What's at the heart of GROUND ZERO? - Gray Zone Warfare

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welcome to gry Zone Warfare this is a brand new extraction Mill Sim that came out last week in Early Access I've been playing it a bit and having quite a lot of fun but it is absolutely hard as nails so it's definitely not for the fainthearted throughout my entire time playing this game so far I've had one question on my mind and today I'm going to answer it and I hope you join me for that Journey so my plan today is that we're going to go on something of an expedition in gry zone Warfare there is this massive area in the middle called Ground Zero and I don't know what's there I have some assumptions as to what's there but I really don't know for sure so I'd like to go and find out so we have these helicopters that are coming in every now and again and they can get me somewhat of the way there so if we just take a quick look at the map again the closest I can get right now is LZ Charlie 3 that's pretty close but this here is still a massive distance to cover and I have no idea what's there so it should still be quite interesting I'm also really not sure what I'm going to run into so I'm not sure what gear to take I'm currently kind of just running a load out where I can use a lot of enemy weapons so I've got like one of their akms and if I take one of my own weapons in so if we have a quick look here yeah so I've got this m41 um I don't want to risk losing that particular particularly so I think I might just carry on running this load out I currently have right so let's choose Charlie fre we'll call a transport negative all birds are in the air yeah of course this is always a problem do you know what we might be able to jump on this incoming helicopter here and hopefully that will take us close enough to where we want to go cuz I don't know how long I'd have to wait for my own helicopter all right here we go I think it must be belonging to this guy so he might be heading to that first town most early players do head to that town so there is potential for that I mean it could be really bad so what's happened in the past for me is I've tried to go to this opening town and I've ended up down here at Delta 3 so this could take me somewhere absolutely really far away from where I want to go which wouldn't be ideal okay then where are we going to go looks like uhoh uhoh where are we going going um we might be heading up to midnight sapphire here which isn't the worst thing in the world but I have no idea what's in this region at all I've never been here maybe I should have just walked should have walked the whole way helicopter was a risk I'm not sure if this area is more difficult than where I was before it might be I mean that is meant to be like the start of town oh no oh no I just don't want to die and lose everything that happens way too often and there's already gunfire where is that gunfire coming from uh I have no idea this way by the sounds of it actually okay let's get some cover behind this truck oh so where are we we are in the middle of nowhere yep up here Fox drop one okay uh it's roughly the same amount of distance to cover and it's a new area so at least it'll be a little bit more interesting for me not going to lie I am somewhat terrified just because I don't know what this area is at least with the town you know most of the enemies are within the town's borders here I just hear gunfire in the bloody woods and I don't know where it's coming from oh little bit of bloody lag yeah so this game is uh still an alpha so it's running it's pretty well actually I mean I'm getting like a smooth 65 70 frames but yeah my main problem is latency right now with the servers and if it gets too bad I may have to bail and jump into a new server just to try and mitigate that a little bit but hey we'll deal with that if that comes up but I'll tell you what though this game is beautiful and it's running surprisingly well I'm on a 4060 graphics card and I've got it running in 1440p so yeah I mean it's a really beautiful game it's one of the first actually Unreal Engine 5 Games I've played so it's yeah it's quite cool I have no idea like what we're going to run into quite honestly like this could just be oh that was a really weird bit like that kind of really threw me off I was going to say like I don't know if I'm going to actually run into like enemies just wandering around out here in the forest or I could maybe walk all the way to Ground Zero without even encountering anyone it does actually look like on the map there there is a little town ahead I could avoid it I could maybe stop by because they might have some interesting weapons have a quick look at the larger map uh yeah it looks like this is actually going to be the main thing we run into and yeah then it's just a lot of forest on the way there so this is our major issue right now but hopefully it'll be fine we might actually get some new gear which will be nice holy hell gun fire down there that must be that little town there is actually a guy down there right yeah okay if I head down there now actually that's the guy I flew in with he might actually be able to be quite useful if we are going to clear out that town you know what he's probably a better player than me honestly if he's made it this far out it's much further than I've ever come out so yeah he probably knows his [ __ ] I've always really liked the idea of a kind of a tactical M Sim but I I find playing them sometimes just be too frustrating I used to really enjoy a game called operation flasho um back in the kind of Xbox 360 era and that was that was really cool but I never could get into it enough but I always had like a want to get into it and there are a bunch of these games now like there's armor and I mean to lesser extent games like Day Z um I've always kind of avoided Daisy in particular hang on let me deal with this guy dayy in particular because I've always kind of seen it as being a little bit broken maybe it's not anymore but armor especially was always like so dense it's really hard to get into that guy took a lot of bloody bullets oo I knew they'd have nicer guns this was well worth it am I safe here I don't know uh this guy's got an AK MSN oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ah no I misplaced my fingers on the keyboard hello was that you shooting me or was that an enemy I have no idea what just happened was I being shot at or I didn't get hit I think that must have been that