NEW PROXIMITY UPDATE!!! | Among Us Livestream w/ Friends

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[Music] the person that i cannot hear is i think black oni oh yeah i don't hear black onions black oni if you can hear us yeah oh he didn't hello everybody hello hello hello hello he just sit down at discord oh we can hear you well look it's fast though i don't know okay yeah they're already in my chat there's this new uh update for crew link and we're using it right now oh yeah christine can you post um that's what we're trying to get together right now y'all i'm going simple too you'll be doing it like using a new camera right now excuse me if the camera looks like it's lagging just like this is which one works for whatever one so if y'all see me lag a little bit that like that's why somebody everybody's streaming already yeah yeah i almost said something on his channel for me so that's why you said no no there's an echo because they didn't mute themselves in this course yet because everybody's still trying to get it together they're going to be echoing for a little bit until we get it right yeah they say ego hello hello wait he goes still not hearing me no yeah we don't yeah okay and then they said yeah you leaked the code make sure you cover it yeah yeah yeah uh i'm about to refresh it one more time your leaks [Music] here we with people not hearing other people only once you put the code to the game like at least 15 minutes we've been sitting here at 7 30. wait wait wait wait wait this quarter sitting here 7 30. okay everybody has all their technical issues okay but this is true this is the life of a streamer all right this is the life of a streamer especially when you collab with nah i couldn't hear you oh when you when you go into your own crew link and you're gonna say does it show your mic yeah yes [Music] is i'm gonna need proximity that games are dead just to sound cool like the game is dead but yet you're watching it y'all can still hear me right right yeah anime is dead jelly bean was kicked by who got kicked youtube thank you for joining thank you guys you got a partner who's wild you said i got a partner here okay show it ego yeah now now we gotta get a new room because the ego all right i'm just waiting for the new code you're making a new room just waiting just fine okay there you go [Music] oh my gosh and watching your streams made the illness a lot more easier for me i hope you are okay i really hope you're okay anybody that does have it or has family members that have it i'm here with you okay because i do not wish that on anybody at all so i just wanted to say hi and love you thank you for doing these among us streaming uploading i hope you have a good day thank you i'm sorry if i'm i haven't been uploading that much okay because i'm still recording stuff and i'm still um trying to take like breaks myself so that that way um so that that way i don't like like blank get like i don't know what it's called like uploaders block or youtuber's blog or whatever but i just want to make sure that i'm tonight how are you guys taking breaks consistently because i'm a workaholic and i will work every day if i if i let myself in here for a little bit um i know some burnout yes that okay i don't want to get burned out so that's why it's like trying to like like for like two years so that's why i'm trying to like slow down uh oh you never are good who's that's your mama that's your mama are you that's your mama that's you yeah yeah yeah oh okay okay wait so who's who's that you're in here are [Music] the bodies on the right oh my gosh what i'm going over here what you mean oh it wasn't me then i didn't go over there i could say this kills not charlie christine me shaba and ego outside border of whatever box it is who's talking it shows the color of who it is but y'all can't see it lafayette unfortunately i know the eye but y'all came and they went it's just the overlay for crew length so that's why y'all can't see it but i can my daughter getting downstairs oh i'm like so no one else heard that okay we did hear we were just gonna act like we didn't hear it oh yeah the crazy i was gonna write him an asteroid so i couldn't see nothing but then since i got off i said jazz walking by me like right when the game starts you really gotta take off bro cause they'd be looking at them to that left i don't know that's crazy oh alone okay let me go bam look at that okay okay nobody's by me i don't see nobody i don't see nobody's voice box popping up next to me okay there we go there we go okay let me keep going let me keep going wait is my dad over here no okay nobody's over there nobody's dead over there what i gotta do i gotta go to storage and electric okay i'm over here i'm over i don't know oh wait ooh i gotta go over here again my bad okay there we go all right oh lights out again oh no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no oh no no no do what you're all doing through there oh no oh okay okay hold up before you jelly jelly before yes okay let me se let me go first i know you know so wait let me say something when y'all already doing lights who who all do you remember going in there i wasn't in there at all i wasn't the reason why i'm not let me say this real quick the reason why i access about when i was underneath the army screaming right i was running it and i saw christine and a few people already there but when everybody ran out i went up and lafayette was at the very top left so i'm like wait i didn't see you walking when everybody ran in my name he went to the left and when and that's what sham's like just like screaming you heard me screaming right right yeah that's what i was like with everybody on the left for this no because this was after that after the lights when the lights turned on the doors closed this is after that so oh yeah i know but i was just asking that i saw him in there because this is what i need to know before i say where the body was i need everybody if you ain't got an alibi i'm shooting okay all right okay that's gonna be me after y'all done talking i got some vital information okay okay specifically the specifically after you know the doors clock closed and a lot of us were locked either right outside of storage right after that what was you doing and where was you at so yeah that's what i said lafayette went to that's why i actually first i was like was that on the left because if it was lafayette went right to the left i got some vital information go ahead okay so i did my little gas thing in storage next to charlie and i think i was next to yellow too and i ran up and king ran up with jelly and king said he said what's your name jelly what's your oh me i should change my name back it's chris i'm about to say can we clarify so this is what happened i was like okay let me go up so i can go into to scan because remember me you and eagle were in there originally so i'm like maybe ego ego didn't go to do lights originally so i'm like okay maybe he's in med bay trying to get scanned so we are gonna stop me and me and dwayne went up there to go in there to check i was standing on the base and then i was like dwayne do you have a scan and he's like no i don't so i scan and while i'm scanning i hear dwayne say something but his voice is so low and then i saw the report button and when i pressed it someone came and killed him because the lights went off when i was on the platform that's why i was trying to see where everybody else if they have an alibi of someone to back them up because somebody came in there and killed him while the lights are off and dipped and since i saw the report but i pressed it all the time i get no information from none of that they was all just saying [ __ ] like i don't i don't know i didn't get nothing from that okay let me go up lafayette just nobody let me go over here oh okay i want to go but i want to wait till like people go in front of me so i'm going to get killed we're going to reactor okay easy fast okay okay all right i got lower i got electrical i got electrical all right let's do it all all right let's do it right now but i'm gonna watch it oh don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me i heard him say let's go hold up wait don't kill me i know i'm on the upload i'm kind of scared right now i'm trying to remember all these people right now okay okay all right okay all right i'll smash the report but i'm telling you don't touch it okay okay i'm smashing the report okay somebody trying some [ __ ] i don't trust y'all over there no no okay i don't hear nobody by me i don't hear nobody by me bro trust you man okay somebody's on lights somebody's on lights okay i think that's ego on lights maybe i think ego's gonna like it let me go over here okay let me use this bam i'm done okay so now ooh license out again i'm gonna go to i'm gonna go to security i'm gonna go to security i'm gonna have my my little my finger on this report button just in case somebody try to do something yeah with me and he was like yo lafayette was like yo ego stay with me stay with me like he wanted me to vouch for him um he wanted me to vouch for him the door is a little voice i heard his voice okay all right be around here oh man where was this body let's see okay i found the body like right y'all were all charlie but um oh damn all right listen okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so now now i'm looking at two people that wasn't with us lafayette and chef yeah because no it's sloppy yet okay so me the body was uh it was a brown body that i found upper reactor upper engine i'm sorry not upper reactor upper engine like because we are all me christine ego and oni we're all locked in med bay yeah and then and we all left out i went to the left and there's a dead body so it was one of y'all too jelly we were both we literally did like five tats i could have killed you like five different times you could have that's that is that means nothing you could have but i'm not saying i'm telling you like i could have killed her in the slimiest ways if i was really impo like she was listening look [Music] and they saw so that leads you but plus plus remember before we started he said he was merkin at he was working everybody and that first kill was hella fast i was with i was in med bay with you guys on that first kill that is true that is true say goodbye to your partner there yeah i went into navigation and then i'm done i'm staying away yeah i got to click that thing y'all get the [ __ ] away from me i'm moving y'all get away from me don't kill me no no i'm going over here y'all trying to kill me i'm spamming this button i'm spamming this but okay nobody won't get lights i did it no no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] away from me you get the [ __ ] away from me uh-uh uh-uh get away get away get away get away i want nothing i'm trying to get i'm just making sure i'm just making sure oh [ __ ] okay okay wait wait a minute hold on hold on hold up okay okay okay where's everybody at okay let me go on let me go here okay