What's a skill that everyone should have?

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what's a skill that everyone should have spatial awareness don't stand in the middle of a sidewalk right in front of a doorway or leave your shopping cart blocking an entire aisle or at least don't throw a temper tantrum when someone informs you that you're in the way i feel so bad for that woman's family having to witness that meltdown before living in chicago i used to try to squeeze by and not disturb the other person now i just say beep beep coming through you would be surprised how often people jump to get out of the way being able to swim you don't need to be any good at it but you should feel safe around bodies of water i've never tried swimming where i can't touch the ground of a beach or any open water and when i tried it on a pool like six feet and above i don't float easily so i'm really scared on thinking about being already in a body of water you don't have to float the key to calm in the water is not being afraid for your face slash ears to go underwater occasionally as you swim or tread water little waves will sometimes splash up at you or you'll bob up and down and the current and your face may go under briefly that's normal and okay your body is naturally boiled down you'll pop up to the surface again in a second or two whereas if you're constantly fighting to stay whole head above the surface at all times you lose up a lot more energy and be more stressed learn how to apologize it's okay to be wrong sometimes and a gesture to rectify the situation after saying sorry goes a long way this is important for people who use reddit people refuse to accept that they are wrong and just start arguing for no reason you messed up crap happens learn from it move on i prefer the double down till i die method keeps me from losing face but also makes me lose friends win win cooking i'll always answer with this not even like gourmet skills but everyone should know how to cook a chicken thigh warming up frozen food doesn't count idk i cook a pretty mean microwave lasagna learning how to learn makes learning other things much easier how does one learn how to learn it really varies from person to person some people learn best by having someone explain it to them slowly whereas others learn by watching something happen you really just have to find what works best for you for me i like to read about it and see the ins and outs of how whatever it is i'm trying to learn works then i like to practice it without any help so i can truly understand what's going on figure out how you best respond to new information and adapt your study slash practice towards the method that works best for you learn how to read your paycheck understand what taxes are taken out what insurances are taken out what you are getting paid for and keep track of your hours or salary make sure you are being paid what you should be what do you do if you find you're being paid less than you should be even if it's only five dollars ten dollars a week just tell them small or big business they either don't want to get on trouble themselves or after the awkwardness you'll be back paid and everything will be back to normal it's not okay to feel bad for asking what you're meant to get to listen before talking i hate it when i'm about to explain something but someone interrupts me right before it it's like they are already thinking of what to say next instead of listening to you most of the time people just wants to be heard it is not that difficult just simply saying yes or i understand is enough to make them say more it is also okay to just ask instead of trying to mind red communication skills it's not possible without practice but people don't want to practice their course of people who complains about the lack of skill people have communication skills can be practiced simply by having conversations even if you're really awkward and weird there's probably at least someone who will hold a conversation with you and it's kind of like doing a sport not everyone is good at it and if you have something like anxiety or asthma in sports case then it's harder for you than it is for others but not impossible chewing with a closed mouth damn right some people are just disgusting i actually couldn't chew with my mouth closed until i got my tonsils out if i was at a restaurant i would have to either eat food that was very easy to chew because it was very hard to breath through my nose almost impossible doing taxes really should be a class for it in college or even high school my school has this we had to fill out a tax form write checks all sorts of stuff like that changing a flat tire on your car and knowing how to jump a dead battery i have to 100 agree with this i'm a mechanic by trade the number of people that couldn't even point out where their spare tire tools even are is scary i have a two-year-old son and eventually before he's allowed to drive he's going to demonstrate that he can change a tire he absolutely doesn't need to know how to fix cars like i do but i'll be damned if i'm being woken up in the middle of the night or called out of work because he's got a flat tire i had to do this a few winters ago it was around 2 a.m super cold freezing rain crappy roads and my tyre blew i didn't know how to change it called my dad and he found me he popped the trunk where the spare and tools were and pulled out the jumper cables and beat the ever living crap out tammy on the side of the road then he showed me how to change a tyre so that's something i can do on my own sewing especially if you buy cheap clothes on the internet just being able to reattach buttons keeps you from