friendly shooting at me oh no no there is a guy somewhere up here ah hello go I dealt with him quickly right I know we have an objective but I feel like I should help out this guy just just for the shits and giggles if nothing else very nice to the damage model in this game I was reading some uh some tweets from the developers it essentially works on a system of organs so I think what happens is when I was shooting that other guy and it seems to take a lot of shots to kill him I wasn't shooting any vital organs which is an interesting system so if you get a head shot or a heart shot they tend to go down extremely quickly which is great but it can be a bit strange when you are laying a lot of bullets into someone and then they just ooh that was a big bit of lag um yeah it it could be strange when you lay a lot of bullets into someone and they barely register it I mean a bullet a bullet it's going to hurt regardless but yeah it's interesting I think it needs a few little tweaks to the system but I understand what they're going for and I think it's quite cool right little house here I think this will be the last little place I investigate before we actually move on to try and head into Ground Zero why can't I jump this fence [ __ ] who was that oh there's a guy right there okay trying to just jump over his fence he wasn't appreciating that where is he oh [ __ ] ow who the [ __ ] just shot me oh that's not good okay we need to get some cover there he is there he is I need to hide how many guys are in this place I have no idea there he is okay uh ammo ammo ammo can I reload no I can't reload because I haven't got it in the right slot I must need to switch out one of you move one of you okay right reload there we go I'm not sure how heavily I'm bleeding I'm going to have to deal with that in a minute can I jump this fence why won't you let me jump this fence oh there we go right just be careful try to take this guy out don't want to get hit again I'm in quite a bad position right now is there we go very nice hopefully that was the only guy here I didn't see anyone else oo he's got a nice gun I'm going to take that I think I don't know what it is but it looks fun it takes AR-15 mags interesting okay I must have only been light bleeding cuz it's stopped on its own but we do need to have a little check of what's going on our health so I'm dizzy which is because I've lost too much blood so the game does really simulate the human body in a way um so I can even wait for that to regen slowly on its own I do actually need some water cuz I'm dehydrating I do have a blood pack but I might avoid taking that just yet the dizziness should deal with itself once my blood goes up to a certain level so I'm not too worried about that I'm just going to get my other stats back up to a healthy level and hopefully that'll increase inrease how much blood I'm regaining right let's reassess where we're going so we do just need to head south again I can actually already see Grand zero on the map so that is good and we've also got a new Landing Zone at hotel 3 so we can escape from here quite easily I think this next stage of the journey is literally just going to be a wander through the woods and the game seems to be getting laggier which I don't like I think this might actually just be the remainder of the journey just wandering through the woods but that's fine at least we got a little bit of action already do you know what I have just realized though um if I want to see what's in ground zero well I'm in the woods I'm not going to have very much visibility is there a place here where I can actually get a view I don't think there is I mean the best plac is all the way over there but that's a bloody long way to go I got to be getting close now I feel like I've been walking for ages oh yeah I'm literally right on the border I'm pretty sure when we get there it's just going to be more trees but I guess we're about to find out we're very very close now okay it's basically here somewhere probably going to be like no markers or anything I don't see anything different I'm in I'm actually in okay what now have a look at the wider map uh is actually what's in the middle of this I'm I'm so confused cuz when you look at the map like this it just looks like a forest right what is in there when I first started playing this game I genuinely had kind of no idea what it was about I mean now I know it's basically just a tactical Mill Sim but when I saw Ground Zero I mean that could have been anything like this could have been da Z style you know there zombies in the center of the map I mean that still could be I'm not entirely sure what it is I mean I have a rough idea based on M Sims but um it'd be interesting to actually find out like I'm not sure I'm assuming there might be some kind of like I thought there might have been a bomb gone off like a chemical weapon but I'm not like seeing any signs of that which I find interesting or I thought it might have been like you know where nuke had exploded uh but you know there's there's no destruction or anything like that so so I'm not sure my my current thinking is yeah there could be like a chemical plant in the center where there's been like an industrial accident ah there's a sign there oh a sign there too okay we're actually seeing some [ __ ] now and there's some destroyed trees which is interesting okay what do you say no entry zone why I mean I I guess the skull and crossbones is a enough of a warning so we at that next yeah okay we're at the next level we do we just try it do we go for it just looks the same I don't really understand what's going on it's quite a steep Cliff here though I don't want to fall down that my game is running well it's running well it's running at 70 but it must be the servers that are causing this I really don't know what it is oh uh oh okay fell down a hill I've have hurt my legs because of course I did oh properly injured my legs does that mean I need to use a splint do I even have a splint I don't think I brought one I'm still not seeing the danger here we're getting into quite a red zone now I guess maybe once we get up to the next stage we'll see what's going on I feel like I'm on top of a mountain actually so I might be in a really good position to be able to see down right into the heart of Ground Zero okay well I can positively confirm Ground Zero is just a bunch of trees is that really the right direction yeah that is literally Ground Zero is just in there and all that's here are trees