okay okay okay where is everybody where is everybody jess jess hey what what's up no we were i thought you were regrets no no no i got locked in with chef and i got scared [Music] oh [Music] yeah i saw him on on the cams go into med bay and then i saw the vent if you die you to let me sabotage because you don't know they killed me real quick that was crazy oh my gosh when we were in security i saw the event in med bay open and i was like i saw it too i saw it too so that's why i was like it had to be all right let's i'm gonna stream i'm not gonna orchestrate my channel how you want it okay calm down okay go off go off go ahead quick go off clean all right you got this [ __ ] stopped right bro oh brown i was running with him and then um he had ran down past and they were standing still on the asteroids i'm pretty sure it was king and ego were doing asteroids right no it was me and ego doing asteroids yeah i finished mine and then i went up to the outside no no when the lights went off no i did not run when the lights went off i was about to but then i stayed there and that's why i still cause i was holding an ego no you said i'm gone i'm gone yeah i know and i did not and i did not leave and i did not leave you ran past me no i did not i seen your ski mask jason voorhees no you when the lights went off and i was like i'm going i'm going i did not leave i was still standing there with ego and when i got done where's the actual body yeah yeah let's go i was gonna say me oh the body the body right i was waiting for lafayette to scan and me dwayne and him were all together this whole this yeah i know and he's yeah jelly beans hold on where's ladies relax where's the lights i was at reactor i was doing a touchback i heard black only screaming okay then this down so yeah well who else ran to the right with you all then good i was on the right side i finished my asteroids but then i went up to the upload up there so i didn't go down i went up i don't think it's green i don't think it's orange it has to be i i i'm telling you it's not it's hell i'm not i don't even see eagles when it lights up when i finished number 20 he was still on it okay and if i would have killed with him trolling me being a killer that would be crazy look we don't gotta vote nobody but we definitely just found out that purple or orange is one hundred percent one of them or jelly bean or you it's not me i went up that's not me know y'all ain't supposed to be able to hear me right now oh well i'm okay well don't don't say nothing because i'm hearing you oh god oh god ego don't kill me what happened okay i hear somebody wait nelly i'm i'm doing uh shields uh okay okay we rolling together or what i don't know you might be a killer so i don't know oh yo i think christine said it too so christine no stop um whoever is on i wanna don't talk cause i can hear you stop thinking when he called that oh god that's him yo daisy can you hear me oh god is that your mama sorry my bad okay wait so everybody can hear me yeah i can hear him i don't know why i could hear him am i gonna die in reactor come on come on somebody going down reactor jelly jelly jelly are you sure i'm i'm scared i'm scared oh my gosh oh my gosh um all right i'm doing downloads and electricity can anybody else hear oni's oh [ __ ] i hope i said that right [Laughter] yeah thank you so like i said one of the killers a hundred percent was purple if it wasn't purple it was gonna be orange my bet is on orange right now we got seven wait hold on hold on charlie wait hold on charlie was saying it was was chef shabba now he's dead i think it's definitely why it can't be me because there's a double kill and electrical there's two two bodies there and electrical and i was with all four of them in the reactor and i'm sitting there asking people i'm like can they hear me wait they're saying it wasn't anywhere he wasn't there i died came in and then we all ran to electrical so anything could have happened between charlotte charlie leaving us and chef coming to us look listen think about it this way okay okay if i was to kill somebody and election yeah he would have left me alive am i gonna run back an electrical right because you're a hot boy y'all's not listening to me i'm telling you it's purple or is orange right at the top where you do that uh that mission we use look at that he stop come [Laughter] i was in reactor on my way to electric when i told lady lexington not them voting they gonna kill chef next they're gonna kill him next he gonna be the next one dead they gonna kill him next i don't know why they're not listening to him like he don't have vital information if he says that it's orange or charlie and then now charlie is dead that leaves orange like as the culprit like i don't know why people aren't listening to him i don't know why okay okay who was that gotta clarify okay okay back up off me brother nah nah damn lady likes about to get him next lady likes about to get him i'm doing over i'm confident i'm doing my garbage truck huh let's just chill mm-hmm they all grouped up like look look oh everybody's alive yeah no i hold why they do the on i could go fix finish the rest of my nav i only have there we go yeah i know oh but later but later though i said it's either 100 charlie you did it later ladies and gentlemen yeah damn obviously you two are the killers because me dude while all the other deaths were done we haven't voted another killer we haven't voted any killer out everybody oh christine and y'all so clearly it's you two i've been on the team where was the body when the lights was closed we was always the same right get the next one out let's get the next game started yeah press that button i should've i should have made it press that button come on you know but he [Laughter] but i wanted to keep shabbat alive oh let me refresh alive but he was the first one i seen so i had to yep him sir oh my god they just think it's me i had to yapping bro says the guy who blamed me that was weird with it y'all smooth with it i got it okay i gotta call the cafeteria [Music] all right let me go to oh wait no i gotta go to weapons please please don't kill me no there we go okay let me get out of here i'm watching i'm watching them over there okay i gotta go to calm down ain't nobody trying to talk now with the uh with the new update they're not trying to have their picture pop up so that we could catch them ain't nobody trying to talk now now that we got this picture thing popping up in the uh an update you almost had them that last round yo huh let's press this record button dead let me go get this hmm i don't know what just happened bro let's see let's go over here oh my gosh i told you oh okay so a chef shot but he killed directly in front of me and christine and me getting both scans wait wait wait listen listen listen they're both they're both imposter and they're trying to they laughing because they're trying to save themselves bro don't let that hey no but can i say something you know can i say oh charlie was with you wasn't he huh i was gonna say that i saw black onion chef together and i see that black oni is dead too so now [Music] i gotta go to lower engine let me go over here let me get my stuff done so i can start spying on people hold on let me get this van there we go let me go back up to weapons let me go through the cafeteria fuel engines what do you have they staying together they staying together where are you going me real quick um gotta go to weapons real quick that's my last test okay okay okay somebody would be with somebody oh you trying body no be with somebody okay i should have known i should have [ __ ] known i should have known i should have known you i should have known hold on i'm going to his room hold on hold on damn guys oh man oh god i'm mad oh my goodness i'm mad that he said i'm trying to body somebody and i thought that that was just like a mistake but he man oh my god okay somebody named what is this weapon jazzy i was yeah dirty yo it was jazzy and uh weapons i was going to i was playing so hard i was playing so hard you can hear it i should have listened to it next time christine over there was oh my god no all right so i went over there to go do the o2 but i'm asking about it i was on that left side which i and then i left y'all to go do and christine is clear and i know i'm clear it's between dwayne and lafayette that's what i want to know just skip i know i'm playing because i know i ain't the killer no i'm a skipper i'm a skip but we can still trust i know i'm clear because i just listen all i'm saying is all right i'm gonna skip two but we have 20 seconds right no i'm running with y'all nope i'm running i gotta go they this duane i'm putting my vote and now you go too early stupid tell me it's the win you can't vote yet i don't know what else you want me to tell you to do because i know christina himself and now duane [Music] game over game oh trying that oh made himself himself brother okay i was standing right next to you and christine but the report button was popping up but nobody was around so that's not good i kept shouting i had asteroids because i have one i got to finish asteroids i don't know so far lafayette was on asteroids yeah i don't know where he was i had samples oh so there's i'm just scared poor black on me i don't know what happened i was gonna upload don't talk about that round bruh take a snippet of that eagle complaining like that and put it on twitter i'm not tagging anybody that's worse than balcony bro what's up what's up what's up with this round go ahead that's what's in your balcony i know on that [Music] are we doing boundaries nobody do not kill me do not kill me you [Music] oh no i want no parts let me know jess i'm not doing oh my god i'm not doing anything i'm not even a killer why are we so scared of me i even do nothing all right let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go i'm not going down there i'm going to over here okay so i'm going to squat yeah you can't kill that hmm i'm here okay i'm in my basement let's see okay hurry up jazz [Music] nobody's gonna go do it or i think they will no let's see okay ego's going to it okay ego all of them are together charlie's just sitting in front of the cam hmm okay okay they all came out all right but let me go to electrical okay i'll let me take a reactor i react your stuff hmm well i got i got upper engine i ain't saying a word to them because as soon as i be in groups i die sorry uh uh let me go around and go around this way okay nobody's there nobody's there nobody's dead over there nobody's dead over there okay cool oh there we go okay i got no more no i got no more pass i'm done i thought you couldn't trust me so why are you following me i still don't but if i got it hey uh lafayette's with shabba over in in navigation i'm not going to i'm not going to let you know i'm standing on something i think okay there you go i'm like i hear y'all nah back up yo yeah i'm not running with you oh yeah that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying no last