair and I looked at her and I said Mona I think I'm gonna give up I said I I really can't take this I'm I want to die and that's when my sister informed me that she had a friend in Oregon I could sign the lease for a house there and I could get assisted suicide pills but it would only be when you had six months left so I thought well when I'm about six months left I would rather die than have to go through the last six months of this so I was completely lost and that's when my friend called me up and said you need to go to a naturopath I said a naturopath I said this is serious I said what who's a naturopath she said listen there's a naturopath in Grass Valley whitewater naturopath you got to go see them and I I just put it off and I put it off and finally I knew she said she was gonna call me every day so I knew that day she'd be calling me at 2:00 so I decided to call the naturopath and what a nice gentleman he talked to me for 20 minutes on the telephone he made an appointment for me to come in and see him and I can't tell you how grateful I am to dr. Gregg for everything that he did for me so when I went in to see him I brought my records and he started to go through them and that's when he came to the point where he said oh you had lent test done I see it was done with a blood he said blood will get current led but if it's he said light is really stored in your fat in your bones and to get a true reading you should do a chelation test so I did it I did that well he said take these chelation pills take one and see how it affects you and if it doesn't affect you adversely then I want you to take six of them and then I want you to pee into this jug for like six hours we're gonna send this off they sent it off and it came back that five is normal for a person and my lead level was at 49 so so then he went down one two more paragraphs and he said well look let's look at your b12 he said your b12 is to twenty nine and the chart goes to eleven hundred so if you're a to twenty nine that means that you're basically out of b12 and one paragraph below that it says anybody under 300 could have some type of neurological damage under 350 excuse me so I went back so I thanked him and went back to my normal doctor and I said doc I have new results for LED test and show tattooing and he said I don't know the company who did this test I don't know the procedure that they use doing the test so I cannot comment on these figures here in front of me so wear your regular medical doctor said your lead levels were fine by testing your blood then you got your urine challenge test and that short of a very very high level which toxic is five I think you said and you had 49 yes five is normal for a five is normal for a person to have that amount my and the Len test is actually releasing how much lead does it just this chelation test release so it releases different amounts of lead at different times so I had four different chelation rounds and my lead levels would go from 40 to 49 1637 and then I waited actually five years to take another let test and it was down at 15 so I was I realized that I was not getting the lid lead from my well our firm my surroundings I really believe I got the lead as a child in st. Louis Missouri I had a very hard time in school trying to read write and do arithmetic so that that was my lead test and my b12 test and so I started chelation therapy and chelation therapy is nine days you build yourself up with all the minerals and supplements that are prescribed and then for five days you take that chelation and you strip every mineral out of your body so I did it and some some people there there's two ways you can do chelation is to either an IV which they say will release the lead really quickly are you can do the captain mirror capsules and I'll release and you can do it at home and it'll be a more slow release so that's what I did I know other people who did the IV and they not everybody but some of them became very ill because it let to let out so quickly so I went for my chelation tests and during that time I went from the medical doctor to the naturopath to the physical therapy and physical therapy is well I have to jump back a little bit yeah I have a quick question - before you do that like so so you went to see the master bath early March right yes and then in where did you started the chelation know the the naturopath came in no you're you're right early March I went to the naturopath right and then when did you start the chelation treatments within within two weeks okay and then the other thing I wanted to point out with our experience were they alas just because we've had a lot of experience with a lot of people have shared their experiences in general people with ALS from observation seem to do better with the oral chelation versus the IV because with ALS it's just better to release the toxins more slowly it seems that's just what the feedback that we've been getting from people who have done different types of chelation that generally the oil seems to be work better so okay you can continue your story now okay yeah did work better for me the next thing that came up I should say was a Filipino healer my friends told me there's a healer in town he's from the Philippines and a lot of people from Grass Valley Nevada City signed up to see this gentleman so they wheeled me in in my wheelchair the gentleman said onto the table with you he laid me down on this table a couple people laid me down on a table he put some oil on me he made me say the Our Father with him really loud and then he screamed at me to get off the table and walk and sure enough I got off that table I walked into the waiting room where all those people were sitting I turned around walked back in got in my wheelchair and never got out of the wheelchair again so what is that about somebody fired my nerves because if my nerves were dead and dying how could I get out of that chair and do that I told them I told the neurologist this and he said I've never heard of anything like that well there's a lot of things that people have never heard about we're on a planet spinning through outer space people think that they know what's going on here I think people's knowledge of really what's going on in this world and our possibilities is very limited so mysterious things happen people are cured sometimes instantly I'm not sure but all I can tell you is I got up and walked I sat back down in my chair and definitely could not move again so very mysterious situation but it actually happened so after that I was actually inspired because I had been very disappointed in all of my medical people who were gonna try to help me and was like mcfinn I think you're gonna have to do something for yourself because all the doctors told me we can't help you they got me to the point actually where I got so upset about the situation my friends came to visit me which they often do and that particular day I think there was about four people who came into my room and I looked at them and I started yelling at them I said I don't want you ever to come back here again I said I am NOT gonna put up with this illness I am NOT gonna take this just leave and they looked at me a little strangely and backed out of the room and left and that was the day that I said I'm not gonna take this anymore because before that it was well 350,000 people die a day so it's not no nobody's picking on me this is natural and I went along with it well I went along with it until I didn't go along