What YouTubers DON’T TELL YOU About Print On Demand...

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WARNING! Your Etsy account has been SUSPENDED for  violating our terms of service! YEP... I am sure   that that is pretty much the number one nightmare  of most print on demand store owners on Etsy. And   I'll be honest, YouTubers myself included, do  not talk about this stuff enough. Because it's   true! If you use print on demand platforms the  wrong way, it can kill your store and even get   it banned! Which is exactly why I don't use the  cheapest printing providers, even though it means   that I might earn less money per sale. So here's  the thing, if you have a print on demand store or   stores on their own website, such as a Shopify  store, like me then bad reviews don't matter as   much. However, if you also sell on third-party  marketplaces like eBay or Etsy, like me,   then bad reviews matter a lot, because third-party  marketplaces like eBay and Etsy can and do suspend   stores which have too many bad reviews and a low  customer satisfaction score. And on the flip side,   these marketplaces reward stores which have  great reviews and very high customer satisfaction   scores, so it is crucial that you try and keep  each customer you have as happy as possible. And   I'll be honest with you, the fastest way to having  an unhappy customer is to send them a bad product.   And some print on demand providers are just not  as good as others at consistently creating high   quality products. So for example in this video  here I reviewed three different t-shirt printing   providers that are available on Printify. One of  them was Monster Digital who are currently selling   the Bella Canvas 3001 t-shirt for $9.13 and  another was Swiftpod, a cheaper print on demand   shop who is selling them for just $8.32. Now you  might be thinking well Monster Digital they cost   10% more, that's a big difference, right? Well,  so is the difference in their print quality. In   this video I compared two different t-shirt prints  side by side. Monster Digital was easily the best   print. And so for me I don't let price be the  deciding factor between which print provider I   use. Instead I let quality be the deciding factor.  And if the best provider happens to cost an extra   10% it is worth paying that to avoid negative  reviews. Plus it also makes me money in the long   run because happy customers have a funny habit  of turning into repeat customers! And there's   something else that can get you banned very  fast and that is if you sell unique products.   So I don't want to throw shade but there are  lots of YouTube videos out there saying that   you shouldn't sell t-shirts because it's too hard  and it's too competitive, and you should instead   sell lower competition unique products. However,  something which just doesn't get talked about   enough is that those unique products can also be  very risky! And to explain why, let me show you   something. So this here is the Bella Canvas 3001.  It is the most popular print on demand t-shirt on   Etsy. As you can see there are lots of different  print providers out there that sell this t-shirt.   Well then, let's say that you had chosen to use my  favorite print provider Monster Digital to create   your t-shirts, but due to supply issues out of  their control Monster Digital ran out of large   sized t-shirts. Well that would be absolutely fine  because you could just switch to a different print   provider temporarily to get the customer their  t-shirt, or you could even switch to the more   expensive but very high quality Printful to  fulfill them for you. Now then let's compare   this to a very different item, the print on demand  hockey puck! So perhaps you'd come to Etsy and you   saw that there were already thousands of different  cat t-shirts out there and you thought it would be   too hard to create a t-shirt and stand up in this  niche and so you decided to instead check to see   if there were any cat themed hockey pucks. And you  found that they were basically none, and figured   that well I should sell this because there's no  competitors! And so you went and created your   cat hockey puck and you add it into Etsy and then  it actually started selling! Amazing right? But   then a supply chain issue happens and the print  provider MIA runs out of hockey pucks. Well,   you have no other suppliers here on Printify  that offer this ,and other print providers such   as Printful certainly don't! And so now with no  other option you have to refund your customers.   But for many customers that isn't enough, they  are angry that you sold them something that you   couldn't fulfill, and you wasted their time. So  now they leave you a negative review, putting your   store at risk! Now look, I'm not saying that you  shouldn't sell hockey pucks because it's true that   if you sell a popular common item like a t-shirt  there are lots of other great t-shirts out there,   and so you do have to put a lot more effort in  and do more niche research to create a design   that stands out. However, you're also rewarded for  that extra effort by building a stable business   which has a stable supply chain. So yeah, pros  and cons! And by the way if you'd like to learn   what my favorite print on demand items are to  sell, you should be sure to get a free copy of   my ebook the six steps that six figure online  stores follow to make over ten thousand dollars   a month. You can get a copy of my ebook emailed to  you for free by clicking on the link in the video   description below. But, anyway, back to the video.  