time you said that no no but i'm not impossible this time so yeah i can't trust you i don't know huh see truce john you better not say that and mark my next god i'm not gonna do it um okay i haven't seen chef lafayette and chef been rolling together christine been moving hot and stuff too everybody is a suspect to me everyone i'm done i'm done so everybody's a suspect to me right now what's the camp looking like chef and lafayette rolling together [Music] what happens for your ego taking a long time so i was like wait why we got what you got to do because because dwight dwayne and jazz are done too so we were i was going to get in the done group with us [Laughter] getting it done that's where we all gonna hang out wait why did you press the button are you mad that we're all hanging out oh [ __ ] i'm personally not even trying to stay next to nobody because i don't trust no one okay and that's why i was like bro hey you guys i only know what i'm trusting at this point yeah i know i haven't damn they didn't kill nobody wait wait he's sorry i got no more times to the next game i got one more left i'm just getting vote let's get started i got one left you got one right here for that lower engine there's a long way wait how many how many people got how many people finished the shot slash i did the gas last put the top and then the bottom and i'm done i already did all my that was my paper trail i had two in there i got one [Music] to kill me so i don't know i'm still alive the fact that i'm still alive near her i can't believe that i got one i don't know what's happening guys i'm going to electrical electrical i'm going to security i'm i'm i'm watching y'all i'm keeping tabs i'm keeping tabs on y'all [Music] so it was christine christine and who doing life i'm like no that's too easy i can't kind of do the reactor when you kill your life assassin i was trying to kill him no no chris whenever running into groups you don't want lights they're just going to run in groups of lights that's why you direct her all right just go ahead let's start the next one y'all cannot kill again i cannot hear you say that i'm like i'm like stuck in the lights i could not hear that you gotta say or text me i know i was trying to i was trying to whisper it uh is all right here we go okay i don't have it no i don't have med bay garage i don't have a barbecue please don't kill me i said it don't kill me either um [Music] my [ __ ] just went out hold on i can hear you guys my obs keeps disconnecting yeah yeah uh yes i was afk i did see chef by the table i was afk okay i only saw me uh christine and lady likes that's all i saw right we were in the cafeteria we haven't left the cafeteria i was in i just got the columns i didn't see nobody can y'all hear me hello can y'all hear me wait a minute i can't hear nobody i can't hear anybody i cannot hear nobody in crewlink i can't hear anyone okay let me get out of crew link and then go back i can't hear no one hold on i can't hear y'all oh shoot hold on let me x out of crew link and then let me open it back up this damn crew link always makes everything bug out every time every time i use this [ __ ] every time every time every time i hear use this i can never hear nobody i don't know i i guess i'm just going to play this game silent because i can't i can't hear no one i can't hear nobody at all i'm going discord so they can hear me hold on yeah i can't hear y'all and crew link i can't hear nobody at all so unless y'all type it in or y'all put it in or unmute yourself and discord i can't hear [ __ ] i can't hear you i have to use discord because this software yeah i worked that great i can't this currently basically for what i'm talking about i'm like i legit can't hear no one i can't hear anybody put these lights back on shoot okay lights back on flex all right good all right i guess we just gonna be talking through discord because i can't hear not a soul yeah am i on this yeah i'm on the square right now yeah it's only it's me he said he's she said only are you the killer the answer is no answer will always be no uh trying to see who by themselves that's what i'm trying to get y'all i'm trying to get somebody by themselves let's see oopsies i said hope your new year was great jazz keep killing it thank you y'all i am trying to okay i'm trying to everybody's staying in group so i'm trying to find a way for me to get done with this let me go down let me get away from christine because they saw me with christine last oh okay all right y'all if y'all got any information please say in discord because i can't hear y'all and crew link all right so far our bodies are electrical okay i am not over there i was just an admin if anybody wants to know i'm near by the way and i came into admin from the cafeteria area so i didn't come from down in storage the control art thing doesn't work every time they have an update near was it navigation with the lasers yeah cause you and ego did the top uh reactor yeah wait no not the top reactor i wasn't at the top reactor yeah you gotta use discord christine yeah if anyone's giving information i can't okay um after o2 went off i went to i was or i was in the bottom with dwayne and dwayne was like who christine who's that's your mama and i was like oh that's jim he's like he moving real sus then left let me go to electrical to do my task and i was in storage after i was done doing the download jazz was right there in admin in admin i left and then i uh then as i was going to electrical that's when sham called the body and he said it's an election i just came from reality i came from reactor to do the touchpad [ __ ] going to let you do my next task and the body's there mm-hmm yeah i can't really say sure who's the killer because i i've only been seeing christine's whole match hold on i was in oh too you can hear me can you hear me yeah yeah i was in o2 i had to do the leaves i left it to go back to med bay but then someone reacted uh turned off the o2 i went back the top joint and then i was going back to my med band that's when i ran into you i didn't get to go down there that's when the body was reported it's that joint with the little tubes and you pour the truck i have to go back to it wait who else is talking because i can't hear it i'm not getting no information it's just i just hear ego and him responding i can't i can only hear the people that's talking and discord i can't hear nobody else yeah all right what was the thing i'm missing out all information i don't know what's going on they don't they just they're just throwing names out randomly like they ain't saying [ __ ] they're still doing that we're just muting it are we muting up now okay we mute okay so we're muting now okay i'm like what the hell i would love to get some info sheesh i hate not being able to talk to everybody because then that makes me automatically suss like for everyone it makes me automatically suss every time that that happens okay he's right there i'm not gonna kill christine because they know that i just went up so that wouldn't be smart let me see nobody's over there nobody's over there let me go left okay let me go up up this way let me just leave the body [ __ ] christine is just sitting there for so long all right if y'all could say where the bodies that and discord that will be yeah we we closed our crew like building discord now because jazz can't hear nobody i can't hear not a soul all right so talk talk about this can't hear talking we're talking we're going over to shields and we passed sham and then we saw the body right outside of communications so i'm huge where's everybody i'm not voting fast because i didn't see hardly anyone this match i was just dipping it and dipping out the reactor where was the body where was the was it by your lady's self-report no it's not it's definitely my lady likes you you captain i don't know i don't know i'm asking you i was running around where was the body the body was outside of communications right in the hallway i was right behind ladies i came from cafeteria right about never seen the body wait where's christine where's where's everybody trying to figure out where everyone is i was doing simon says i messed up and i was literally on the last one you guys reported this body so i'm going to start going out it's lady self report bro hold on where's chef we're trying to invoke everybody no problem you already said [ __ ] trying to kill me is chef talking in in discord or no yeah let me explain let me explain i was on admin table and i've seen one person in reactor for a long time there's another person in upper engine who's in the who's in a reactor for a long time it says okay so somebody from upper engine was venting from upper engine to reactor i didn't even go in there i'm not in the vent when they on the outside appears from the screen no no no no no the admin table they went from upper engine straight to it wasn't like a disappear and then a pop-up it was right there automatically so they're in reactor right now yeah christine aren't you in there i was in i was in there and i've been in there for a long time somebody was in there for a long time yes okay but then there's another person that was upper engine and they vented at the end they vented i think it's not me yeah not me you got me you're gonna lose bro it's not me thank you [ __ ] l ain't no l here i'm too [ __ ] honest i'm too honest i should have said i was saying my last joint one last task right here okay i'm resetting that cool down well i'm on security cams if y'all wanna know where i'm at i'm cool over again here's struggling christina you still react to what the body's called i i thought it starts over i didn't realize it continues yeah you can pick it up so when i went back i was like okay i know i remember it i pressed it it's like where where where where did i get it why'd you pull it wait shabbat hit it yeah what happened he said he pressed it so that he can just resetting the thing let's just give it a run i'm skipping because i'm on security camera yeah let's just give her keep going uh we would have lost everything i bet my task loss if we didn't hit that so there's only one imposter left hopefully um i hope so [ __ ] man yo got it right she can't make himself look sucks too though sam's making you go to hell i got o2 i'll just i mean i just eagle but not that much i got 02 i'm clear oh my god's done i'm acting like i'm on damn why would he act why would he sabotage if he knows that my god oh my god all right i'm done so i'm just running okay jazz is right here yeah i'm staying away from emergency emergency button needs to quit with that emergency stuff go ahead [ __ ] get [ __ ] be done how many tests i got left we're done okay okay so we're talking to discord now yeah yeah i couldn't hear my my my thing just went down yeah it'll always be nice yeah right here i got here got it on top but yeah i got it i got it okay go to sleep girl yo who's this killer bruh it's one of those it's one of them three it's one of them three it's not it's not it's one of them three that