with it anymore in 1972 I learned that I was a spiritual being having a physical experience I believed those statements but I did not live those statements and now it was time to actually live my belief so I wanted out of this illness and the very next day I had an appointment at physical therapy and I went to physical therapy and they got me out of the chair and got me onto this big mat and I just started squirming and just because I had hey I was told before you have to do something to wake up your nerves I had a cranial sacral treatment weekly and that lady she had me down on the floor she said I don't care if you can't if you can only just move an inch you got to move it and so that was my that was my start of the determination that I'm gonna I'm gonna beat this because before it was like okay you have me dying is not really uh well it's pretty mysterious but I spent 18 years in Hospice so I saw a lot of people pass from this world I spent three years in the monastery trying to figure out what spirituality was about and I thought I had a handle on it so between spirituality and Hospice I was getting a pretty good look at the possibilities of what happens when you die and I actually I have a good feeling about dying it's like dying is part of living and I would like to stay here as long as I can for sure but I think the adventure continues after we live here after we leave here but there's one thing that I came to in my life and that was you might just go to where you're at so where are you in your life well my life was believing but it wasn't so much acting on those beliefs and now it was time to actually act on my beliefs and that's when I just took my my illness into my own hand said I'm responsible for this I'm responsible for getting myself out of this and inch by inch with a lot of other people helping me like the our Vedic people who came and laid me out put their oil on me two ladies at once giving me my massages Deborah who came every week to give me my massage the cranial sacral lady who came and she had a ball a big rubber ball that was inflated and she would take half of the air out of it and get me up and lay me over that ball and try to move me back and forth just trying to touch my nerves something something worked it wasn't for a while but something started to bring my nerves back in fact I remember it was July I believe when my arm started to move again the last time my arm moved I was in the living room talking to some people and I said hey I got a really cool trick I can make my arm move and I would sit there and concentrate and concentrate and I could like make my arm flick a tiny bit and it was my trick is like hey my mind look what I can do with my mind and so so you mind you you you really will do it like you weren't able to move your arm and suddenly you just how did focus on that okay I couldn't move my arm the people when I told them that I had this trick it was because this this was the last time that my arm really ever moved it wasn't when I got healed this is when I was losing everything so I guess my mind excuse me my mind triggered a nerve that made my arm twitch and but then it stopped and it never moved again and I was totally paralyzed and and accepting it until I did not accept it okay so I just want to go through timeline you started with a naturopath in March and at this time you were also seeing physical therapists and massage therapists and cranial sacral therapist every week yes okay by the way who paid for those therapists I paid for I it cost me $6,000 in payments before Medicare kicked in oh and then after that Medicare paid for them Medicare paid for they didn't Medicare did not pay for the cranial sacral the and they did not pay for my massages so okay I paid the cash for those home health came and moved me around one of the biggest things that I had was the best care taker in the world okay my wife she did her best but I was way too much for her to handle everything so a gentleman named breath came and one of the things that Brett would do to me is tie me to him he would have me he'd pick me up tying me to him put my feet on top of his feet and he would walk and he made me get out of my wheelchair five times a day and would do this to me so it's like these new little skeletons that you can strap to yourself and he'll make you walk well he was doing that to me constantly and it wasn't that I really wanted to do it I was I wasn't really enthusiastic a lot about doing the exercises about him pulling me out about people moving my arms up and down pushing my legs back and forth I appreciate it but at that time sometimes I didn't have a good attitude it was like I was mad and and it took my it actually took some spiritual remembrance to say mix in your spiritual being having a physical experience and you're gonna be out of here soon if you have a bad attitude and you leave here with a bad attitude I don't think that's gonna be a good place for you to go so up your attitude if you're gonna die was to die with a good attitude and and from Hospice that's where I could gain that good attitude it's because I know people die I know you can have a little morphine before you die actually my friend who I helped in his last days he had ALS and right before he died the doctor said we want to give you a morphine shot so you could breathe easier he said he wrote scribble No and I clean and he was so anyway he died a couple hours later without any morphine so I'm not sure I'm not sure of anything actually I don't know anything I only know what I experienced and I know the stories that I make up for myself like spirituality I've made up a story I got a really good story but then when I was in my wheelchair and polishing the door to the exit I have to admit that I got really scared and thank God I had a friend who brought me a book and that book was between death and life and that book had past life regressions things of that nature talked about people who had gone to the other side and come back that book helped me so much I would have a it would just be open to a page any page and there'd be a weight on it and I could pull my chair my wheelchair over there anytime and look and read a little something and that book actually inspired me to fight because Barbara cannon okay and it just it just showed me that there's that possibly there's much more to life than we see and you do you want to be interested in it here's some literature to read so I don't like to read but that was questions and answers Dolores cannon yes it is okay okay thank you okay so I'm just trying to get time line again you started with a naturopath Ahmad when did you hit the healer where did you see the healer the enemy from Philippines in June Oh in June and that kind of triggered your aha moment your ha ha moment so it was really after you went to the energy healer right that you got inspired and said I'm gonna beat this right because oh my question is do you think it was the changing of the mind or do you think that the energy from the energy healer two things happened I think the neurologists who told me that my nerds were dead and dying and could never come back was one opinion another neurologist that I talked to said if your nurse are dead and dying maybe we could stop it there and we could have your nerves regrow if you had any nerves left we you could regrow nerves so I think that the energy healer um energy I mean I'm not a scientist but they tell us that we are a vibrating mass of energy I believe that I