How to Use Hard Cover Solo & Avoid Headshots

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hello and welcome back to another video on gry Zone Warfare So today we're going to be talking about hard cover and I see a lot of people that don't even know how to use hard cover they don't they they can't tell when their body is sticking out when they when they don't have full hard cover uh there's partial hard cover and you'll see that here shortly in the video just one minute in you can see the guy's not utilizing the tire of the vehicle and he gets shot underneath the vehicle and dies so uh utilizing hard cover in this game is a must leaning is key to avoiding head shots and you'll see that throughout this video uh this is an approach I take on Tiger Bay to farm the lab side of Tiger Bay and this is a very good approach and it works pretty much every single time uh and you know not too much Lux involved it's more of Leaning and moving a lot moving and shooting is key here so let's hop into the video bu oh what what are you up to you talk hey what's up yeah I'm soloing pretty chatty my friend what uh what task are you doing I was just making a video you you can go ahead I'll just I'll just go find a new game oh no no you're good might even help us it's like the first time we're doing a task here so you can do whatever we're just going to hug the coast and go to the UN whatever place oh okay so it's better uh they can shoot you along that Coast like while you're in the water so uh across the water okay so I mean it's up to you you need this lab key for this building up here eventually so if I were you guys I would get up to this truck and uh pull them all to you so there's going to be some guys right here to the right this truck is hard cover so if you crouch here behind the tires this is hard cover and you can pull all the AI to this truck and kill them all all right that's pretty good to yeah I was just making a video know how to do it cuz a lot of people for some reason don't know how to use hard cover yeah you're good just stay behind the tire tire tire tire they shoot you under the [Music] truck okay so when farming Tiger Bay for the lab key you can either Farm the easy way which is Juliet you go up here and go in the mall you you avoid these guards here at the warehouse avoid this go in the mall so uh you can either do that way or this way so this way I think is faster you get the guard killed faster and it's just faster um so anyways you approach from Indiana 2 you come down through the woods here there's a long wall that runs along the uh container dorms it goes here and here and here okay there is a truck at the end of the road here that is hard cover okay there is a truck right here in the middle of the road that is hard cover this is your where you want to be um and then the approach this is the approach now there can be a guard that patrols along the wall here on the back side so watch out for him and there can be guards in the front side up here so watch out for these guys so simply you're going to want to just walk up here and keep in mind there are a few hard cover spots this wall is hard cover that wall is hard cover that wall is hard cover you get the idea so always keep in mind where your hard cover is and keep the enemy between you and hard cover so right now we're just checking there should be a patrol right here somewhere I'm not seeing him not seeing him that's not good yeah so hopefully another player then just kill these because there should be NPCs where I am now anyways this dirt is hard cover and yes you can go on top of it I don't recommend that this crane is hard cover the bottom part but but they can shoot through this crack here so keep that in mind they will shoot you through that if you have to fall back I would fall back here because they funnel right there on the corner of that wall sometimes they will come over there from that corner very rare do they come behind you but they will so most of the time they come from this direction so you're going to be watching over here and that truck is hard cover behind the tires they will shoot under the truck but the tires are hard to cover so yeah everything looks dead here it looks like somebody literally just cleared this out all right so there are a few NPCs all right so these guys on the right I'm going to go ahead and pull these out and then be someone on the left so you want to stay behind the front or back tires okay and these are hard cover and if the guys are come from there obviously stay in the back and don't be afraid to fall back so you can fall back to this building right here and heal if you have to oops not drop and they will Rush pretty quick so and just keep this corner right there see if you can see the truck you can see them when they come around it you can see your guy right [Music] there yeah I need to do surgery but I'm waiting for them to push that corner and if they don't come for like a few minutes you can just throw a grenade too my never fire from the same spot twice if you can that wood is not hard to cover all right so they know I'm there so I'm going to go ahead and flank them around the other side now go full auto since we're close all right now I got to move back to the other side so it sounds like one pushed over there I can see him right there yeah there's a second one over there so you see how they're rushing to where I was that's why I keep moving positions just kind of play like uh you know pop up with them it sounds like one's going out in the woods where is he thought he went over here f I hear one in the woods over there all right let's reload all right that should be all of them well not all of them but they should be the ones rushing that I heard there might be one more so once you get yourself situated and the rush is over just like make sure it's over all right so there's two more there's one close right here and then there's one far over here I can't see that guy so what you do if you can't see him is you just hold back over here oh my God that's on me should have killed that guy where'd he go he brushed yeah there's the second guy oh [ __ ] so there's three of them so I want to fall back now I'm going to reload this is bad all right I got one that's good it should be one russan right here unless he's just going to play peekaboo on the left yeah there he is I'm more worried about a guy rushing left all right there should be one more oh that's way more than one more I still need to do surgery yeah all right so they saw me run over here so they probably know I'm here so what you do if they see you do that you can just throw a grenade at him all right we're almost