What's Faster? - Jak 3 vs Ratchet & Clank 1-3

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hello everyone welcome back to gdq hotfix in this episode of what's faster before we get started with this playstation classic uh match up i have a couple of announcements that i want to make sure that you're aware of so frost fatales is coming up tune in february 27th to march 5th and you can type exclamation point ff in chat or go to gamesquik.com frame fatales to find more info about that week-long marathon that we'll present here on hotfix also we're looking for more hotfix shows so if you have any ideas for your own show or like a one-off event go to gamesdonequick.com hotfix and submit your ideas uh you know i'm sure myself and other showrunners like feel free to ask us questions if you're somebody that's like thinking that you want to do it i know i've got some tips that i could provide you but by all means submit your show ideas so with that i think we're ready to go ahead and get started so kershaw if you want to introduce yourself i'll let you to take it away thanks man uh what's good guys my name is kashar i'm a jack and actor speedrunner primarily jack three because it's my favorite of the series uh i'm actually a new runner i'm only three months in it's it's about to be three months and uh yeah it's great to be part of the sp run community i didn't think i'd enjoy speed running this much i'm kind of addicted uh shout out to my homie mortis for pressuring me to try it out and uh yeah that's that's it and uh hi everybody i'm zem uh i've been running the ratchet games for a very very long time although uh depending on my performance today you may or may not believe that um no it's gonna be a fun time i've run i think at this point now like six or seven different ratchet games over the course of like seven years uh so i'm pretty experienced with these although uh swapping between a lot of categories is always kind of a true test of a runner so uh it's gonna be a great time and i'm really excited to be here with you kershaw it's it's i'm excited too yeah let's go be hype yeah this is gonna be sick this is gonna be really really fun um yeah so this first race uh for for chet just so you know uh the first race is a little wild uh we've got we got kirscher running a single game uh and zim's going to run three games uh and be swapping different ratios and games and all sorts it's gonna be gonna be great why did i sign up for this um but yeah so i'm pretty much ready uh whenever you are kershaw uh all right hold on let me get to the new game thing all right uh let me put up the thing all right i am i think i'm ready whenever you guys are ready all right so let's go in uh three two one go all right good luck here char good luck man so i'm gonna die in five seconds yeah something that uh i'll just take over real quick there's already stuff happening here in ratchet so i'm using the uh the walloper right here uh in ratchet one there aren't very many ways to preserve momentum and uh so one of the things that we're doing early on before we get clank is that we're using the walloper uh we're pausing as the wallop is at like its highest speed like its highest velocity and we're opening up an in-level movie which allows us to store that velocity and then we uh use it to do a bunch of really fast side flips over all this terrain so that's what i'm doing over here you are 10 seconds into a run and you're doing nine different things i'm just doing the tutorial i'm collecting white little dots and learning how to jump and roll yeah this the uh bus is the struggle of ratchet and clank too much to do with too little time to talk about any of it your finger's going crazy 10 seconds in that is wild uh yeah right now i'm just doing the the tutorial it teaches you how to jump to roll to shoot people uh there's no strats to this really you just gotta do it as fast as possible uh which i pretty much did i got dark jack so if you get dark jack before the lava appears then you're doing amazing if not you know if you get the enemies to six at least then that should be good mine's at five four get you three get you two get you one get you and that's how we do it i always love watching the training course it's it's so like i've watched a fair bit of jack three in my time just because uh i just know like oh whoops what am i doing i know a lot of people who run the games and so it's always really cool seeing like uh all the training core stuff are you doing the the proxy i don't know if that's uh a thing that you're doing yet oh i wish i could do that so basically the proxy is uh at the beginning of the arena like five seconds into you know after you you start the game jack goes up to a flagpole and basically humps it he humps it so hard he flies a million feet in the air and you skip the entire arena pretty much it saves you a whole minute uh my hump skills ain't that good so i i i haven't really uh perfected that but maybe one day for now i just did it you know how it's meant to you know be done but yeah i had a very funny thing happen this game likes to eat triangle inputs a lot and uh i tried to swap weapons to save myself from dying and then it ate all my triangle inputs and then i just died so that was fun oh that's that's tough nah it's okay thankfully i died right where the checkpoint was so it wasn't too bad it's all good right now i'm on a leafer lizard which is basically the main transportation of this you know asparagus which is a city in the desert uh and we're eating kangarats i messed up this one oh no uh the strat for this is basically you need to chase those little kangarats i think they're half kangaroos half rats like everything else in this universe is half half um but if you look at the kangarats they dash across the map and you will have a poor time trying to chase them so the strat for this is you have to look away from them so you look if you're wondering why i'm not looking straight i look to the side and the red dots on the map they won't run away until you're very close and then you get them so you know yeah that's how the ai works if you don't see them they don't see you um and i died on something that i'm like okay so i'm pretty practiced right now in ratchet one but a different category so this is supposed to be my comfort game right now and i just died on something that is the exact same that it is in the category that i'm currently running so this is going well um but here you're very comfy right now yeah very comfy i can at least explain what's uh what's happening here so you're not supposed to be able to move during this train sequence right here the the train sequence is supposed to just go by um and you're just standing still and then you do the train sequence afterwards uh but what i did was i manipulated an enemy to fire a missile and so as i activate the train sequence the missile hits me and then i can gain control of ratchet uh during the uh cutscene for some reason not sure why it allows that sort of state cancel but that's ratchet baby that's the story of speedrunning i don't know why it does that it just doesn't yeah and i'm gonna do it the the personal favorite is the the game gets confused there's always like the people who get really angry when people say that and there's always the people who like intentionally say to make people more angry i'm just doing a mini game right now there's no thick mlg you know pro scratch right here you just click buttons and it works you know just a mini game and we're done that probably the you know the suckiest mission out of all the jack runs you know it's just kind of boring but we're done that we're gonna hop back on our trusty leaper lizard i'm gonna name him jerry jerry to me and we're gonna go to the next mission how was your satellite rng uh ass i couldn't find another word i'm like butt cheeks to be honest yeah just some booty cheeks over there that's okay it happens you know satellite rng is only good until you need it to be yeah speaking of booty cheeks i went into zem stream earlier today and he was like kashar i'm going to give you a warning you are probably going to rip my booty hole apart in the first race which is not really a warning it's like a reverse warning oh you gotta you know i i have a uh admit perhaps i keep it a little too real sometimes and i just needed him to know that like this is just not gonna be my strongest showing in the world but you know what it's okay i hit this blarg clip these clips uh what i'm doing right here is uh i'm using the decoy which is meant to be used as a device that distracts enemies so they keep them away from ratchet because in this game ratchet doesn't have a whole lot of health uh but instead what happens is that we use it to clip through walls and go out of bounds um and so the decoy clips are actually very precise on playstation 3 so they're a little tough to hit sometimes especially if you're a little out of practice but uh i've done them enough times that uh thankfully they're not too bad and here we've got a really nice strategy right here i'm gonna make ratchet just ascend into the air and then hopefully hopefully yes siree bob i'll take that we get all the way to the bouncer which is the very last thing that we have to do right at the very very beginning of the level so yes sir we take those and now i'm about to do the most nerve-wracking part of the run so basically we're about to do a race which is pretty much like how to drive the car uh this race takes way too long if you lap around the whole thing as you see at the bottom right that's a long race track i'm not trying to do that today so there's something called the cleaver lap skip where you basically uh boost over a rock and you skip half the lap you know half the course but the thing is the devs hate if you go off course even a little bit so if you touch the ground and mess up let me focus here before i mess up hold on okay so i got it so as long as you hit those rocks and don't go behind those rocks you should be good but if you do hit those rocks it'll give you a big fat game over and it'll tell you to do the whole thing over again and you can do that three times and if you mess it up even once and you're trying to hit a pb or something you might as well just reset because you know it's gone so let me try not to mess up here i have two more times to do that uh somebody made a comment about my bolt count being 420 million um yeah i cheated and put that in and now i actually cheated again during that shift transition and now i have 69 69 69 bolts so if anybody has any like special requests for numbers actually since you know this is our first time interacting if you want to have first dibs on any sort of bolt count just let me know i don't know if i could beat 69 69 69 bro i can't think of a better number than that you might guess so if you guys have any uh better number recommendations but terrible through the third lap here so i have to do this one more time it would really suck if i failed this on the last lap let me let me knock on wood what am i doing let me stop i i rebuke that all right one more time and we got this pray for me chad coming up on the jump i guess i'll grab this boostie right here come on if i fail this i'm gonna eat my desk oh thank god my desk does not taste good all right we succeeded we got it okay my desk is looking mighty juicy right now so i understand hey yo what color is your desk uh it's a it's a nice little burnt mahogany oh that do sound tasty actually hold on yo send me some dead sticks after this what's up hey yo i'll mail you some spare desk after i'm uh after i get full thank you just chop the corner of that desk oh my god i ran into a palm tree please we're gonna go into the water and destroy ourselves because it spawns us back at the city instead of driving all the way there you get out the car and roll because it's better than reversing back in and now we're back into the desert which we will collect artifacts which is also annoying because the desert has these marauders that try to kill you for no reason so and we have no guns yeah why is everybody so mean to jack just like kind of messed up you know he's just kind of he's just living his life that's what i'm saying man he's living his life got a nine to five like all of us you know what i'm saying like i don't know she's he's he's just trying to make it out here in the wasteland but they're just haying man i don't know but a trick i do is oh my okay i should have did it there basically if you use your rear camera the marauders spawn like that they don't spawn in front of you if you look at the mini map you see red dots but they disappear because if you don't see them again if you don't okay except for this one but basically the game's logic is if they if you don't see them they don't see you for the most part and they just disappear so that's also how things work in real life pretty much that's why anytime i don't ever want to be seen by people i just close my eyes while i'm walking around relax man just go blindfold through life like basically just treat life like a blind playthrough that's what i always say oh this marauder literally just tackled me yeah these marauders could be a run killer [Music] oh what am i doing here i'm doing agb strats on accident that's okay i can skip this checkpoint yeah so at this point uh there's a lot of stuff that i've done that i haven't uh really found the time to squeeze in but essentially um the one thing that i do have to say about ratchet and clank which we have to say every single gdq event that has a a ratchet game in it is that the devs decided to make their lives as easy as possible when they're programming these levels so oftentimes the ends of planets are at the very very beginnings of planets it's really cool and so you know the end is at the beginning and um there's a meme that we like to have that involves jay hobbs but i don't know how many people in this chat even know who jay hobbs is so i'll refrain for now yeah i'm gonna say the gdq people know who jay hobbs is that that's that's the only thing that uh needs to be said there uh i need the visit bomb here don't i yeah so something that i'm gonna be doing right here is um sniping these fish on the back line uh all the way at the very very end of the level using the visibon gun and the reason i'm doing that is to initiate a trick called guy warp uh this is this guy driving the boat his name is the guy it's just simply the guy that's gonna say his name's the guy his name is the guy um and uh we can try to do our best here to get him to warp to the end of the level these fish are stuck here i've never seen this before there you go that's one for the counter um and uh yeah so it'll save guy warp saves like what like 15 20 25 seconds i'm not 100 sure so ideally i'd like to earn some of this time back uh that's going to be the goal here so until then i'm just killing fish and walking around sounds like a vibe it's like the suburban like 45 year old dad dream is just going fishing just fishing and just you know walking around just walking around oh that's that that's the retirement right right now are you running a chicken on it's called a leaper everything in this jack universe is half half so we have yak cows which is very cute happy eye calf cow we have kangarats half kangaroo half rad this is a leaper lizard a kangaroo rat's a real thing is it wait is it actually yeah kangaroo rat's a real thing i mean it's not an actual half kangaroo half rat but it's totally a real animal say word no you lying hold on wait no i should be the carfax i don't believe you bro wait all right i'll i'll send you a link in between runs yeah bro show me those insurance papers because i think you're i think that's liable i don't know but actually i think yeah cows are a thing too half yeah cap cow i feel like i've seen a yeah a yacow on the internet somewhere but yeah i'll google it and report back yes please this chicken chicken raptor thing what's this one called they're just called leaper lizards half lizard hats half something we don't know yet it could be i don't know i really don't but yeah they're just called leaper lizards half lizard half i'll get back to you on