got an energy charge that connected some nerve that let me get up and walk so that just told me hey the doctors might be wrong there's hope for you but there's no hope unless do you give it to yourself because nobody else gave you hope except for the naturopath so therefore that's when I really realized this is in my court and nobody's been nobody's gonna walk me through it I'm all they'll walk me through it but nobody's gonna nobody's gonna make it happen but me you just went to mute I can't hear you so your attitude adjustment was right after the energy healer also or did the attitude adjustment come later or before the attitude adjustment came after that and it wasn't yeah it was because that gave me a spark they said hey there's something going on here okay so the adage adjustment after but right after a few weeks after no it must be more than a month more than a month okay and then when did you run into the life that there between life between lives or whatever that book was between life and death and life you know I can't remember the exact month but all I can say is that I didn't get into it right away but one day I did open it up and it inspired me so much that I continued with it it was like my little comforter because nobody else was comforting me except for my wife I have to tell you when you have people feed you close you put you on the toilet wipe your bottom you really get to know well let's put it this way I did not have professional caretakers I had people who were my friends taking care of me that's dangerous to people tried to take me out of my wheelchair and lower me to the floor so I could squirm they bent my arms in the wrong direction and I'm like screaming let me go let me go and thank God they didn't drop me but they got me to the floor immediately but I really realized that you could get very hurt so my wife she needed those caretakers I was glad I had to the first caretaker Kane was great it was time for him to go second caretaker came he was great till it was this time to go by the time he left I was doing a lot better so I have to say my wife went out and bought a stack of washcloths and she put warm wash she made those warm washcloths warm and she wiped my bottom with a warm washcloth where our other people were afraid to wipe my bottom there like I don't want to like your bottom uh so anyway you learn that it's not just you who has the disease your whole family has ALS because they have to deal with me my emotions my happiness all of my needs they can't really leave me they want it they want me to go with them so the van had a van with our ramps and they ramp me up into that van and take me take me everywhere so I had I have to say I had a community of people there's a community center in our little town they built a ramp just for me to be able to get in because a weekly meals there that we all shared a meal and they it was really hard to get me into the building they built a ramp for mcfinn so Wow so okay so you've got this so I have another question about this the she he started that mid March we started the chelation therapy the oral chelation therapy you started these rounds what was the effect before you went to the energy healer did the chelation work or were used to continuing to get worse I was continuing to get worse the Knik ulation did not heal me it it helped because there's a you know you know ALS they don't know exactly what exactly it is so there's a whole bunch of things that brought me to that diagnosis so ask me again where where we are what I wanted to ask you is okay so the chelation you got worse and worse and worse and worse until that I think you said it was June 2nd of June 6 what was the date yeah it was the beginning of June it was the beginning of June that tip that tip the scales the chelation what I don't think that that the chelation was the main factor I think chelation was a main factor in my in my education and but as far as physically I was a very fit person so for me too go down to 142 pounds of mush that was that was beyond and how tall are you I'm us by foot eleven okay and I uh I I used to weigh 296 pounds till I began and being a vegan I went to 165 pounds so what are you now I'm 163 pounds okay okay so but 142 was a little too thin for you even for you yeah okay all right so so you think that was that so I guess that's the question the chelation wasn't working but somehow at the beginning of June did it suddenly start working well I could not tell the difference with with chelation I couldn't tell that I was getting better or I was getting worse because I had so much led inside of me I mean the the first test was 47 the next test was 37 then it went to 16 then it went to 49 so and and the very last chelation test that I took it had 30 37 and then five years later it was down to 15 so I still have you know five is normal I still have 15 so I'm three times normal I believe that the chelation was part wasn't the the it wasn't the key the key the key is mysterious and [Music] all I can go by his is the facts about what happened and that how one day it started to release me did you feel at some point that you would if you chose you kind of after that energy healer kind of gave you a shake it sounds like it really gave you a shake you realize that your thoughts either was up to you right so at that point do you feel like have you decided to continue to be angry you would have just kind of continued to go downhill I did not continue to be angry I actually I changed my attitude and I think I think going downhill stopped the moment that I told the people to leave and don't come back and see me because before that I had a mental block that I accepted the illness accepting your illness doesn't inspire you to change it it wasn't until I was in spite when when I when it's when the gentleman's helped me to walk for maybe I was on my feet for a minute that was enough to tell me that there's something else going on here and you better deal with this you just got a sign because that was the only sign that I got during my illness that you could turn this thing around so from that sign I took I took it and well not immediately nothing you know you could this is 13 years ago so I'm a little I haven't looked at all of these records for 13 years so to bring all these together for this conference it really rattled my memory and I'm extremely proud of myself and I'm really happy that I can be sitting here today moving my hands and telling you folks this story because the doctors are good for what they're good for but I really had to leave the typical medical world because my medical doctor said we don't do chelation I'm like really they said no not unless you're at 45 and I'm like okay well I'm doing chelation and so you were at 59 so I'm surprised that they did but they do the regular medical doctors will do it about 45 then right yeah interesting interesting so they would have done it but you decided to go with the National path which frankly I would do that also definitely well the naturopath has a different take on on on medicine because they're they're they're about your vitamins your food intake your mental health a lot of these things that the doctors kind of mentioned to you but they don't go in and say okay let's let's get you on a vitamin it's like I was a vegan but I was a very poor vegan only vegan to me meant I'm not going to eat cheese or eggs or milk or me I'll eat anything else well I didn't know what a whole protein was I didn't know that you had to mix