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oh my god i never actually thought this would come up [Music] hi everyone my name is maddie welcome back to my channel and welcome to my may tbr chosen by dark attack so for anyone that is new here dark tack is my monthly tbr game where i throw darts at this board it gives me a prompt and i choose a book based on that i will link down below the playlist with all the previous videos of darth attack especially the first one which explains the rules the best but if you just want to watch this one the rules are very simple so i am sure you will pick it up as you go along as every month before we get into choosing my maytvr which i'm really excited about we need to wrap up how i did in april obviously i will have my full wrap-up coming soon but just a rundown of how i got on and did i complete my april reading somehow by hook or by crook yes so these were all the books that were on my april tbr i haven't quite finished all of them but it is still like seven days till the end of the month i am 50 pages away from the end of this so i'll be finishing this tonight i started strange the dreamer yesterday and so i barely started it but my rules i have to start before the end of the month instead of finish it though i will likely finish this by next friday the only one i haven't touched yet is sister song by lucy holland but again i will be picking this up towards the end of next week so that i can finish it or at least to start it by the end of april partially without attack partially because i need to review it so other than that we're all done those are well on the way to being done by the right time so somehow for the fourth month in a row i won and trust me when i say no one is more surprised than me that i got away with this this month i was so far behind a couple weeks ago and i have practically no time to read at the moment i only have friday saturday sunday where i have time to read and i also have to film and edit the three videos for the week on those days so basically i never can pick up a book so somehow we're slowly working our way through them i may not finish all of them but i will have at least got through enough to count it as a win which is really exciting i'm thrilled about and means we get to pick a reward so for anyone who's new here if i win my tbr for the month then i get to pick a reward which will impact how the game plays the next month so i'm gonna pick one of these little pieces of paper we're gonna see what it is and we're gonna see what reward i get this month okay so oh my god going with the big one no idea what these are i wrote these like three months ago now so this is book club slash buddy read nice okay that's a really good one so book level buddy read what this means is that basically at any point throughout the game or at the end i can if i've not managed to get any of my book clubber buddy reads on because i do have three this month i have the second book for the strange long read along which is muse of nightmares i do have the never tilting world four phase engaged book club and also for the burned books club the dystopia book club i run we are doing docile for may and june i'm going to try and get it on my may tbr if i can so basically what this means is if by the end of this game i haven't got all three of these books one of them's wrong around onto my tbr i get to take one of the books on my desktop tbr off and replace with one of these so basically i get to force my compulsory reads onto my tbr which is really great i've just realized i have another book club read as well this month which i forgot i need to read winter's all bit by every maxwell as i am helping to co-host the stardust and sorcery sorcery and stardust oh my gosh book club with katie writer's katie reads this month and this is the book so i'll be reading that one as well so i have four book club slash buddy read books and yeah if i haven't got all four of them or the very least the ones i want onto my tbr by the end of this game i get the option to switch out any of the books scrap that prompt and just put one of those in normally i'm pretty good at getting them on so i may not need it but it's definitely nice to have in my back pocket so those are the books we're trying to get on that's the reward we've got the one other thing is looking at this tally again i'll put it up here so you can see it nicely but it's looking fine there are three colors on two almost everything is clear honestly like it's looking pretty good i might regret saying that i always do but i'm gonna say it anyway because it does look very very promising so i'm ready to play as always we are going to throw five darts or however many doubts it takes to get five books if i hit a color three times i have to add more throws hopefully that won't happen but we will see also if i hit the outer ball i get a free pick so i just get to pick whatever book i want but it is officially on my tbr for the month it's not like mood read where i get to choose it later and if i hit the interval i get to choose something else out of this mug to make my life even easier i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of tired today