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$10,000 vs. $100 what if someone said these were the budgets of two different holidays would you believe them well I thought it was a good idea for my family to spend a weighted to decide who would be going on the good holiday and who would be going on the Baths holiday one holiday in the luxurious Dubai what's the other holiday in a cold miserable campsite in Ireland sit back relax and grab your snacks because this Oh guys it's me how to be and I am joined by Kelly um hold on mom and today in this video we are doing a very very exciting video and I hope I get the good part of this video this for you guys we are doing 100 dollar holiday versus ten thousand dollar holiday no the hundred dollar holiday is that someone has to go camping in a tent well you better hope that you get the nice warm and the $10,000 holiday is wait for it wait for it really this is a prank that's not right if a device is attempt one I don't want to go to device so as you can see we have a lovely spender win and the ever glands old 100 dollars obviously has to do the 100 dollar holiday never lands on $10,000 yep you guessed it has to do you the $10,000 holiday and because this is my channel I thought I would start first hundred dollars in the camp and I can't so you need to buy tent food uh what else do you do when you're camping I don't know if it can fit yeah there may be some entertainment like cards for a board game or something so guys I hope that I get the $10,000 holiday I really want to go to Dubai Dubai has been like a dream place of mine and I really want to go there so let's find out if I land on $10,000 or $100 and before I do makes me smash the like button also press the big red button we just subscribe and you can join the Adam II found than the Adam II thumb is the best bounty and here we go here we go [Music] those dollars Please Please Please wait is right I mean that's the question yeah what happens if Kalin gets $10,000 and we both have to go to the bite yes Cal let's go Lizzy what holiday Kellen is choosing Knicks spend the $100 okay okay you can't kill them so just to confirm I'm going on the $10,000 holiday to Dubai Callum is going on the $100 holiday to camping mmm I can't feel it this is gonna be and mums gone in the 10,000 all right is next he wants this one to the next okay dad you start the win is equal to Z will hold the doll $42.00 the only way to find out is to spend the way spin it right let me just channel warm it positively go [Music] guys guys $10,000 on me did you buy that means mommy you're automatically selected for the $100 holding we're going to divide by Frank no we're gonna buy em they're goin campin yes Shane sister Esther yeah she likes to buy here we go and you took away so you ready to pack your bags this is bull ring yes it's real it's not a prank I don't believe it let's go well let's pack ur bags come on let's make the bags mom use both did you get ready for camping bye right let's pack a bag quick quick quick quick oh he hung the bag you have a bag a bag okay are you ready to go where to buy you we're going to buy 500 bunch of fun bye guys I have a good have a good time camping well yeah you look like you were gonna as well okay let's get out of here and we're on our way I can't believe this everyone we're going to does it require one of these yes it does so we're on our way to the airport we're driving down to Dublin airports to go to Dubai I can't wait for this this is gonna be insane that I actually get lucky for once I sorta feel bad though and mom because she's she's going on like the bad holiday [Music] this is killing what are we gonna do I have to go campin she wanted to find me take my key amo I don't want to start this one one to two dollar holiday might as well let's go camping why can I not go to Dubai here goes what you go you're gonna have to get the sample I know sadly you pleaded they get your camp you know I've never bought this hand before you die your goals Oh guys looky what we have here oh it's a super charger oh this this is my first time use a super charger I'm so excited please don't blow the car oh oh gosh that was such a relaxing trip which spring AHA my step so guys I'm actually using the Tesla supercharger first time ever I can't wait for this this is gonna be so fun it should turn green whyyy oh it's charging right so we're just going to have a little bite to eat and then we're gonna go ahead on the road again there's only like 30 minutes left to Dublin Airport so I'm super excited and yeah are you excited yes for this $10,000 holiday yes yeah do you know where we are Adam choice yeah look good I have what are we gonna do let's go [Applause] Thanks sausages sausages their whale or did it scallop yeah shit wait stay at home and just like that guys we are in Dublin Airport well we're not in Dublin Airport just yet we're in like the car park airport car park and as this camera focusing focus focus as you can see my dad is the baggage handler you can't say like this is one thing you can say this holidays wait we never have a normal holiday because this is actually like better than the no honey this is a poison dollar hobby no I'm sorry [Music] [Music] mommy we're gonna [Music] this is an amp test I've ever seen this air for they look at this I hope we're in the right Airport yes I forgot to tell you guys because this is $10,000 holiday we decided to go bust this class I don't know I don't know either it's going up my into the nice lines having some birds and drank nice some warm food and drink speaking of food drink yeah all over my house dude oh yeah mom holy cow you know what they're probably their problem that you get really cozy they're probably sitting by a campfire having some marshmallows you're probably right yeah it's book taiked there's no rooms left can you believe huh yes mommy I can we're not staying at Hotel we have to go camping okay we'll take a little bit nice and warm I'm just as well with a FasTrak avoid all these keys there's no one here this is great Wow we're going to lunge what lunch the amorous lines are for God's sake hungry very thirsty very cool before can we get marshmallows wait how picky little we have spread all the goodies got