that after more research but i love the animal life in this game it's very uh creative you know and then these dog things you see in the road see those dog things those are like they're half dogs half i don't know i don't know what they are mouse rats maybe they're also dog rats who knows i haven't been outside in so long i'm just surprised there's any animals these days animals exist yeah i heard animals just dropped you know i heard god dropped that dlc pack expansion pack you know it's pretty dope a few bugs but you know all right i'd like to report that a hybrid yak cow is in fact a thing it's called a dizzo i'll report back with other hybrid animals soon we're definitely saying it wrong when we say it it sounds like a sneeze so i don't know but that's pretty cool so i guess you know naughty dog got inspiration from real life animals speaking of animals we're chasing a metal head dinosaur metal heads are the uh the villains of the game of the series they're just you know another species that just wreak havoc and there's different metal heads big ones small ones dinosaur ones and we're just hunting them because why not [Music] although this mission is scary sometimes because sometimes they turn around and they stomp on you and all your vehicle health just disappears okay see like that almost i almost got stomped out they come out of nowhere they turn around come out of nowhere and stomp you out get away from me get away from me get away from me please just die we're having very different problems right now oh no oh i died see rose these these metal dinos lung me into a rock dude they just come out of nowhere it's messed up it is yo bro this ain't jack bro this is jo jurassic park i'm here all day yeah i'm funny i promise i'm just gonna say i'm not built to live in that world at all like you know how they always ask like which fictional world would you want to live in jack keep me away from it i am not designed for that facts i mean maybe the first jack game the first jack game is like i don't know it's it looks nice and beautiful you know like yeah there's a few enemies but you know they die in one hit and then jack two and three is all males like these oh no everything's huge yeah like naughty dog heard people talking smack about jack one and they're like oh you guys wanna you guys want a world i'll give you a whirl uh jack one's too easy oh i'll show you i'll show you what we got the last metal head dinosaur right here i would have finished this like 30 seconds ago if that one middle head didn't destroy me and i had to go back to the start but we got it it's all good now we're gonna go back to the city you can leave me alone stop shooting me please yeah so something i just did there um i had to do a ship fight uh where you have to blow up five different chunks of a ship right like a flying thing the i don't know what you would even call i guess ship is the most accurate although it just feels weird i thought you said something else for a second that is disgusting a what fight what are you flinging around oh yeah it's that's in the uh the r-rated version of jack of uh ratchet and clank we don't talk about that version yeah um but yeah so uh i had to do that i had to break apart the five different segments of the uh ship i had to emphasize that i wanted to make sure i really got that one out there oh thank you thank you but yeah uh it's actually kind of cool we learned in the past couple years that there are weak points uh on the flying vehicle and uh we can shoot the weak points to break it faster and so we don't have to worry as much about the helicopters that are trying to shoot us down in the meantime um i also did a lot of stuff on gimlic while i was trying to explain that and there's just a lot there's just a lot happening guys all you need to know about ratchet as well sometimes you'll see me open up a menu um and kind of keep a state out of it uh this device is called the pda you're supposed to use it to buy ammo like away from a vendor when you're in a pinch um but we use it to maintain uh or rather to give ratchet a grounded state so that uh anytime we're in midair we can just pause the pda like for example right here i'm just gonna go up in the air for a little bit just for swag points uh i can go as high as i want you can literally touch the very very top of the map i don't know if uh i don't know how high up it goes but we can keep on going if we really felt like it obviously don't really have time for that right now but in theory um and it's really nice because it saves our skin whenever we make really dumb mistakes uh which is a very nice feature of ratchet one there's another feature like that in ratchet two there are no features like that in ratchet three so i've got nothing to save me it'll be fun it's really dope how like almost 20 years later people are still finding new things about these games like like it's really cool all these new like hit the hit points you just said like all these new discoveries all these years later like these games like just but they never die it feels like you know it's just yeah there's kind of a phenomenon as well in the speedrunning community where it's like anytime there's like a super legendary speed run it's so cool because almost a year later it'll probably be obsoleted by like some new strategy that was found or some new runner that pushed the time down it's just always so crazy there's always something new which is what i really love about speedrunning like again i'm only three months into this community like i'm still a new runner and people are still finding new things you know yeah and investigating so many different skips and glitches and you know i'm like dang like yeah i can't wait to show you guys another like like this one skip which i have no idea how it was even found it's so specific but yeah so kirsten i actually have a question for you if you're like because you're really new to speed running how did you find this uh like what like the the game or the like i mean really either either one you want to talk about like either how you found jack or or how you found speedrunning in general yeah like i so jack and daxter was actually my first ever video game you know my dad brought home a ps2 jack and daxter one was in it and i fell in love with it so did he then you know jack two jack three uh you know we just played it all together and then you know all these years later i've always replayed the games like i know the games like the back of my hand so casually i've i've been playing it casually for years and my love bird has never died and recently my friend mortis is a speed runner i knew he i knew he was a speedrunner for a long time he sped around dead ran is that past tense for speed on sped ran and i'm like that's cool not my thing though you could never catch me speedrunning you know cause i had a i had that outlook where it's like why would you want to like skip half the game dog like you're supposed to enjoy games like like you know it's kind of you know that was my mentality so i'm like no i'll never be a speedrunner if i ever become a speedrunner then you can slap me in my booty and my booty is slapped up now because i'm addicted and mortar said try it you'll like it i'm like you know what i'll see how act one goes i fell in love with it and yeah that's why i found the community it's been warm welcoming everyone there is so nice everyone takes the time out of the day to you know teach you what they know and you know make youtube tutorials for you and it's just they're so kind you know um they're great i don't know if y'all recognize any of these names but uh the rixxer ricky he's helped me out a lot uh outrageous josh he's been at homey always raiding me and you know showing me that this this community is so positive it's just it's it's it's been a great time it's been a great three months you know that's great i'm glad you're having so much fun with it like that's yeah and that's what i love about speed ranging so much as well it's just like you know at the end of the day even though there are leaderboards it's like everyone knows what it's like to be bad at speedrunning and everyone knows what it's like to like help people out while they're getting started you know exactly like they paid forward in a way like like they've been in my spot and that's why i'm sure they're so eager to you know help me out you know and it's just it's really dope like oh my ham just died there um i don't think i would have stayed in this community as long as i have if everyone wasn't so kind and positive you know like if everyone was like you know to each their own you know it's cut throat you know uh i'm not letting you surpass me on the leaderboard like no they're not like that and it's just such a positive vibe they uplift each other you know ugh sorry i am listening but i do have to run around like a chicken with my stretching no i have to swap consoles oh it's sounded like you were doing a nice stretch bro like yeah i'm just just having a great time over here yeah so um i don't know how many people were paying attention during this but some of you may have noticed when i got to the end of eldon 2 where is drek he wasn't there at all and as a matter of fact uh we have a skip uh i'm gonna explain this and then swap consoles uh where if you beat drek on a file that is not the file you're running on and then don't press the button to end the game direct just never spawns when you go to a different file so you just skip the final boss it's really cool oh that's pretty dope i just i'd like to point out after your your great story about mortis like getting you into speedrunning and stuff uh i'd just like to point out that they did predict against you in this race so excuse them ayo mortis oh we gotta talk after this yo hold on also i forgot to do a major skip i was so flabbergasted by that comment that i forgot to do a skip that could have saved me like a minute but it's all good we'll wing it we'll wing it it's fine but mortis the betrayal yeah that could have saved me like 30 seconds basically the skip i wanted to show you guys is you pretty much drive into the water and it spawns you right here like right here it spawns you here which you know it does have the mission for you you i don't have to climb so far but i had to climb in like from the bottom so that you know it's a lot of time but it's all good uh what the heck is happening my monitor is doing something very very weird right now okay oh see here progressive skin turned back off for some reason that is strange maybe that's what messed everything up okay i need to deactivate reactivate one more time okay back in business back in business match it too i gotta save a file then i can load it back up and then we're on to ratchet two here so it'll all be good awesome awesome so yeah ratchet two um extremely fundamentally different than ratchet one um that is basically ratchet one is like its own universe and ratchets two and three are relatively similar uh but not quite um there are some movement stuff that remains the same between games however there's the addition of the charge boots which you're gonna see a lot of um the charge boots allow us to go to max speed whenever we feel like it also i'm going to skip to two thirds of the way through the game immediately uh you're welcome everybody i'm trying to do my best to to you know eventually finish this run um so so what we do actually this category is only 10 minutes long and the reason why is because of a weird glitch called insomniac museum glitch a lot of people remember the insomniac museums if you 100 ratchets two and three you unlock the super cool hidden developer world called the insomniac museum and you get to see like all the cool stuff that they programmed or couldn't put into the game and whatnot all the little easter eggs uh turns out in this game if you go there's a shortcut you can access from the menu from the very very beginning that takes you to the insomniac museum but when you leave the insomniac museum it takes you to bolden two-thirds of the way through the game we don't know what well the reason why it does that uh do i need well i don't know what i'm doing here okay uh the reason why it does that is because of a uh because this is where you would normally go to bolden if you were to access the uh the path normally and so the game just kind of uh you know takes takes you back to where it thinks you're supposed to go [Music] what a broken game it is an extremely broken game yeah man that's pretty cool though it's pretty dope ratchet 2 is actually my favorite rat i mean it was my first ever ratchet i ever played on ps2 so maybe that's why it's my favorite but uh yeah i replayed that a dozen times it's a it's an incredible game usually everyone's favorites are either two or three um and uh it's funny because even though like i have this whole history with ratchet i ratchet two was the first one i ever actually owned uh and my my brother was the one who got ratchet one on christmas um and i remember he he was he's eight years older than me so he never let me play with him like ever so i'd be like can i watch you play ratchet clank you'd be like ugh fine whatever and then uh when he went off to college i stole his copy of ratchet one and then uh i i basically just and now it's just mine like he's not allowed to have it back so that's your revenge for all the years you guys play uh so right now i'm actually doing another very hard skip of this game basically i'm in the volcano level which takes you know maybe 10 more minutes like 10 minutes 15 minutes to do a normally but now we're going to kind of skip through it and oh my god see i i failed see the jumps here are crazy to me like if you fail these you have to go back to the spawn and it's pretty easy to fail these jumps because you slide off it you it's [Music] it took me a long time to to perfect volcano it's it's my heart still beats hard [Laughter] it almost fell to the lava this part is hard but yeah we did it we did not have to go through 10 minutes of this entire volcano level we just went to the end of it through the backside pretty much um and yeah yeah even uh even the most experienced runners still have a tough time with volcano it is not an easy area by any means yeah have you run jack three i've never run jack three but i uh i watched like i've i've been really really close friends with the rixxer for a really long time so i've watched him run it like a trillion times like it's it's like a lot of the route has just burned into my brain i see yeah man volcano like even the most experienced runners still like sweat a bit when volcano comes up because that it's a run killer to be honest definitely and then with this if you uppercut spin jump you can hop on these spikes and yeah we're in business just going down the temple trying to get jack's first ever light ability so in this game uh jack has two alter egos he has dark eco which is dark jack which you get dark powers basically so this is dark you go you transform into the hulk basically uh super strong um and we're gonna use dark jack to annihilate all the gun turrets in this room easy peasy and then press this button in the middle and we're going to go on our way to get our first ever light jack ability the opposite of dark deck which is pretty cool and these gates you could actually go over so the normal route if you're a casual player you swing across those bars but instead of doing all that we're going to swing over the gate instead of just swinging across all those bars you know and like that takes forever we're just gonna beat the system and there is the light jack room where we get our first power boom and now jack can heal the heavens are healing him beautiful and we're done here through the warp gate and we're going back out i thought i think i just noticed something on my game file i'm gonna have to check this real quick i think i might accidentally be cheating i wanna double check tell anybody okay i somehow have oh this is my practice file memory card chat no one say a word i don't know what that means but i won't tell nobody [Laughter] um yeah so that's interesting uh but yeah regardless thankfully i can still