lentils and rice to get a whole protein I was just eating nuts salads bread pasta not really thinking about my diet well my diet now is I was gonna say it's perfect but it's not perfect but I tell you what I try to eat chocolate every morning I make my own chocolate chocolate is a superfood it's really good for you so I make my own and I eat it every morning instead of I don't drink coffee I don't drink tea no caffeine except for chocolate so I have an excellent diet now I am totally propelled in a in a physical way my my diet my frame of thinking everything has changed from my illness and now I know how important my thoughts are my food and it's still a challenge but I mean it every day that's great that's great I do by the way do you eat grains oh yes I do I my wife just made a beautiful seed bread no flour in the bread at all just seeds and and nuts and I eat that with avocado on top of it for for a lunch and I eat fruit salad for breakfast every morning I need lettuce and a salad for lunch Aelita steamed grains like quinoa last night quinoa anyway life is simple and but you got to figure it out it's not really that simple it's only simple when you think it is yeah it's interesting about you between death and life book because when I get really discouraged I I watch and E's which are near-death experiences and I find comfort with that because then it reminds you why are you on the planet right and what do you want to do with your time that you have left exactly um so that book that book is the book that took me through my illness and and I said and so I bought several copies and I give them away it's like people people needs people people need people who have done uh nord strange things and to the crowd and say hey try this out so one of the best things about my illness was I Comfort Inn marijuana marijuana was the only drug I mean once in a while I would take a muscle relaxer or something of that nature but basically cannabis oil and smoking marijuana was was my comfort and my friend came though and he told me he said you know you're wheezing from smoking all that pot and I said yeah you're right he said you need a vaporizer and so I got a volcano vaporizer my wife would push me up out of the bed at night and I would drop my foot my toe onto a power strip and turn on a button that would turn on the vaporizer that I had a tube instead of a bag hooked to it and I'd bite it with my mouth and I had to inhale it then I spent the tube out and my wife would lower me back into the bed so I thought that was a lot of complication so after I got fixed I decided I needed to invent something that would help people smoke and be healthy because there's no amount of smoke that's healthy so this is called the mcfinn original it has organic cotton first it has activated virgin coconut carbon then it goes down into a water chamber then it comes up through this organic cotton and then it comes to you this is the only pipe in the world that has a science report done on it I have a pesticide report and a smoke report and it is amazing so there's the mcfinn original I smoked it every day and I don't wheeze and I don't call and when people smoke this the first thing they'd 95% people say that is so smooth so when you see this then you see what it's actually taking out so there's your cotton that's and there's your carbon you can see the grease and grime so those are the things that are not inside of you so this was my invention because of my illness I went to the factory and I showed this to the gentleman I said I have people who can't smoke and I have this invention can you help me connect this to something and he says yeah come into my factory and I went into his factory I found all the parts within six months that I needed this was born in six months from the day I started and all I can say it's eight years later and my wife and I received royalties every month for this pipe so if you're gonna smoke you better smoke healthily yeah so you're gonna bring that to the conference with you right I sure can that'd be great that would be terrific so fantastic I want to UM let me see cannabis I want to make sure we didn't miss anything and I'd like to open it up to questions so I'm actually a couple questions and if we think of anything we missed so the first question is oh when you started seeing the naturopath do you avoid any specific foods other than caffeine No when I saw him my diet was the vegan diet and nana do you know all I can say it's a vegan diet it was excellent great and so was so what once you started with the natural methods when you started when you changed your crummy diet to a good diet when did you change that mm-hmm I actually changed it probably with him that's when I that's when I noticed that I had to pull out everything every stop that I could to help myself and so actually my my wife is a very educated person in food and she's the one who started directing me to hold proteins and that that kind of food so it was a loose vegan diet before I was ill it was a more complete healthy vegan diet afterwards so my question is after the naturopath but before the energy healer did you change your diet and some then but not as much and then after that you kind of brought it up a notch um I can't tell you exactly how that happened because I can't remember that the sequence of that only knowing that a healthy the more healthy diet since I was ill and trying to get better that I better make sure everything that I put in my mouth was helping me that's all I can say about that do you cheat once a while I definitely chief if I can't taste the butter or the white sugar in a cookie I might have a bite but basically that's all I really take it serious anything that I put into my mouth it better be good for me and and there's no so many good things out there macadamia nut burgers what more can you ask for fantastic great okay I'm gonna look at Superman with questions or pens okay so so any other specific foods that you avoid other than caffeine and obviously you're not eating meat or dairy except for once in a while is that right right i I don't need I don't need any meat I only eat dairy if it's hidden deeply cuz the taste of milk is I don't like I don't like the taste of ice cream luckily those things eggs yeah so so anyway I have a very special simple diet really simple basically Scott was going to look for some pictures for you so maybe he can help I'm hoping you can find them so okay but other than that though if anyone else wants to ask questions just type in the Q&A box and ask questions that would be good and so let me see what else I have a couple more questions to me it's a it's the real question that I have is you you really what other thing changed after this revelation at the beginning of June of 2006 which actually reversed your this is mcfinn that's great Scott's got the screen share now can everybody see the screen show if you could type in the chat let me know that you can see these pictures so this is mcfinn today he can pretty much do everything this is him before and you at one point you were down to two fingers of movement you said right to the lazy susan oh the lazy susan you know i i'd have to lay my my face on the side of the table and kind of spin it with my nose and i could only eat off the side of it it it uh it was a good idea but it wasn't practical I really had to rely on people to feed me and you know I try anything to be independent and the lazy susan i thought was a great idea i did it a little bit