What's going on in the Neo mod? Friday Night Funkin' Explained

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friday night funk in neo one of the most popular overhauls for fnf of all time has recently been updated with a full revamp as well as a story it seems there is now more meaning to it all the mod originally just having the sick remixes today i'm going to be taking a look at the war of neo to try and understand what is going on i think the main character involved is pretty clear if you happen to enjoy today's video consider leaving a like and subscribing and with that let's get started our story begins in week one where boyfriend has a battle with the one and only daddy dearest we learnt from the tutorial that he gives out opportunities for those he deems worthy basically people who can beat him or at least put on a show boyfriend is pretty cocky for at week one's dialogue and for good reason he takes down daddy dearest of ease despite him saying nobody has ever outshined him at his best daddy dearest reluctantly gives boyfriend a gig at the graveyard with the spookies for his victory but then suddenly he calls someone on his phone informing them that boyfriend is on the way telling them to have someone on standby this mysterious someone just says wonderful something tells me that daddy dearest might have gone easy on him on purpose in week two boyfriend has arrived at the graveyard to battle the spookies he asked some kids for help finding them only to discover the kids are the spookies the three of them start arguing when suddenly pump appears to be influenced by a red glow into reminding skid of the rap battle and so the show starts after the second song skid and pump are pretty annoyed when suddenly there is a crash the spooky kids make a run for it as the monster arrives to take over he says this will be the last time boyfriend will see anyone else as he wouldn't want him experiencing a burden he has carried for seven years strange introduction after crashing a party i must say the monsters song itself is really quite interesting i would talk about the lyrics now but i feel like we need to get through all the other details first as both of his songs are a lot more meaningful to the story itself than you may think so boyfriend and girlfriend escape the monster and are now outside the graveyard in an alleyway they encounter pico who we know from the funk and forward trailers is part of the gang hunting down boyfriend their leader being the monster this would mean that daddy dearest was contacting the monster in week one and the monster put pico on standby in the alleyway in the event that boyfriend escaped after the first song pico is mad that boyfriend is suddenly doing so well in comparison to his battle with the spooky kids this means that the monster's gang was watching on from the very beginning in the crowd then by the third song pico is just sick of it he wants boyfriend to accept his fate but boyfriend is having none of it pointing out the reasons why he wouldn't want to go after blamed pico starts breaking down he goes on and on to the point where his dialogue goes off screen he then threatens to kill boyfriend again only for witty to suddenly jump in pointing out that they need boyfriend alive saying they will get him later on anyways mommy marist shows up very suddenly asking boyfriend to duet with her he agrees but he didn't know that they would be 34 710 feet up in the air by the end of week four mummy marist invites boyfriend and girlfriend to a party with the biggest faces in all of neo city and so they make their way there other than that nothing of note really happens in week 4 so we can actually get right on to week five the party now here at the party there is a bunch of people notably garcello who is actually getting his own neo week hex and matt however for some reason befree and soft boyfriend are also there this likely seemed confusing to some of you but the reason for this is because canonically neo b3 and soft boyfriend are best pals so yeah above all these main characters in the front i think it's more important to point out the outlines in the buildings in the background we can see the monster and his whole gang watching on as if waiting to strike well they were in eggnog the screen suddenly cuts to black and we hear the monster laughing as the world fades back in it's different similar to week 2 everything is corrupted and creepy the parents faces have realistic eyes and their faces deformed show other strange faces when they sing boyfriend finally passes out from all the pressure as the monster greets them once more now on to the last song of the mod hallucination boyfriend yells out confused as to where everyone is gone the monster tells him not to worry about it but boyfriend doesn't agree monster professes the boyfriend that he wants to protect him but boyfriend isn't buying it still monster goes on saying that there is danger in boyfriends near future saying you don't want to end up like me right son wait son boyfriend points out how ridiculous that sounds and monster mocks him for this foolishness after hallucination it is made clear that the monster is boyfriend's father through the line just doing my fatherly duties this opens up the war as a whole to be further analyzed so let's do that now so what do we know about the monster now well he created these freaky looking scenes in weeks two and five he is boyfriend's supposed father and he leads a gang in neo city that is currently dedicated to hunting down boyfriend a task that they successfully accomplished in one night but how did he cause these strange corruptions of both the world around him and people what is his motive for hunting down boyfriend if he is his father heck how is he his father in the first place let's break this down firstly the strange corruption abilities now you may believe that the corruption mod in neo exist in the same universe and the monster is simply corrupted and spreading it but really monster's ability to cause disruption isn't what you may think you might have already grasped what it actually is through the monster's song names as well as his lyrics illusion and hallucination basically outright tell us that well boyfriend's head is simply being messed with and none of what is seen is actually real this is confirmed by a tweet from the creator of neo jellyfish replying to someone theorizing about it so the monster has the ability to influence someone's perception of reality this sounds quite familiar you see ninja muffin once confirmed that the monster from the actual friday night funkan can do the exact same thing which is why winter horrorland has a disturbing scene with girlfriend's head atop the tree okay but why corruption well phantom fear the creator of the corruption mod actually works on neo if i'm not mistaken so the choice was probably made to implement a corruption theme alongside the monster don't forget though the corruption in neo universes are not linked regardless of this so that's that out of the way now i want to figure out the monster's motive for hunting down boyfriend you could say it's simply because he is his father but i think there is more to it let's start with illusions lyrics the first sign really stands out to me i almost disregarded it without thinking which would have been a big mistake he says well look at this all the children in one place now children huh so not his one child boyfriend well who else is present a week too the spooky kids of course you could say that skin pump must also be his kids but that's a little bit ridiculous at that point i think he says children as boyfriend as his child and skid and pump is simply well children but