Becoming The Most Deadly Sniper In Gray Zone Warfare

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[Music] [Music] oh hello that was a silence am for I'm dead get absolutely [ __ ] man oh my God you got [ __ ] wow all right let's patch ourself up here oh there's a bullet coming out my finger an empty shell I think he has a teammate here somewhere that's not anything I'm worried about oh he shot me right into the head his teammate on the hill we get some space here boys he's got an M4 going to go right let's reload just like that we're in a bit of Action Man Down not question is did he res his budy want to get a little bit closer this is dangerous this is very dangerous silence them for not really much going on we'll take that there is his buddy he obviously had no meds nice it's two kills two kills on the board going eat your food drink your water that first shot was very nice we going to get out here now we're going to make a little move for Delta tree scout out all of ybl 1 and Fort Nar see if we can pick up any kills over that side of the map [Music] lot of AI on the Airfield that guy died there did he die by AI yeah Airfield has been cleared no sigh of any pmc's in the Airfield we're going to make our way up to ybl 1 not the most ideal spot for sniping as a lot of the time people just go into the bunker this is like the only good spot for sniping here not grip but you can kill people coming in the back AI down k a c of the AI for this friendly that's in the vicinity so he can get out easy ybl one is clear this guy is good to go we are getting out here we're going onto the next location Raven here I'm moving out ETA one minute right we've pick up in one minute we're going to go back to base drop off this M4 and go back out do a little bit more sniping that is not friendly thing was on that unless there was one on the opposite side there is there's one gun in I'm our BR I can't even he the ass right now except this guy's invite their squad and another heli incoming and another heli Wow Let's go on top side going to look to kill this guy on top side usually once you get off Fox shot one you run straight to the right down by the valley at the water wow get [ __ ] wow we're going to die though wow need to get out of her wow how do we survive that youra moving out AI is coming right up behind me there very multiple enemy Healers incoming it's another one after dropping off people I think they're dropping them off at India India too a are now putting attention on this guy he is in the middle of the village I'm pretty sure he's sitting around where the well is I was so risky taking them shots there cuz I didn't know if that was a friendly that second guy we sniped had no armor on no helmet the two guys I seen on the beach were fully geared one two three two three four five friendlies here be a waste of time being there Nice kill this guy got killed on the road in the middle of B pass so more than likely this guy's going to come out this way towards me he died on LZ India one the real question is did he do anything before he died full Squad wow a full Squad coming in here there's one man down what gu going running imine WE wall bang him there there went in here didn't he shot in there yeah yeah I got one okay where where where on the beach go to beach go to beach other side there's there's weapons don't walk they just walk straight across the water died yeah dude just walk right into the water go to the beach we got to be very careful of AI cuz they will walk right over on top of me with their AK we're moving you can't risk it with AI in this game just head shot you through about seven bushes yeah yeah yeah yeah it's me oh nice nice I killed lots of people up here but there's still more I'm going to try rotate a bit the AI was following me you take Point dude you've got the M4 okay yes yes we're going to we're going to go straight through the tree line here and come out to far side right there there he goes he's taking Point nice it's moments like this that I absolutely love this game like look at this I know that guy has no head but it's just it's epic so epic this is R to keep our eyes peeled wow I don't know if that was AI or not that guy looked me in the eyes it wasn't a a don't thr NS man text this guy he's probably going to die I I literally locked eyes of them too they K they killed the other a I didn't kill him can you hear can you hear the dude with the sniper no yeah I get hits from him where he on 255 I'm going to go look man that [ __ ] has my sniper oh I I think I got him yeah yeah you kill him yeah I'm beside you no he doesn't have your sniper wow get [ __ ] I got another one here it's been a crazy ride so far currently making our way back me and Captain Price that's his actual name Captain Price couldn't have asked for a better teammate to go back with me into battle only that AI didn't kill me that time I would have been racking up the kills right now this is going to be risky to get in here we have no friendlies near us man see one one more one more one more one more I'm I'm I killed one are you dead yes I'm comma comma I might be able to get you I might be able to yes there's more here though did you kill any I I broke one he broke one what this the guy that was down low yeah wait hold up hold up oh I don't have enough stuff to fix him no dude you still alive yes I die I died died no this guy's LZ camping so we're going to go back and deal with him there is enemy in Elder house yep yep I'm coming where are you to head out dude's naked with just a shotgun run in there with the shotgun you have nothing to lose come with me we'll go together like a SWAT team he must have left must have left dropped he must have left pretty sure there's someone camping the LZ back there all right we have full controller band at the moment think it might be best that we extract out here spoke too soon I spoke too soon that's a another man down the Battle of Van boys are stuck at the LZ I don't think they can get out highly doubt we killed him with that shot oh [ __ ] hello brother goodbye brother see it Go full circle you can't Z what is the AI doing all about here bro you you camp LZ and you try to kill my teammates I'm going to do the exact same too low on fuel need to head out don't worry dude I will hunt you [Laughter] down they come my LZ when my teammates tried to get out and extract so I'm here to do the same the favor boys this was an absolute pleasure many kills we got can't wait to go back and rewatch these clips and see how many kills I actually got I'm going to call my LZ in and make my way back to base 4 minutes till ETA boys that was a very good run this is my hen here moving out seconds no way [Music] pretty sure I got one Landing get in go pretty sure I got one there I had to whip the M4 [Music] for what a mission wow [Music]
Channel: Diggy
Views: 52,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How I Became The Most Deadliest Solo Sniper In Gray Zone Warfare, Solo Sniper In Gray Zone Warfare, grayzonewarfaremosinbuild, m4a1silencedgrayzonewarfare, grayzonewarfarebestbuilds, weaponbuilding, grayzoneweaponbuilding, Best Gray Zone Warfare Settings For Max FPS, grayzonewarfare, grayzonewarfarsettings, grayzonewarfaregameplay, grayzonewarfarefps, gzw, grayzonewarefare, extractionshooter, openworld, tactical, openworldextractionshooter, eft, tarkovkiller, escapefromtarkov, Gray Zone Warfare
Id: ne7tKjYzGlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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