Whatever You Draw, I'll Touch Challenge

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whatever you draw I'll touch it's a check three two one happy faces huh hello guys it's me the other beam a 90-year on today I am doing whatever you draw I have to touch challenge yeah this is a scary one so guys with this challenge we actually hired a farm to come to our voice and we are going to decide what we're going to draw each other detrimental animals or insects and yeah it's gonna be a very dirty but do you don't think correct so guys smash the like button press the big red button we'll just subscribe and you can join the Navy Army on the navy army be so Kellan will be drawn for me I will be drawn for dad and dad will be drawn for mom stop it young so guys without further ado I think we should start on I must also mention that we are only a light 30 seconds to draw whatever we're drawn okay I'm guys if the person in correctly guesses there join they have to do a punishment oh yes okay guys let's start the timer 30 seconds on the clock let's start no okay okay [Music] guys I don't know if this is good or not no way they have to know we have long hands doing hands dying oh okay so Callen do you want to show me what you have drawn this could be anything whatever does the guys that is challenged rolling right there oh you're like they say it yes right so it is four legs and a tail it's simply gonna handle by guy ah I'm gonna take a white guess okay cousin has a tail and four legs on a big body well a medium-sized body what I said dog that's easy doesn't simply 20 doormen we really hope we have a dog so I can just touch Bailey yeah hello Billy you've gotten away easy I love it Bailey ha ha Billy was nice no I darling do you want to find out what I drawn you yes I think you'll get this fairway so guys as you can see that is my drawing no guys you can also play along at home so as we pulled up the drones you can also guess what we're trying to draw okay so the only reason I know what this has is because you've drawn the teeth so I know it well I think it looks like a rabbit I have to say it's the most horrific look at Robert eh see to be honest here look here it looks like a rabbit a little horror movie but at least I guess it right yeah so you get the holder rabbit then yes that's a cute shoe Dobby are you ready for to hold a rabbit absolutely easy-peasy sure okay let's do this they don't bite really Shamu right your 30 seconds starts noise this is easy I'm just thinking can I do he is like oh my god is like red I use a pink I got shaken as that normal Oh hopefully hopefully doesn't leave a small deposit behind guys I can't this guy boy like soft he pins his fin super super soft who times up in five that was quite an easy run guys easy peasy rabbits easy okay Dale are you ready okay it's time to show your drone with your camera first so you know what I guess what this is that's really that's actually a really good job well you're going to know you're holding the Hedgehog we hate are you ready for this moment you ready [Music] [Laughter] come on keep holding the hey so you know like do you know how you know up you can give back the Hedgehog guys is my new first so guys that was my mom's gone oh let's find out what the next person is holding not be like that your mommy spiky okay well I do wanna show you're drawn so that counting guess what it is [Music] yeah this looks like a bird would you guess it was a chicken maybe that's the only birdie knows yeah SoCal you rallied equals your chicken okay I'm actually Nick that's nice and tight now you give a nice tight hug all right show me your tiny mouth started wow you want to do the doctors mr. chicken describe exactly the chicken slime and saw okay cow five four three two one right your time's up well done and that is Caliburn dumb no I we ought to write number two so I think we should make a promise to each other that the next choice should be a little bit more ambitious ie scary yeah well what do we have to make it moment okay guys are you all ready ready yes your hands at the ready yes here we go three two one start okay Oh guys guys this is possibly they were still on average this is my worst mine's just looks like a spa they're dying my pending right now show me what you have drawn me cameras off the filmmakers Richard kill whitey always draw a small cutter sorry bye guys logo at this right and has a massive beak it almost looks like it has a rectangular face I can say it because I knew it sadly no anything but it looks like a sieve it looks like it has eyes that are help so guys I'm going to Roy and touch a doc so guys I am holding the doc it's easy enough wasn't it hello mr. Stuckey sleep cycle for me please please go easy how does it feel easy it's very nice oh my god I think it's just like birthday party today sorry if I'm scary Krister dokey this guy doesn't have any ear infections okay is that my time off no you think you'll be okay this is what I've got everybody look guys up as I originally said it looks like a big fat spot with an A and range so it's definitely not a rat or a mouse because the face is too flat welcome and it's not some kid a rabbit if you have a dog a rabbit looks like a spot and it's it's either it's not even I'm serving as an absolute level or plaintiff is I think you still I've really tried in like the back row and the only thing I think it looks like that apart from the Cure from Donald over at apart from soggy spud see my job's not so bad after all your your drone plasterwork that that bad but we're back into good again I'll take that any day Holly you go out and touch your guinea pig again so Riley are you ready for the guinea pig I feel like I am I get me pregnant all right broccoli to feed it oh this one's called Rio okay your time starts no daddy it's on Broadway no no not like a Broadway what about this and I don't think he'll it you know hungry I know he's camera-shy it looks like he's gonna dent his head they are there they are spikey hey oh we should actually get one of them for the hoist no once again easy I know you're getting like all the easy ones five four three two one and you're done so guys let's go back and say and see what's coming up next get this you need glasses sorry I that's so simple do you know a lot of skill it's not a dinosaur I know [Music] please tell me out the joke trump card up and it lost all the eggs its costs fell off and it has no feet now that looks like an elephant yeah it's a snail it just means you Somali are you ready to hold it's not slang like well stays our slay me I think oh nice a flat the jollity yeah you need to of course you do 11 sweet things like oh you have to touch it that's the whole thing yeah that's what you know is that lettuce all I can't learn or whatever you talk about your nose that's part of the challenge today that's part of the challenge of a bite there went them because it doesn't like you describe the feeling describe what they feel like in your hand cool slam i cold and slimy are they moving at all or they just names though look at your fingers it's so slang okay mommy I think your time is nigh up well done I'm actually surprised that you done that I thought you weren't there done that way over there tonight no it has to be I