was in electrical or in order together nobody's dead though okay everyone i was too honest every time the [ __ ] go off as soon as i die you know we can't do proximity with discord though because everybody no is is jasmine good night we're crawling hold on oh no she's not wait we're going to look again i'm trying to get it back open y'all get it back up i'm refreshing now be good hold on good hold on open it up i can't hear jazz all right i can hear y'all did you completely close the game down it's so annoying every time i'm imposter some [ __ ] [ __ ] up every time they don't want me to be great they don't want me to be great it's okay it's okay they did not want me to be great but that's all right i'll try i'll try to catch these imposters as a crewmate because that's apparently what this game wants me to be dwayne what you doing minding my business okay get away from me you killed me last time there we go let me go here bam bam bam you see if i see him i let him know lights is on whoo he do because i out of him that's why he oh [ __ ] he got out about me so now he hate me because he got out i just turned the lights nah tell him because he knows that i'm honest [Music] you somebody's echoing in my background though it might be me oh [ __ ] all right i'm looking at this okay so i guess it can't be me here y'all go here i go wait and then i was like no i'm trying to get away from you because you killed me last time somebody just said he did the lights okay yeah they're gonna catch that no he wasn't out there there was no right oh y'all are buggin tonight y'all are buggin i don't know why y'all just voted that man out for what oh my goodness they just threw the stuff on sham and then all of a sudden he's dead what wow wait they just killed champions no they just killed chefs they just voted him out i'm like charlie oh my god damn christine just trying to finish her thing okay i'm gonna go okay let's see let's see let's see let's see what they say i cannot believe that every game we play bro i get voted out like again i don't know why impossible all right let's see how is about to be they're shortest round christine what are you talking about right why is this trying to mess with them they can christine are you twerking again oh they can hear us [Music] oh i told yo y'all gotta stop bandwagoning when dwayne hold on hold on hold on let me explain because the issue was you and chef who neither were the freaking imposters but both of you guys were saying oh it's chef oh guys and then shout out it's all yeah and i said shout out to lafayette and lady lex for joining us i'm going to switch you guys [Music] and as soon as i say i'm i'm not trusting you later they made it so easy one was like you weren't there i was so happy they started arguing right there i'm just waiting for it yeah i know christine christina legit creating the whole server at this point where's the code it's taking its time i was doing it and then it was like disconnected disconnecting oh man oh giggles get them out of here that's why that's why i was like i have to do this dag-on simon says thing one more time and then they came in and murdered me i was like no i couldn't even get in the room they said i was just connected before i could even get in for some reason it says that oh you may get a new one yeah it's not let me in yeah it keeps saying i'm disconnected from the server yeah well i mean it wasn't like that you buddy you yeah yeah it wanted me here i mean you also wait again make sure his cat make sure his big bowl i'm typing it in and it keeps saying that we're disconnected even though we need yeah as you disconnected from the server uh reliable packet one that basically that code yeah yeah me too it's not letting me do it now i'm now the chat talking about hot dogs what are y'all sausages and hot dogs i blame the old bloke christine yeah yeah i can't get in yeah i don't know she sleep christine i'm mute christine christina it's not letting me do it in america so if someone else wants what do you mean it's not letting you do it in america this is america let me switch up this stuff real quick because they got some weird stuff all right hold on did y'all control arms crew link giant funeral service yeah i'm gonna [ __ ] this let's go all right all right all right we're ready i can hear it everybody got it everybody got control yeah i hit it can you okay all right yeah over here oh there we go uh i got your text let her know that um all right you gotta tell that truth don't forget no i ain't telling no more troops even when it's this way whose name is f y'all hopefully nobody kills us christy christine please hear me can you hear me christine can you hear me christine grass can you still hear me oh wait okay oh i forgot that the comms was slapping i could not talk to you i was over there like you hear me okay can you see me okay okay okay okay i can see you i can see you all right go on go ahead thank you okay charlie you got it no all right now kill me it says waiting for could not hear nobody all right right right oh geez all right i'm leaving i'm leaving all right yes i got to go to the exactly trying to kill him okay i'm just trying to make you gotta make myself look i'm who kills the trolls specimen because all of us yeah and specimen okay now now me and christine we scanned together we both confirmed each other so it's not us too charlie was coming down and trolling us and i was screaming once i saw orange uh i think i saw ego and then i think i saw red down there and shannon was down there there was somebody else that was down there i was down there with ego there was a lot of people down there and i'm scared when i left office with dwayne who's not i'm not in specimen who's not interested by me from you ego and they were i don't know i'm talking at once i got it i got it here yeah okay so you and black are not there got it now you talking about not not black or black eagle black the [ __ ] f.o yeah all right let's make sure okay okay okay so you and sham are not there now everyone else where are we all at inspiration yeah so everyone was in specimen just now other than them too i mean i know jelly bean i know christine all right and who else was in specimen minus minus pretty much all of us i confirm know i was there because i was there okay you were there talent what yeah i was i don't know who it was because i was in there screaming because i saw a whole bunch of people and then the lights went out i started screaming and i was reporting i was spamming a report button when the lights went out and then yeah he was dead and he was just with us so it's somebody down in there so i don't know i don't remember seeing pink and red though that's the thing i think yeah i didn't see them at all that was a good kill hmm yeah maybe because we're probably gonna skip cause i don't know yeah i'm skipping i ain't going nowhere yeah i don't know damn who put randy on there oh damn okay okay i see oh stressful the lights went off and i just started i was scared again where are you christine i mean i mean just okay come on i got to do the office swings i'm on the office right now all right well ego here we go i suck at this damn [ __ ] no i didn't mean that you had to do it so many times like damn like okay i'm not doing okay got you i got to go to the lab you go get the hell away from us no i'm blocking somebody [Music] we don't it's only me and you christine don't let nobody tag with us okay nobody's attacking i got boiler and communications okay okay come on okay we're doing this let's go okay yeah yeah yeah it's fantastic let's do communications down here okay gotcha gotcha the life yeah his body was in front of communications and uh weapons like that that little space it's right there but since ego's gone i don't know what to say oh wow is it possible yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait real quick i thought he was one of the kids maybe because i heard his voice when i got hurt i heard a voice when i was leaving that area and y'all were like oh my god what's happening i'm gonna stick with christine we stick with jelly i was like okay i'm getting away from both of you i was with dwayne i was saying that i'm sticking with christine because i don't like traveling in four and i'm only been sticking with christine because me and her med base again so i don't stress nobody else so that's why i'm like everybody get the [ __ ] away from me because we were when we left after the swipe black and eagle were near us and we were right we left them and then we came down to go to communications and i heard ego's voice and we saw rini's body but we didn't see ego down there well i got myself on toilet bro he's been every he's been in that area he was in that area for sure where's everybody else at okay where were you i was i was by dwayne by security and the the levels jumped back when it first came when it was off after the meeting and then i believe that because it came off very fast fixed it now and i was with uh all y'all the whole time okay where's talent where's uh i'm doing it i was like wow why are you saying that and then i realized answer this question for me if who dwayne you just said doing oh i heard about dwayne if if if you think i'm the killer then how would you see me be doing my test if you were nowhere near me how could you do i never said i was nowhere near you i said i said i saw you i said i saw you by weapons and you were down in that area you've been on the left side of the map i was doing oxygen yes you're right yes sir yes sir yes yes or no i would say no because all right yes you're right talent guests are right hold on where's ein do it because i didn't hear them either do they not have oh i can't hear them they they write it in the chat robert's been still on the media imposter let me let me check let me type it up yeah britney said it's not refreshing honestly i gotta press the chat links i don't know yeah that was earlier i typed it in the chat just in case they got something i don't know i'm shooting my shot yeah i'm skipping because it's seven and i'm i'm not sure if we got one out oh i feel like i feel like she'll say when charlie said f ego he was an imposter i can see why people probably no one trusts me anymore that might be trolling because charlie was trolling us so i don't know honestly right right okay christine boiler communications okay comes okay good let's go let's go let's go let's go oh oh oh come on come on come on we can still go we can still go this is the one i come back for so yeah i did it now we i got boilers i got boiler too i gotta go to boiler and o2 let's go okay are you here okay yes all right come down come down come down okay i'm gonna stick with you right here okay got you okay you can see me mm-hmm wheels wheels wheels okay i gotta fill canisters real quick hold on okay marco okay polo i can tell people are still alive yeah oh [ __ ] i messed up i messed up i messed up my message messed up messed up messed up i messed up not not oh [Laughter] i gotta go yeah i gotta go to the office