i'm really in the mood for chaos which again i'm going to regret saying but i kind of just want this like be a load of fun so i guess let's hope it doesn't go so smoothly but also i don't want a huge tbr because mei is going to kill me but anyway i'm gonna stop talking the final thing we need to do before doing this first throw is to replace the prompt on what is it dark orange light orange light orange because that's where we ended last month i will say there is a slight chance these prompts are not where they should be i promise you no cheating has occurred but i have a patreon and on my patreon i run dart sprints where i throw the dart ball to decide how long we're sprinting for therefore i take these prompts off and stick times on normally i'm really good at taking them off without looking but keeping them in the correct order and putting a note on the top saying what color i took off first so i can just put them back on i did that i knocked the stack over i think only a couple are out of place but i'm not completely sure um so if for some reason you've actually kept track of where the problems were at the end of last month and where they are now promise i'm not cheating i am just klutzy but anyway let's replace the prompt on light orange or at least get one for light arms that currently has nothing on it and do the first throw we're gonna go with this one and that is on so let's start throwing so i am incredibly nervous um if you are a patron and you watch my patreon sprints the last throw i did the last time we played like a week or two ago i missed so tremendously that i very nearly hit my wall so i'm mildly terrified of playing again um because i don't trust myself but we're going to do the first throw we're going to see what we get i have no idea what prompts are on the board even though i've taken the off a lot of times in the last month but let's throw and see what we end up with oh nervous let's go purple purple's safe let's see what it is oh oh no okay i did not want this prompt so purple is previous tbr and this means i have to pick a book which has been on my tbr before but i didn't get to it i don't want to do this i have books i want to read none of them have been on tbrs before or if they have i read it because i'm rereading some i'm gonna have to go have a think and get back to you on this one and i swear i'm not picking xx i'm not doing it i need to pick something other than xx xx no i don't have time in may even though i really should i don't have time okay so i just went back through all of my old tbrs prior to 2021 so i've succeeded in all of my 2021 tbrs so far somehow and i went through every single one and wrote down every single book i didn't finish that was on my tbr and then i've gone round my flat and collected all the ones i have in my flat i'm not gonna get one from home i'm just gonna go with the ones i actually have here so the options are a beautiful foolish endeavor by hank green water runs red by jenna clare these violet delights by chloe gong running with lions by julian winters wolf song by tj cloon and of course xx i don't know what to do see okay right right i'm not going to do wolf song because i'm in the middle of too many series although i really want to read this i'm in the middle of too many series we're not starting another one similar with these violent diets i know the sequel to this is coming out this year and it's duology so i'm gonna wait for the sequel to be out so i can read them back to back not that i ever actually do that but i'm gonna try so then we've got running with lines which is a quick y contemporary so definitely an option water runs red which is super quick and poetry and gorgeous and i've not read much poetry recently so i could be very tempted we have a beauty foolish endeavor which i did read an absolute remarkable thing last year and really enjoy it so i do feel like eventually i do need to get to the sequel but it's also quite chunky at 450 pages and i've got quite a lot of trunk on my tbr and no spare time and then there's obviously xx which i'm not gonna lie i am actually intending to attempt to read in may and june but i'm not going to put it on a dart attack tbr because the chance of me failing that tbr are far too high i am very vaguely attempting to read this soon though but i think i'm going to wash out and we're gonna go with water runs red by jenna claire because it's quick i've been wanting to try some more poetry it's absolutely stunning like i cannot get over how gorgeous this book is i'm kind of obsessed with it so that's the first one on my tbr that did just not go the way i expected it to but the first book i have a lot of books to put back on the shelf i don't know why i didn't just bring that one over instead of bringing six of them oh well i'll do that later and replacing the prompt on purple we are going to go with i'm gonna drop them all this one with that on the board under pin in purple let's do throw two okay let's do throw number two i'm again not really aiming we're just gonna throw and see what happens i just don't know what to aim for so we'll throw and see i don't know somewhere there okay well purple it is again let's go see what it is