actually play through the game i wonder if my practice code still works so yeah we have a lot of systems that we use in this game to practice just various parts of of games and as a matter of fact like even on the ps2 version of ratchet uh we discovered a way to use like free mcboot well i don't know what we're using i'm not gonna say it in case it's not a good thing to say uh but we have memory cards and files that we pass around the community that allow us to basically just practice certain things over and over uh what am i doing here i think i need to do this and then sorry this is like a really complicated movement sequence i haven't done in a while um but yeah so it's just really cool because uh it allows us to take things that are normally very very difficult and uh give us an honest chance at just doing it uh over and over like reloading certain states i need this so what it's basically like debug mode in a way kind of pretty much yeah um yeah it's our version of debug mode since we don't have a built-in debug mode ah i see i see that's pretty handy yeah so for uh the ps3 ones we have actually a really incredible team of people who have put these programs together um and then for the ps21 uh we have our practice files on memory card so it's kind of cool that being said even though the planets are already unlocked uh i can still play through the game naturally so this won't be this is like the maybe the world's first accidentally cheated but still viable ratchet and clank 2 run [Laughter] hey it's not cheating if nobody says a word yeah exactly you're not leaving here unless you promise to not say anything that's actually uh one of the mods of the ratchet community it'll be it's so funny like uh when he's verifying runs he'll like personally dm people be like hey did you cheat and then like everyone always gets like really nervous like what just yeah he's like i don't know i like i haven't actually watched the run yet but i just wanted to know if you did you can just tell me [Laughter] make them sweat a little you know that's dope uh yeah so right now i'm doing a mission where so there's four wastelanders stuck in the desert a big storm is coming and they're in the desert with no car for some reason i don't know how they got out here with no transportation but uh they're just standing out here and we gotta save four of them uh this mission gets hectic because the desert storm gets very bad to the point where you can't even see two feet in front of you uh and sometimes these uh wastelanders don't want to go in your car they like glitch around the car and they're like where's the door and you know to waste a lot of time or they get shot and and this machine has been really hit or miss for me as well oh uh that was scary but this we should be okay and get the third one here i think this is no this is the second one i think this is the second one and the marauders are doing everything in their power to stop you so you got to watch your vehicle health you got to watch in front of you shoot them grab their boosts go fast dodge their bullets a lot to do do you think the marauders bully you because your name is spelled without a c whoa you might be honest some you know i know oh my god they're bullying me hard their anger is fueled by ignorance i don't know are they are they sea supremacists like i don't get it like what what's what's so good about the letter c that k doesn't have like i think k is pretty good i think k is a a way better letter in my opinion but that's just me please get in my car don't glitch out nice oh he just destroyed himself uh then we're gonna drop him off to his point over here as you guys can see the desert storm is getting very bad right now you know it's hard to see in front of you the longer it goes on meanwhile meanwhile it's winter time where i'm at so it's like we got totally different climates here [Laughter] where are you in siberia wait what what's it called and ratchet wait there's a snow planet i remember there is a siberias yeah but uh tiberius that's what it's called yeah i'm on i'm on grelbin right now that's uh one of the other ones [Music] yeah this is actually a fun fact about grelbin for those who don't know this uh the yetis on this planet everybody who's played ratchet 2 remembers the yetis because they were so annoying and uh they were so poorly programmed they programmed the entire planet in three days and so the yetis don't behave the way that like any of the rest of the game does just because they're they're so poorly coded and as a matter of fact uh in honor of how terrible the yetis are uh insomniac every year they have the yeti awards which is like the one thing in their game that is just completely broken like they just totally messed it up no chance at redemption hey you at least they're self-aware they are yeah they really they do a good job of that they know when they mess up right now we're doing a boss fight turns out the last wastelander we tried to save is dead there's his dead body right there and this thing possibly killed him so now we're just doing this boss fight in the middle of the desert uh this is the last phase of it if i don't get hit there we go he's gonna do little three waves here then we shoot him beat him up and then we go back to our car and this is where the marauders get angry this is where they gang up on you so i got a get away from me there's a bridge here i'm gonna hop this bridge try to go this way to get away from the marauders and here i'm on the final boss which thankfully i immediately die on and that's a good thing because that's what i meant to say the whole time thankfully i die instantly i was not confused i'm like congratulations or i'm sorry uh yeah so we kill the final boss nearly instantly using the rhino which is extremely busted but yeah it takes about five seconds to kill him if you don't get squished all right onto rapture three yeah nice oh that's a tree oh please don't die oh i'm so scared if my car's my car be falling down cliffs and if you follow down at the at the wrong angle the whole thing just explodes like sometimes the game the car has weird hitboxes like if you get hit in a very specific angle all your health just goes like the car is done it ceases to exist i'm a destiny player so i fully understand landing on a weird piece of geometry and it just deciding that you're dead yeah you're just gone the game just decided it no longer just it needs you really but we said we survived that and now we're going to do what are we doing i should have memorized this by now i think we're doing a turret mission done this so many times and i don't know what mission is next but act one has a lot of missions and uh something i have to do real quick here the resolution is gonna be very wonky for a second but uh as a matter of fact even though we play uh ratchet 3 on the playstation 3. we down scale the resolution to 480p 4x3 because it reduces lag so very strange stuff but uh it'll help me in the long run i swear also you can see the remnants of my chinese food that i ate you can see my monokuma plushie and my strange gorilla uh plushie that's wearing a wig so you know just wanted to introduce just wanted to like get the elephant in the elephants plural in the room out there just so you know i got to own it so you guys can't judge me i don't know if you guys can even see now i want a room tour now i'm curious where's the where about room tour video all right let's see here i think this is the right one um yeah so right now i'm doing the turret mission uh the jack and daxter well the jack 3 speedrun pros memorize where these uh big circle things are are going to come out i don't know where it's going to come out because i don't got a good memory so i'm just going to pray that oh he's right there see i have no idea where it's going i should memorize this by now but i don't i'm just lazy so you know the other runners could end this you know section very fast because they know where it's gonna pop out but me i'm just gonna spray and pray pretty much i think one is here actually right yup see i know where some of them are one's here yep i i remember and then one is here i lied i was close maybe not really here yeah i remember that one okay all right zim we talked about kershaw getting into speed running why don't you tell us your speedrun origin story oh it's yesteryear it is a very long story but i don't mind getting into it if uh if you don't mind kershaw go ahead uh i'm i'm trying to see your lore i'm trying to see uh i'm gonna see your background story yeah so basically i got into speed running uh for the first time sorry i'm trying to do some setup on this stuff while i uh figure all this stuff okay there we go um yeah so i got into speedrunning actually as a matter of fact back in 2009 whoa um and it was because like i was my sophomore year i know it's my junior year of high school um so i am a bit of a boomer i don't mind if you guys make fun of me for that i i was nine years old in 2009. i just want to i just want to put that out there i um but yeah so uh what ended up happening was i was taking my oh sorry i i didn't respond to you being a young whippersnapper because i was i was too busy dying there's like a lot happening right now um this is like the the most inopportune time to have to talk and play but i'm gonna make it work twitch chat um you got this you got this so basically what happened was i was in my uh beginner piano class and because i've taken a lot of music classes and it was like basically one of those like throwaway classes that people take just to get an easy a um shout out to mrs nean i'm sorry if i called your class in eza but regardless um because i had like any music experience at all i would normally get all my work done like pretty quickly like in like half an hour and we were supposed to take the other like 50 60 minutes of class to actually like you know practice the instrument and do the thing that you're supposed to do um but instead i would play on uh congregate uh the old uh flash game website and uh one day i remember i got really bored of congregate and so instead what i ended up doing is i went to e-bombs world which is normally a terrible terrible place but one of the videos featured on the front page of e-bombs world that day was a super mario brothers 3 speed run in 11 minutes and i remember at the time i didn't realize it but it was a task but like um oh wait what am i doing here i need this um at the time i didn't realize that it was a tool assisted speed run it was it was done you know frame by frame at the time i thought somebody had manually done that and so i saw this dude just like bouncing on all these cannon balls and just like doing all this crazy stuff and beating the whole game in 11 minutes i was blown away and so i was like i want to do that someday and uh i didn't actually end up doing much with it like i was i was a a gdq like i was just a another typical chatter like i was just one of those people who just like watched all the gdqs and like had like the schedules printed out like oh i'm gonna watch these runs they're my favorite games um but i always wanted to do it and then eventually i landed on ratchet and clank because at the time uh there was really not that many people running the game like i i think there was maybe like one run uh that was out there online and so like my goal was to just beat that run and then bing bang boom i'm the best and then that's it i i'm i've won and uh unfortunately any any person with any experience at speedway can tell you it is uh not that simple there's always going to be people coming out of the woodwork um and eventually more and more people started joining this community and like i was one of the first people but i wasn't like the first you were a pioneer sort of in a way in a way i was but there were people along the way who did a lot more to lay the groundwork than i did um but after a while i had it like stop for a while because uh i got really bodied by this one like 13 year old and then uh a young whipper snapper a young whimper snapper yeah and uh so i was like pretty ashamed but so i used college as an excuse i was like oh yeah i can't beat you because i have to i have to be in school right now um and so i have responsibilities unlike you you know yeah i have to go like earn a living but then eventually uh once i graduated college i just had nothing to do because i was just kind of working dead end jobs um for those unaware i went to school to be an opera singer um but the thing is when you're really really young you're not going to get hired to go anywhere because they're not looking for younger voices they're looking for people with more mature voices um and so i just had nothing to do from like 21 to 25 and i was like you know what maybe i'll try that speed running thing and uh here i am all this time later and i'm completely addicted i love it just as much as i did the first time i picked up a controller and uh i've gotten some world records along the way and i ventured into some other games but mostly i just find a home in ratchet and clank because i don't know the community's just amazing it's it's only gotten better as the years have gone on so this this is years in the making for you like yeah it really is more than a decade that's crazy yeah it's really dope it's a it's wild it really is but like that's kind of the beauty of speedrunning is that like whatever you're willing to put into it is what you get out of it you know yeah i've realized that like like the more you practice the more runs you do like there's only up you know like it's only up to go you know or however the saying goes there's no way how does this thing go i don't know but yeah uh the enemy's gate is down that's a that's an ender's game reference for those keeping track at home but that's you know terrible movies so i don't blame anybody who doesn't know that uh regardless yeah i get what you're trying to say i'm just being stupid for no reason i was going to say what movie is that oh you don't remember the the hit classic ender's game ender's game it's like the hunger games like uh no but you know it's it's fine um it's like the squid games yeah it's like the squid games i don't believe you [Laughter] um but yeah it's like it's like an old sci-fi uh story that got turned into a movie and the story was really cool and the movie was terrible so it was uh kind of a shame that's the way it goes to be honest yeah it's kind of like every like uh you know cult classic 51st dates or uh you know uh ghost of girlfriend's past starring matthew mcconaughey you know appreciated by a small audience what are you talking about what are these movies or shows i had a brain fart there's at least there's at least a few people in chat who know what i'm talking about it's dad who is he talking about what is he talking about 50 50 first dates is an adam sandler movie that's all you really need to know about it is it the the i think the plot of that movie is like the girl has like amnesia or some like short-term memory loss thing so every day she forgets him like who he is and he takes her on a date over and over it's really it's a bad movie just i'm just referencing really bad movies at this point don't worry about it kershaw you're not missing anything yeah you're a bad movie connoisseur apparently i don't know if you like these bad movies i like memeing about them i don't know it's your guilty pleasure just admit it you like watching very bad movies i mean it's funny too because i i usually you know when i watch the movies i say man this is going to be a great movie and then i'm always disappointed oh my gosh what about you kershaw what are your favorite movies oh do i want chat calling me a child because my movies aren't you know i think you gotta open yourself up to it you know you gotta risk it this is basic but uh i love the the raimi trilogy spider-man you know i i'm in love with that uh wasn't a huge fan of andrew garfield but i appreciate it and then tom is kind of in the middle he's cool too but you know the raimi films are definitely uh on top and i'm a huge harry potter nerd okay i watch those movies all the time uh i love star wars wow i'm a nerd i'm just