but it was a little messy yeah i would imagine so so how long did it take before you felt you were improving like could you feel it from that day out it take a few weeks or a couple months from from what day are you that you revelation day at the beginning of June where you said I'm going to do everything and anything I can to heal because that healer had inspired you and you realize that you actually had more control over this than you thought you did right and it was I can't remember exactly what what time it was that I felt the I'll tell you what what what happened first was the first thing to move was my arm when I came back and that was probably a month after the healer right and you moved your arm how exactly um I had a really interesting wheelchair where my friend don't me an extra arm that was like 12 inches above the normal arm and I could have my so it could fit under my arm and so I could move sideways my arm up before I could move my hand that's how I would drop it onto the computer key like that and so that's that part um anyways my arms slowly started to activate itself and everything was slow nothing came just came back it was millimeter by millimeter there wasn't a day that I just opened my arm up or a day that I got out of my wheelchair and said forget it and I have to say that I kept falling was the once I got out of my wheelchair and started walking again I started falling and falling to the point where I basically hurt myself the most from falling thinking that I could walk and then hitting a bump and boom down on the ground I go getting a lot of phone calls popular guy okay so you will follow so did use your brain those who you mentioned you that was what this on thing it wasn't just the shoulder thing it was also a breathing right it was my is my brain working trying to communicate he put my arm I just got to tell these people I'm sorry I'm on a call I can't answer the telephone thank you there you go so um yeah okay so you really made a brain effort now the other thing you mentioned is meditation you said that this is something that you've done since you were 20 right did you stop doing it for a while and start again I sure did I stopped meditating I stopped meditating until I needed it it was like I have a really simple life and so let's let me just back up a minute my life is simple but it's really busy so as far as meditation meditation to me was something that I learned when I was young but I didn't I didn't really know it I didn't live it I didn't live it until something went wrong and I and that was when I got ill in my wheelchair then I started living my spiritual beliefs before I could believe them but I didn't walk out on them I didn't like use them I actually had a story from going in the monastery you know you learn about reincarnation you learn about multi-dimensions you learn about all these all these possibilities well I didn't use all I didn't I didn't really actively dwell into that world until I got ill and then when I got ill it was like hey you better bring out some of your past now okay did you do it the minute you got here like in Mexico before you were diagnosed right after you were diagnosed before the match about when did you bring meditation back in your life I brought meditation back in right after the right after the healer healed me that was the spark I mean he didn't heal me but when he got me up to move that was the first time that I thought that there was a chance that I could beat this and that's when I put everything into motion and that was stop feeling sorry for myself start thinking positively start doing exercises that I didn't want I didn't really want I became lazy in my wheelchair it was like lazy and it wasn't until I got inspired said said maybe you could maybe he could get healed and then it was full full force I wanted I want to do this and and I did okay now it's one of you also did so you did beat you how many b12 shots did you take like once a week what you're doing it once a week right and until you get your levels got to be what um actually I still I took I had my friend come he gave me a b12 shot every week my b12 after that we didn't realize that my vegan diet had consumed all my b12 so it wasn't until uh three years ago that I went into the doctor and they said hey your your b12 was so low and so I started taking so right now I get a b12 shot every 30 days I get a testosterone shot every two weeks and the testosterone is really helpful for my muscle my activities so those are the so that's how my b12 now only I run that I run out of b12 I run out of testosterone so every month now I go to the doctor and I get those shots and are you taking supplements right now only dd3 so no antioxidants or no minerals or magnesium flowing Loic acid fluey Olek acid no I know fulvic acid yes folic acid yeah I take every day and into my water okay now before the healer before the beginning of June you started giving away your belongings even though you were doing the b12 shots and you were doing the cannabis and you were you sure you were all seeking a laxative also right just to help you move things from a wheelchair since you're not exercising a lot of times that that's an issue right marijuana was a great laxative so that will just so you didn't take another laxative you use the marijuana as a laxative yes I did perfect and you started giving away all of your things before this healer even though you were doing the naturopath you had decided you were there done right it was yeah and so in fact there's nothing I told my wife one day I maybe a year ago I said oh that's that's picture up there that's the only thing that I own in the house and she said oh no no no remember you gave that to me too I gave it to her I gave it to my friends I gave money away I I was like I gotta celebrate and these are the dearest things I have in my life and so for my friends I just gave them and and they still have them I'm glad well okay now it says dental lab set up in the bathroom what does that mean that means that I had I couldn't I couldn't go to the dentist so I have a really good dentist the dentist came with his assistant set up a dental lamp in my bathroom to make molds of my teeth to give me my new crowns and my partial I mean what more could I do you have silver fillings in your mouth before this happened before it happened I did but now I actually had all of my teeth removed and I have implants now I mean perfectly so rather than getting the metal removed you decided to do implants right okay that was right after you started getting better no no no this was actually just recently in the last three years oh okay so when did you also the MOTU was still there yeah it was it was funny it never occurred to your national pot that didn't your national buzz recommend that you've got them removed you know say I had bridges or actually I had partials so I'm not sure if I still had any mercury left in my mouth we're gonna ask them at the conference I will ask them that that's a good question because I'm sure that they have their records what I find interesting is a lot of functional medical doctors and naturopaths sometimes they're talking about so many other things they actually forget or they'll mention at once and never mention it again the potential importance of removing the one of the causes which is mercury fillings there also were fillings or 50% mercury and people don't realize that that is contributing to the problem and especially we you would leg mostly plus lead