for god's sakes that's an added throat as well okay it is paul so whilst i film the rest of this video i'm gonna put a poll up on twitter of a few books and i don't know how to do this i'm trying to find the best way of doing the poll and waiting for the results whilst continuing playing okay no i know what i'm gonna do i will put a poll up on twitter when this video goes up so as this video goes up you can go to twitter and look at the poll and pick me your book and i will tell you now which four books are gonna be on that poll okay so i'm gonna put four relatively short books on the poll so as not to screw myself over so we're going to have sweethand by ng peltier is going on the poll all of my friends are rich by michael cerase is going on the poll as are you've reached sam by justin i can't remember the surname it's on my ipad you saw i had to look at them all just in someone i think i'll put it on the screen and also if this gets out by sophie gonzalez and kale dietrich those are the four are going on the pole two of my arcs two of them are not help me choose okay so with that and we're going up to six throws let's replace the prompt on purple and then do throw number three i'm gonna go with this one okay throw number three for book number three and this is three out of six now because purple did get up to three so we're adding a throw let's see what we get no idea light blue that's completely safe let's see what it is oh okay light blue is funny i don't know what to do with this light blue is funny i don't read funny books none of my books are funny i don't know what to do with this i'm gonna go message katie and ask her if winter's all but has funny dialogue because i think it might okay so i'm waiting for kate to get back to me but i'm professionally going to say winter's orbit for this one i may be wrong it may need to change later we'll come back to it but for now if you've been able but by every maxwell this is ancillary justice mixed with red white and royal blue is what everyone's been saying and it is a sci-fi male male story and i think it's like an arranged marriage and there's lots of attention i'm very excited i know katie's already read it and loved it along with like a million other people so i'm very optimistic that i will enjoy this one and i can't wait to read it and this is the union of great edition stunning obsessed can't wait very excited which was i forgot to turn the camera around for that but that's fine i'll turn around next time so replacing the prompts on light blue we are going with this one okay throw number four i still don't know where to aim um um um i don't know i'm gonna throw and see what happens i literally just don't know what to do with myself and i'm looking at the like five other books i would like to get on my tbr this month knowing i've only got three throws left and slightly starting to panic so let's throw and see what happens let's hope i can get at least three of those on this tbr fingers crossed light green oh for god's sakes well i guess we're doing more throws now we've gone up to seven let's see what it is light green is odd page number okay we sat down for this one the prompt is odd page number i am going to go through the books i need to read this month and hope that one of them has an odd number of pages let's see shall we so starting with music nightmares it is 522 including acknowledgements but it's 5 14 anyway okay so that was definitely even let's try the never tilting world one of these must surely this doesn't even have page numbers where's the page numbers end oh 4 8 1 4 two three four five five four eight five that's odd never tilting world odd number of pages perfect so this is the phase and gays book club pick for may that's what month we're in god and this i think follows a world which has stopped spinning meaning half the world is always enlightened half the world is always in dark i think i know it's female female i'm very very excited yeah okay so yeah half a planet's always in nice and really cold half planet is always in sun and always hot and one sister rules the others the twin inhabits the other area each goddess has raised a daughter and each goddess keeps her own secret of how the past very intrigued i've heard really good things about this one um i heard great things about ranger paco's books i'm hyped excited to give it a go okay so this tbr is starting to get a little bit scary but that's okay but anyway we are going to replace what is going on the board with this one throw number five out of seven okay throw number five i'm again not aiming though that's doing me really poorly so far so maybe i should but i don't know where to aim because nowhere is safe at all like maybe dark green and light blue but that's it everywhere else is too risky so we're going to throw and see what happens wish me luck kind of hoping for an outer ball right now so i can just free pick um help let's see i missed completely okay i now have another hole i have another hole in the same prompt as previously that's impressive i'm gonna go put a pin in mist and get my dart back okay trying that again i can't believe i just punctured another one of my prompt cards i've done it too