hearing myself right now oh no this is actually an intervention this is this is there is why you brought me there is no there's no what's faster your mom is in the other room we're here for you [Laughter] which one is your favorite harry potter of the bunch uh i think the fourth one goblet of fire just hit different like the tournament like the triwizard tournament and it was the movie that it was the first dark harry potter movie like people were dying you know um that's when the series took a twist like he's no longer a kid no more like this is serious uh so the fourth one for sure the goblet of fire okay i have to say yeah i can agree with that i think that like there's a certain magic of like innocence to the the first few but then like the i agree that the fourth is like the turning point yeah like i love a good like turning point plot twist yeah if you want to call it that have you watched harry potter or oh i was a huge uh nerd back in the day for that kind of stuff but i like i read them all when like as they were coming out and stuff like that but um you know then i don't know i just stopped uh being uh harry potter to stop being a nerd yeah i i i basically that the childhood innocence was beaten out of me [Laughter] oh wait this is the wrong weapon um but yeah that all being said kershaw how's your run going uh it's i messed up a few times i could have done a few skips that i just forgot to do in all honesty so uh it's all right i guess not the best it could be but i have a few more missions to go until we're at the end of acts one right now we are defending uh the best girl no the second no the third this is a very important distinction you have to make here who really is best girl yeah i fight with myself every night trying to figure out who is the best girl in the jack series ashlyn the redhead that i'm fighting alongside with right now she a baddie right she is a baddie absolutely she's amazing you know as a kid i loved her but now all those tattoos on her face look like a soundcloud rapper i don't know how to feel like i'm kind of i'm kind of confused but yeah they definitely didn't make it well yeah i did an age of for sure but i think ashley's at least number two kira is number one because you know yeah i'm basically but who are your top two rationing clank girls waifus whatever you want to call oh there's so listen you have to understand there's so much risk with answering this question because like who your favorite ratchet girl is says a lot about you as a person unfortunately it's sasha isn't it mine is not sasha mine is mine has been and always will be courtney gears or or i'll take uh um i'll take juanita from deadlocked as well she's she's also uh they're both baddies in their own way you know uh why did why i should have thought of courtney gear she a baddie that she went hard like all the robots in the galaxy rise up and fight back yo that was a bop i was twerking i'm not gonna lie yeah that was the og banger like the og video game banger like the kids were like bumping and shaking to it they're like oh my god what's going on here yeah yo peep my mp3 player real quick yo you know courtney oh my gosh that was a walkman back in sims day though stop it right now oh my god this is unacceptable he didn't deny it though that's the crazy part listen [Laughter] listen i actually remember though i remember getting my first walkman it was like it was like matte black i was like oh my god this thing is so cool and then uh there was what were those things called they were like they weren't walkmen they were like um like oh i totally forget they're they're like these things that only played one song and you had to like pop like the the french toast into it like it it wasn't french toast but like it looked like french toast this dude got a toaster as a music player you pop it in i'm not kidding you like you have like little mp3s on each little piece of french toast that you put into your into your like teeny tiny walkman i forget what they were called a cassette player no no no it wasn't a cassette i swear it was like it was average it was marketed towards kids and they were like yeah play your favorite in sync and backstreet boys songs on it and like i remember this clear as day it was like it was ridiculous dude like get your toaster mp3 player i won [Laughter] dude you can't even tell me like like back when like uh like in sync would pop on be like every little thing i do you'd be like oh my god like bumping and grinding in the in like the walmart as it's playing over the radio my mom's like there are people watching you need to stop you're embarrassing me hit clips they were called hit clips thank you take it in the back clip because the thing was like it was it was supposed to be like like like it was supposed to be close to hip because they you like clipped it onto your like belt buckle and like like an ipod shot yeah it's like it's like the pre-ipod shuffle but it only played one song it was really bad that's incredible oh i did it so basically if you guys saw what i just did there i did a hover with the hoverboard we basically hover into the sky through the rooftop to skip like a 10 minute mission and then we get into the other room where the mission kind of ends and that took me a long time to perfect but i did it first try so i'm really happy you'll get out of here with your video game talk we're talking about npcs your toaster mp3 listen your your what's it called your your hip pod what's it called hit clip hit clip come on hip pod i don't know any i don't know anything below the ipod okay so i don't know so i had i had this old mp3 player when i was a kid it was this weird orange egg shaped thing and it only held a few songs but its weird claim to fame was that it had a male three or uh like headphone jack on it that you popped out and you plugged it into a radio or whatever and hit a record button and you could just rip songs onto this thing or rip whatever you wanted onto this thing don't know what back market alley this came from but it was the wildest thing yo a dude in a trench coat said hey kid yo this is the next best thing [Music] like he like forced you to bite otherwise he like take your kidney in the back alley you don't got a choice here trust me oh my gosh all right we're about to enter the next mission this is eagle mine equal mine is also a run killer because spoiler alert you have to use the hoverboard to basically glitch well it's called the jet board in the game but a lot of people call it the hoverboard because you can hover glitch with it i guess and i'm bad at hovering so this is gonna probably take me a few tries let's see how many times i die and fall into the abyss all right let's set ourselves oh actually what am i doing i'm doing act one i'm out here doing the any percent no i can just proxy and go into the air i can just see god real quick go into the sky and let me just dude you jack runners just hover over all your problems for real listen no i agree with you on that and i wish i could join them in that i wish i could hover over all my problems like i don't know what's wrong with me it feels like everyone downloaded that hover dlc and i'm just i'm just playing the vanilla game did you uh are you learning from uh do people still use the rixxers like tutorial from back in the day to learn it or do is there a new tutorial these days both he's making new tutorials really he's yeah he's still kicking it he's still you know helping the newbies like me out that's going yeah he's great uh if you guys just saw that there was nothing loaded there i tried to like hack the system and make the map deload so i can just go through it and get to the end but it deloaded or it loaded back in before i could do it so now i'm just doing it the normal way well the speed run normal way not the casual way but yeah ricky sorry so i've got actually got a sixth strat to show up here it's called mission four proxy uh i'm gonna i'm gonna do it right now um here we go wait hold on that's not it there we go that's it i just jump in place and then and it affects nothing and changes nothing so yeah that's pretty pog bones it is pretty pog bones dude oh my god what is pog bones pog bones is uh one of the new global emotes that twitch put out uh in celebration of arcane the league of legends tv show or whatever uh i'm not watching it because i view uh anything consuming league of legends as an i hope you know that my chat has been trying to coerce me into watching arcane and and playing no no no don't do it no no don't do it no not me sitting here having watched arcane twice but there's uh there's a character in arcane named jinx and she has two guns and one of them is her rocket launcher and the rocket launcher's name's bones and so they made a pog emote out of bones so it's pogbones um and it looks so stupid and i love it it's such a bad emote i'm sorry i wish i had chad open to see it now yeah there are a lot of pog bones in the chat no i mean i knew what i was doing i was baiting them am i about to take my hands off the controller to open up chat real quick because i'm really curious a lot yeah chad we need you to make sure that you keep posting pogbones until kershar sees it [Laughter] hold on i'm actually about okay after this timer goes away i'm about to open up twitch real quick i don't care because uh hopefully the screen goes black here no it's not gonna go black i messed this up so i gotta keep on going usually it ends right there but i wasn't good enough it'll go black here hopefully please no oh there we go there we go all right let's see this pog bone business hold on uh oh my god chat's going by so fast good job chad you're doing great work right now yo we got 2 000 homies here i thought we had 200. where did y'all come from hi they came out of the woodwork man see this was actually like i was trying to get in your head i knew that if you saw the viewer count then then you know you'd start to freak out a little bit more it's like i'm getting a mental edge here oh my gosh nah but for real i i uh it really is such a dumb emote and it's like it's just like captured my heart i can't even explain how or why um but it's like uh oh wait what am i doing i was supposed to go to annihilation nation wasn't i what am i doing right now no this is right oops oh hog bones is in your head dude now the pogba is in my head this is getting ridiculous um no but uh yeah it's like it's such a dumb emo and it's like stolen my heart so much that i gave it its own button on my stream deck i could just press a button and it automatically post pogbones and whatever chat i'm watching what thanks that's kind of dope i'll give a pog bones real quick i'm pressing the button so right now guys i'm actually on the final boss of act one after i beat this very angry robot with a lightsaber laughing at me uh act one is complete and that is time uh but the annoying thing about this is are these blue things every time you shoot these blue things they split into two and then four and then six if you hit them in the wrong you know direction or whatever so you know it's very uh nerve-wracking you'll be stuck here forever but basically he uh sums these pillars out the ground like an earthbender i shoot a thing it falls on his head because he doesn't learn the first time and now he gets angry with two lightsabers so now we gotta be careful here he's very angry but this is the final round or the final health round wave whatever it's called he's shooting the blue things one two three please don't split apart there we did there we go he's gonna be an earth bender again and these are gonna come out the ground we can't touch it or else it damages us so we got to wait till it cools down we hop on it shoot the train it lands on his head and that is time nice gg thank you thank you uh i'd say i'm close to finishing but uh funny story about that all right so no it's okay i'm actually not there i'm like in the last like seven minutes of the game so uh we'll make this happen so actually here's a fun little tradition um every gtq run i've ever done in this game i have never missed this trick uh up in like starting at gdq hdq 2016 to now i have not played this game or done this trick in over a year so will the magic maintain just this one time or will i finally get my first l on the board let's find out so so the way this trick works is uh i'm playing as clank which you normally don't in this game you play as him sometimes throughout the ratchet game so uh this is the part where you're doing the movie for secret agent clank which is its own game and don't play it uh and so we skipped getting this monkey but instead of using the monkey i'm gonna have to glide along this rail and it's a very very precise trick i gotta line this up carefully i'm gonna take a little bit of extra time here because i'm not using my normal controller all right let's do this line's looking good and i got it oh man all right i'm happy about that that trick is nice when it's done properly it looks very easy but uh that is a massive run killer even at the top level because the it is literally like pixels wide that you have to glide on there so you know what i may have gotten the overall l but i'll take my dubs where i can get them nice one man i forgot you could play as clankin is this rack three this is rack three yeah um i forgot about that the secret agent clank you know thing that they had in rack three i forgot about that yeah it's a it's a really like interesting plot point that they chose to bring back over and over uh throughout the series but like basically uh clank is like the uh the billionaire he's like people think that ratchet's the hero of the story whereas clank is actually like the billionaire playboy philanthropist and like everybody loves clank like all the women like lust for clank and then ratchet just gets nothing he gets the scratch ratchet's the sidekick hey yo it's clanking ratchet um but yeah there's like a lot of really cool stuff that i'm gonna be trying to do or at least for trying to remember how to do here um this trick is a little tough i might actually end up doing it the other way um mostly because i blew up the boxes i needed to do it the proper way okay this isn't too bad um yeah so a lot of these planets have some really interesting stuff on them like for example the very next planet that i'm about to go to oh look at titanium bolt um i i this planet it requires you to hit a double frame perfect trick at 60 frames per second um so it's not easy and in order to get world record you have to do it so that's fun um and it's funny because every subsequent frame perfect charge that you get that they're they're mid-air frame perfect charges so like uh normally if you are using the charge which you can't reuse them in midair but you do have one frame where you can recycle the charge so uh we're gonna try this it's gonna be something here i haven't done this in a very long time you got this dad pray for the homie he's got this okay let's watch your energy oh my god oh my god what what is that a is that a good what or a bad one i just i just got like six of them in a row all right that's the one on the highlights for sure all right um sometimes in speedrunning you just go for it and uh sometimes usually it does not work out but sometimes it does and we take those yo that shook you how much poop is in your pants right now i'm not gonna lie i've had to use the bathroom this entire run and that really like almost set me over the edge i i can't even i can't even tell a lie about that no it makes you faster yo let me tell you the best pbs are a hit if you have to piss or poop before like during the run it makes you go faster you know that's copium that's just copied i don't believe that no that is a i have a phd in poopology this is a fact all right you're gonna have to you have to give me the car facts on me oh i will yo i will i'll give you my entire pink slip after this but it's a fact so y'all are just denies i also i also want to call out the people in chat who are saying that this is a tarnowena moment um what they mean by that is there was once a marathon run that a runner named tarnowina did uh where he used a turbo controller to do