What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) FOR THE FIRST TIME!! || Movie Reaction!!

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hello everybody how you doing today my name is Nick welcome to my Channel please to watch and talk about movies and this new action is going to be What's Eating Gilbert Grape this is actually my patreon Paul Warner last week so I'm very excited to hop into this one the only thing I know about this movie is Leonardo DiCaprio's in it so I'm very excited to see him especially in like a younger role I'm pretty sure I will say though out of like everyone else that I've talked to at least it seems I'm not like a hugely no no DiCaprio fan I definitely like him like especially in Django Unchained I really liked him in that but overall he's definitely not like one of my top actors but I also have not seen lots of his movies like uh The Great Gatsby Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and a bunch of others I'm pretty sure so I'm very happy to watch like one of his first movies I'm pretty sure of like one of his early movies I honestly have no idea what genre this movie is I'm assuming it's like a drama or comedy or something like that but then we'll just hop right into it before we do if you guys do want to see the following reaction to this video overly access my videos you guys can check out my patreon and also a special thing to these page I'll do Pledge of the video credit to above I really appreciate the support and let's just hop into it What's Eating Gilbert Grape chicken I don't I don't want any chicken Gilbert oh I want some corn Johnny Depp's in this oh that is amazing who does he play good he's not Gilbert I'm pretty sure that's Leonardo DiCaprio I'm sorry I'm so shocked I had no clue he's actually in this wanna go home no I don't want to see him for miles till they come Gilbert be a million buddy okay down oh so Johnny Depp is Gilbert also who's he is he just his brother then is something wrong with him my brother Arnie's about to turn 18. my family's planning a big party for him wait he's about to turn 18. watching the campus is our yearly ritual they're doing the right thing just Pat wait how was is he already 18. I'm sorry just Justin following there I felt a little bad for him but I don't know why he doesn't all look 18 to me he looks so much younger no you know you're getting a little you're working here I love what this is getting set up though it seems like it's gonna be like kind of a nice family wholesome type movie and door is where we are describing indoors like dancing to no music it's kind of just like a ghost town miles out of town on the interstate there's food Land where everyone else shops that's it though let's just have one place really my dad built a house it's my job to keep up the repairs oh wait is there dad gone doctors said we'd be lucky if Arnie lived to be 10. well 10 came and went now the doctors are saying anytime now Ronnie could go at any time really in the movie that he could just die at any moment [Music] I'm sorry like this already getting a little bit about your sister Amy's more like a mother my other sister Ellen just turned 15. she got her braces off and for days now she's been walking around going ooh ah so is Johnny Depp kind of like the narrator in this I got another brother Larry but he got away Mama's had her hands full you see with Mama there's no nice way to break it to you oh okay at least she's alive she hasn't left the house in over seven years I'm Gilbert Gilbert Grape see hanging from the roof Gilbert get him down from there you seen Arnie no I thought he was with you [Laughter] Ellen you seen your brother he's in the tree just though he's laughing at him so much oh [Laughter] this score is seriously so beautiful [Music] wait does he have a question oh so he just goes to work with them every day horny can I help you with anything thank you and goodbye wait what do you mean something going on at Foodland I wouldn't know sir I don't shop there I'd rather die I'll tell you it's those lobsters isn't it you know you shouldn't worry about it did they not have like seafood people come back here believe me oh yeah Gilbert's just there smiling we're not Gilbert already go ahead say hello all right see you tomorrow hello Gilbert hello oh wait do do they use to date hey I want to get back in the truck keep counting okay oh yeah so she's just coming on to him but he does not wanted to oh no oh no oh wait so maybe he does want to oh my God oh my God oh my it's like she wasn't even oh my God yeah he's so knows where it was just making a delivery here oh no no no no we really uh oh no no come by my office we need to talk wait can buy his office oh no we'd only go oh no hey hey please someone just get him down buddy hi I'm going higher than before oh God please just tell me it's gonna be okay I'm so terrified right now Arnie whoa I'm not gonna fall I know a boy whose name is Arnie he's uh about to turn 18 and have a big party matching the