okay are you doing the door i keep forgetting okay okay okay no no let's keep going let's not go live let's go to office i'm staying right next to you okay you're going down all right all right all right all right real real real real mercy oh yo all right all i'm going to say okay we got to vote here i went up to the top because i realized i didn't do the one at the drop ship but ready i came down because the lights were out and then i saw his body right in front of lights so who all went to like take it away sam got info take it away uh me and dwayne saw red and talent by electrical those clothes we went to go to what's the [ __ ] you see the vitals joint vitals obviously yeah dwayne what's up me and dwayne with the vitals red is dead and that was the challenge was the only bite now he reported the body i was waiting for about 10 10 50 seconds before your body was reported cause he was about to run over there i didn't see him on my way down that's the only thing that i can say i fixed well i i'm still trying to go to the lights i didn't fix him yet okay huh because me and christine been together the whole time we haven't been up yeah yeah yeah we know you're starting right white was right with red and then we we went down to check vitals to see if anybody died for the lights off and then he died when i went to go see it and he was the only person there uh is it possible but again i didn't i didn't see him when i went down there but then again the lights were out so there could be a good over there all right so we got to vote here is it about type of security there's no there's no yeah no no there's an event on top of security yeah that's right that's what you went through right okay okay no no actually i did [Laughter] hey man thank y'all vote man i did oh yeah bye that's crazy sisters instead of high sisters [Laughter] i don't say hello so bye yeah i'm gonna go damn it all right all right christine christine where are you at where are we okay where you at where are you at come here come here come here okay i gotta do this the water okay yeah i'm already in the room all right all right let me i'll go with you and then i have that outside of the office okay all right all right let's go all right wait where'd you go where'd you go okay i'm okay okay wait wait wait what all right no i just got a text and i if it's what i think it is then i'm about to cry oh my goodness oh my goodness okay what what no it's possibly good news if it's what i think it is i'm just okay well hopefully it's good news hopefully it's what i think it is yes hopefully it's good news whatever it is i'm cheering you on yeah you would have got early food okay okay okay oh yeah we got to open this i forgot let's go to the left let's go to the left let's go to the left open the door right all right let's go okay got you press impressive press press all right okay who's over there okay okay so okay communications when we got out you said you was locked in communications yeah yeah then we came out oh that's crazy yeah hey you know what you know it's funny though [Laughter] dwayne i was hoping he wasn't successful because i'm like i'll clap you over just off the last game don't forget to tell the truth okay next to uh oni and i was like when we we saw him i was like kill the smart people first and you were the smart one so i had to kill you first i didn't want you to assess me so i had to kill you he talking man [Music] um let me uh do you guys look like i hear roommates for the next one because i have um i'm gonna be right over there uh lady kaylee she was gonna play with us and then um after we'll switch one of you guys out for the other one yeah that's fine um right christine has some good news for you guys um i uh like she don't wanna speak about it right now yeah okay don't don't plant seeds charlie don't plant peas that's fine i'll come in the next one i'll try and sort out my crew link so that i can play the next lesson okay okay thank you so much oh why am i saying okay i know me too lord okay so then let me add lady kaley and then we'll add y'all christine is not pregnant okay for cursing me out after these streams you get the angry text too she called me right up bro i did she'll call me right up bro bro i'll pull up here at night it's not muted [Laughter] she has one beautiful little girl that is a child okay oh wait who took yellow oh [Laughter] real quick what i'm talking about is like literally we'd be having a conversation and this is sham we talking shame goes okay he disappears to the pantry comes back come back the wine cabinet at the top gets some liquor goes back to the he goes against three snacks no i started messing with the snacks y'all got no more bottles [Music] you i'm getting away from everybody i'm getting away from everyone right now there we go [Laughter] bam that's done let me go down here my my business my my business jazz come on not not the chat saying that charlie is pregnant now my goodness what is wrong with y'all okay hmm and go over here bam okay i gotta go to the office oh i gotta go back up the doors why didn't i do that first just get away from i gotta fix wiring i gotta fix wiring okay let me go over here oh oh wait this might be the game somebody got disconnected okay i'm going to ladies and gentlemen going to the left one all right go to the left okay charlie go [ __ ] away let me make sure she's alive okay she's still alive hey i accidentally left the game on accident but i'm in the next one though for sure okay i'm gonna be chilling right now he just left the he was saying that because i was at that side and he said he's at that side and he was like back up you go to the other side to get the reactor okay let me go over here okay i'm gonna stay with your body oh lights lights lights okay lights went off lights lights lights i don't know who to try it so that they can watch her let i'm hearing christine all over can you hear christine all over the map because i can [Music] oh okay let me go to the don't like oh oh i can't hear nobody oop all right i can't hear nobody i can't hear nobody either i pressed control r like three times the body was i pressed it too i can't hear no one i can't hear nobody but dwayne hello hello hey i'm here yeah i i'm having the same issue too i can't hear no one either i think you're the only one i can hear in cruelty yeah crew link yeah i don't even i can't hear i used to i heard everybody across the back i'm the bodies and calms when it's over comes upload comms upload okay up here nobody so i was trying to fix the chat thing and i've been with her body at nobody but um it's in the communications okay is that my girl speaker uh the closest person i saw was ego okay ego unmute and discredit i turned on i went i saw dwayne in electrical and then i went to the tree and did the little like the tree thing and then that's when the body was called the only person i saw was oni but he was we left from the wind okay skip because i ain't getting no information yeah i'm gonna skip to them the only thing we can do we leave the discord on yeah we might as well i guess though this [ __ ] ain't working like yeah the crew link is just messing up today because i can't hear nobody now right here everybody's yeah and they have my picture as i ain't do it even though i'm not him yeah voices a little bit i was hearing christine all across the map even though i wasn't there yeah me too i was here i was wearing um uh black oni throughout the whole map the whole map and nothing yeah the only person's face that's working for me in the cooling thing is duane's and that's it so we should we just turn this joint off and just play right now let's just play regular because this yeah oh i've been saying that's like day one yeah are we oh could be muting uh are we rocking out still oh i got a music i gotta do it don't kill me it is messing up everyone i cannot i'll go around here okay let me go over here let me go up oh jesus y'all leave me alone leave me alone y'all let me know okay let's go over here let's use this oh wait no no no no that one that one that one there we go we had to stop using crew link because everybody was uh everybody was getting messed up by it let's see let's get that okay could have sworn i just saw black go in there all right where's my note at okay my note is down okay i gotta go down okay black oni is right there all right please please please please please don't kill me there we go let me see let's go over here all right let me go over here and i'll be done now i gotta see a dead body i know i know somebody's dead let me see and then go back to vitals let me go back to vitals i feel like somebody's dead over there somewhere somebody somebody's dead somewhere so hold on oh no they're not oh i am i'm dead i'm dead okay all right all right i was i was doing too much investigative work i was looking at oni too because he looked kind of sus to me and now i'm dead nobody's dead but it's gonna be okay all right okay all right um christine found my body baby girl find my body yup yup yup i'm dead too mm-hmm lord oh my god i'm you gotta go all right i forgot i forgot he said targeted as well oh y'all killed everybody okay yeah they begin to smart people out me charlie and dwayne they begin all of us out there okay so yeah i okay just what i'm suspicious of i'm suspicious of black oni as one because dwayne and kaylee were at the top part of um laboratory when i went down a specimen and ego came down kaylee was still alive when ego passed um past her um i don't know about what that means for dwayne but kaylee was alive when eagle went into specimen i stayed with ego yeah cause she she was right that she passed you she was like coming down then you came past i guess she got um nervous at you and ran off but you you i stayed with you in in specimen as we continued to the left black owning was on the other side of that door eagle went to the left out of um this you know dcom in the office i went to the right to check vitals and jazza's body was right there in front of idols uh i don't think i was anywhere near vitals i saw you at the bottom wasn't it wasn't i yeah but in the office and that's why i'm suspicious of you because that's part of the office i'm not i'm not playing no fingers but the only person i've seen by dwayne was oni uh i didn't see talent i don't think i see eagle at all the last people i saw were christine and who else was with you christine was it um yeah oh there you go y'all so i saw you on the other side of that door but there's scenes on it i've been hearing the scenes on it uh then the lights went out and i started i skip vote because i don't know who okay oh crap all right i'm not sure i'm not sure if it was him if i pop up there you know who did it okay lights are still out let me see uh-huh well i don't know who the other killer is so i can't fall away from you so let me see let me see who else is the killer let me see who else is the killer okay ego just standing there let me see sham hmm could be sam i don't think it's christine so christine is definitely not one