one plus one is not two one plus one is like 50 and some people say one plus one is fifty thousand when you're mixing both mercury and lead toxicity so it's interesting but it's interesting you were able to heal without it which i think is really interesting also yes so okay I'm gonna read you a question that we have from the QA do you think that past experiences had anything to do with the thought process of death because you were working around guests so much with hospice and did you have to dig into your past mentally and emotionally in order to heal so let's take the first half of that question do you think your experiences with death in hospice had anything to do possibly with your diagnosis or your feelings after diagnosis dealing sure the hospice experience made me feel like I wasn't being singled out with this illness actually it's the one thing that helped me maybe was a detriment that I accepted the illness because I had been around so many people who had died I thought that's a natural thing you just you know people died and so I gave over to that until I didn't okay second part second part is did you have to dig into the past mentally and emotionally in order to heal I sure did I had a horrendous pass because of the lead poisoning I failed every grade in grade school my sister was a nun so they sent me to summer school every year they didn't want to embarrass my family so they sent me on first year in high school second report card they took all of the students to the cafeteria and they read the report cards out in order out of 200 people they called me last it freaked me out so bad that I left the cafeteria went upstairs in the bathroom looked in the mirror opened my mouth to scream and no sound came out and I just opened the bathroom door look nobody was in the hallway and I just left school from then on that's why I moved to Hawaii I was on my way to Australia I when I was 18 years old we went to the draft board and I said I'm on my way to Australia I'll send you my forwarding address I wanted to get away from society so bad I felt so rejected that thank God I left st. Louis I moved to Hawaii I didn't need to go to Australia because nobody knew me in Hawaii and I could start a brand new life so I had to go back and forgive myself for treating myself so badly over my education I I so anyway I call it alchemy you want to change your life go back and look at your past and try to understand it and forgive yourself for what went on and that's part of my meditation that I did go back I did forgive myself I I said people forget about what people think about you you're a spiritual being having a physical experience maybe they don't even think that so you're pretty smart anyway that's something that I really had to go back and deal with you did that after you were diagnosed or before um no I did it after I was diagnosed I went through I went through my whole life seeing what where my aches and pains it because I had plenty of time to do it so anyway I because I knew about changing your your future by going back and realizing what happened to you in the past because the past to me is a culmination of who I am this moment and going forward and so if I have a bad view point of myself in the past it's not healthy right that's a that's a big that's a big thing so did you have any now you said you had to forgive yourself for treating you so badly did you have to forgive other people also yeah I had to forgive that priest who made a joke at me walking up there making a joke of me I had to forgive that guy I you know all this thing about being abused by by priests and things like this I was never sexually abused but I was mentally abused big-time so you attended a Catholic school or a public school Catholic school oh cool yeah my family lived across from my was at of the altar society I have to tell you that there was a miracle in my family's life so there are miracles that happen my sister had polio she was five years old she was in an iron lung the doctors said that she was going to die by tomorrow told my mother to go home there was nothing more they could do for her my mother went home and prayed to st. Jude and the very next day my sister started getting better and the doctors were totally frustrated and they could not figure it out so there's more to life than is obvious and it's people who just put their blinders on and believe what they're told I don't know how we you know we have to anyway life is an adventure okay so this is we have another question when you could not finish the years did this experience trigger the same emotions as failing at school yeah yeah it sure did because I was crying about both of them so I have a lot of failures I mean I I don't well I'm just gonna tell you is how funny it is I grew up and I you're only a failure because they told you so but look at your life you're not a failure mm-hmm just because people are have a big education and they know all this facts well I know how to drive a tractor and I know a lot of things so I'm pretty good and I'm proud of myself now well okay so all right so that that passed so do i so we have to do with other people in your lives you had to forgive also I mean how do you deal with this because people do dumb things and we ourselves do dumb things and so do you just like was there any other stuff that you in the past that you really had to get over I had to get over thanking my parents my I was lead poisoning can make you into a juvenile delinquent I was a juvenile delinquent I got in so much trouble as a child and my parents loved me all the way through it till the day that I told him told them I'm leaving home I don't know if I'm ever coming back in fact I only came back to st. Louis maybe eight times in my life I never never it was such a foreign I wanted nothing to do with it only my family was I concerned about you well that's amazing that's really it's incredible you see community support I'm just looking at the things that we talked about and you said being hugged was a big help being what is it hugs you've got that yeah that's my sex life yeah what happened to that no that was hugs and kisses that's what happened that's that's what that was that little note there is that was my sex life those nice tender kisses nice hugs that was it fantastic so how much do you meditate today almost every night at about 3 o'clock in the morning I get up at 3 o'clock each night pretty much constantly and I meditate from 3 till 4 o'clock and pretty constantly pretty much every day back to sleep at 4 o'clock are you up for the daily I'm up I I might lay down but I don't go to sleep like this morning I've been up since 3:00 since 3 o'clock well and when do you go to bed 10 try to get 5 hours of sleep a night only 5 hours I I've had a real sleeping problem and I in fact went and got sleeping pills for it and this and I took the sleeping pills a couple of times and said forget it I said there must be some reason I mean I'm very vibrant and alive with 4 or 5 hours of sleep so I'm not sure exactly what's going on with that but I can't tell you that 3 o'clock in the morning 4 o'clock wonderful it's a great time the I go outside look at the stars and I wave say hello to everybody in the universe I mean this is a this is a magnificent planet in a big universe and we're magnificent beings but for some reason they don't teach us that so I had to learn that on my own that I am a magnificent beam and that happened through spirituality and trauma because one of the