gas tank boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom [Applause] I was so scared I really was like just I feel like he can die at any moment good boy and I'm going to take him home I'm so happy I probably won't happen again son we hear this every time don't touch him I really cannot tell what role she's gonna play like the girl on the bike is she like gonna help them or like be with uh Johnny Depp's character little mom like that please are we ready to talk about the party and uh mama you can supervise them sounds good you're the only one without anything to do Ellen she designed a whole cake and you haven't done anything stop getting on his back he's there for only more than anyone when he goes with him to work he takes care of him more than probably anyone is a family my party though this movie is just so depressing I mean it's great but it just it's such a sad story to me hey [Music] hi sir it's not like a big thing what'd I do you know what you did oh it's your mother in there I don't get you man I just don't care I don't get that I don't get it so probably explain it to me but like I don't get that is because like his mom does not want anyone to like see her I mean obviously it's wrong and just like smile on people but he just was letting him like look a little bit it seemed [Music] she he has to like stay in there while he's taking a bath too he's like he takes care of him so much I just don't get why they'd be mad at him about a birthday party okay okay goodbye it's just so sweet little he talks him into goodbye when you're going away we're not going anywhere we're not going anywhere it's such a beautiful relationship seriously just between Gilbert and already it's so good it really is for my friend 's like what are you doing thank you thank you thank you thank you it's your anniversary so wouldn't that mean you can hang out then I feel like there's no way she's actually not going to get caught doing that even though I love Johnny Depp's character it's like she should not be doing that especially when married he's behind the chips he's gonna be needing some help yes sir I got it I love how you actually let him do that with the bike I would have I felt like he would have been like no like don't touch the bike that's amazing it gives him like some sort of freedom thank you he's just so close to her anytime six days is my part and I'm calling team I'm 18 and you're not invited don't say that don't be rude I got him okay it's okay yeah she she gets it are you sorry no [Laughter] so I think if we're gonna have people come that early we should have some appetizers I want hot dogs Mom I have a pretzels you know like those Hawaiian appetizers that they make with aren't you gonna get hot dogs though that's what horny wants Mom I promise we're gonna have a hobby I want hot dogs can't you not talk with your mouth excuse me okay Dad Ellen sure thing dad dad's dead Ellen one shot and he's just laughing through it Dad Arnie your dad's there [Music] they're right now it's at two feet and this should be 16 inches that that has to be one that has one of the saddest things I mean flat flooring it's like once the wood gets old you're just gonna fall right through the whole wall could literally just crumble down [Applause] electric food dehydrator look at this wonderful perfect slime sorry I'm still thinking about that dad's dead scene right now I made up that bed for you good night you're so helpful James you know are you tempted like good job about my father and me but but you know they're dead and I haven't seen your mother in church lately how she doing fine she's fine thanks bye yeah he seems like he has a little bit more of a furious attitude now I I swear he definitely knows why are you sneaking it in through the back oh is it because he does not want his mom to know that like her weed is doing that that's actually so sweet can somebody give me a hand down here you wanna go help Tucker he doesn't Tucker in the basement oh I don't want to go down there Gilbert please no way no way no Dodge in there [Music] honey shut up [Laughter] people it's not fun I forgot that that was for your dad oh it was did he hang himself yep I'm sorry get down get down get down see how aggressive she is with him though I don't care get out of here let's get out of here you made him bleed if anybody ever hits you or even just lays a finger on you what are you gonna do you're gonna tell me and then I'm gonna take care of it for you right and why will I take care of it Gilbert for your Gilbert because I'm Gilbert because nobody hurts Arnie right so sweet it's so sweet it's so sad but it's so sweet you have to stay here you stay right on this porch don't go anywhere we're not going anywhere [Music] um where are you going that was so that was too much you do not try to do that to your own sister oh did he go to see her because he thinks she can help without you just because he likes her waiting for that call get over hi Gilbert I swear when he goes to his office