because she wouldn't have gotten oni out hmm let's see it's not christine let me see who else i can follow let me see who else i can follow okay ego maybe maybe ego maybe ego oh little baby left behind okay let me see can i check this too okay so we got black pink green and red so i know it's not pink so it could very much be any of the other ones so let's see i don't left the baby parentless you made the baby a orphan that baby is an orphan now okay eagle's gonna try to huh i feel like ego might try to kill christine i don't know i feel like he's thinking about it i don't know hmm why they chasing each other is eagle trying to press the button on christine it's eagle trying to press the button on christine i don't know okay so he's going up there let's see if anyone dies over there no okay so tyler didn't die okay okay what they doing who's that who's the other killer powerband gaming thank you for the 20s and you look at sus even when i'm dead even when i'm dead i look sus i'm trying to figure out who the next killer is what are y'all doing let's get it together y'all going to speak are y'all going to talk oh [ __ ] no we voted only out oh i didn't i didn't work for him it's tyler you took a salad because when the reactor joint went off he was up there he didn't do it he ran and i had to do it oh really so when me and ego were on the left side i was doing because i saw ego's name there and then when we came down tallit was right in the middle wait hold on i'm not going to cat whoever was on the left one yeah obviously sam do you think it's two killers left this guy i told him i was running with him when you were in we were running together in freaking specimens i got somebody christine don't ever want to run with me because i told him a couple weeks ago you never dave was on the left side obviously doing it waiting for the right side i got there you were standing there and i have to end up doing it right so why didn't you do it i was waiting for them uh if he was waiting he was still holding it all right so i'm gonna i'm gonna go christine bro i ain't gonna lie we go you are oh you know what listen to logic i know y'all voted already yeah when half the board died i could have killed you but there were so many double kills happening when me and you were in specimen so that means no it is not you because all these other people millio like millions of people died when me and you was in that sp in specimen think about it sir thank you i voted already so i ain't trying to hear that christianity oh no at the end i don't want to know bro oh my god [Music] right here the fact that talent was stumbling when sam was asking about why he wasn't doing one of them all right you wasn't exactly the most convinced you was just kind of when i said what i said oh that was the funniest room i love it did not hear that oh [Laughter] hey [Laughter] beat me on the street sorry though let's go okay what streets talent what street oh no i think it's christine why are we why are we uh causing violence what is going on there we go okay i gotta do these keys bam wait we still doing uh are we doing regular mangas now are we doing the we doing the um we're doing we're muting we're we're not we're not using regular yeah it's been messing up for everybody let me go over here let me go fix this let me go fix that bam got it okay okay i see christine there i see charlie there okay let me go down okay so charlie christina i think i saw talent up there let me go down okay oh this is a long one oh please nobody kill me please nobody kill me down here please nobody kill me down here please nobody kill me down here please no please no please no please don't please oh please don't please okay there we go so nobody [ __ ] sees this right nobody sees that man just hold up dwayne you are not oh uh oh my bad well well we know dwayne's dead now but well well what happened but so i thought he saw the killer buddy [Laughter] the lights went out i came down i heard dwayne talking saw his body and reported him that's literally all i got for y'all feel free to so where is it again wait what are you saying electrical i'm not electrical sorry uh well electrical is where the lights are okay that's me and jazz christine and somebody else was all on the right side we went from mad bait down to specimen and we got to decontamination so your left side yeah and i just wow he's and what's it around i'm thinking that it's not kaylee because it's just i'm on the reaction right now he said this man yeah so no i don't think it's i don't think it's kaylee either but wait so why don't you think it's kaley man y'all don't see this man and you were the last one and he did say this man so that doesn't make sense i'm on the reactor i'm on the left reactor yeah i'm on the left the don't take what i said literal just skip vote so yeah i want to be fair for everybody don't worry i'll say what i said i died way before i give you out i died way before he reported my body i died way before that all right literally i did not see nothing i was getting one of my objectives uh up top going back and forth between uh what was it the armor the storage room and then outside of that to keep putting the fuel in and then that's when the lights went out i went over and saw that [ __ ] go down so i don't know me yeah why are you going hold on yeah where are you guys i've been talking i ain't even going for i don't even remember where i was i [Music] okay if he goes alive for way too long it is him for sure ego don't never remember nothing and that's making himself and even if he's even if he's not the imposter it just makes him look like it because everybody recalls what they were doing but you never do like why okay let me go ahead upload everybody's in here it's kind of dangerous i could get killed right here i could get killed right here okay hold on hold on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on okay okay uh-huh huh you go you can't kill me huh you can't kill me high ego okay let me go over here let me use this hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurt let's go do this come on come on come on come on come on okay okay okay let's do this one let's do this one let's do this one yep yep yep okay okay okay okay okay let's do monitor tree let's hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up i don't like doing [ __ ] with the lights off okay okay all right oh eagles well it's not him my bad dang the task so nobody wanna nobody want to follow me huh all right come on nobody i didn't know where i didn't see you charlie until i was brought y'all like a honeymoon i kept going left right left forever i tried to get everybody to go with me because i got old too i under the water with the o2 the lights went off yeah i'm trying to get some i'm not going to write about myself now it's going to go by oh hell no it's for them downhills we all go together would be good someone back i was the one who wanted to throw the lights back on i tried to go up there but i have four people down was just alive before i passed he was working on that thing like on the other side of electrical he was fine when i passed the bodies the way the other side of electrical was that yeah like i was passing him he was working on a task i think like little pillar things i found his body and um i found oni next to the like the telescope he's right there on the telescope oh wait are you saying or ego because it's so i see those body flash up oh so yeah and ego's dead too so are both of them over there because i don't know where he goes he's orange and i saw orange come on the screen like i said oranges too yeah what you guys mean you seen them come on the screen what does that mean like something like the body or it shows like whose body was found like it shows that ego's body orange was found not only oh maybe maybe well [ __ ] maybe it was orange and i don't know i'm just letting y'all know who i've seen on my way to turn up so i thought well three people the only person i felt was jazz yeah but i was over with jelly and christine and i kept going left right left right left right i've been trying to get them how are you doing did you do that hold on where'd you say you were whatever that room was called by the bottom of the real yeah we're all down there right now yeah no i know y'all i saw sham i saw oh go into boys that's right i'm trying it how about that because i can always talk tally jelly bean and christine i did not see sham down there i saw him because i finished my water wheel then i came out and he went in to boiler room so i saw him all right not trying to assess you but i gotta ask a question is there a vent over there wow okay i got to finish o2 all right [Music] hmm trying to see who it is it got i'm thinking it might be chef honey [Music] might be chef might be kaylee might it might be any of them i don't know hmm i'm thinking chef because he just stood there why was he just standing there let me go to the left one let me go to the left one let me go to the left i'm going to that okay chef is on that one why did he hop off it okay there we go hmm let me see is anyone dead up there no okay so he left okay let's use that somebody might be dead in here somebody might be dead in here uh-huh okay yep all right okay everybody where y'all at where the bodies yeah i'm in the room where oh two is that because i was going to do it but the reaction went off so i went to reactor everybody went to the left i went to the right i did the right by myself i would go back now i go back to o2 when i get in there like two people came in so i stopped now they know let me go up so i start going up now i'm gonna just go to camp if the river is going up there somebody reported about wait charlie you just came i already know who no i don't know why i wasn't gonna go up there okay because i didn't go to reactor i was in specimen doing my life yeah i went to write everybody was left and i was behind jazz going to going towards security okay you was just behind me right yeah so because i just came on the body i don't know where it is exactly because i came in to cams because when i was outside i'm done with tasks so reactor went off yeah i'm checking each side to see if somebody's dead right and then i see the doors to electrical clothes so i'm like somebody's gonna be dead in there so i open up the door i walk into cams because i figured that somebody in camz was dead and then i walked over there i see the report button and i think that that was kaylee's body in there and i was on my way up there behind me and that's what i'm doing yeah chef jeff chef you muted oh my bad i was pressing the wrong button i was in storage doing my gas can at the end at the beginning i did the reactor on the left side and i did run down through electrical but i didn't go to cams i ran down past that ran past charlie ran past i think it was uh blue baby blue and pink and then i ran off there's no green no green and pink i'm sorry yeah like yeah my bad and then i ran up to the uh to the storage and i seen black as well and then and