big things I learned I am a doer I get up six o'clock in the morning work till 6 o'clock at night no problem when I got ill I found out that being a doer is not the best thing just to be I when I got paralyzed realize that I'm being that being this is valuable that just being alive there's value I don't think people give value to that they give value to what they can do once you can't do anything does that mean that you aren't valuable no but I didn't I didn't realize that until I couldn't do anything and that's when I found the value of just being like at night when I meditate I tried it it's so hard to empty my mind but I try and just be because the perfect universe is surrounding us and we're keeping it out by our education and our attitudes right everything is perfect but we have these sheets shells on us covering ourselves up so like I I don't real I can't figure out where all these thoughts are coming from in the middle of the night when I'm trying to meditate now I'm just thinking things like ah I can only stop for a little bit but it's the intention that you have behind your meditation during the day I have a lot of contemplation cuz I have a beautiful park that I live in have a beautiful place is to go outside and just sit and enjoy that's my I'm a park maker we have a big fire problem here so I've made my I've taken lots of trees lots of brush my tractor my chainsaws I have a pretty nice park now so I love to just go outside and be a tree Wow I'd like to go outside and take my shoes off and put my feet in the dirt and stand there on the big battery called planet Earth I think I had people come to dinner one night and I said hey what if we were a thousand years ahead what would we be talking about at dinner tonight so even though we're not a thousand years ahead we can think a thousand years ahead just know that this is a pretty low level of thinking that we normally spend our day with one of the greatest things that I've done I use my wife as an example of a divine being so when I greet my wife I say oh your essence is just beaming so nice today oh you're light and love I just practiced this on my wife and she just glows she just it's the big smile should all be doing that with our family members that were close to you our caregiver is whether it's a spouse or someone else we should all be practicing them as divine beings looking at them as divine beings that's right and we should be petting ourselves saying good arm thank you so much hey good leg thank you life there there's a total reeducation that could happen for everybody that could change everybody's attitudes but it's almost a treasure hunt here in this world and the treasures are everywhere if we're looking for them but we sometimes just think that the world is up eating drinking going to work and doing it over again till you retire and then you die no this is a marvelous little planet do a sense of purpose did and and did that purpose come right after you before you were diagnosed and after you diagnosed did you did that sense of purpose change no I've had a sense of purpose ever since I was 20 years old once I went into the Holy Order of man's and started studying spirituality and multi-dimensions and all of these things that I was exposed to I knew that my life was here for a purpose to help other people because I had lacked that education of educational education but I had a spiritual education and once I got that spiritual education I knew that when I went to the judge and said if you let me go today I will serve mankind for the rest of my life I've done it because basically I have all my needs are met I have a beautiful home everything is paid for I have time to give so there's nothing better than then helping don't do it for them but it's helped them to do it so right so do you feel like you were living your purpose during the 25 years that you were working in hospice care oh yeah you feel like that was part of your purpose definitely because once because that 20 years old once you learn about your spirituality you know that you're here to serve and to love and to be helpful and and if you if you do that you know I didn't have a big education but I had a big spiritual revelation and that is that has propelled me I'm totally excited about life every day because I believe that I'm a spiritual being having a physical experience and all this other stuff all that college and all that high school and all that grade school all that stuff that I didn't participate in well good I had a different path to take my path is shining for people right and do you feel like the lot that is what you've been doing the last ten years since you're 13 years do you feel like you've been shining for people I've been shining for people people people you know this is not an ego trip people come up to me and they say mcfinn you're glowing people come up to me and say mcfinn you look 10 years younger what he left him well yeah I do I am I pump myself I feel like I have a little dial that I can turn my vibes up or turn up to me yeah I'm excited I think I think this is an amazing planet and then people have no idea what's really going on in the universe they only know about what Channel five tells them on the news well I can't I can't guarantee anything but I've come up with a story that makes me feel fabulous like I am US beer true bean wow that's amazing okay so I'm actually gonna I think we're going to go because I think this is a me tell me your mantra ah everybody should have a mantra my and the reason I used my mantra and the reason that I got it for myself was because all these strange thoughts come into my mind where did that come from so my mantra is peace on earth and every time that I think something negatively or I get into some situation that I'm not comfortable with I just say peace on earth and it breaks the moment and it gives me a choice am I gonna go back to that or am I gonna stay with peace on earth and I use peace on earth constantly Wow so you're sorry in a state of gradually they said you meditate between 3 and 4 or 4:30 in the morning but you're also sort of in and out of you setting you called it contemplation but you're in a way you can call it meditation during the day because you stopped and you grateful or you stopped and you say peace on earth or you stop and appreciate so you kind of throughout the day you having these little periods where hey you stop what you're doing and appreciate I do and the one big reason for that is this is my story okay this is what I tell my wife honey when I die I'm gonna go to where I'm at so where I'm at better be a really good place so that's why I make every day amazing because I have to see it that way if I don't because if I really believe it I'm gonna go see I think that we're all vibrational frequencies and that there's not a judge that's gonna judge that you were bad or good there's a frequency that you're gonna vibrate to when you leave this world and that's where you know so I want my vibe to be extremely comforting okay now there was something else before we think up there a couple things you were a yes person you said because of last concepts and this is an issue with ALS at one of the typical traits of ALS is one of them is an inability to say no they don't want me whatever for whatever reason did you have that inability to say no before I sure did and my dad pointed it out to me he came to visit me one time and he and we were driving home one night he says you know you're a yes person to everybody