he's gonna try to kill him isn't he like he seems like he is just so persistent on that phone call here but it's a praying mantis you know how they mate she'll bite off his head and the rest of his body will keep on mating and then when they're done she'll eat him she'll eat the rest how is she just like saying that with happiness in a way we get on the road by Friday we'll be able to make Colorado Springs in time to catch them have you ever been to Colorado there's some eating together it's like a little essential incredibly frustrating then to be stuck here in this place in Andorra she's the smartest he's trying to be so polite isn't he isn't she beautiful isn't she beautiful so what do you want to do oh I don't know I mean there's not so much to do think of one thing that people do here be nice changing that looks so gorgeous oh um I have to go do this thing it's kind of a family thing oh is it on his birthday so I'm just gonna sit here I'd be like she is so me I'd just be like yeah I'll sit there oh look at this beautiful sunset really yeah you'll be here okay I'll be back a little bit okay I can't tell she's being sarcastic or not but like I actually would sit there I think that's a beautiful thing to do oh it's because he has to do his nighttime routine you're such a big boy oh big boy but you know what I bet you could do this all by yourself if you really wanted to no don't could you do this by yourself the Big Boy's gonna wash himself right okay I gotta go okay you missed it that's what I miss the sunset that's just so sad though because like what what if he can't do it that's it that's the house gorgeous that is gorgeous time I know I know you're not gonna say I did too I'm shocked I thought that maybe she would have given him a kiss or something good night no but she's like skipping a little bit she's happy I don't know you okay I'm okay all night I'm gonna drowned honey where's your head lately Gilbert where is your head gotta do better I mean yeah it's it's a it's a terrible thing and he did that in a way but like seems like it ought to be more so bad for him maybe a food Land like no not just storing you but I feel really bad for Gilbert too to see my responsibility he has to take on we have a kind of delivery for you son sounds urgent hi she saw that number over there for me my hands are all [Music] good that's good it's ringing uh it's Gilbert Gilbert well we can't discuss it what about right now are you free I uh I've got to go you don't have to go yes I do hey yeah [Music] I feel like that has been seriously already knows like that's the only reason why I could be the average system about him like coming to the office I I at least can think of you look nervous Gilbert I'd be nervous too if I were you what if something were to happen to you an accident Maybe what about your family yeah he's just trying to sell them car insurance I guess I guess Daddy please calm down calm down no no I'm no go on nobody troubles at home I'm sure you understand so awkward I mean to be honest I am kind of happy he does not know about it just because like I feel like Gilbert is such a nice guy in a way I mean he's obviously made some mistakes but like I feel like he's such a good person inside a little burn on top why is he still eating that boys here I have some of Bob's wait why is she just look there's water in here come here come here come here look real water boy why are you doing your kids like that what the hell else what do you want what for God's sake [Music] I think it's time for Arnie to take a bath no because he will just let him stink you know Mr Carver who's dead [Music] the wife so did something he dropped it his headband forward his knees buckled and then he just fell I would have seen what if there was any kind of struggle that had gone on it was murder no I seriously think it probably was murder what do you think I don't know I mean you know nothing I love how she really is so nice to him we're gonna play okay so that's it yeah I guess so where is she leaving he won't come in I'm coming in the water a little squash a little more hey what do you want how someone new house family I hope he somehow gets a new house for his mom mama to take aerobics classes I want a new brain for Arnie what do you want for you he just wants things for others I want to be a good person already again thank you [Music] we've orange your sister that the next time is going to be the last time congratulations played his siren okay uh do the siren do the siren okay do the siren all right no Sheriff it's gonna be okay right get my coat what foreign such a great moment that was such a happy moment well at least he's in a safe place let's wait here I'll be right back okay I'm sorry I realized I probably should not be crying as much as I'm crying in this movie it's just it it really is so emotional to me stop looking at her Jerry Jerry he's like I'll let you take care of this Mom you'll need to fill out some papers no no you have my son give me my son sunshine