okay and all y'all yeah oh no i just told y'all i came out i didn't go to reactor because i was doing my last specimen i was running towards security and i was right behind jazz who got [ __ ] left i got ultimate right yeah i told you and i think when i was in storage did you guys see black leave electrical and that but that's why i was acting with that i saw it she saw him down there i'm like i don't know he's doing a test i'm saying with them yo you're dumb good i mean i did see him yeah fools okay okay hmm yeah okay all right so christine is going over there i think it might be chef yo i think it might be chef christine is going to that one i'm going to the left oh yeah i just saw him i just saw him i just saw it jason just saw him somebody please do the left one please do the left one please do the left one please do the left one please please please please please cause i'm not gonna go over there and get killed i'm not gonna go over there get killed y'all please please [ __ ] yet i saw i saw i was going to the left christine to the top right i went to the left and then i saw chef bent in front of me so i'm like oh no and then i went down because i'm going to the button i'm like yo i was going to i was like who is and just marinating and nobody nobody saw him kill me i was on the right side so that's why i was like he just stood there i'm like yo let me ask you a question though right now you're stupid if you do it again you're gonna get caught i'm letting you know that right there just bouncing it i literally said i saw him so like i don't know why nobody listens to me you would have gotten voted out yeah who was around he electrical um yes yes the same last one that i put then dwayne i was trying to figure out who your killer was and you're not real if jas is watching for me clearly i was like i already had to play jelly beans dude man waited for me to walk past him in electrical and i was like i'm not moving and he is broke [Laughter] he walked up to me and killed me and i'm like yo anybody see this i wasn't on that side so i wish i was i know watch them happen when i'm imposter this time watch them happen watch something happen lord let me move let me go down let me hit the lights let me go this way oh [ __ ] he just had to get lights he just had to get lights okay he's not moving all right let me go over this way can't kill them because they saw me go so let me see let me hit this cannot hit him okay let's see let me move there bam let me go down hit that let me go over here let me go up over let me go this way wow i i don't know why that's funny that's all i want to know because what happened so i was um i saw it unfortunately in the o2 area right then i went up to go towards electrical um i was like let me go to camps because i saw randy was doing um something in electric i think downloads or something like that right and i was in cams and i was like oh let me keep an eye on jazz and charlie for a second and then jazz straight up went from one wheel to the next killed charlie and then left and then i went down to go report the body i didn't even know that the cameras was on you know i didn't even know i saw i was thinking about not killing them but then i was like yeah these lights still not off so let me just kill him right now and when he got caught but i still don't know why it wasn't funny okay you don't want to see me i did not know [Laughter] i just [ __ ] up the other imposter i just yeah what you can other imposter i'm so i [ __ ] up i didn't know the cams were on i did not know someone said the cams weren't on someone said the cams weren't awesome how'd she see me they said the cans weren't on you just rewinded wait what so the cams were not on when i killed because i swear i did not see it or else i'm blind i don't know said they weren't on so what the [ __ ] how'd i get caught then so how how'd i get caught how'd it get caught oh then he killed dwayne oh well that's my partner i should i should be happy that he killed doing damn it damn it so i play myself but damn i'm too honest i'm too honest i'm too honest i need to start lying more i'm too honest i should have child see not everybody see now if with her saying him one question what was your path black oni this game um uh so the very beginning of the game i was gonna i should have caught hold on hold on hold on my cat is clowning my leg he's trying to think he's trying to think oh that's the first lie you brought up bro so the camera okay yeah it is true yes yes don't get her out don't worry hold on hold on time is wasting so go ahead and say what you're saying so she was definitely on campus okay someone was already dead so obviously it wasn't me okay uh and then i came to the uh security room went upstairs i was on security room up on the map what up on the north side i ran to see who's in the area my man's oni is sitting on cams that's a common thing to do is to kill somebody and go sit on cams and act like oh no but not you know when i stand in the same spot because was on the cams i'm on the hood i can't see that area on the cans why won't what if you were on the canvas and who killed him because he's right there in o2 you could i did not see who killed him the last person i saw when i was on camera okay so we have this clear is there an event there you said it was dc on [Laughter] because because if it's not an imposter then we lose we ought to lose but okay okay can you guys hear me yes yes yeah we can do that i love rennie's voice you say i don't have a poker face what face they gonna see they can't see my face i don't have to have a poker face i can't see my face i just gotta lie good but if they call if they see me on camera i don't know what else to say on that like if they see me on camera it's not much of a lie i could do because they're already gonna they already trust me naturally so if they say that they caught me on camera and 4k killing there's not much that i can really say i might as well just admit this [ __ ] like there's not really that much except for my back problems as we can crew and folding is impossible i am fooling as imposter i am say is charlie still prego oh my god charlie is not pregnant geez he is not cosmo okay look look dwayne's dwayne's uh dwayne's a little space invader uh ufo was there let's see they sitting on cam said what is my favorite drink water that's what i'll be drinking every time y'all see me stream water gotta stay hydrated i've always liked water though i've always liked water since i was a kid like i never really drank juice when i was little i always drink water and then soda it feels offered to me but like if i had the choice i'll just get the water most of the time let's see who are you gonna kill next i know it's hard i know it's hard oni i know it's hard i mess you up i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry oni i'm so sorry oni oh thank you mimi love thank you for the emote so you are amazing thank you so much for the 20 donation too i wish he could kill someone right there but i know it's hard i know it's hard for him i know it's hard for him because i fold it as impossible so he could blame this whole match on me he could blame it right on me let me go ahead and sabotage him and get him to you didn't even try my friend you didn't even try they told you sloppy tony what's that for you i messed up for it go ahead uh defend yourself my friend all i'm saying is ain't no one died so i ain't doing got here that's all i'm saying okay all right so i folded it forward let you know that uh the rest of us saw your wolf ears swipe across him and then didn't you okay did we get that o2 done did we did we did we almost i was almost done oh no so real rap though uh they added the ability like before when you killed somebody you didn't see a swipe it was just they just dropped dead oh so i think they added that as like one of the new updates okay let me go let me go outside [Laughter] let me go outside to do this disconnecting for a second hold on refresh it refresh the stream refresh stream there we go just refresh the stream y'all it's all right hmm why y'all stop why y'all trying to go back oh all right i got some suspicious suspicious [ __ ] okay oh i'll go ahead charlie go ahead before i say something all right so so me and renny we did know together i'm like no no i'm gonna forget i'm gonna stay here and do it with her so i get dumb when we get done about same time we both cut boom boom boom we have to go off eisenhower let me go to left i see you go did it cool cool christine came up the last minute i go down into the room where's curio i'm gonna go to camera christine follow him follow me i walked in that mug and she walked in there and i walked out there she walked out i'm like i don't know she wasn't gonna shoot and went there so i'm scared of [ __ ] i'm gonna just say this i'm gonna just say this because and then i'll explain this is not even pertaining to that so i went to specimen right i'm going to specimen i'm going through dcom from the office i see white and blue dark blue come out of specimen and then when i go into dcom i see that chef which is white comes back to the door for decon so i'm like somebody's dead in here ain't they i go into specimen red's body is right there so i'm voting for chef and then i'm gonna vote for kaley next because why were y'all running together coming from that way and they didn't report a body came from that way i didn't see your body listen i just did the little simon says thing and i said you didn't see chef kelly i was both walking from that area together coming out i was already walking through there though it's all right i'm voting chef i wasn't in you you were saying specimen but i was waiting for the door to open on the other side i wasn't in there so i didn't just see you walk out of specimen from d-com no you passed me walking through the uh the doors that's not going through specimen i had already been out of the area that's dcom that yeah but she's saying specimen um three bodies in specimen and then i've seen one of them disappear so then i went through the doors and it was locked i never came out of the door so then i followed kaylee and then jelly bean came from the other side of the door and then i followed i didn't follow her but i like made like a little i did do like a little about 10 seconds get away from me get away from me when the reactor went off i saw something so i went back to check pants to see who it was i want to get kaylee next they're gonna act like they don't know where they at what you mean how you walking out with the killer you don't know where you ate they're gonna try to kill me next too if i see blue i'm running if i see blue i'm running let me go up let me go here all right let me get out of there i got a node let me see let me go over here i think dwayne trusts me right now so i think that's why he's standing with me okay bam got that gotta go to electrical do my wiring uh-huh uh-huh gotta go to o2 wiring there we go i gotta go to specimen still oh wait oh i'm coming i'm coming coming to win