why why do you do that and I had to think a little bit about it and you know why I'm a yes person it's because subconsciously I was a nobody in the educational world and that that affected me big-time so everybody because saying no didn't sound right it was easy yeah I'll do that for you oh yeah I can do that oh yeah I can do that and that's because I couldn't do a lot of things so anyway the day that I became a non yes person was with my wife one day my wife asked me something and I said no honey I don't think that I want to do that and she said something's changed I said yeah it has honey I said I think you loved me and I love you and I've been saying yes to you all these years because I wanted to do what you wanted to do and I wanted to get to know you and I think I know you know and I think you loved me yeah to say yes to you anymore so if you want to go on vacation fine you go take your girlfriends and have a great time and was that in after June or before like when does that happen that day that you just learned how to say no to your wife do you only one that was now that happened then only that happened recently I'd say about five years ago that Wow so you healed your symptoms you said you had two healings one physical and one spiritual so you're actually still healing but you actually healed your symptoms before you learned how to say no oh yeah interesting but you figured that out which is really cool okay anything you want to add before we get off here well something that I mentioned a little while ago and that was that your whole family has your illness so people have to realize that that caretakers are super important and if it's just your wife I think that's um here's an example so I'm laying in bed and I have to pee and I really got to pee and nobody's around and so I start screaming for somebody and my wife comes around she's got a towel wrapped around her head and she says can't I even take a shower I said no I said I'm not gonna pee in this bed that's happened that happened a few times with me where I didn't want to have a catheter or anything uncomfortable people leaving me alone thinking that I'm asleep one dime they left and they thought I was asleep and they could go and man I was like screaming anyway I I've had my emotional up and downs okay the other thing you said which is you said you may not be able to change your illness but you can change your attitude towards it I had that's the key to my salvation right there because my attitude towards my illness was oh I got ALS oh I'm gonna die oh well people die nobody's choosing me I guess it's just gonna happen mm-hmm that's how come people die because they just give up and and they die me I got to the point where I said hell no there's a couple of things that I haven't reversed and one of them is if you get me mad I start shaking if I I could lose my balance my balance and my emotional state or two things that didn't totally repair about three weeks ago I was on a hike with my hiking buddies and I walked across this log no problem when I was coming back I got halfway across the log and I had to drop down on my knees and hug the log and wave for my hikers to come back and get me because I was frozen so there's a little so those are my only two things balance and what else I just mentioned what I think would block somebody from coming back is that their body isn't it's it's uh their body is still malfunctioning that they haven't healed it yet because you can't you don't want to blame the person ever you're keeping this from happening no there's there's you can help it with your attitude but not everybody has the will to have that strong attitude so if it's still your body if you've if you've come a waste like me I fell down I got out of meit's wheelchair and was walking pretty normally but then I fell down again and had to go back into my wheelchair so I wasn't fully healed all at once it was definitely a gradual thing so I think it's still physical I don't think that people are mentally once once they started to heal I hope that they have a really good attitude but I don't think okay just for me man and my insight is that they still have a physical problem because if your nerves start to grow back from this maybe not all of your they don't grow back all the way and so you're gonna have to be thankful that they grew back this far and you have what you have I mean I believe anything's possible because people have been literally going down your stable for like eight years and then suddenly they get better or they'll get better and they'll get stuck and then they get better again so to me I think anything's possible I think we all have different issues I think I have my share of issues I've got some dementia issues I have some anger issues you know that kind that we all have issues like every human being on the planet has issues everybody so I just think we have different issues learn different things to heal but I believe anything's possible so whether it's a blockage from for something physical or a blockage an emotional blockage somehow whatever who knows I have no idea I'm just speculating I think there's some some issues with me that they're why my dementia is not completely healed as well I've healed it up to a point and then I kind of got stuck so it's really interesting I find it interesting but I wanted a little speculation so thank you so much for that anything else that they think we're done it's been like two hours I think we should my limit but we look forward to seeing you at the conference I think that's the most important thing we absolutely look forward to seeing you at the conference and that's in October to 18th to 20th of 2019 and I'm just excited to meet you in person because we've never met before all right well we'll be meeting on the 17th right the 17th that's right we're meeting the day before absolutely we're gonna meet the 17th yes okay well I'm very proud that I could heal myself to the point you know when I say that I healed myself I want to say I opened myself to healing there's a there's another power out there besides us that wants to come into us and we need to accept it I'm not a I'm not a religious person but I'm definitely a spiritual person and there's all kinds of possibilities so open up your mind in your heart and and ask and pray I didn't mention this but I had a huge prayer group praying for me the day that I got my spinal tap and when I was changing my clothes into my gown I felt all those prayers coming down on me I felt I'm healed I mean this big emotion came over me my aunt Billie has a a prayer group and she put my name out to all of these people and I'm telling you pray folks pray for people it works this spinal tap was what year 2006 okay so this was the final top during the diagnosis yes sure was Neil the prayers that's really cool I feel them it was amazing Wow neat so people keep those prayers coming for all your friends okay thank you so much for coming really appreciate it okay thank you all right bye-bye you
Channel: Healing Advocates
Views: 6,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ALS, MND, Lou Gehrig, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Neurological Disease, amyotrophic, lateral, sclerosis, motor neuron, motor, neuron, neurone, McFinn, Lovere, reversal, als reversal, Healing ALS
Id: jZKfoFTnx_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 50sec (6170 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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