many times let's see where the hell we're going this time light blue again that's okay i can do a light blue again i feel like we're being very repetitive this month just repeating the same colors but we'll go with it the prompt for light blue is fantasy we got a nice easy prompt on light blue there of fantasy very easy to fulfill music nightmares so if anyone doesn't know we are me and a few others are currently hosting strange along in april of may we read strange dreamer in april and we're reading user nightmares in may with the live show probably being in the first week or so of june this is a fantastic fantasy duology i would highly recommend you check out following a character called laszlo who dreams of this city called weep and there's all sorts of mystery surrounding it especially due to the fact it's name disappeared out of everyone's minds all of a sudden and he just wants to know more about it and a whole adventure ensues his romance is everything it's beautiful it's amazing writing is amazing read it please i'll ruin music nightmares in may and i'm very excited right replacing fantasy on light blue we will go with something in the middle this one onto throw number six this is the point at which if we get any more ads i'm gonna start putting graphic novels on my tbr instead of books that's the point we're at that's the level of fear right now so let's do the sixth row again nowhere is safe other than like red and pink so i guess that's where we're aiming let's see how this goes wish me luck it didn't hit the wall it was just incredibly close to hitting the wall oh my god why am i trusted to play this game i will insert a camera clip to show you how close that was to the wall my heart is pounding okay take it down a notch gonna do that again i am now exceedingly anxious oh my god my mum watches this she's gonna shoot me for playing this in my flat oh pink and red this is fine light blue why am i just always throwing it blue today see what it is oh my god oh okay okay i'm no longer complaining tally minus one okay so tally minus one means i go through the whole tally and i take one off every color that has a pin in it which is fine by me so i'm gonna go do that light blue obviously stay put because i would have put one on and then taken one off so i'm gonna go do that which i'm thrilled about and then we'll throw again for the next book it looks so much more inviting now i'm quite excited to keep playing because it's nowhere near as scary we've only got two risky colors now so hopefully i'll get to the end without them but we're gonna replace it with let's say this one okay throw six take two let's see what we get dark blue okay let's see what it is dark blue is oh my god i never actually thought this would come up i wanna cry okay it's the problem we just got is start again so i have to replace that prompt start from scratch i don't think i'm gonna reset the tally i think i'm gonna leave the tally where it is but i literally just everything that's just happened gets scrapped and i just start again this is gonna be such a long video oh my god i cannot believe on the sixth book i'm starting again okay well okay cool the five prompts we've already got are gone i'm not resetting the tally because that's way too much effort to work out where it was at the beginning of this video i'd have to watch back this footage so i'm not doing that but i guess i'm going to replace the front clue and we're going to go back to throw one i why is this a thing i have on the board i'm questioning all my life decisions but we're here now okay i'm not gonna be turning the camera back and forth anymore because i will be here all day and i have another video to film today and i've been here for 45 minutes i can see the light creeping which means i will be able to film soon so let's replace that prompt and we're going to start again and we're going to do rapid fire play now okay dark blue is being replaced by this one okay it's on there we're starting again throw number one let's see what the prompt is we're getting this done this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever done in my life why is that on there let's go right yellow that's safe let's see what the prompt is yellow is middle grade so middle grade thrown a little bit of the spanner in the works but i think i can find something i don't know very many but we're gonna go with a pinch of magic by michelle harrison i know a lot of people love this middle grade so we're gonna go with that gonna give it a go hopefully you'll get a quick read because this is not what i intended to have on my tbr okay our pin is on yellow we're replacing the prompt with this one okay throw number two let's see what we get dark blue triple dark blue fab cool so we're gonna go up to six throws because it resets to five let's see what it is continue series continue series use your nightmares second in totology easy sorted that's that okay pin is in dark blue we've added a throw up to six let's see what next we're doing this seriously fast this one is going on the board okay throw number three rapid fire dart attack's quite fun i'm not gonna lie i'm quite enjoying this let's see throw three completely missed