it's free baby I promise Mom look so mean it's so mean why why do you want to make a spectacle out of the Mom showing up I got it when you just showed like the kid inside of his house for a second but you'll need everyone gathered around just looking at her why people need to be embarrassed [Music] this this movie's broken my heart I like it really is it's amazing but like this is this is just so sad it's nice to like [Music] oh he loved the fact that she did that God that was so brave what your mother did I'd like to meet her no you wouldn't he's like is it your mom right there I guess not ensure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life Kenneth Carver the Lord make his face shine on him and be gracious to him we may have length fall asleep peacefully in you the God of Peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus Christ we're going to St Louis can't stay in that house I'm turning my boys I was thinking that hi I was thinking how that would be nice for my boys to be like you this morning she's gonna spill anything okay I guess she's not are you gonna miss her yeah oh she got it oh nice that's actually amazing I don't know why I thought I thought it was never gonna get fixed unless you got like a mechanic or someone [Music] I'm so confused when is Gilbert's I mean oni's birthday wow right wow is that all he's saying you want to come to my party tomorrow and be 18 years old I don't know you but you can come and we're gonna be leaving tomorrow you can't stay a little bit longer [Applause] [Music] do you not want me to go no dang it tell her come on if you tell her she'll stay oh so this is is this how you want it take care okay broke her heart Ernie Arnie oh the cake [Music] why are you getting so upset like you know how he is I can't make another one I can't that's fine you don't have a cake I guess not we have to have a cake Gilbert no the party's but horny am I in Crazy Town like it's about him he doesn't care all he wants is his hot dogs [Music] to the Food Mart [Music] for every day I mean I guess he only wants a cake can I help you uh yes um my sister called in an order that'll be 1975. much birthday I don't know why that in 1968 it was gonna be a lot less attention I'm gonna kill you I can't believe you look I'll enjoy the party from in here birthday haven't you been waiting to do this for a long time I mean it wasn't you that wanted to have this huge party in the first place oh no oh no Arnie he couldn't help himself that's it forget it forget it nice job Marty foreign oh don't hurt him please don't hurt him come on what did you do like I'm sorry you just smacked him you can't do that to him Gilbert what did you do you Fury what is going on everything's ruined [Music] he went to her he went to her because she's treated with so much kindness foreign does he know that he might have gone there I already want to go for a walk you want to go play Arnie [Music] oh okay I thought he was in trouble there [Music] I know he feels so bad about what he did saucing a little bit okay bye bye Arnie Take Care thank you so much you're welcome I hit him I hit him so hard you got the word go I had to work extra hours wow oh seriously the scenes in this are gorgeous you know it's like in the 90s this came out I'm pretty sure shocked for years he disappeared you can say goodbye he was gone he was just hanging there fun so you think it's his fault [Music] yeah yeah the mom the mom's like yeah I'm not gonna go I'll let them just relax over there now there's no way she's gonna leave it's Ronnie's birthday I need to go home [Applause] oh why aren't you out of the car okay yeah I I thought for a second he's just gonna sit in the court all the time and I'm like no you got to go in hey Amy look who's here she's scared of him now is he okay I think you better ask him that yourself have you seen Arnie um no I thought he was with you already seen Arnie buddy come on you gotta go outside [Laughter] you better talk to Mama what you did was helpless boy Gilbert and then disappearing like that you know I hate that well I won't even sit in the same room with her can't take another in that for the party and now now you gotta go out there come on it's your son's birthday I can't imagine how it's been for you kids and I know that you're ashamed of me I don't think he is either I never to be like this good job oh Gilbert please don't disappear underneath here well first of all we need to fill this in so that no more water collects here and then we probably she came and she bought a present let's go meet somebody always mom hey hi Arnie Hi here's your present just this once for me Gilbert it's okay we can do it later no this is what I want do it for me what he wants it's what he wants I'm not gonna hurt you anymore mama Becky I haven't always been like this I haven't always been like this bye bye she really is leaving I thought you might she might end up staying I had a really nice time [Music] goodbye [Laughter] [Music] bye [Music] I thought