Whatever-You-Want-A-Thon Announcement!! 🌈✨

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hi everyone my name is maddie welcome back to my channel and welcome to this very exciting video where i'm finally announcing whatever you want-a-thon [Music] so for any of you who haven't seen on twitter or seen me mention it in my videos or just see me not shut up about it i am hosting a readathon in june and it is called whatever you want-a-thon or whatever-thon depending on whether you can bother to say the full name or not so i am so excited i've had this idea i've got this idea first the beginning of january so it's been a long time in the works and i'm so excited to finally announce it obviously i've been giving like a few hints on twitter and stuff but now you're getting all the details first of all easy thing to get out of the way days this readathon is running through the whole month of june from the 1st of june to the 30th of june i've chosen june for a variety of reasons firstly the first anniversary of my channel is on the 1st of june secondly my 23rd birthday is on the 4th of june and thirdly in the uk at least june is pride month it just feels great so that is when whatever fun is going to be all through june it's a month-long readathon and i am so excited so just to like introduce the concept for the readathon and explain the name basically you can read whatever you want however you want this whole readathon is designed to work for anyone there is a whole range of complexity within this readathon from read a bit and take part to so many prompts and challenges and ways to earn points because yes it's competitive we'll get to that in a moment and you can do all of that so you can just read for fun and do nothing or you can go all in and the reason i've done this is i know a lot of people enjoy a competitive readathon but often competitive readathons have a lot of rules have a lot of things you have to follow to earn points which for a lot of people doesn't work so if you just want to mood read really casually and still take part this readathon will still work for you and if you want to be utterly crazy and spend weeks planning your tbr and making it so you can get every single point you can this is also the readathon for you but very quickly before we get into the competitive side of things with teams and hosts which i know you are all waiting for because i've been teasing it on twitter for weeks the first thing we're going to do is like the overall concept so this is obviously going to be a competitive readathon but what i didn't want to do was have it so like you have to read 10 books to complete the readathon or 20 or 5 because everyone's reading is different so in the description of this video there is a sign up form please use that form if you want to take part in this readathon though there is no limit for when you can join you can join now you can join on the 30th of june completely up to you but the sooner the better because it's fun in that sign up form a question you will have to answer is how many books is your goal for june and this is completely up to you if you normally read 20 books in a month and you want to just say i'm gonna go with 20 fab if you normally read three in a month and you maybe want to challenge yourself and put five fantastic if you normally read ten but you know you've got a really busy month coming up and you want to say five say five that is absolutely fine you set your own goal the only thing i would ask is if you normally read 20 don't put one just for the sake of earning points like please you know put a realistic number for yourself but it's completely up to you i won't know if it's realistic or not and i have no way of changing it so i'm gonna have to trust you all so that goal is officially like what you're aiming for in the month that's your overall landmark and when you've hit that goal is when you've officially completed whatever thon but there's a bit more to it than that so because just working towards your own goal and working in whatever way and whatever works for you is kind of the aim there are going to be levels so when you have reached one quarter of your goal if you're reading something like five books it'll be when you've surpassed a quarter so one book won't count two books will it's gonna be a bit rough unless you choose a multiple of four but so be it but when you have reached a quarter of your goal you will officially graduate from being a mortal to a young ling when you have reached half of your goal you move from being a youngling to an acolyte when you reach three quarters you move up to mage status and then when you hit the full you've completed your goal you are a deity those titles in themselves don't have a lot of meaning to them they're just a bit of fun but there are points bonuses when you hit each of those goals and with that we're going to start getting into the competitive side of things now i mentioned the sign up form in the description and i'm going to say this now and i cannot explain how important this is so please listen to this when you sign up it will say where you put in your name please put something unique such as a twitter handle you must do this make sure you use something that you are 100 certain no one else will use throughout the readathon and you must remember what you use exactly so that you can use it on the tracking form as you read books the reason for this is i have created a spreadsheet to automatically calculate all the points so i'm not manually going through and doing it myself and it's a great spreadsheet and i'm very proud of it it took me a very long time but it does use the names from the tracking sheet to assign you to your team and put your points in the right place so if there are two people with the same name on different teams your points will get counted for both teams which kind of breaks the system so we just need to guarantee that the name you use is unique if you absolutely cannot remember what name you signed up with i might be able to find it for you and help you do it for the tracking form but just please please please use a unique name write it down somewhere so you can use it later throughout the month