don't even know what that is there has to be worse than mine well I can just shoot show the camera your drawers please just shoot camera right it's obviously so important alien creature what is that what the hell we got to tell you the gas okay bear that man killed toys well leg but he's meant to have four is that a broken leg well it has spikes on his head and the spikes are Royd that's yeah elicits parts Thompson I don't know what it was ud because you said spikes are in the head so cal me up 30 seconds to guess it's Cal there's no such thing is this dragon I was it not penal exactly fairy - you know what did you just say what did you actually just say yeah yeah ask an awesome it's a unicorn [Laughter] you got it yeah oh you do realize that you actually have to import the lizard mine yeah um you have to hold the one-legged lizard anyways so Callum are you ready for your lizard oh I can see him breathing again guys I'm surprised that my little brother is actually doing this [Applause] I love the way you see your pants and you you're just laughing well that's if you say the cow was petrified the loser guy is going on to ride number three I think we should all step it up another level for the last point I like really nasty stuff let's get the pages in three two one oh we have them here so are you guys ready ready remember try and make it like sort of nasty okay so yeah we're gonna try and make it a little bit nicer just so that it's more exciting guys let's start the 30-second timer are you all ready yeah three two one boom so oh I don't know [Music] so basically Cowan was drawn a flea I know what this is it has it has eight legs not hairy yeah is it a spider yes no I know my my competitor so much else you're getting your phone back oh let's go watch Adam torture I don't actually have to do this there absolutely but I'll just go tell everybody hey guys there's two things in this planet that I hate wasps and spiders and I did not want to hold a spider never mind at Rentschler I don't have to do this daddy I don't have to do this place I don't have to do this and I don't have to do this I'm proud of you I can just go I can just go let's go [Music] no I guys no I can't do this I can't speak which way is he going no this will pass these go fast I saw like it can right now but I don't care oh you like like noises what they don't like like noises I have to be quiet [Music] [Music] I wanna wash my face 50 million times for all those years of home alone I can't no you know how my mother felt Oh [Music] screaming right [Music] I don't know stop I'm a celebrity cut me off I am a pro with this game I could not have done that well you know what I think it's time to show what I draw for dot no this was like a little but somewhere but I added features to make it stand I don't know but can you guess what it does why have you got number three's and there's of his legs there's two things this could be it's it's only gonna be one or two things one of them loves in the ocean the water does not level the ocean oh crap I'm not going to say it cuz then I can get it wrong because I don't think it us no but you just said I thank this to some form of Coppedge that is right right I'm not really pleased yeah the thing about this challenge is that even if my dad got this wrong the punishment would probably be better that miss oh by the way same about you with a spider okay so there's a cockroach yes as a cockroach is by the way the big giant ones so daddy you're going to be holding a bag of giant cockroach putty failing I don't feel good you don't you don't feel to get it all good what this hour how do you feel that that is gonna be holding like giant cock only needs a bob all night a hedgehog we had to be honest what did you have you had like a rabbit and what else and I get a peg you had like the easiest run out of all of us so far okay guys it's time to introduce the cockroach [Applause] [Applause] I track the ones that eat them every day fuck I started no no no no no see already watch as expect me to be one the cockroach is a beautiful coat it's creepy hey I've been really weird ego go fail think you're better way up my back or something you need to find this board this one goes here I think you went off your top write that on your next challenge is to put one on your moist I don't think so okay dad's time is up in five four three two one boom okay your timings all right what's next everybody if I came from dolly he might get you didn't wash your hands so happy do you want to show what you have drawn for mommy first of all through the camera okay but I got that no you do I would not I might have got the number of feet incorrect and if I haven't got a hundred uh apologies okay guys I actually cannot wait to see this my mum has gasps millipede which means that she has to hold I am so shocked at my mom I'm really proud of you okay your time is up in five four three welcome to you've held a lower thesis okay let's see what is next on the menu I was terrible disturbed but then when you okay no it's not gonna you too bloody great oh thanks okay though I do want to see what you John Kelly can I tell you what I think it is well it's a fire-breathing worm yeah [Laughter] yes it is No [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I used to go back in and see what's next so where is the snake you enjoy this but like stop stop I think we should have a Polaroid a shot what are you a part of this conversation came another to everybody and it's your channel and you've been giving me all the crap stuff in the last couple of hours ago with a pink watch and what not we think the blue neuron should be you where and everything you see all the way oh no no no no no don't explain to explain it's not that bad right you put a spider mini on your shoulder here thank you guys bye thanks for watching no I swear tonight I swear I am never ever if you think do not you're not I am never doing not my in your wildest dreams why you'd have to do this I didn't sign off for this we did three Roy's there's no need for a bonus round white the waiver oh my god there no I didn't say no placed under than an odd and then anon I don't like this guy right if I was up my sleeve please get it please I know I get it please get it get it get it get it get it get it get it again so guys thanks for watching if you like the buddy who's smash the like button also makes press the red one which is subscribe and you can join the new be Army and the Navy Army is the best army to you so yeah guys that's it for me the new gotta be 99 and still home dad over and points
Channel: Adam B
Views: 3,672,378
Rating: 4.8505259 out of 5
Keywords: whatever, you, draw, i'll, touch, challenge, challenges, little brother, brother, brothers, brother challenge, family, family challenge, funny videos, whatever you draw, i'll touch, i'll touch challenge, touch challenge, whatever you draw i'll touch challenge, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, 24 hour, funny, fun, prank, pranks, family friendly, kid friendly, kids, drawing challenge, drawing, draw challenge, spiders, scary, insects, tarantula, spider, creepy, insane, crazy
Id: Qvg2CbB12iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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