And on to the next thing that can get you banned:   Selling unique product colors! So look I see an  argument for selling unique products which are   high risk but high reward. But I do not see any  good argument for selling unique product color   variants! So what do I mean by this? Well remember  how this t-shirt here has lots of different print   providers selling it well as you can see some  offer this t-shirt in more colors than others take   this print shop for Fulfill Engine. They offer  it in lots of colors. In fact they're the only   provider offering these shirts in the pebble brown  color. And so let's say that you like this color   and you had an idea for a design that matched it.  You might think great I'll use Fulfill Engine for   my t-shirts! But the problem is that YouTubers  myself included don't spend enough time talking   about the fact that print providers can go out  of stock for specific variants. Case in point   you can see that they're currently out of stock  for all of your pebble brown color t-shirts. Well,   wouldn't it have sucked if you had advertised this  and made this your most popular color, because now   you would have no other print shop that you could  switch to! You'd have angry customers that you   were now forced to refund and cancel orders for  risking, again, negative reviews. Which is why I   personally only bother selling popular colors that  lots of print providers sell. I mean look how many   of them are selling black t-shirts! So I just  don't think that it's worth the stress, but if   you disagree with me let me know in the comments.  And there's something else that I never sell, and   that is products that run small. Because here's  the thing right, as unfair as it kind of is, there   are customers out there that will leave you a  negative review if they choose to buy an item that   doesn't fit them. So before I sell any clothing  I will come to the product listing in the print   on demand app and check to see if it says that it  is true to size. What this means is that if you'd   go into a department store and then usually pick  up a medium sized t-shirt off the rack, then a   medium in this t-shirt is likely to be a great fit  for you. Whereas some product listings, especially   clothing that's designed for women, will instead  say that it runs small. This means then that if   you'd usually pick up a medium-sized t-shirt off  a rack in a department store then a medium in this   t-shirt brand would not fit you instead you'd  have to order up you'd have to order a large   or maybe even an extra large t-shirt! And so I  just don't worry about the stress and only sell   clothing and accessories that runs true to size. I  also make sure to check reviews for base products   on websites like Jiffy Shirts and Amazon. So  something else that some customers will also do is   they will leave reviews if they dislike the base  product that you're printing on. So if you sell   them a t-shirt for example and they don't like the  material they'll leave a negative review. Or if   they buy a mug and they don't like how it feels  to hold, well, they'll leave a negative review.   And so if a base product is branded I like to go  and check out the reviews for it so for example   let's take the Bella Canvas 3001 t-shirt again.  Well what you can do for clothing like this is you   can come to Jiffy Shirts and you can look up the  product page for it such as the Bella Canvas 3001   and see what people have to say about it. You'll  see that it has a very high review score and that   the majority of people confirm that it does run  true to size, which is great. And you'll also   see that people are saying that it's super soft.  You'll also see that a lot of people do find the   material to be thin, which is true it is a thinner  t-shirt. Which mostly only matters for the white   t-shirt since it can be a bit see-through. So this  might help you decide by reading the reviews that   you won't sell white t-shirts and you'll instead  pick another color. So there's a lot that you can   learn about from reading reviews like this. And  it's not just clothing that you can check out   reviews for, there's lots of non-clothing items  that print providers sell that's also branded.   So take for example this magnet that's being sold  by the provider Duplium. They are using a magnet   made by a provider called Magnum Magnetics.  Well if we check out the reviews for Magnum   Magnetics you'll see that they are very highly  reviewed with people saying that they stick very   strongly onto surfaces so chances are customers  will also like this too. And take this mug here   which is being sold by Mylocker. They are using  a particular mug that is called the Orca coated   mic now these are listed for sale on Amazon. So  you can actually go over to Amazon and read the   reviews on there. And generally the reviews show  that people really do like them themselves and   most of the negative reviews on here were for  the fact that Amazon shipped it to them poorly.   