that trick i don't even own a turbo controller so i don't want to hear it from any of you all right i don't want to hear it chad's saying poop percent who percent they okay the problem is i i like overshare way too much on my stream and so chat knows every single time i've ever pooped my pants it's oh same here it's no not the poop pants thing no not that part but the oversteering part i had to specify they like they like hunger for it they can smell my weakness in the air like like a shark that smells blood three miles out it's brutal amen like if you think about it we are all speed runners like y'all never have to do like a p any percent like you piss real quick you know you you stand up to piss and then you do the flush skip so you don't flush and then you use the wash hands no soap skip you know what i'm saying like you gotta you know because you're in a hurry you know i think we've all done that at least you're saying you you don't use soap when you wash your hands no no no no no i'm just saying sometimes you're in a hurry you know what i'm saying all right all right sometimes you got to use the water only any percent you know no soap skip you know what i'm saying um because i don't know i'm trying to pb listen i'm gonna have to check in with the cdc on that one i think they might have some opinions hey yo don't snitch don't hate oh my oh not the wait the walmart story what what walmart's story popcorn this keeps happening dude why not even mention this um when i was 12 years old i'm just yeah i'm just gonna rip it off i'm gonna i'm gonna own this and just ignore the pain uh we're gonna take the band-aid off oh i have to go over there that's right this is like a strat i haven't done in a while so my brain just turned off um so when i was 12 years old um i would go on weekends to my dad to with my dad to walmart uh because i lived in backwoods pennsylvania and there was nothing else to do and uh one particular unfortunate saturday um i don't know why i'm telling this story uh i i was walking to the toy aisle uh as one does and um i i thought i had to you know release some gas and it turns out it wasn't gas oh no and um you know to try to keep this as mild as possible it was as the kids would say not good um so it was a very traumatizing experience and my chat of course makes fun of me for it all the time and they don't they just constantly bully me man it's it's just so messed up i don't know why you guys why do you bully a 12 year old for pooping his pants it just happens sometimes okay yo man blew a bomb in the toy aisle right next to the pokemon cards type beat yeah yeah they're actually not far off it really it was like in the board game section where like all the the strategos and the uno like sets work the pokemon cards were within like they were like i could see them across the aisle though don't worry they were there they were in whiffing distance you could smell it if you were oh yo maybe just me but i would have i would have brought that story to my grave but that's just me the funny thing is i did not tell my dad for 15 years he found out because i told it on stream one time and he was just watching my stream and he was like you never told me about that i was like yeah i never meant to either i'm confused did you dad not smell the dookie in the car back like right back home it's a very long and very complicated story but basically i did my darndest to clean that up i really did i didn't know what i was doing man i was so young the man had to clean the evidence before you hop back in the suv the the crazy part about this though is that it's like sometimes i think about like like i don't know if you saw the 2021 like the summer olympics there was this 14 year old uh girl who set the highest score in the 10 meter dive in history she got like perfect tens across the board on nearly every single dive and i was like oh my god this this girl at the age of 14 is setting world records that will never be matched again and i'm just out here pooping my pants yo honestly bro you were a smart 12 year old i'll give you credit because if i was 12 and i pooped my pants i wouldn't know how to do the clean up any percent skip like no i would i would i would honestly just take that l dad i do keep my pants you you cleaned up the evidence well to the point where no one knew for 15 years so i'll give you that yeah is this the the origin of the pooh part of zimmipoo uh it is a play on that yeah i don't know why but oh actually oh my god you just unearthed like a crazy like like uh i call it a turbo tango moment like i have like in in the uk here we had tang in the us in the uk they had turbo tang and every now and then i have this the one member of the ratchet community seems one tabloid he'll remember that turbo tang existed and it like warps him like 20 years in the past you just work see you just warped me back 20 years by asking me the origins of zemi poo um it turns out there was a dude on congregate who would always call me zemi poo in like this chat room we were in and uh yeah i remember i originally called myself zemi poo on social media as like a throwback to him um but then i had to like own the the you know the pooping the pants story and it it all just worked out you know it was very serendipitous so what does that word even mean hold on sarah basically i'm a lucky lucky luck boy okay um you know as lucky as a kid who poops his pants can get um so you know you are a survivor i i applaud you i've fought for what i have like that was like that mission was successful you pulled off the greatest walmart heist like wait where were you walmart i don't know what aisle or what store it was but you pulled off the greatest heist ever thank you i really did try my hardest oh my gosh oh almost almost yeah these are i'm uh i'm finally getting back in the groove of things here i've been hitting like a few really difficult skips while we've been talking about me pooping my pants here let me see here and then go up here ledge grab nope that's not gonna work do that get up there and then double jump up here let's go yeah i'm nearly finished i'm at the uh the second to last planet right now we're heading to the last planet um that should look so complicated you're like phasing through every everything like you're going up walls like spider-man going through things like a ghost dude it is nuts like we have been so like a big story about especially this game it was a really bad speed game back in like 2012 2013 like it was literally just like we didn't know any movement tech and then we found one japanese runner who had done it all the work by himself his name was silence and he completely revolutionized the entire game by bringing all the movement that people found in the multiplayer scene to single player and it like overnight made the games like 12 times harder and ever since then uh we like discover something like once every couple of years that just changes the game totally once again and it's just like crazy this game is like the gift that keeps on giving i'm gonna try to go for this we're gonna no that angle was not gonna work just no yeah man that's crazy like if you take like a month or two break from this game you probably miss out on a lot of discoveries it's actually insane that's that's kind of the meme is that like a lot of the times i'll go to a category and i'll grind really really hard for like a couple months to get a really good world record and then i i'm like like i think i'm done that was that was good enough and then literally a week later someone's like dude i found this 30 second time save i'm like oh here we go again it's happened like at least eight times now at this point i think but yeah that's that's what i love about it though it's like if if the games ever got that stale it would be boring you know yeah like honestly i love jack i love speedrunning jack but it is pretty linear compared to ratchet like you know like you you basically just do the missions but in a diet form you know like it's like it's like a diet jack three just with a few you know skits little glitches but ratchet you just bang out all these skips back to back to back that's crazy oh my goodness this is like a massive mental exercise for me right now i'm trying to remember where all the buttons are for everything too wait i'm trying i'm gonna try to do a cool strat here where you pull out the sniper rifle put it back away with the wrench and then you have a really like small window okay get up get ready on time by the way it's coming in like two seconds and time get some ggs in chat gg i'll take what i can get [Laughter] holy moly okay um could i possibly possibly have like a three minute intermission so i don't have anything we're gonna have a five minute intermission here right now that was that was planned all along wonderful thank you chat chat we're going to take a break we're going to come back and they're going to do a different race between these two games and it's going to be even more fun uh and you know so go get some water use the bathroom don't pull us in and we'll be back [Music] all right welcome back everyone i hope you all had a good little break and got yourself some water and stretched a little bit before we get started on this next race just a couple of reminders uh if you missed any of the first race you definitely want to watch it so go to youtube and watch that for sure uh but if you're on youtube watching this right now uh why don't you come join us on twitch uh sometime we have shows on weeknights at 7 pm eastern and on weekends at 1 p.m eastern and we'd love you to have you uh watch our live content uh and just a reminder for those of you here watching the live content uh your subs and bits help support our weekly hotfix content uh so please consider you know supporting with us you know subscribing and cheering all that good stuff uh with that that's all i have i'm gonna hand it back over to our amazing runners and let them tell us when to start uh i'm ready whenever all right give me give me two seconds i need my brain to adapt to rack one again getting that practice in real quick yeah just some some dirty pr we call it uh the dirty p in our in the community dirty practice what's with you and peeing and pooping i i'll have questions is this has nothing to do with people it just happens to start with the same letter that's all it is just a coincidence you're making mountains out of mole hills here i've never heard that sage in my life either i'm a young whipper snapper like you said or i don't know but all right i think i'm good to go here um all right let me load up a file and then i shall be ready to start all right oh wait actually i'm gonna pull up another nifty little tool that we have in the uh the ratchet community we our practice tool doubles as an auto splitter so i'm gonna have my uh my live split up so i can keep track of all my stuff and then just let the auto splitter do its job so i'm ready now i've got all that stuff booted up all right ready whenever who's counting down uh i can count down again i suppose all right all right so three two one go all right good luck hershar good luck man my run is basically the same as the last run up into a certain point so the first three missions are the same but then after that we break the game and we skip the almost the entirety of act one and go to the last act mine is pretty completely different as ratchet games go yeah so uh the if you watched the ng plus portion of ratchet 1 the previous race you saw me kind of jumping and flipping all over the place using the walloper we don't have that this early on and uh we also i can't just manipulate 69 69 69 bolts in so i have to collect bolts the old-fashioned way um so i gotta collect them just by breaking boxes killing enemies and there's a lot of gates as well there's certain like bolts bolt counts i'm supposed to have at certain times so like right now uh the first major gate is a thousand bolts by the third planet so i'm going to planet two right now uh novalis it's gonna look roughly the same as it did in nc plus i'm just gonna be like jumping over a river and then uh that's gonna be the end of the level pretty much is that bolt count pretty tight in the route it's at the at the very highest levels it's extremely tight like uh it gotcha usually nobody loses runs to bad bolts but it's it can make a difference of like 10 to 15 seconds sometimes uh maybe even more if you don't really know what you're doing um at the top at the tippy top levels though there's like basically almost no cause for concern because if you know how to do the tight bolt route perfectly you should be fine every time um it should being the theoretical word it's it's like i always tell people like this game isn't hard you just have to play perfectly that's it so sure yeah so it's hard it's not hard just be perfect yeah you know it's only as hard as you are bad at it so i'm going to try to do my best to not be bad at this bull rat i do what's probably the second most optimal bolt route um there's a couple i i basically um to give a little bit of backstory on on this particular category ratchet one all gold bolts i used to be the world record holder four and a half years ago um and i had a time that at with the current strats of those of that era was like really really great um but as time moves forward speed games advance more and more and uh what ended up happening was and i just barely got over a thousand which is really nice but um what ended up happening was there was a runner uh named yankee ladd and he basically uh revolutionized this game by moving all the bolt counts around he did a whole bunch of strat hunting it was him and a lot of other people but but primarily yankee lad was one of the first people to like really implement this these new strats and they saved minutes and uh i stopped playing the category and i i i did not play the category for four and a half years and uh i picked it back up last month because i just want to get good at this game and uh so i'm still learning a lot of the really really difficult strats um but in the past month i've lowered my pb by i think roughly nine minutes now so i'm making good progress but there's still a lot more work to be done unfortunately the world record holder is a monster so that's a great progress though nine minutes like i'll take it man you know i'll take what i can get so i'm very happy about that the the new strats are very potent and i've i've i'm pretty proud of the work that i put into the game as well but i kind of want to get into ratchet now but it looks intimidating for real though like the the games are really hard at the top level but at the beginner level there's a ton of strats that don't make it that hard at all like there's ways to save every single mistake that you could possibly make when you're first starting out it's just like as you get better and better you have to start doing riskier and riskier stuff yeah i understand that yeah oh that could have been a double there i'm just doing the mini game right now yeah like i feel like every speed game looks like very daunting and intimidating at first because you just see them flying through everything and you know like your mind can't take it but i guess when you get into it then you're like oh it's not that bad you know so maybe one day i'll get into ratchet and uh and then i'll take world record away from you you know no bad that sounded really good you just you just have to go play jack you gotta play jack dude it's my territory uh that's not gonna work um so a big part of this game they're called movement chains um and if you've played yu-gi-oh you know all about chains but it's nothing like that um so sorry to all the yu-gi-oh fans i know that i only mentioned that because the new yu-gi-oh game just came out and i have some friends who are absolutely the master dual fan like even like i'm not even a yu-gi-oh fan even i'm like damn this game looks kind of cool yeah all my homies are playing that and i don't understand yu-gi-oh but i'm like i guess looks all right but everyone's playing that yeah um but yeah it's not quite the same uh style of chain here um rather the way the movement works in ratchet one