throwing a shirt out when a few fall off but i've even gone as far as to buy a sewing machine so i can tailor my own clothes to fit me since slim fit shirts are hard to come by and the ones i do find lack proper shoulder width this has made owning clothing so much easier and less of a pain in the ass to try to buy this actually meshes with the survival slash see stuff as well i made a little altoid tin backup survival kit with small versions of a couple basic and useful things pen knife fire steel compass ziploc bag and water purification tablets emergency whistle band-aids etc but the most used part of it on our multi-day back packing trip was a needle and fishing line i put in as an afterthought if you're carrying everything you need to live on your back repairing your gear can become pretty important pretty fast knowing how to saddle stitch is really important for that kind of application being able to read body language learns to read body language if someone has their arms crossed it means they are not interested in what you're saying go to interview and both managers are sitting with their arms folded before i start talking well frick see my problem is that crossing my arms is just the most comfortable way to have them and has no bearing on whether or not i care about what you have to say otherwise i have no idea what to do with my hands reading absolutely additionally expanding your personal dictionary ironically the word you are looking for is vocabulary not dictionary basic gun safety no firearm discharge should be an accident whether or not people will come into contact with guns everyone should absolutely know the very basic rules of firearms stuff like trigger discipline safety on at all times until the moment you are ready to shoot trigger discipline point a gun only at something you are intending to shoot did i say trigger discipline for teenage boys it feels like that crap doesn't sink in or something when i was growing up the guys whose families had lots of guns and made their kids attend gun safety courses always did the most dangerous things doing cowboy crap like twirling guns they would bring handguns to school just to show people this was before columbine they'd keep their finger on the trigger when walking around with guns every year during hunting season some kid or their dad would be hospitalized because they were accidentally shot in the foot the son of the biggest gun nut in our town accidentally killed one of his friends after school one day he was showing off a new gun the kid loaded a magazine in the gun chambered around instinctively and then dropped the magazine he pointed a gun that he thought was not loaded at his friend and pulled the trigger that was his story at least common sense but i could be asking for too much i've always disliked that phrase it's one of those agreeable phrases that means nothing and it's both insulting to insist others are lacking it and self-deprecating when you claim it on yourself it's essentially assuming that everyone's experiences and lessons have been the same as yours and that those experiences are so worthless and pedestrian as to have their value written off i hate this phrase because everyone is raised differently or grew up differently what's common sense to one individual is not necessarily the same to another my wife uses this against me sometimes and i just shake my head being charismatic i read a pdf about the idea that being charismatic is something that people are just born with it that you need to be handsome wealthy or intelligent in order to do it which is false and everyone can do it and it covers types of charisma you can try and explains that you don't need to change your personality even you can be charismatic if you are an introvert it can be useful in your job and well every time you talk to someone basic nutrition knowledge i'm shocked at how many people read a nutrition label and only look at the calories i'm shocked at how many people think fats in food are unhealthy but don't bat in our sugar content they think they are being healthy drinking their fat free vanilla lat that actually has 52 grams of sugar in it when in actuality they would probably benefit from the fat and should cut all that sugar out completely start investing as soon as you start working if you qualify for a 401k b take advantage of it establish a relationship with a financial planner even if you don't engage in a long-term strategy it will change your life by putting context around your income slash spending and make you acutely aware of how much you need to stash away in order to reach major goals and eventually be able to retire i was very fortunate to follow this advice but i'm shocked to see many people in their 40s and 50s saying they need to start to be computer literate i worked on a net help desk for a retailer and the amount of people who didn't have basic computer skills despite working in an environment which uses computers to process orders etc it was painful to have to talk to people who didn't have the first clue about computers in this day and age you would think turning it off and on again would be common sense so many people still don't even consider doing this and some people i've spoken to didn't even know how to shut down their computer without the use of eos
Channel: AskSheep
Views: 318
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: r/askreddit, ask reddit stories, true stories, reddit, top reddit posts, best reddit posts, top reddit stories, askreddit top post, best reddit comments, askreddit reading, reddit addiction
Id: HQsttHHhqII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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