please it will save us all so much time and it will make the scoring even better because you don't want your points going to another team do you it's in your best interest to do this as well but very quickly the final thing i'll say before explaining the competition the teams the hosts all of that i cannot stress strongly enough you can read anything can you read books yes can you read ebooks yes can you read graphic novels yes can you read manga or comics yes you can read anything if you think it is a book it is a book exactly the same when we get into prompts when we get into genre and we get into all of this for the complexities if you think it counts it does there are no rules pretty much yes there's a little bit of trust and honesty going on so don't read a high fantasy book and tick it off saying it's contemporary because it's not but if you think it counts it counts if any of you have watched any of my videos before or i have something with prompts you will know i twist everything to read the book i actually want to read and i'm very very good at it so same rules apply twist everything manipulate everything make it work for you you're setting your own goal you can read whatever you want so if you have a question that you want to tweet at me which is can i read this the answer is yes yes you can read it it works however you want it to work and talking about twitter there is actually a twitter account where most of this will probably be run which is whatever thon i will link it down below and there is also a discord which is in the sign up form for like a community fun chat during it so if you do have any questions at the end of this you can ask there but please watch this whole video see if you've got any questions there's a link to a google drive in the description with all the graphics and all the descriptions check that if you still have a question then tweet me or message me on discord but like the answer will probably be yes it works because you can read whatever you want but now the fun bit teams and hosts you have all been waiting for this i know i have been being really evil in teasing you all on twitter for like three weeks now but here we go there are five teams with two team captains slash hosts i'm using the terms interchangeably per team and we're gonna run through them now i will say you can choose to be on whichever team you want i would explain the reasoning behind the teams but you don't have to follow it you can just choose whichever team you want okay first up we have camp contemporary and this is the blue team i'll put the graphic here and our lovely team captains for camp contemporary are steph from seth loves and india from what india red this as you can tell from the title is officially the contemporary team but as i said i would explain the reasoning for this in just a moment team number two is our comrades of chaos and this is the pink team again graphic here and our wonderful hosts for this one are spooks or holly from spoopy hall and row from wandering through worlds and this team is the least well defined in terms of genre it's thrillers and crime and literary fiction and historical and honestly anything that doesn't fit within the other four teams we struggled to fit genres into five teams and this is what we came up with hence comrades of chaos and apologies for these two for their very undefined team next up is the middle grade monarchs team and this is the orange team unsurprisingly hosted by jade from jdb reads and gav from how to train your gavin we all know they are the monarchs of middle grade in this community so it only seemed fitting for them to host this team next up we have the black team which is epic and high and this is going to be hosted by becca from becca in the books and cody from cody's book corner for any of our epic fantasy lovers out there and then the final team is the dreams and drama queens and this is the green team and this is going to be hosted by ashley at a follow-through fiction and me i couldn't resist i know normally for readathons the host isn't technically also hosting a team but if anyone knows me i am a painfully competitive person and also i think the readathon sounds fun so i want to take part so i'm hosting a team oops um and this is going to be like fantastical speculative so kind of anything that's kind of fantasy-ish but you wouldn't consider like a high or epic fantasy so this is going to be unsurprisingly considering it's me things like the night circus and that kind of vibe so those are your five teams your 10 lovely hosts i guess including myself me plus them i don't know but i am oh i'm so excited i cannot thank them all enough for agreeing to be part of this like honestly it means the world to me and i'm so hyped for it but to get into the kind of competitive side of things a bit more firstly to explain the genres of the teams the reason i've given the team's genres more than anything is to make the point that you can read anything a lot of readathons lean towards fantasy a lot of booktube leans towards fantasy and i realize in calling the like tears you can reach youngling acolyte my age and deity they feel quite fantasy you don't need to read fantasy you don't need to touch fantasy you can read lipstick contemporary romance fantasy romance whatever you want we are we understanding the title now so the reason for the genres in the teams is a to make it very clear that you can read whatever you want b to potentially help you choose a team and see so that you can get some bonus points i will just say very quickly before we get into all of the detail i understand the scoring is complex i will say again you don't need to worry about it too much i will calculate all of it but i do understand there's a lot of complexities about how everything can work the basic rule is do whatever you want but if you do have questions that aren't answered in this video or in all the links on twitter and description like all the graphics comment them down below tweet them at me put them on discord wherever you want and i will be collating them all and in like a week or two i will do an faq video answering everyone's questions because i have tried to structure