i'll put italian miss and we'll go again throw three take two dark orange that's fine let's see what it is dark orange okay with its lovely thing in it is clear tally i am getting all of these today instead of prompts to pick books but i'm gonna go take every pin off the tally and clear it and then we'll throw again what is going on so with the tally completely cleared let's replace the prompt on dark orange and throw again this one okay let's see what i actually get for book three hopefully get a prompt i can actually fulfill this time let's go miss perfect i need to maybe calm a bit i feel like i'm getting erratic calm a bit okay throw three take three thousand it feels like at this point let's see that's light or dark blue i can't quite tell okay it's light blue just about and that is called last month okay so the prompt i got is hauled last month this i mean is it means i've hauled it within the last month and i have one book that fits this perfectly and that is the outrage by william hussey this is an lgbtq plus why a dystopia book which i'm very excited to read it's kind of gifted to me by usborne it does actually come out in may on the 13th but i'm very excited to get this one to go it's all about yeah futuristic world where your life is utterly controlled by the government and part of that is that lgbt people have pretty much been outlawed sounds like a really interesting read the author's note about it is really really interesting it says although the outrage is a work of fiction much of the detail is taken from william hussie's experience of growing up under section 28 which is a thing that was in the uk where like you literally couldn't be seen to endorse homosexual behavior and stuff it was ridiculous and his real-life experiences of homophobia despite the growing progress of lgbtq plus rights in the uk the outrage is a reality for millions of lgbtq plus people around the globe william hopes that this book will unite us to stand together for all lgbtq plus people who live under oppressive regimes and to fight for their liberation cool message very excited to give it a go it's on the tbr okay shuffling again we're gonna go with this one okay throw four out of six let's see is it out of six i think it's out of six i'm losing the plot at this point throw four out of six i think yellow again let's see what it is oh yellow is gift perfect option for this one is that every tilting world by bringing tobacco this was gifted to me by shanice actually noel so thank you so much to chinese for gifting me this book it's going on my tbr again replacing the prompt for yellow we are going with this one throw number five let's go dark blue let's see what it is book club book club winter's orbit for sorcery and stardust with katie from katy brightness read i've already given you the blurb for this one i'm very excited it's going on my tbr again i'm gonna be honest i feel like i'm going out of my mind a little bit this is just ridiculous i just i can't believe this has happened and anyway we're going to replace the prompt as it dark blue with this one let's try number six there is unless i hit a triple we're completely fine let's throw see what the final prompt is and then we can call this a day oh my god final throw light orange that's fine let's see what it is free pass okay okay i feel like i can breathe now this has been utterly ridiculous but that last prompt there was free pass this is different to free pick this just means that throw is skipped it's counted i didn't have to pick a book for it we're fine which works out fine meaning i have actually only got five official books on my tbr which will very quickly run through because if you're anything like me you won't have kept track through all of that what the hell is actually on my tbr and then we'll wrap up this video so my official may tbr is for middle grade sprinkle of sorcery for continuous series muse of nightmares for hauled in the last month we have the outrage for gift we have the never tilting world and for book club we have winter's orbit on top of those i would also like to read docile and i do also have crosshairs i'd quite like to get to i do have the two e-arcs i mentioned do reach sam and if this gets out which i would also like to get to but if not that doesn't really matter i've got plenty of time to read them i think if this gets out comes out in like november but anyway that's it that's the tbr i'm never filming one of these again this is ridiculous of course i'm filming it next month but just that was madness but official tbr i'm very happy with it i've got almost all the books i wanted to on here it's not too chunky i've got a good variety i've got like a reread of a favorite fantasies and why dystopia middle grade why i fancy an adult fantasy so big mix and then we've got like y and adult dystopia if i get to them somewhere contemporary really varied really good i'm happy i am now going to wrap up this video before anything else can happen because i don't trust it anymore i have just realized in all the chaos of trying to get this filmed really quickly i have been stupid and completely forgot to put one of the patreon prompts on the board at the beginning of the