she's after there morning you're not gonna be able to get them mama what are you doing she's gonna go upstairs [Music] I'm just honestly so scared oh she's good okay okay that's great I thought she might end up like falling and I was so scared for that foreign get me my birthday boy I want my birthday boy you're my knight shimmering armor did you know that rest okay well what about Arnie she wanted to see Arnie hey Mama mama Mama wake up no hiding huh I know that hmm pick up Mama wake up he doesn't get it mama stop it now [Applause] [Music] I mean she was just so shocked that the mom ended up dying I thought this whole movie like already might die at any point and the mom just ends up dying at the end and only didn't even get to see her I mean alive that's just so sad just wanted to see him that was so insensitive [Music] [Music] honey well they're just taking everything out of the house [Music] it's burning the house the memories are just too much for them [Music] foreign [Music] except each other when are they gonna come oh the girl is the girl gonna come get them my brother Arnie is about to turn 19. 19. Gilbert oh that's great oh that's on each other at the beginning we can go anywhere if we want we can go anywhere seriously what an amazing movie so emotional emotional it's so amazing [Music] oh that's just how the end I thought they were going to show the cast at least I mean this is just at least okay okay that was amazing though okay everybody so how's the enemy watching uh What's Eating Gilbert Grape for the first time absolutely love this movie I will say I'm so sorry about my voice and my eyes and everything you know I was very emotional in this one my voice probably sounded very different in some parts because like my when I cry my tone just like changes my voice so I apologize for that but seriously what an incredible story just about a family he's dealing with so much tragedy in their life and just seeing them overcome that and deal with it especially with Johnny Depp's character I felt a lot for him just seeing what he had to go through every day how he has to you know be around his brother and just everyone around his family and take care of them in some sense and you know it definitely is hard seeing him go through all that emotion just having to deal with everyone in his family basically be the breadwinner be the dad of the family in some senses but just seeing this whole family and how they had to work around just orney and just everything with their mom and everything it was so touching and it was so sad but I I really connected with his family like it was seriously one of the best movies I think I've seen in a while like honestly the sisters I will say I definitely wish they showed them a little more just so I could understand like some of their feelings I guess especially in the beginning scene with uh them kind of yelling at Johnny Depp about you know taking care of Oni and everything it's just I wish they showed what they did for Arnie and then in comparison with Johnny Depp did because they showed a lot about how Johnny Depp dealt with him but they did not show us much with the sisters so I wish they just showed a little bit more with his sister so I can understand them a little bit better and to be honest the romance was not my favorite part it was still good I just will say it just was not the thing that kept me like so focused in this movie that makes sense like it was it was a nice addition I think they could have done a little bit more with it to be honest but besides that seriously it was a great movie I'd probably give this a nine definitely very emotional definitely very just wholesome and happy in lots of moments especially with already he was honestly the horde of this movie and he just provided so many happy moments for me as well as so many sad moments so it was it was a mixed bag with him but he was by far one of the best like actors I've seen in this movie so yeah with Lino de DiCaprio definitely think I have to check out a couple more of his movies because like I really enjoyed him in this movie but I hope you guys enjoyed this reaction and hopefully my patrons enjoy this reaction as well and I'll see you guys for some other top 10 patreon requests and patreon Paul winners
Channel: NickFlix
Views: 15,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Reactions, Reactions, Tv Show Reactions, Movie Reactions, Nick, First Time Reaction, movie reaction channel, nickflix, real reaction, nickflix reactions, genuine reactions, what's eating gilbert grape reaction, what's eating gilbert grape first reaction, watching what's eating gilbert grape for the first time, gilbert grape, johnny depp, leonardo dicaprio, watching what's eating gilbert grape, what's eating gilbert grape real reaction, what's eating gilbert grape reactions
Id: rM7vvsn1WpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 43sec (2683 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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