like in ratchets two and three we have the charge boots to automatically take us to max speed but in ratchet one you're responsible for creating all your own momentum and uh the way that you do that is by uh inputting like really precise stuff over and over called midair long jumps like they're not precise if you're bad at them but again like the better you get the more precise your midairs have to become um and so like you'll see me building speed over and over by by just long jumping and then like immediately landing and long jumping again so that's how we build speed in this game um and so the movement chains require you to do very precise uh like sequences of long jumps and midair long jumps so it's cool but it's hard long jump uh can you backwards long jump now he's gonna try it out look what you did now he's gonna see hmm can i hmm let's test it out we have in the ratchet community something a little bit nicer than just backwards long jumps all right let me tell you those mario kids they think they're so cool with their staircases and their paintings no no no i'll show you guys some stuff that'll really blow your mind knock your socks so if you guys see right here instead of doing the race that i did last time you know the race where we have to skip all those laps we completely restart the mission skip the entire race and take the tutorial car over to another mission area that's like halfway through act one pretty much skipping all the missions before that uh i'll talk about it more when i get there but it's pretty cool this this one glitch this one strat still blows my mind hopefully i can nail it because that's hit or miss but yeah was this grand theft auto did you just like steal this car yeah pretty much yeah um this car is like pretty much on a loan you know basically it's like oh if you win the race then you get the car nope i didn't even do the race i just took it and i'm gone you can have it back later but um we're just gonna so we're coming up to the metalhead nest which is a mission that doesn't happen for a while um the difference between act one and any percent no ube is that i don't have to do the missions in chronological order anymore like i did in the last round i can just skip the entire game so what we're gonna do is roll up to these gross looking green eggs here we're gonna get the car very close up and then when the car starts twerking and busting it back then you hit it right and then and then you hit it a few times you know because you love how it's torquing right now but then it's gonna stop twerking then you punch and the wall should open up if not on the left side then maybe the right side survey says yeah we're in we're in so that's how it is now we're in a mission area where this car does not belong i'm not supposed to be here uh but we're gonna trigger the mission and it's gonna look pretty cool once i get to the mission checkpoint start area further inside this cave and there's gross little bugs everywhere that we're gonna try to avoid because if you stand still they're going to destroy your car like termites or whatever would you say that they're goaded with the sauce what the termites sweet we thought turbos they destroyed your car then clearly like you know they're they're corked up they're they're like you know busting it down they're goated with this yo you are trying so hard to sound hip right now i'm trying dude i love that like it really it very recently became a meme and so like obviously like you know i got i gotta connect with the youths somehow and then we destroy the car we get a mission failed and then boom we're in the mission and yeah you're just yeah you okay what's good fellow kids with the skateboard meme yeah what's good fellow kids we breaking it down over here on this i'm trying to earn some some like some like respect back just from the the hip clip uh discussion from earlier i'm trying to get something to go in here show that i've still got something left in me you still got it i believe you still got it you know your back ain't hurting yet you can still go up the stairs right you know you still got it dude i it's i'm actually really proud of myself i was walking up some stairs and it only took me 20 minutes hey yo new pb new stare pb i'm proud of you the 92 of my username stands for uh something else people people always think it's the year i was born but it's actually just my current age wow you've been through it all huh yeah dude i've seen i've seen some stuff your bones must be creaking you got to get a massage go in uh go in a nice jacuzzi hot tub speaking of hot tub you guys are wondering what i'm in right now uh this is a good transition that was a good one i'll get it yeah i haven't even i even planned that but thank you um yeah this is actually not a hot tub it's not a pool it's not a hot tub uh it's actually a cold tub it's my uh patented uh cold tub basically if you get in cold water before during and after a run you just hit world records back to back no is that how josh does it yeah actually he does he actually he dips his feet in cold water not his whole body as long as as long as any member of your body is in cold water then you're good you can't know so he keeps that killer instinct sharp you know like okay that makes sense exactly it's a booming business like i i i went to the i went to the university of uh ct cold tubs um and yeah i got my masters and i hope everyone tries out a cold tub one day you know it's it does oh yeah fully clothed if i didn't mention that fully clothed it won't work if you're naked so yeah really nope it just does we don't know why yet maybe it's i don't know well it's probably because it's twitch tos right like you can't like i know they let some stuff slide from time to time but you can't be totally naked yeah i can't be totally naked you know like maybe that's a factor but i don't know more research needs to go into it you know it's uh you know our top scientists are still experimenting uh so if you want to be a uh test rat i mean a guinea pig i mean uh wait what's it called uh i'm trying to find the right term for a kind term a tester a beta tester that's um you're selling on this more and more with each passing like two seconds oh what's good what's the word where real people test products i don't know i don't know what the word is it's flipping me right now but um yeah if you want to be that person then you know hit me up uh and i'll send you one uh yeah uh well here i'll uh not to distract from that amazing offer but i i've got uh some cool stuff going on here so uh this is umbrus and umbrus is uh a training ground for infinite long jumps which is what i'm doing right now i'm i'm fluttering the r1 and r2 button with my index and middle finger at about 11 to 12 inputs per second they're not too terribly fast it's like uh like like it's not too bad it's just like you're just kind of doing it over and over we need a little bit of dexterity um but that's like this is like the planet to train that dexterity like everyone practices them here and uh this route is really cool it implements a lot of really precise infinite long jumps so i'm trying to do my best to hit them all um this last one is really tough because i have to do it blind i'm not i can't see the ledge that i have to infinite long jump off of so we're going to go for it and i missed it but i've got a cool back up here this is called ship to boss we start at the very very beginning of the level where the ship is and we infinite long jump all the way to the very very end um this is this is a backup that you can only do after you've collected all the gold bolts hence the name all goldboltz uh i can't see what's happening where are the where are the textures hello uh [Music] broke his game more than he meant to um okay i didn't know that could ever happen well we learned something new every day twitch chat i'll just go i'll just do it again you're getting a lot of clips on this stream for things that don't happen on a ratchet run like you're just discovering weird bugs hold on mine i need to uh my arms are a little tired because i've been hitting the gym so much oh excuse me stretch my hands a little bit before i do this next time okay so there's a skip right here this is the skip i wanted to you jump in the ocean then you boost and zoom in and i didn't do the skip last time because you know i was distracted but it spawns you halfway through the mission on here which means it saves you like maybe a good 30 seconds a lot of time uh and it's a really cool skip that only works on ps2 not ps3 where i actually started running that's why i kind of that's kind of the main reason i kind of revive my ps2 to do the major skips because ps3 patched it all but yeah um sadly at this point i can't do it because i have too much lactic acid built up in my hands and i can't move my fingers anymore so uh you know we suffer for art here in the ratchet and clan community it's just all those days at the gym man dude i can't help it man i'm getting so swole it's a necessary sacrifice for permanent greatness you know you go you're gonna show up with the next gdq all buff bro gonna be fire i'm gonna be mad jealous because i don't leave my chair for a living hey man i'm right there with you most exercise i got lately was shoveling the snow for the past two days let's go hey that's still good you know that is true it's the blood pumping that's true canada do be working me right now man but we're doing this mission was in the last uh run as well uh basically this mission would have taken us like 25 30 minutes to get to uh in the last run maybe even 35 i can't remember but now it took us i can't even see the timer but it's probably below 30 minutes that we're on this mission which means we're kind of flying through skipping missions uh so yeah uh well i finally overcame my boomer fingers so at least i got that going for me um i actually i the only thing i ever remember from uh no ube is that pterodactyl mission that you're on right now that's the only thing i ever remember and like i know volcano i know the the palace skip or whatever it's called oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you basically remember the most important parts yeah i i never saw this as a pterodactyl like i just called it the glider but it did look like a pterodactyl is it actually like a oh it's not a tear oh it actually is just a glider oh yeah yo you thought i was riding a dinosaur dude i thought the entire time like since the first time i saw that in 2016 that that was a pterodactyl i swear i 100 thought it was a pterodactyl yo y'all thought this was jurassic park that is actually wild no you have you have owl yaks you have iron-headed dinosaurs you have chicken lizards like there is a pattern that i haven't noticed until now you might be you know what excuse me you're right you're right i'll step back i don't got a counter argument for that i rest my case oh by the way uh kershaw uh since you're running this here you get i'm gonna ask you to do the fun job that uh every no ub runner has to do can you explain the rules of no ube yeah so it's a very complicated mathematical equation you know it's very uh it's very hard to uh precisely determine the best explanation to what no food means so basically to sum it up uh don't go out of bounds don't do it don't do it just just just just don't know out of bounds just just don't you do everything else just if you go into like if you go through a wall like he's doing right now yeah just reset know how to bounce no you can't go in voids you know you got a stick in the back yeah it's kind of funny though because like in the jack community like they consider it inbounds even if you're like way over the map like you could be above the thing but you can't be like under or to the side of the thing so yeah it's very specific like it's like i think the best explanation i've heard is like what did they say i think in debug mode you can free cam around and like if you free cam from a bird's eye view some areas will just have like you know a black void and then other areas will not have a black void so don't go over the black voids it's hard to explain but yeah it's very confusing and very specific um like honestly no ooh might be harder than normal any percent because you're trying to avoid any you know going out of bounds by accident you know lots of mistakes could be made and it could end the run plus in normal 80 percent for jack 3 you're mostly just driving through the desert for 15 minutes oh no it's not driving it's roll jumping right oh yeah you're right i act whoa i can't do these spikes i just died i'm struggling with that um yeah you road jumped through the desert basically because i guess you don't have the cars unlocked yet and that's faster than unlocking a car and just driving there um but yeah i've never seen a full any percent run myself yet so i've seen bits and pieces but it's probably having because i've seen people rolling through the desert it looked kind of boring they just rolled into the desert for like 10 minutes but you're not wrong it's a very like oh listen i i'm not i'm not saying this to ju to dunk on the jack brethren because i got nothing but love for them but jack three any percent is not it it yeah it there's a lot of like it takes a lot of patience and there's lots of down time like that like ratchet i will say right now ratchet bead running wise that yo that john looks excited excited exciting to run like you know like it's it's you're just doing a million things but jack is very linear at times you know it's just point a to point b as fast as you can yeah i think this there is some some linearness to these games but largely it is like kind of wild like for example uh not this one but the or not this run this then this planet is not it the next planet is like a little boring because you're just kind of like sitting there riding around on a boat with like this one dude and he's just like staring at you on the boat that sounds very creepy it's kind of awesome though like he's like uh he's he has like an animal magnetism to him you know like he's he's like we can't quite put our fingers on why but he's just so handsome you know he's just mesmerizing yeah there's something about his demeanor his vibes yeah it's it's like it's like when there's like every like five to ten years there's one of those celebrities that like looks kind of abnormal but then everyone's like really attracted to them because because they look very abnormal like for example anya taylor joy like she's so enchanting but she's so strange i don't know oh give me a movie she was in because i don't know who that is did you ever see queen's gambit back when that oh yeah yeah you're right you're right yeah it's like her eyes are so strangely spaced but it's so enchanting but it's attractive yeah it's like what's going on here i feel you on that it's like unconventionally attractive i think there's a meme going around on twitter about uh who's that dude that stole kanye's wife pete davidson yeah like apparently the girls think he's just this he's he's hot scheisse you know but he's hot shiza around here you know like it's just it's just i don't see it i'm like this dude looks kind of like a kangarat i'm not gonna lie uh wait well no no wait actually no kangaroos are cute that was a bad example kangaroos are pretty cute he looks like a like a fallout 4 mole rat that's the best way i could explain it there you go but yeah that's that's basically so what what i'm trying to say is this guy coming up here the guy his name is actually the guy um they give him a name in the ps4 version of this game but he doesn't have a name in uh in this version so he's just the guy he's basically this universe is pete davidson you know we can't we can't explain it but there's just something like like here he is i'll even i'll even let his cutscene play for a little bit hey it's just that's it he just goes hey and that's all we did he had us from the first hey you know he just hey that's it well there's more to it but i skipped the cusp i was gonna say that voice actor got his bag for one hey dang but like look like i know you can't see it kershaw but everybody else in the chat you can