this video as well as i can but i realize talking through all of this is a bit confusing and it may not cover everything so any questions do comment them if you can't find the answer in the graphics and stuff and i'll do an faq video soon so if i don't get back to you don't worry they will be answered in that video so to explain the scoring the way it is going to work throughout the readathon is every time you read a book or you can do it all at the end if you want so it's much easier if you do it as you go along you have to go into the tracking form which is also down in the description there are two forms sign up and tracking and in that tracking form you put in your name which i will stress again like i did at the beginning when mentioning the sign up form it must be a unique name and it must be the same one as you use when you use the sign up otherwise my spreadsheet that is doing all the scoring for us will not work so please use something like your twitter handle or if you don't have twitter just make sure it's going to be really unique so like your name with a huge string of numbers after it and remember it because you're going to need to use it every time and i will not be checking my spreadsheet to tell you what name you signed up under because i don't have time i do have a full-time job so please keep track of it for yourself but for the scoring when you fill in this tracking form you will have to tell me what book you read how many pages it was that's just to my interest and then there's a few questions to answer so is it lgbt if it does you get bonus points i'll go through the exact scoring in a minute is it one of the hosts favorites you'll notice there's a graphic down description with 30 books on it which are each of the host's three favorite books if you read any of those or any books in those series you can take that host favorite it doesn't have to be the host from your team it can be a host from any team so you don't have to read just like the six that are from your hosts it can be any and as i said it can be any of the series so if for example on the graphic is the first in a series if you're reading book three that still absolutely counts because i wouldn't want to limit you because you've already read the first book it will also ask you does it fit one of the prompts we will go through the 15 prompts in just a minute and it will also ask if it fits the genre of your team so those the four things will be scored on lgbt hosts fave fits a prompt and fits the genre of your team those are the four things you can get extra points for so let's explain this point system if you don't want to follow this in detail don't worry you do not need to keep track of your own points throughout the month unless you really want to it will all be on the spreadsheet which will be released at the end of the month i will not however throughout the month be giving you like individual updates i will be doing updates on like this team is going ahead by this many points all of that obviously it will all be averaged out throughout the month and at the end so if one team has more people they are at no advantage it will be averaged out for how many people are on the team but please do not message me asking for how many points have i got so far if you want to know that keep track yourself but if you're not keeping up with the math which i'll explain in a minute i will have it all and it will be released at the end of the readathon so how many points do you get for things firstly because it's the core thing is going to be you reaching your goal when you get to a quarter of your goal and become a youngling you get a 500 point bonus when you reach acolyte you get another thousand when you reach mage you get an extra fifteen hundred and when you reach deity you get an extra two thousand so by completing your own goal that you set yourself you will get a total of five thousand points just from that and on top of that you do get a hundred points for every book that you read up to your goal and you get 200 points for any books above that just as there's no more bonuses so i thought i'd give you more points for reading more again if you don't reach your goal it doesn't matter you are still helping your team by just taking part do not feel pressured to fit everything to do points i'm only putting this as a thing for those like myself who really enjoy kind of trying to fit into prompts and having a bit of fun and trying to manipulate your system if you just want to read whatever you want and log your books that's completely your prerogative i've just given a lot of complexity for those that want it so that's the main way you earn points by reading books and by hitting your goal but you will get far more points than you would by getting to your goal than you would by reading books alone so don't feel pressured to read lots just get to your goal and then the ways of getting bonus points firstly is if your book is lgbtq plus in any way be it the author be the rep in the book any of that then you get an extra 100 points on that book which practically doubles the value of the book because it's pride month we want to encourage people to read lgbt books if it is one of the hosts faves then you do get a 50 point bonus if it fits the genre of your team you get a 50 point bonus and again don't ask me if this fits the genres are a bit vague if you read a fantasy romance and you're on the contemporary team and want to claim it because it's romance fab if you read a fantasy romance on you're on the fantasy teams either of them and want to claim it fantastic completely up to you what you count and then finally there are 15 prompts and you earn 25 points for everyone you hit up to three per book i'll explain that so you are more than welcome to double up on prompts triple up on prompts quadruple up on prompts you can complete the same prompt multiple times for multiple books completely up to you however when you're filling in the tracking form you will notice the option for did this complete a prompt is it fit zero one two and then this option three or more that is because you are maximum in terms of points allowed to claim the points of three pumps per book