video massive apologies to my patreons who did this so what i am going to do is i'm really quickly going to put 10 of these random 10 of these up on the board and i'm going to throw and whichever one it lands on i will read this month and then we'll get back into the cycle of adding one each month so sorry to my patrons for completely forgetting to put this on the board my brain is absolutely not in gear today okay 10 patreon plants are on the board this isn't going to go towards the tally sorry it's just too chaotic actually yeah no why won't it go towards the tally of course it will i will throw read whatever this one is and then next month i'll get back to making the first prompt replacement a patreon prompt apologies again let's throw i missed i'm putting it on the tally because i did it okay with that out of the way let's see what we get for the patreon prompt purple let's see what it is oh okay so this is prompt from friend so i think what i'm meant to do is message my friends and say send me like a reading prompt and when they do i have to fill it i think okay so i was correct it is prompt and friend i'm gonna try and find someone who is free to facetime right now and get a prompt from them hello hello hello oh my god i'm trying to do what jade does with the camera here and this is confusing holy don't know how jay does this oh hello chris thank you for saving my ass i cannot even describe the chaos that i have just been through um but i have got oh my god i'm so excited don't i mean i can tell you because people will have seen this by the time we get to this um i did five throws and then got the prompt start again so i had to start the whole game again i've been filming this for almost two hours going out of my mind but i just got the prompt of get a friend to give you a prompt to fulfill so you have complete free reign to give me any prompt and ask time for philip if you give me something that means i have to read xx i will find you and i will kill you but you have free reign oh no i i wouldn't do that i wouldn't do that thank you i appreciate it so how is it going so far it's actually gone okay um we've only ended up with five books and most of them are ones i wanted to read so we go so i'm all right with you being however mean you want to be we're good um so i can pick any prompt i want any it can be really specific it can be really vague whatever the hell you want you've got a complete free brain okay i want you to pick a book that has some sort of purple on the cover purple i'm dropping my phone the fact that every single book i've picked so far has purple on the cover is quite amusing to me um oh i know what i'm gonna do i can't hold it up because it's an e-book but if this gets out by sophie gonzalez and keldry d i can't say that name dietrich completely purple cover which i feel like fits the prompt we'll go with that i'll send you a photo of it so you can agree that it's very purple that i can't hold it up to prove it i'm gonna drop my phone oh my god going mad thank you perfect why contemporary i'm thrilled with that that's great yes it's all good all good thank you so much for doing that and for saving my skin at the last minute i'm glad i could help you great oh my god i'm not ready to edit this video anyway i'm excited to see it oh my god i'm excited to teach okay it's gonna be mad anyway i'll speak to you later i'm sure probably in like five minutes realistically basically yes thank you so much okay bye okay so that's that the final book i'm picking is if this gets out by sophie gonzalez and kel dietrich which is for the prompt of purple on the cover and it's very purple and as i was saying to priss i've got a very purple tbr so we've got this which very which has purple on it this which is completely purple this which has like quite a lot of bluey purple on it this one not so much but it's got like some blue i don't know why i kind of associate it and then winter's orbit which also has a lot of purple so prism picked the right color there but anyway that's that we're done chaos is over i think i'm now gonna roll the end clip because i literally realized this half an hour after finishing filming the video that i'd screwed up so we're done now um roll ending clip so that is it for my me tbr thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it please give this video a thumbs up comment down below whatever the hell you want how is your tbr going just something high subscribe if you like to see more content from me links down below are links to all of my social medias as well as the book clubs read-alongs and readathon that i host there is a readathon coming in june it's coming very very soon so look out for that announcement tomorrow if you're watching this a day it comes out so all of that's down below all my wish list and patreon if you want to check out literally any of that but this is the video apologies for slightly frantic ending bye and i'll see you in the next one [Music] to
Channel: book browsing blog
Views: 9,214
Rating: 4.9659576 out of 5
Keywords: dart attack, may tbr, tbr game
Id: yUtKzkjHVys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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