why would he want the three of them there and not just boyfriend the whole thing was obviously organized as daddy dearest told monster boyfriend was on the way speaking of it's likely that the monster simply told daddy dearest he would get rid of boyfriend for him and he has no clue about the father stuff and simply wants him gone back on topic though let's say skid and pump are also the monster's children and that's why that specific phrasing is used in illusion well the only way we could have proof of this is if we see the two of them again in an upcoming week as they would also be captured by the monster this is actually plausible in my opinion as boyfriend and girlfriend encounter pico and witty after escaping the graveyard but the rest of the monster's gang is missing perhaps hunting down skid and pump anyways one of his next signs is before i drop by to lay your careers to waste now followed by tear you apart rip out your music's heart and rip out all your real hearts too it seems monster despises the musical nature of basically everything in neo city having the intent to end boyfriend and the spooky kids careers you could say this is simply to protect them as that is what he professes his motive is however his next line this world's grown so toothless and tame it's replacing the monster who made an art of killing makes me think that neo city was once much more violent in nature and changed somehow perhaps with the incident that the monster refers to from seven years ago that turned him into whatever he is now i have to switch over to talking about hallucination now as the last few lyrics in illusion actually link to week 5 events so i'll bring up illusion again soon okay so in hallucination the majority of the lyrics are simply enticing boyfriend to go to sleep obviously so monster can take him away there is one thing that stood out though fighting to stay awake not the wisest choice my friend you can have the sweetest little dreams or face suppose plotting your end listen there they are lurking okay so i found this incredibly confusing at first until i realized something the monster tells boyfriend to listen instead of telling him to look around him like he did at the start of the song what do we hear throughout the song occasionally [Music] that's right the sound of a gun being loaded i feel like we are missing a detail from boyfriend's past where gun noises would be something the monster would use against him monster then offers protection against these mysterious foes in order to again entice boyfriend to come with him now to be completely honest with you i don't really know who these foes are we barely know anything about new year boyfriend's past due to all the events in neo taking place in one night so i'm not going to theorize about these firsts particularly as let's be honest there has been enough uncertainty in this video already it could simply mean the monster's gang so let's leave it at that okay let's get back to illusion now that we've gone over hallucination the lion they'll know my name when their heart beats stilling is either really clever or i've simply misunderstood it when boyfriend is about to pass out after hallucination that's when we discover his boyfriend's father so basically when boyfriend was falling asleep when his heartbeat was stealing we discovered the truth does that make sense anyways let's move on to the final important thing in illusion the final line but don't you worry won't see your end coming when your eyes are mine my original interpretation of this was that the monster taking boyfriend's eyes would mean corrupting him as a common theme with corruption is the x and o eyes however corruption doesn't truly exist in neo it's only an illusion so boyfriend can't actually be corrupted well if it isn't the corrupted eyes what is it then how can you make someone's eyes truly yours how can you make them see the world around you the way you want them to prevent them from seeing their oncoming demise foreign uh [Music] after being captured by the monster boyfriend was taken to the monster's base this is where he is put into the simulation where week 6 will likely take place monster will likely have control over what is happening in this simulated world therefore he can make boyfriend see things differently anyways as you may or may not know neo-senpai does not have a pixelated appearance rather he is the same as everyone else in the teaser for his sprites we see that in roses he has a knife so boyfriend is likely going to be in some kind of danger whilst in the simulation despite monster constantly saying all he wants to do is protect him well if boyfriend survives he will reach week 7. neo tankman is a character we have seen in both nero trailers and the mod itself teasers for his animations are also available similar to senpai so we know for certain that we'll be facing off with him this likely means that boyfriend will escape from the simulation and will face off with tank man whilst trying to get out of the monster's base i have two possible predictions for the outcome of week seven one being good and the other being pretty awful my first theory is based around pico and witty in week three pico seems to really not be fond of what he is doing in neo city having the previously mentioned complete breakdown he is calmed down by witty pretty easily this being because pico is dating witty canonically as seen in this tweet and is also trans as a little side fact just so you know the point is the two of them are pretty close anyways at the end of week 5 woody seems sad as they haul off boyfriend it's almost as if he isn't too happy about the whole situation so where am i going of this i think pico might save boyfriend alongside witty to put an end to the monster the two of them finally having enough of being on the bad side of things certainly a possibility before i move on to my second theory i should mention that witty is actually being removed from neo similar to how his own world was removed as the creator of witty no longer wishes for him to be featured in frame night funken however this does not cause any problems as the character replacing witty will have the exact same relationship with pico and will probably act the same way in the end of week 5 cutscene so yeah no issues there now my second theory this one does not have a nice outcome for boyfriend i'll just cut through the chase nero boyfriend dies hear me out okay if nobody saves boyfriend in week 7 as he faces off with tank man what is he meant to do singing with tankman just allows for the rest of monsters gang to make their way over by the third song i reckon that in the third song the monster despite boyfriend being his son will finish the job and take him out i feel as if the monster wants complete control over boyfriend and if he can't have that well he's just gonna get rid of them the line from illusion but don't you worry won't see your end coming when your eyes are mine crazily enough actually backs this up think about it boyfriend's eyes were taken by monster not literally it was obviously the simulation if he breaks free from the simulation he will expect freedom but will be met with his demise instead well that's about it i think thanks for watching today's video i hope you enjoyed it also thanks for the support on versus imposter explained it's now my most popular video which is crazy sorry there was such a long gap between that video and this one though hopefully that doesn't happen again alright bye now [Music]
Channel: BlueStopSign
Views: 291,661
Rating: 4.9477406 out of 5
Id: ed10W1Fj8js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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