yeah oh this is nice this is nice Wow [Music] we're the only ones to paly plane am i I come to airport lounges I get a brand rule I think so well I have a 15 survive but it's so good at the same time because we're gonna have a good holiday without amazing holiday yeah for two days for two days I can't wait do you think they're having a bad time not skill isn't this a good spot for camping here well maybe we're at our house nobody uh no don't be saying mommy hurry up let's go jumping oh it's getting colder guys I wonder if mommy's packed yet mommy I packed it do need all stand up will you need a brush hairdryer chill makeup jewelry Eric no just take that back no camera made up nice camper so taken it wasn't my yard I am put it down right well that was easy come on right right right right right I tell you what I know during my password [Music] nice tennis this is super super cool isn't it oh it's so so good we're on a flight to Dubai and my mom McCallum are doing once again still looking for a campsite still looking for it yeah it looks so cool guys look at that there we go [Music] nice maybe I have no more friends nice yeah cheers Cheers look at that so we have the TV pockets a little table in the local TV I could access late night [Music] the kidney worse did you actually mean a beach all right sure enough there's glass here I can put your dance over here I thought you were joking on a beach [Music] just update poori I'm not sure if you can hear me but just avoid to go too bad annoy my dad he's already sleeping retired I can't with these sleek why flowerbeds on an amorous plane I fit survivor my mama cow that must be like they must be so over at this point and we haven't even started our holiday so yeah I'll catch up with you in the morning goodnight warning Oh Kim why did we get this Kim guys jumping spa right girl and place people like that you're in Japan office of weights have to be another plaintiff it guys we are getting the Emirates super dry what phones if this it's very fancy that's a new safe that's air con air cond it's so good I'm so warm [Music] [Applause] the good luck so guys we're just waiting on our annoy I haven't shown my dad where we're staying so this is gonna be surprise to you okay this is like this is like Las Vegas all over again had some cover [Music] [Music] [Laughter] this is actually huge the belly dance right there yeah look about you look after you oh my god like not a did you see the sickness I didn't expect it to be this baby yeah yes we have a huge big corridors we've another bedroom in here with one of these bathrooms oh wow oh this is next-level this is like this is like yeah there's like a spare room we're never going down here no oh my god guys we have the kitchen we've a bathroom in there oh my god what sorry we have a dining room as part of the lovely moon boy all my god guys this this is something else we're in Dubai you cam can I be honest I know but we have to find ice I need you sit down and I need it they made everything and here extremely bike like they made it overlay bike just because they could look at the dining table you think it's bagging well like again it's just leave is even the hallways [Music] 21 this is our tent it's quite a nice tent and I bought it well me and counsels that I love my tent [Music] oh my god we don't listen up going right slight malfunction this is our chance no much skies I think it see you over here sometimes cameras not wants to show something or tantor it's just a team I know but oh there's an ice rink in the middle of [Music] there's an aquarium inside them all there's an aquarium incite them all to guys our current dilemma is that we're trying to pick clothes because we're going to the Burj Khalifa restaurant tonight and it's a very special dress code so we need you to be looking extra spec and span tonight don't work on props we can't wear flip-flops on we can't wear t-shirts or even charge so or out here buying like shirts and shoes and everything I love it and just like that we have a right back at the hotel apartment thingy it's so on you guys it's so on oh yeah and then we'll wait a defier long does it spread Oh what spread sure no right mommy on the way to get the sleeping bags right yeah right so guys we have this entire pool to ourselves look at this there's no one else here that's like a private pool but it is actually like this place just keep surprising me I just have a shower I'm gonna change my hair is open to a palsy right [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's freezing no Wi-Fi no you look to Wi-Fi in a bit together you just joke so you can't make up with like Wi-Fi okay guys it's time to change from the pull gear to this so guys we are all dressed up ready to go we're looking very dapper army well you are all right or not no you look very smart you're rocking the blue shoes the green chinos undershirt this I'm super super excited to see the view from there and test like the food I just hope it's nothing too fancy because we're very very plain eaters on meat bun bun meat bun that's what you want plain burger mommy mommy wake it a night take you let's do this I think we must our turnoff yeah I forgot to say yeah working what is the capital of Norway is there anything fun to do in the beach do you wanna go anymore hi okay guys we just got dropped off and look at the size of this ball well the size of this size open it never ends there's like a little water shoe behind me as well look at that that's super super cool oh my God look at this we're in Dubai [Music] that's Darren Warren the Burj Khalifa and his super super honey identically 8 so sponsor here guys super ton see guys what's going on someone just blended a smoke bomb on our table this is so cool there's someone playing the violin live in the restaurant I don't know what's going on anymore well kill him this was not a good idea the water don't get the front water November Kyung ki Mahanoy yeah I told you yeah like I've seen you like the fire hi I don't even bring any what no no just that guys are fit house right look at this what does it I don't know [Music] nice guys we just finished our food I surprised myself I isolate at a lot of the sites that came with it so we gotta have our dress