for the sole reason of if you somehow found a book that fit all 15 you would then end up getting such a huge bonus from that that it would just be ridiculous so your maximum is to get three which is to equate for 75 points but you are allowed to tick any prompts that it fits so if like in your mind you really want to get to all 15 prompts and you want to do it in three books so you want to like get five prompts per book feel free to take them all on the tracking sheet this is just the sole purpose of me keeping track of points that it's limited for three so i'm guessing you probably want to know what the 15 prompts are so i will read them out but i say again with this with the host faves everything there are graphics on twitter and linked down below so if you can't remember them look at the graphics don't just ask me they will be listed but they are prompt number one the cover reminds you of a pride flag an example of this is i wish you all the best it is the colors of the non-binary ply flag would work perfectly number two re-read a comfort read number three a five-star prediction number four an author's debut book this doesn't have to be an author who only has one book out it could be someone who has ten books out just read the first one number five a book that is out of your comfort zone this could be in any way so for example for me i would say middle grade book i've read many before i don't necessarily find them challenging but they're definitely not my normal kind of book number six is a book that you've hauled within the last year if you are someone who has somehow either not hauled any books in the last year or has read them all just the book you hauled most recently or relatively recently even if for you that was three years ago number seven isn't a book that is either indie or self-published so this is basically anything not published by penguin simon schuster harpercollins bloomsbury and i might be missing someone but they're really big well-known publishers anyone else or a self-published book number eight is to have a poc author and or characters so just poc rep in some way number nine is poll and so for this either put a poll on twitter and tag the whatever font twitter account and i'll retweet it and people can vote for you or if you're watching reading sprints then feel free to comment on the reading sprints and let people vote for you or just message a group of your friends and let them choose it's completely up to you just in some way let people choose you're also welcome to do this on the discord i will have a whole channel on the discord for the polls number 10 is to fit a tbr game prompt there are a lot of people out there who have tbr games and actually every single one of the hosts has a tbr game so basically watch any of ours or anyone else's tbr game for june or another month if you really want to and see what prompts they get pick one and fit it number 11 is to buddy read a book number 12 is to read a book with disability or mental health rep number 13 is to read a book which is on a booktubers or book creators it can be instagram blogging wherever ticktop whatever it's on one of their favorites lists so this could be their favorites of 2020 it could be their favorite series their favorite middle grades whatever just on a list of favorites that someone has again you have a lot of choice with that one number 14 is to read a book where the cover features your team color ideally quite prominently but if you want to read a book that has like one very small dot of orange on it and claim it for middle grade monarchs that's completely up to you and then for the 15th prompt just a little bit of fun but a bit awkward to explain you need to pick a book where the first letter of the title in the book that you want to read is the same as the last letter of the title of the book you just read so for example say i had just finished reading the day of the triffids this title ends with an s and so then i could pick up strange the dreamer next because this title starts with an s so that is what you're kind of trying to do with that one so those are the 15 prompts i say again they will be posted on twitter they will be in the graphics down in the description they'll be on the discord i realize just listing them off they're not easy to remember i will also be making graphics which will be in that google drive which you can use for example for instagram where it's like a bingo board and you can cross off the ones you fulfilled or put a graphic in for what book you read for it all of that but i think that's all the key information you know the hosts you know the scoring you should be able to join a team you know where the sign up form is you know where the twitter is please do let me know if there are any burning questions i am willing to make an faq if the same questions come up a lot of times if i've missed something but basically you set your own goal try and achieve that goal take part in whatever else you want there's a lot of it if you want to take part in all the detail but you really don't have to read what you want have fun bit of competitive spirit that's basically it hopefully this all made sense i hope you are all looking forward to this as much as i am because i am incredibly excited both to be hosting this and to take part myself and thank you so much for watching this i hope you will take part i cannot wait to see which team wins we are going to need some serious team spirit up in here because it is going to get competitive but thank you for watching please give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it comment down below if you're going to take part let me know if you've already chosen your team i know a lot of you are going to have a really hard time choosing if i wasn't on a team myself i don't know how i would choose which team i was going to be on to be honest that is it for the video so bye and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: book browsing blog
Views: 15,889
Rating: 4.9810429 out of 5
Keywords: readathon, whateverthon, whatever you want a thon
Id: 6mYi6s_yTaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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