see this he's like he's got his hawaiian shirt he's got his dad flip-flops on he's got the comb over oh i remember him i know him that's the dude who well it doesn't average hasn't for like come to you know this why you like planet or whatever come to joey resort he's like yeah come to the resort or whatever he advertises when it's actually horrible like people are getting eaten by a shark i think or something there's some really terrible stuff happening there yeah but he's like come on anyways it's perfectly safe oh my gosh yeah but we have to like escort him unfortunately so i'm just gonna be running around killing all these fish actually you know what i'm gonna go for a swag strat ooh i'm gonna there's a strat that you can do that saves three seconds but it's very easy to miss and if i miss it i lose like 45 seconds so we're gonna go for it because if ever there were time for it it's marathon runs fax you got this i guess this isn't a marathon but you know what i mean well for you it is having to switch three discs out back to back to back you know that's i don't want to be tired man yeah rack one rack two rack three you're doing your own marathon here playing dishonored again i see just riding the boat just right in the boat wait i actually i've never played dishonored so that that reference was lost well out there same here okay well that's fine chat chat probably knows at least one person in chat has seen a dishonored speed run yeah we're just like chad you gotta be right you guys that's not alone right chat we don't mean to throw you under the bus like this it's just the easiest thing to do in the moment it takes the pressure off us oh absolutely absolutely we love you for it that's what i'm here for you're actually great all right so here so if you guys remember i actually hovered through the rooftop to skip this whole mission the last run but obviously i can so you have to do this whole mission because no out of bounds no hovering through voids and through walls so basically we have to collect 18 or 17 now we have to 17 tide pods that's why i don't know the tide pods i remember the tide pods as well yup someone just dropped all their tide pods here for no reason and we got it collected for him you know because he used to wash his clothes he stink you know what i'm saying so yeah whoever it was found out that like you're not actually supposed to eat them he's like wait you're supposed to have you ever been to a gdq before kershaw i haven't i wish i have like i well once uh once they come back to being in person you'll get to experience the magic of the smash room the uh the smash room is notoriously the stinkiest i've had this conversation with my homie hazel we talked about it because we're talking about gdq and i'm like yeah what's it like and she said something about the smash comedian oh yeah and like uh you know some allegations that i won't repeat but you know oh i got it oh my god sorry i i didn't expect to actually get that first try uh but yeah it's it's listen i i love it i'm a big smasher at heart um but even i admit it is it you know it can yeah you know it has its fair share of stinkiness but you know you we we fight through it because we love the game so much or we just tell the people to go shower you know one or the other yeah collect some tide pods right you know yeah like that's yeah i would love to go to a gdq like i'm kind of sad that like right when i got interested in you know going to conventions and gd or speed running you know this pandemic happened everything is you know upside down but hopefully when everything calms down i would love to go to gdq you know um hopefully i'll be a good fit there i feel like i'll stay on that a lot though it's it's uh it's one of those things like i'm not just saying this because you know we're on the gdq channel right now i actually truly believe that like every speed runner should experience a live gdq at some point it's like yeah everybody is legitimately so friendly it's like because everybody knows like because let's be real here speed running is a bit of a niche hobby right i think we can all admit that like definitely it's uh it's not quite the same level of popularity as something like maybe league of legends or csgo unfortunately um but so like everybody kind of knows what it's like to be on the outside of something at some point yeah and everybody knows what it's like to uh want to fit in and so everybody at gdqs is just so friendly to everyone else it's amazing it's like i i have never and it's like so genuine too everybody just wants to have a good time there and so like sometimes you'll just meet somebody and then five minutes later you're like randomly like going on an adventure with the person that you just met and it's like something totally memorable and it's like something that would have never happened anywhere else it's like it's so cool i was actually just thinking about i want to go now man oh it's magical dude like it really is like there's just something about that you can't find anywhere else so you know that's that i i know that kind of turned into a shameless advertisement i didn't mean it to you but like it actually is on the gdq channel yeah paid promotion no wait a minute this guy sounds like a paid actor what's going on no i actually do want to go to gdq like i i definitely will at least you know once or twice you know don't worry if you go once you won't stop yeah i was only going i i was only going to go to one gdq you know years and years and years ago and then i never stopped going and now you're a show host yeah that then you'll volunteer and then you'll just you'll keep doing stuff and then yeah they'll just you just you never stop that's actually one way once you go when you can't get out one of my favorite speedrunning stories that of just like mine personally like i was talking about this before during the previous race but like um i used to just be like one of those people who just watched gdqs like back in i remember it was i think it was 2012. um it was like the first gdq i ever watched and i remember i was like oh my god like what someday i want to run into gdq and like i just remember like the the nervous energy that i had when i finally had my first run in 2016. like four years later i just i literally could not believe i was there it was so insane it's like it seriously is a magical experience like whatever happens at gdq it's just like i don't know it's just like unlike anywhere else that you'll ever be man that's awesome like i obviously it wasn't in person this isn't in person but this is my first gdq experience and you know i had the nerves as well at first i still kind of have the nerves right now but that's awesome dude like that's that's great that like even this early on in your your speed running uh career i guess like career yeah yeah um it's just it's great like you're getting this kind of exposure this experience you know like it's it's just like you can't replicate this kind of stuff it's just nothing like a normal stream yeah it's great i would be honest when c hit me up she's like hey you wanna you know play some jack on my gdq thing i was like you got the right person dog i'm i'm two and a half months into this what you mean with gdq but i'm very happy hit me up this has been a blast like i'm glad that i don't have to be like a pro at the game to enjoy you know speedrunning my favorite game you know it's just i love the vibes here oh what happened what something that never happened to me before ever uh it's i was mostly just on like a really really good split of uh this particular planet and then like of course like the one random dumb mistake happens so i'm just gonna take the the dumb like path of shame now it's okay i i deserve it i i'm sure that like sometime in my past i i accrued enough bad car i'm about to have that happen to me yeah you shouldn't have pooped your i stopped let me stop let me stop let me stop i held my tongue on actually going back to what you just said a second ago about like you know you being so fresh into speed running and getting in on this like that's one of the the best things about this show format yeah like for me at least i love being able to like put together shows where like you know people are friends or whatever or just like you are a a new speedrunner which granted i didn't know when i put this together but like zim everyone knows them zim's around forever and like we're able to have this race between like a new runner and a veteran and it's just awesome it is awesome the new runner kicked the veteran's butt last race you gave me a solid whooping i can't even lie i'mma be honest no offense to use them i did not know who you were like that is okay yeah like i'm like yeah i'll be on gdq you know this guy named z sam [Laughter] today and i'm like oh this guy seems pretty nice you know well then i uh it's actually really cool i mean like the the fact of the matter is i've known so many of the jack people and like i don't know like all of them all of them but like at the very least i've come into contact with them you know i've been in like josh's stream a whole bunch like for those who don't know outrageous josh is like he's just he's goaded at the games he's great yeah um but like we've known each other as long as i can remember like you know i've been around the spyro communities like i i knew dale man before he even like had his his uh his twitch glow up you know like i like i've just been around a while so i just it's one of those things where it's like the longer you're around the more like really really cool people you get to know so it's just like that's what's so cool about it too is that like a lot of people come and go but you never forget any of the people it's just like because like speedrunning is like in its own weird way kind of like a sick twisted family you never asked for but that's really cool though because like speedrunning does not stop at one game like i run jack you run ratchet but somehow we know the same people even though they're two different spearing communities like speedrunning as a whole is one giant community that just it's just that's really dope you know yeah and shout out to anybody in the chat who has ever had uh the desire to try speedrunning themselves but has never known what game to pick up hey the playstation community we'll treat you well man we'll treat you well over here we will yo we got cookies i'm telling you i can't bake myself but someone will make them someone will there's somebody who can do that in the community yeah exactly um shout outs to my ps4 community of spiderman which i guess is now a ps5 community but you know yeah i saw a clip of like spider-man like launching off a building into the into the abyss i was like there's some there's some wild there's some bonkers stuff in that game it is awesome oh my gosh oh boy but yeah if chad can see right now i'm actually doing the final boss not of this run but the last run this like so the last one of act one this is the final boss of act one that i'm doing uh but the runs not going to stop here of course we're gonna go past this act one final boss and go to the game's final boss essentially um so after we beat this dude's robot butt it's gonna be new territory you're gonna see a new area that's not sand and marauders and stuff like that [Music] and then you're going to shoot your little blue turds at me i mean your blue uh minions i didn't say anything oh yeah yeah okay no yeah of course you heard turds you know of course you know what are you trying to say that's it i've had enough i'm trying to line in the sand uh so that boss is now dead now we continue the run into new territory no more desert no more sand no marauders no more libra lizards no more kangarats for now at least uh we are now in haven city now this is where we actually go into act two of haven city if you were playing casually you would go left to continue the story but we're gonna go right we're basically gonna glitch our way into act three just screw act two entirely act three the final act of the game where the final boss is just like that oh if i can stop bouncing everywhere so let me ask you this kershaw as somebody who is just so 2022 your first full year of being in this community do you have any goals for like what you're what you're like looking to accomplish or are you just like kind of you know seeing how it goes honestly yeah i'm just going with the flow man like i don't really have any crazy goals like world record by you know bay or no i'm just kind of having fun it's really fun just learning your favorite game like it's a crazy experience how like the game you've been playing all your life there's more to it that blows your mind and i'm figuring out all these new glitches and bugs that in itself is my goal just you know playing this game to its fullest speed runways and figuring out all these glitches and bugs and you know um i it's just fun speed running i love doing races with my friends over at discord and you know just having a good time is my goal i think eventually i'll have like a goal like oh maybe you know i'll get top 10 and 80 no ube but that's gonna be you know a long time from now yeah yeah i think it's best to kind of view it that way as well like speedrunning really is like i know there's a lot of like glory that gets attached to to world records in the community and things like that but yeah i really do think that the heart of speedrunning is just like doing it for fun and doing it for like your own self-improvement you know like definitely every day just getting a little bit better and just like enjoying the time that you have with like people who just love the same thing that you do you know exactly like this is my first internet community that i've actually been in the longest like yeah like you play different games like like oh the call of duty community you know you hop in their discord for a bit to get bored of call of duty or maybe destiny maybe you know like you you community hop a lot uh but this is the first community speed running community or the jack community whatever you want to call it that i don't want to leave you know i'm i'm so excited every day to hop in that discord and see what you know they're talking about and you know it's just great having fun is the goal definitely because i feel like if you if you get into speed running with the goal of hitting world record you might burn yourself out very fast and you will not enjoy yourself oh yeah it's true i've seen it happen a lot yeah right well just have fun with it you know even more so if it's your childhood favorite game because you already know it very well you know it's just a good time you know uh any goals you got oh man uh it's kind of funny i i decided that like for a very long time i only ever ran the first three ratchet games i mean to be fair that's what like 95 percent of the community runs and so like they're the most explored there and they're pretty much like the most optimized games like if you want to be considered like a like a a top-tier ratchet runner you gotta run at least one of the first three games at like a really high level right um and so for a long long time i tried to just be the best i could at all three but i kind of realized that that goal was just like really small i guess like like if i wanted to really show how much i love this series i should run all of the games and so and there's i think what is it 15 or 16 games in the ratchet series now oh my gosh so my goal is my goal this year oh don't don't get too jealous most of them suck my goal this year though is uh to get to ideally uh top level but we're gonna have to see um ideally top level at least one category in every single uh ratchet game so that's like my big goal for the year yeah it's gonna be tough some of them are gonna be easier than others um like i already did it in um into the nexus which was the last playstation 3 ratchet um but there's like a lot of them that are like really long or really dumb so i'm kind of dreading the process of going to those ones but right now i'm doing ratchet one because i just haven't been good at this game in a really long time so like i said like uh four