done here few more where's this guy at there be one right there they R see him through the hole at the Mii all right let's reload while they're pushing all take a peret real quick [Music] uh and then you just want to wait a minute yeah there's always more reload real quick could be maybe one more uh I think we may be good I don't hear anything yeah all right so now that we're all clear we can just check for our key uh we got a lookout key great um let's see we got some dead bodies over here now while you're searching for loot there could be a guy that walks up to you so just make sure yeah you hear that guy yeah there's there's there's always more than that last guy you know what I mean there's uh there's still one more guy right there I'm just trying to bait him over all right and don't be in a rush to loot the bodies unless there's other players around okay like if there's other players you to try to get your key quickly but right now since I'm not uh you know nobody's around I don't have to be that uh pressed to get my keys but yeah if if somebody's trying to gank your keys obviously okay um yeah obviously get your keys all right so let me go over here Lo these guys uh there should be some dead people right here that is not hard cover by the way the AI can see through the cracks in the wall right there and shoot through it same with fences AI can see right through a fence fence aren't real this is not real to ai ai will shoot you through this this is hard cover okay this will stop bullet this will stop Bullet Stop bullet these pillars will will stop bullets okay these will not stop bullets AI can shoot through these oh grenade yep definitely want that and you always want to be checking whenever you're looting in the street just give it a look down the street make sure you're not going to get shot at and then loot real quick and then I think I yeah there's some people in the woods okay there's some more people in the woods here's another one then we got all these bodies to do [Music] uh all right that guy was like stuck in the fence or something which is good um let's start looting these take all their grenades uh let me eat this and Swig that water there's still people in the compound and there's still people down the street so normally I just farm this first part and then I dip out I get my get my keys and then leave cuz I mean you can see how many dead B are uh we looted that one there's another one yeah we got a lot of pure Keys all right so this part's the riskiest part because you can't see through the fence and they can I got lucky and saw that guy in the bush so I suggest you run to here and then look cuz like I said this is hard cover and then the other thing is if you look all the way down the street you can see guys down there and you can pull them all the way back down to here where we are but I'm not going to do that so let's look at the uh the rest of these bodies and then watch left cuz like I said this is not clear go get this body over here all right and then I could do surgery now but let's just go over here and see if we see these guys I might I might even already have pulled them yeah I don't see them yeah I think they all got pulled and then yeah if you if you got your lab key this is where you do your lab quest only one person can do it uh out a time by the way so uh let me give you some these dumpsters these are hard cover these are good cover okay cars cars are pretty good cover if you know the angle of the AI and you're using the tire AI will shoot under the car AI will shoot any limb that's sticking out from cover so keep that in mind if you're not in full cover AI will shoot you uh these fences AI will shoot you right through this this is not real cover this is not cover a I can see directly through this bushes like I said not real cover uh these metal dorms they are bulletproof uh they can't be shot through uh pretty much all wood AI can shoot through wood these concrete blocks the AI can't shoot through this so this is good cover make sure you're utilizing lean too I noticed that AI gets a lot less head shot on you when you're leaning so make sure you're leaning all the time if you can it does screw up your aim that's why I miss a lot so sometimes I forget to stop leaning and uh but I mean I didn't you know it's good and it's bad like I miss a lot of shots but I also don't die so I'd rather just not die right uh than use more ammunition because I can just buy more ammo so that's a plus so anyways uh all it's just pretty much about utilizing your hard cover and never firing from the same position twice uh as you see in the video here uh you know the AI when you shoot from one position the AI rushes that position and then I was moving to another and then shooting him from a flank and then they would switch and try to rush that and then I would switch it up and go back so it's just a game of cat and mouse with the AI and uh like I said always be leaning always be leaning guys uh no matter what you're doing except PVP uh you don't have to really lean so much in PvP but you can if you want uh like I said leaning makes your shot weird you have to get used to shooting leaning I'm not used to leaning shooting so I mean if you are then go ahead and do it but I'm not so all right well that's going to be the end of the video I just wanted to show you guys how to utilize your cover better and uh you know maybe get some uh lab keys and uh let me know what you guys want to see in the next videos uh medical supplies uh you know other types of farms you know if you want to see PVP I do PVP sometimes uh we are farming Tiger Bay uh just to farm it you know just for fun even though I get like 60 FPS but yeah anyways let me know in the comments or Discord or wherever uh shoot me a message uh let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see in the future uh or if you have any questions or just you know whatever just let me know and I'll catch you on the next one all right peace
Channel: Zach Bitango
Views: 15,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gray zone warfare tips, gray, zone, warfare, tips, and, tricks, beginner tips, gray zone warfare tips and tricks, gray zone warfare beginner tips, gray zone warfare release date, gray zone warfare, gray zone warfare gameplay, gray zone gameplay, gray zone warfare review, escape from tarkov, gray zone warfare looting, gray zone warfare story, gray zone warfare steam, gray zone warfare streamer, gray zone warfare stream, gameplay, gray zone warfare pvp, gray zone warfare pvp gameplay
Id: ZP1qB5vSiJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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