actually have some chocolates in here and I also got some vanilla ice cream so guys we've just finished to be vertically well we're still in the Burj Khalifa but we finished like our dinner I'll give you a guess as to time once it came to what was the bell for two people for two courses oh no for one course for one person and two courses for me because I'm fat and I like dessert so guys gonna give you a guess right what's the gas am i guessing yes 235 he knew what the price was yes yes 235 points 40 people rub my back nice time to go dying 123 floors oh really oh my god never thought of it like that I usually all my years of property Oh what speaker we good lives just look like what my fast there's no words going that's super you can actually do buttons coming three just here go do it again it's white noise hey guys day two this holiday just keeps getting better and better today we're actually going on a yakked yacht a yacht I can't say the word gr hocked yeah yeah hacked yacht and I can't wait to see what Mommy and kallmes gonna say after they see this sooo sorry there's over hey we have arrived yeah yeah oh my god I'm so excited for this it's shriven Isis where that is really nice that's our vote [Music] oh it's okay [Music] Wow Wow look at this let me get you yeah I can't explain how are you like nice is a civil peaceful it's so relaxing now this beautiful left goodbye it's not a beautiful country [Music] hello yeah I didn't want to go home we know it's like we're going right and through this [Music] an oppressor [Music] pound on the tears [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys I'm also gonna show you inside like this yah yah yah yah yah this way okay this yacht also has like bedrooms toilets and everything look at this just in case you wanna cello a bump and we also have another bad with a hunt Knoller bedroom I think it's quite a koozie but it's so nice we also have a show Harold look at this if we have hurt another The Tortoise tiny it's like was it for can we have a sink as well which works way of us hello i want i want to love here i don't wanna go home bye see you later hey guys we also have a kitchen where is that London we're in the desert we're in the desert [Music] tell me what you think it's magical is that guys look at that oh that's so nice [Music] we're waiting on sunset and no one are look it's behind my Kenny's like Floyd I think the Sun is behind [Music] [Music] let's go pretty bird guys we've just been transported to like a camp with a dance studio in a desert what's going on we're in a desert a desert key she must that we're on the desert just to remind you this is the desert this is a desert not a desert the desert what is actually going on [Applause] okay guys just so you know Adams about to signboard diner that whole guys I'm going Sam Borden but the other thing your pocket okay okay I'll stop st you know I swallow about half a glass of house and do you want to go let's go bump get about hard yeah this lace hard guys we're on the camel yes big smile say cheese bunny oh really but we never thought about this won't cure me Michael on the bush you when the boss so fail there's no toilet hopefully the thinking is a little strong that was a nice pay hey oh all right [Music] we've just had dinner and we're relaxing and apparently the desert still has good data ha ha ha like to say we go to be human mommy it's still bright on the bed you know we're back at the hotel the safari trip was amazing tomorrow unfortunately we leave the fight I really do I always stand by [Music] so yeah enjoy the rest of my back and I'll see you in the morning for the traps back home right yeah let's say you go to sleep all right man thank you literally ten seconds later thank you sure we just lied almost an all night [Music] guys look at that you look at that view that we have in the morning is so nice Oh time to get up and yeah time to go back home I had such a great sleep but these bears are so comfortable I love a mess right now but yeah time to head to the airport okay on our way out are you ready yes I'm sort of sad there's our car guys we've just been dropped off and I think this is a completely like private terminal for like business class and first class customers because as you can see no one else is here like boarding reporting back in the plane again that was you know what this is moment tell I'm really ready to go back home guys all away back now we're going into the house you can't wait to see Bailey and Callum and my mom I'm so excited let's go hello it's nice to be back oh nice to have these back that was voile only was so easy leaf anomie it's your my eve that's sort see your psyche you tortured man off giving me that holiday eps award yeah boy how did these get on your company good great really great cuz we were saying why are you shaking your head well we lasted a good we went but what we sort of went home doesn't sleep over what stun even you shouldn't even do the whole she's done even Kemp these were that week they couldn't even jump that was the first time I'm the last thing that I will ever be an attempt it was frosty querido I mean I can't come on we had we had to drive a long drive we had to take a very long flight in business which is not easy and we also and we also had a goalie really fancy restaurants courtyard and falsified yeah these were killed do you know what me and kill me what did i buy I know just the two of us yes - Harry Shh anyway guys thanks for watching up but he would be like the smash leg bone also press the microphone which is right and you can joint out of me phone now to be bounce my sponsee by a small people look like frogs so yeah that has been me a very tired Adam be and very tired for dad to old mom and OH you
Channel: Adam B
Views: 3,085,706
Rating: 4.895607 out of 5
Keywords: adam b, adamb, $10000, $100, holiday, holiday challenge, challenge, challenges, funny, fun, funny videos, funny challenges, expensive, surprise, surprise holiday, vacation, 24 hours, 24 hour challenge, buying, buying challenge, sidemen, cheap, cheap vs expensive, tent, camping, survival, dubai, hotel
Id: SrvxN3m2ykw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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