well okay then coming up on another one of those Peaks which might have been a mistake cuz if it's too steep to go down that's not going to be any good is it how far into the zone am I now oh I'm literally like one zone off the worst there is okay we're progressing quite well I might actually be able to see what's directly at the center of this if there wasn't this bloody big steep cliff in the way oh uhoh uhoh okay I thought I was done for then this is uh this is not oh no oh no oh no oh I'm hurting my legs again I've actually broken my legs now [ __ ] I'm limping great okay um that's going to slow us down quite severely we are getting very close to the actual Center of ground zero now still don't really know what's here or why I'm stuck on another twig but that's fine okay this is the final border of Ground Zero uh we're just coming into it now I don't know what to look out for really like what is this it's just a just a jungle right I genuinely expected that this whole area was going to potentially be filled with radiation or something now I'm potentially considering because I exclusively play on PVP servers I can just wander into Ground Zero but why would that be it should just be the same I that wouldn't make any sense that there's no reason that I should be allowed here what is this I'm I'm very confused I'm literally right in the center of Ground Zero there is nothing here but more trees I'm so confused what is this like I don't think I can get any more Central than that right like I am dead center Ground Zero there's you know no radiation there's no like bombs gone off there's nothing as far as I can see it's a lie Ground Zero is a lie and I have proved it let's just [ __ ] all here surely it can't be only in PvP Serv why would that be a thing I'm actually on my way out now so yeah I I don't really know what what to think about that that's um that's unusual I think what I'm going to have to do is go into a PVP server and see if it's different oh [ __ ] wait what what's that what's happening why did my screen go gray okay I thought that might have been radiation but it isn't right here we are almost made our way out I think we're back at those warning signs now yeah see this one's actually saying radiation lethal radiation Zone Beyond this line interesting for some reason it means sweet [ __ ] all here but um yeah I do really wonder if it's only in PvP but that would be unusual I guess the other explanation is this game's an alpha and it's bugged which yeah there's potential for that or maybe they just haven't imp Ed it yet all right here we go this is pretty much it we are out of the radiation Zone absolutely sweet fle in there so yeah I guess that answers the question I am going to go and have a quick look in a PVP server just to see if it's any different might not be might be maybe this particular game is bugged and you know I shouldn't have been able to just wander all the way through it we'll find out we are back in the air just once more cuz this time we are in one of the PVE VP servers and uh I've got got a few guys on the chopper and I'm really hoping that shotgun aimed at me isn't going to cause any problems I just want to check this time whether it's going to be the same scenario with ground zero as when we were in PVE because if I can just walk straight into the center I mean it's a lie right Ground Zero is a lie there's nothing wrong with it but that would be weird weird I'm not sure what's going on here but we're about to find out just as long as this guy doesn't blow my head off the moment he gets the opportunity which would suck but for that exact reason I have literally brought nothing with me so yeah not going to get much mate there we go touchdown move out great please don't shoot me who are you aiming at he's really just aiming at me I literally don't even have a gun I don't know if he's suspicious of me or what okay good so as far as I can tell those guys are chill and they're not going to just murder me it doesn't matter if they did it just sets me back a little bit of time so we're on the same route again I'm just going to run in there I'm not going to waste time this time we're not going to go and you know mess around with any other Villages or whatever we're just going to run Straight Into The Ground Zero Zone and see what happens those guys are right behind me they following me what is what is going on here they are literally like right behind me oh maybe they're after my loot that might be what they're doing they're probably following me to try and find out where I died yeah this is why I don't play PVP just about coming up on the first part of the zone now it's going to be interesting to see if this is any different I I literally have no idea right I think we must be inside it now yeah we are okay we're in the first level nothing's changed yet so okay maybe Ground Zero is a lie oh okay so we've run into those signs again and considering we're going the same way these ones are radiation this time interesting lethal radiation Zone Bey on this line let's see if that's true Try Not To Break my legs again oh no I literally just said I'm trying not to did I actually just break my legs I didn't did I you [ __ ] and I've done it really badly I've really just hurt myself you're joking me oh hang on wait wait wait wait radiation we died of radiation I wondered what was happening so that's interesting so this wasn't really the result I was expecting I'm not really sure why in PVE going into Ground Zero is okay but in PvP it's almost instantly deadly that's really unusual to me I'd actually really like to know what you guys think is this something you've experienced did I get a one-off in this game where I managed to walk all the way into Ground Zero or is that just how the game is I'd really like to know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to as many of you as possible
Channel: The Bigg Gamer
Views: 41,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Grey zone warfare, gray zone warfare, gray zone warfare gameplay, ground zero, grey zone warafre ground zero, gray zone warfare ground zero, exploring ground zero, how to reach ground zero, survive ground zero, grey zone ground zero, grey zone gameplay, grey zone review, gray zone review, grar zone, grey zone, gray zone warafre pvp, gray zone warfare tips, gray zone warafre guide, video games, military simulation, milsim
Id: 6xjK_YnRS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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