And something else that isn't talked about, is  that it's a good idea to audit print providers   before you use them. Now of course YouTubers sort  of do mention this because plenty of YouTubers,   myself included, have reviewed different print  on demand companies. But that's not all because   something that I just don't see being talked about  is that you can deep dive into a company profile   and the company reviews. Because what a lot of  people don't realize is that on Printify the   print on demand companies you see here such as my  Mylocker are entirely separate companies that have   nothing to do with Printify. So it's a good idea  to audit the company reviews and their company   pages. And one place that you can do that is Site  Jabber. If we come to Site Jabber you'll see that   Mylocker does not have good company reviews at  all. But, to be fair, you do need to actually   read the reviews. For example, this review here  is just a customer complaining that a face mask   that they sell uses the material. And well, if  you don't plan to sell face masks with Mylocker,   this review is kind of irrelevant. However, this  review here is from someone that ordered a t-shirt   with them from Printify and they showed the print  quality with photos, which was not good. And so if   you were planning on using Mylocker for t-shirts  then this is an important review to read. Now,   to be fair, the people in life that have a  bad experience are always going to be the   loudest. And so you shouldn't expect a company  to have perfect reviews. But let's be honest,   a one star rating is a pretty big red flag! And  another thing that you can do is you can find   the company's address and then look them up on  Google Maps. For example I went to the Mylocker   official website and I found that they were based  in Detroit on their hiring page. And so I looked   them up on Google Maps and checked out their  reviews. And again you've got to actually read   them because a lot of these reviews were left by  employees either talking about having a good or   bad experience working for them. But you'll also  see reviews from people here who have actually   purchased products from them. and so those reviews  are very helpful to read. And so on to the next   thing that you really need to know about but first  a quick word from today's sponsor. Me! Yes, as my   subscribers know due to shady YouTube sponsors I  am currently choosing to sponsor my own videos.   And I am sponsoring it today to let you know that  if you would like to build a print on demand store   but you don't know how, then you should be sure  to check out my print on demand course the Ecomm   Clubhouse so that you can build your store  alongside me. If you would like to see if my   course is right for you I will have a link to it  in the video description below. But, anyway, back   the video. And on to something else that I wish  was talked more about, and that is that Chinese   print providers are risky! So I've definitely seen  a lot of YouTube videos recommending that you use   print on demand providers based in China. And I  do understand why, because China is the number   one country in the world by far for manufacturing  consumer goods. So the truth is if you work with   a Chinese print on demand supplier you're going to  have access to a much broader range of goods. Take   sneakers on Printify. There are two suppliers that  make sneakers, both are based in China. Which is   understandable since that is where most sneakers  are made. The problem though with all of this is   Chinese New Year. During Chinese New Year holidays  the whole country basically shuts down for two   weeks, plus there's about two weeks either side of  it whether you're a big shipping and manufacturing   delays. And so that's about six weeks of the year  that your customers will experience major delays.   Now you can warn your customers about this in  advance. But if this video has taught you anything   there are plenty of customers out there that will  ignore those warnings and just buy from you anyway   and they will still leave you negative reviews!  And so I just choose not to bother with this   and instead what I do, is I prioritize products  that are being printed globally around the world.   Possibly the most incredible amazing thing to me  is that despite the fact that I live in little New   Zealand, the internet is a global place. Anyone  in the world can find my stores and items and   buy them. It is amazing, which is why to give my  global customers the best experience possible and   to increase the chances that they will leave  me a five-star review, I choose to prioritize   products which are produced in multiple different  continents. Because if a product is made on the   continent that somebody lives in shipping will  be much faster, rather than having to be flown   halfway across the world. So let's say for example  that I was deciding between Printfy's three top   selling zip up hoodies. Well I wouldn't choose  to sell this one because no print provider for   it is based in North America, which easily has  the biggest customer base of English speakers.   And I wouldn't sell this one because even though  it's printed around the world it's not printed by   providers with amazing reviews. Instead I would  sell this one. Not only is it printed in the USA,   Canada, Europe and Australia, but it's also  printed by suppliers that have good reviews   and a solid proven history of happy customers.  And so this is easily the one that I would   choose. So then, did you learn something new  from my video? If so, please subscribe. And if   you'd like to watch my print on demand provider  reviews be sure to watch my video Printful versus   Printfy t-shirt review. So go ahead, watch  my next video, and I'll see you over there.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 231,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print on demand, tips, etsy, etsy banned store, etsy suspended, POD, printify, mylocker, print on demand print providers, swiftpod, monster digital
Id: JA1orXh5GNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2023
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