and a half years since i've had the world record in this category so i wanted to just come back and see if i could still do it you know yeah man like just enjoy the process like exactly i feel i feel like i feel weird giving you speedrun advice you know that's okay that's okay like everybody has different perspectives i'd love to hear what you have to say yeah like just enjoy the process because i feel like like let's say you hit all your goals in the next week would that really be fun no not at all yeah like it's just the journey is what makes it fun the trial the error the pbs the failures you know the journey getting there being like your times get knocked down you know every time that's the fun of it you know it's not funny to just hit it immediately and you know yeah definitely it's true though like uh you know it's like um i remember i had a teacher who once told me that uh like the happiest man in the entire world is a guy who never accomplishes his goals and it's like at first you're like wait what that makes absolutely no sense yeah but it's like that means that like that person got to spend their entire life being motivated and doing everything that they love doing you know like they never had to like hit their goal and then wonder what's next you know every day he woke up he or she woke up yeah and they had a goal they had something to get them out of bed you know so they were happy to do what they wanted to do you know it's it's great like of course hit your goals obviously that's the end goal but we're not trying to be last place on the leaderboard here like we got yeah yeah i don't like speedrunning that much you know but yeah and that goes with anything speed running you know if you want to be a twitch streamer youtuber you know just school work just any whatever you're into just enjoy the process you know like that's with anything i hated high school but now i wish i kind of you know it took my time with it more i want i want to get out so bad like i hate school just graduate already but now i'm like damn i'm getting kind of old i kind of miss high school a little bit you know just a tiny bit for the social aspect for the most part and well i i could definitely see that i think i think everybody's taking a hit to like their the social part of their brain like we're all aching to just like go out and just like hug people and yeah we're like come on man for real i'm telling you i've been looking at my body pillow a little too you know lovingly lately i'm gonna be honest before it was just there but now i'm like [Applause] that's cuddled you know that you said that with so much confidence i was going to call that a self out and now i can't even call you just like respect dude you just owned it i i got nothing but respect for you saying i must say like i yo i'ma say it yo i am proud to say i have a body pillow all right her name is her name so for you anime homies out there re-zero re-zero rem i have a rem body pillow the blue haired chick all right i was obsessed with her for like you know maybe like a few months i still like her but i'm not obsessed you know uh but yeah that body pillow is comfy as hell but i'm telling you it's it's it has gone me through some lonely nights so my body pillow homies in chat rise up nothing to be ashamed of all right we're going to have a body pillow convention next year all right bring your face it's going to happen right after gdq right after gdq it's the gdq after party basically you know wash first though wash that pillow first i don't want no uh musty pillows in the the auditorium yeah wow i've never seen re zero it's it's uh i've become a bit of a weeb over pandemic i'll admit it i used to be like a like a teeny weeb like back in the day and now now i'm like now i'm like an adolescent weeb like i've seen a lot of stuff at this point but i still haven't seen re zero yet is it good it is amazing season one is good season two is like you know there's a lot it's kind of confusing but you know uh i'm trying to see how to explain it without spoiling basically there's like a lot of plot twists and like basically it's like it's not for the faint of heart sometimes it's not like it looks like friendly like oh uh the anime protagonist is in a brand new world there's elves there's you know mages it's like an rpg or mmo whatever the hell uh and it's like oh this looks like a very nice anime very friendly very nope so it's definitely a good watch and it definitely keeps you at the edge of your chair so i definitely recommend it although if you're if you like a happy-go-lucky anime then maybe not but it's like intense anime then yeah if you want something happier you should watch something like uh madoka magica stop it stop it don't you are so mean guys do not yeah don't listen to this man he is feeding you lies what they say oh i remember i watched that years ago that tugged on my heart strings a little oh no i i too have been starting like to watch a lot of anime over the pandemic and by a lot of anime i mean i watched literally every dubbed episode of one piece in like two months uh bro you you picked the hardest thing to get into yeah well i i've watched some other stuff since then well i've watched other stuff before that too but now i have like this big long list because now i have to wait for more dubs right so i'm like well i still have funimation i might as well watch some other stuff but this big long list of animes that i gotta watch now i just finished up angel beats uh which oh oh that talked on my heart strings too all these sad enemies that was sad oh i remember that no yeah so i i've got like things like mob psycho and like you hockey show and like all these classics that everyone talks about that i've never watched yet that are all on my list that i'll you hockey shows so good but my recommendation is pretend the show stops after the the the tournament just like do yourself a favor well actually the season after the tournament isn't that bad but the last season of eu hawker show is absolutely miserable it is a terrible season so that's good to know yeah that's that's just my my slight ring it's like um kind of like promise neverland i always tell people just pretend it ends after season one yeah don't want season two of promise neverland guys it is a disappointment if you ever want to get into that not good it is not good just read the manga if you want to or some but yeah a lot of animes nowadays they have such a strong season one strong part one but then it just falls short the longer it goes that's why i like 12 episode animes or 24 episode it has a ending and it's solid you know what would you what would you say is like the intro anime like the like anybody who is about like has never seen an anime and has no idea where one punch man i was about to say one punch one punch manly because it's comedian season two is bad season one of one punch man yeah my homies told me to not bother with season two i never did the one punch man don't watch season two but i recommend one punch man because it's comedic it's action-packed the characters are lovable it also has its sad moments as well it has everything you know it has it it just has a lot um yeah og dragon ball is another really good one but it's a lot longer so yeah a little harder a little more commitment right yeah yeah my go-to has like i have to start using one punch man i forgot how like accessible that one is my go-to answer has always been samurai champloo oh i need to watch that i watched the i watched like part of it but i just never continued it really oh it's so good yeah somehow i have the ending theme of that on my spotify and i listen to it all the time but i never finished it what are you doing manny yeah i don't know why like it's just i'm backwards but uh yeah anyways guys uh i am on the final boss right now this is the final level final boss of the game uh and this boss is also hit or miss because he has a billion attacks and if you die of course you got to start it from scratch so uh if i don't talk for a while i'm you know i'm i'm focused but yeah also it's hit or miss because he never misses and you are trying to be hip and i love it you're just a few years too late but you know good effort you know what are you talking about man wait so are you trying to tell me that gangnam style isn't cool anymore i'm trying to tell you that your brain's on slow mode right now you are a few like i don't know i you i think you were in a coma for a few years there was uh i remember uh back in the pot in the heyday of facebook there was always uh pokemon profile picture month it was always i think it was december of every month was pro pokemon profile picture month and uh i would always wait until like january or february and then i would make my profile picture slowpoke i'd be like hey guys i heard it's pokemon profile picture oh my gosh man i used to be a big pokemon head like when i was younger i i watched the show i enjoyed the games pokemon black and white is my favorite it's unpopular apparently gen 5 is a very unpopular gen apparently but i enjoyed black and white but after that i kind of just lost interest in pokemon i feel like the games kind of just i don't know i didn't hit the spot no more you know i heard that uh black and white 2 was really really good i never played anything past gen 4 because i didn't own a 3ds so i never got the chance black and white was on the the ds light or the dsi so um we don't have to talk about that do you we don't have to talk about that do you know the order of the dss after the after the ds light um it was the three ds lord lord lord have mercy and then the 4gs which hooked up to your brain and then there was the uh the the facebook metaverse diaz yo just stop while you're ahead i mean i wish that metaverse diaz sounds kind of heat but i don't know that zim was ahead at any point there like stopping while you were ahead was never an option oh my gosh yeah the ds was my first handheld i wish i i never had a game boy which i'm kind of sad i didn't because apparently that was a legendary era uh yeah you're really making them feel old now you didn't have a game boy bro not a gameboy bro like no the ds was in by the time my consciousness started bro you ever have that age where like you're just conscious for the first time you feel old now like bro i don't remember anything under five years old i think five or six is when my consciousness first started i'm like oh i'm alive i'm on planet earth and then the ds was there so yeah and i had a gameboy color gameboy okay gameboy color uh gameboy advance gameboy advanced sp i even had the the oh that was the little yeah i remember because with my gameboy advance i had to use that worm light as i was traveling with my family like the the really like dull light that didn't light up anything and made you just strain your eyes even more it was rough stuff how many game boys were there i built a lot i had i had the attachment for my game boy color that was like a light and a magnifying glass that went over like the screen that since it also wasn't backlit yeah wow they made so many accessories for those things first you'll just you'll just never know you'll never know the pleasure of finding a bunch of accessories what's it like to be so privileged to have to have the light that was like ten times better than the worm leg i was like mom i want that one she's like you're gonna get the worm light and you're going to like it i don't think i had a light for my advance you know then the sb came and saved all of us and now it's just like you know you just take your switch and it does everything uh i think i'm about to get time here so he's gonna smack me with his nose and give himself a headache real quick because he has bad aim and then when he shows us his booty hole we are going to shoot right up there and boom that is time for any percent no ube of jack three ggs man thank you thank you thank you oh so close to a pv i actually pv'd 54. what was it 54 something maybe in the 20s or the 10th of cameron but that was very close to a pb so yeah very good stuff man congrats thank you thank you i'm surprised i even got at 54 or 55 with all that you know talking and all that i thought i was doing crap to be honest but yeah that is a solid thank you guys solid run i when i stream i don't shut up right i be talking talking talking i talk to hear my voice sometimes so the room's less lonely you know so like it's it's so maybe that's why it's just second nature you know tv.com twitch twitch.tv share by the way yeah it's okay yeah i i understand i get to be uh you gotta have your time in the sun for a second but i am finished i just wanted to say that that was kind of a weird interjection i didn't really know what else to say um aside from twitch.tv slash 782 as well you know uh but yeah this is the final boss we skipped him in ng plus we do have to fight him in this category um and he is giving me bad patterns but i'm gonna make the most of it anyway um yeah this is actually like kind of hard like it's actually a good thing that we skipped this boss fight in ng plus because it is a little tricky uh you have to follow him around with pretty precise movement and if you mess up there's a chance that you can get rng and just lose a ton of time but i did kill him and it's time is coming up as i press this button in three two one [Music] [Laughter] yo i actually imagine c like on the time button like time time all right yeah last time everybody but yeah gg's first chart sometimes uh you just got it like that man i gotta hold the l you kicked my butt two times did i beat the legendary zem everyone was talking about the dude it just goes to show i i ain't nothing man i've been great man great i've been tutoring for how long you kicked my keister in two months hey no how about i learn ratchet you learn jack sometime in the future and that's the real showdown i love that man i'll take that rematch yo i got you i'll teach you you teach me sounds good dude that was close thanks my arm appears to be badly damaged ah you'll be all right uh of course twitter uh i'm a jack 3 runner but we are very heavy on variety as well uh i'm a meme streamer so i have a bunch of overlays and as you see them in a hot tub right now this is just one of 60 overlays i have of random stuff so there's a lot in my stream that you haven't even you know imagined yet but yeah twitch tv uh i'm on twitter as well kashar with one extra r at the end because someone took kashar back in 2008 when i wasn't even potty trained yet i just exposed myself sorry uh but yeah uh it's yeah that's pretty much it yep and uh i'm zem 92 on twitch uh that's where you can find me i'm zemi poo xc m-m-y-p-o-o on pretty much every other social media platform twitter um i have tons of cool overlays but i just have one where it zooms in on my face really far and i would say my community is really cool but they all just bully me constantly so if you feel like coming in and bullying me as well as the rest of the people in my chat you can feel free to do so i i'm at this point i'm a punching bag i can take it well thanks for getting both of you uh it was this was probably the most fun that i've had watching one of my shows and you made my job easy you two just like took it away i didn't have to do anything it was great but i gotta earn my keep so i've got one more announcement for everyone before we finish up so stay tuned because right after this we still have ocarina improv tonight uh which is our show about ocarina of time randomizer with commentary aimed at beginners so people looking to learn zuter so that's a sweet show that you need to stick around for and make sure you come back tomorrow at 1 pm eastern for going places which is our show about handheld and regional exclusive games which is also a super cool concept so that's all that we have for what's faster tonight but don't go anywhere because we'll be right back
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 34,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: U5cOoIrMR28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 23sec (8843 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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