i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming where is he going where is he going oh he's going vitals so my dad no nobody's dead okay can we go to can we go to can we go to okay he's going right there all right oh i think he's doing water tank okay can i go let's go over here that's dwayne where are you going okay come on come on let's go this way there we go [Music] all right let's go down this way i gotta do this bam bam bam bam there we go okay dwayne i'm ready when you are let's go up mm-hmm somebody's in here somebody's in here somebody's in there who is it who is it uh-huh okay okay them two sticking together but i gotta do this bam bam bam there we go come on come on come on duane okay got that done bam i'm finished okay so where you where you going oh he gotta do that let me go sit on this let me go sit on damn i can't okay well i'ma just sit on that make it look like it's just one person kinda oh yep there it goes come on now she was going crazy i'm gonna catch me at least two bodies before i go out that first one up so bad he was supposed to snatch your neck yeah i know that's why he doubled back that's why he doubled back when i was going down there give me no signals yeah thank you like coming from there no way man that was quick though she jazz caught y'all hella quick if i get off this yeah yeah let's go let's go again let's go last one that would be the last one do we do we got anybody else or no can we go i can see about because we need we need at least two more we don't that's gonna be easy claps if we i know it's too can i read your last donation i didn't know you did oh what is it can i go back i don't know if i can go back and see it charlie i'm so sorry i'm sorry i missed it i was trying to die back to back no no we good now that you can't we can only last on the l street for so long we can go yeah yeah i'm gonna get uh we're gonna get another tank too i'm gonna see i gotta get my ps5 over there if you get on ps4 you got a ps4 my hey i got that thing hard to set up or something so good i'm gonna try tomorrow all right do we got we got a time we got the next person yeah he's in here oh what up you thought it was not crewmate right you said we're not doing crewmate so you just wanted to say love give me a second to uh get the game i don't know why i thought she said get the game like like buy it let me buy it real quick he came in my chats that f lights i know we should kill black so it was funny watching watching jazz just run from one wheel to the next and then came in that just go say some prayers it's called the number one skin my goodness they warm in alaska stan g oh no but with that killed uh christine my chat was saying that on my screen the cam lights weren't on but then on yours you were definitely looking through it so that's why i didn't know the cams was on he caught your watch before you say it was like they wanted it and saw that the camera was right by the water wheel 40. whatever that is just said we make it look easy no not as impossible today yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] like baby so i was in specimen there was nobody there and i came out of specimen and black oni's body was right there i was trying to look to see if i could see if anybody was there but lady kaley just walked up [Music] haley what happened yeah exactly hey you know i heard you said i'm going to tell you where we're coming because you came from that direction too i came from specimens exactly and okay i'm gonna give you benefit of the doubt did you pass anybody whoever dark blue is and dwayne i didn't see you though [Music] all right you know what my frustration is every time every time i'm killer something something happens i can't see [ __ ] i can't hear nobody something happens every [ __ ] time i'm impossible every time nothing happens nothing [ __ ] happens every time every time me and jasmine really important question yes it's okay christine you know what was funny was that i killed t and then she started screaming i'm like oh wow so i came through the doors and i was like let me see if any if i can see who else is who is just running away because your body is right by the doors like i saw your feet through the other side so suss to do that though cause if that was me coming through and i saw you on that body then you came back and then you went back and reported i would have been like yeah but it wasn't me yeah not me it was shaman and jazz that was crazy every time something happened let's go let's go let's go okay we got 10. who's got the start button yeah come on guys started up somebody got started oh waiting for charlie i'm having a specimen damn i shouldn't did it [Music] he's not going to die you're going to kill my body right outside of admin i didn't even see what it was but it was right outside of admin it's ego the light is yeah my bad i was by storage he was killing no murder i was saying when y'all were all saying everybody got med bag i was like i don't have it so that's why i'm not there because i'm by storage so how about last time if we die we'll know that us three were clean so whoever we rolling what did it no but if it's three of us then how many people are you that actually person but if we stay together they can just keep dropping people because i think people like picked up if i stay with black only and i die you would know one of them so can the imposter the imposter can't scan right so because no no christina christine said or no charlie said waiting for me mine said waiting for christine so nice to have you in there okay just making sure that no one was gonna try to kill me [Music] [Laughter] it's white [Music] i just came out of decontamination i was running with sham i had went down uh [Music] [Music] oh yeah um [Music] i don't have any idea who it is yeah yeah he was just with me he was just with me she left me chris where are you where is he with you hold on where was she with you and admit he was doing the car swipe joint together no but after that she ran out so all right and then randy came in hold on i was at the outside tempe temperature yep i saw you and then i walked in eagle whatever and i went down to specimen so how was it me i haven't talked to you where's the body it's the question it's right outside no it's right outside the office like between the office and storage you know like me it's not okay yeah i saw her on camera yeah i saw her i saw her camera oh no and i saw you run past but you just wait you saw bringing your camera yeah i saw her i saw her on the temperature yeah she was on the temperature because so who else was open literally i'm scanning my card so i'm like okay i'm gonna scan my card she ran past me as i'm going to office and i'm like t come back and she's like what then yup i heard it and i saw that her body was there but i ran around a little bit who else was there but i don't i didn't see anybody else oh so if ego was there you see madman he said he was an admin i didn't go in admit i didn't see ego hold on where was everybody [Music] i'm at the very bottom of the map on weapons doing the pew pews so you downstairs i meant i was stairs all right who was in comms shame okay hmm but i thought she was eager right you were the first round fool yeah that was the first one oh huh you gotta be trying it yo jam high and christine where was you coming from before you got over there where was you coming from i was coming from electricals when everybody was like oh electrical electrical crazy that whole thing yeah i turned the lights on so yeah and then i i ran out right outside of office before it was right up yeah but north of the office we got five seconds y'all what everybody doing i skipped i voted ego man [Music] [Music] body charlie where are you at let me stop you ain't tapping y'all y'all better know he ain't capping y'all better know he ain't capping okay ready hit the nose hit the middle coming out there you go i'm coming out yeah okay uh-oh is the cooldown for killing like mad quick no it just depends on certain stuff like i i'm gonna talk about it okay [Music] where are you i'm all i'm saying is never mind i'm gonna say it afterwards i'm on cams up someone tried to lock me in i'm trying to find them i'm gonna swipe my personal click i'm sorry i'll find your body later okay yeah i died [Laughter] so charlie died huh why he talking to someone right i thought we were talking no when you're dead you know i thought you were still alive charlie okay so what was the ball the body is right and the other side of decon when you're in the office you go down that door to go to specimen oh and it's what's it wait [Laughter] harlow be quiet harlow okay josh what is it what's it you with with charlie josh no he said that he was on his way to specimen i said i'm coming out because i wasn't over there anymore i saw that man passed by me uh by communications i'm by christine i'm saying that i passed christine i went up to cam sat on cams looked around got off camps came out of electrical but then electrical had the little door locked so then i unlocked that and then that's when the body was supported so all right so renny and sham where y'all y'all at i just did i'll go ready oh sorry so i went to specimen literally at the beginning of the round i did my download and the one to ten went up to lab med bay then i did my uh nold outside storage and then came back and did my node and that's when the body was how'd you do your other node at um what other mode i did the one node outside storage that was it and the other part i know you only did one left of it you only did one note i did the maze and then i did my node oh yeah two parts the computer saying the two parts yeah the node in lab you know when you click the button okay yeah okay she got it he was trying to get he's trying to capture this one wait where yeah down below i was doing the water jug and when you saw me i was going to the uh other jug and meeting area did you just leave that jug or no i left christina said you got locked somewhere that's when i was leaving that jug and then i saw a black cast me by that area yeah i went to that i went to the i went to i only remember seeing christina too oh we got 10 seconds [Laughter] yo and you'll see that's why that's my name right now y'all will really kill me i got my redemption it was funny because charlie came he ran charlie just randomly said he was going to stick with me a specimen right so i was like [ __ ] all right sounds good i was about to be like i gotta marinate now but then but then me and renny was in specimen so i was like okay hold on hold on and then i then rio's trying to come out a specimen killed charlie right there at the door but then black oni saw it on the door so as soon as the door opened i was like button that way [Laughter] all right is so annoying yeah down there good job oh my gosh she was like um there's two parts to the node when that's crazy there is two parts she was saying correctly i did one i was like wait a minute you was trying to catch her up but she was saying everything correct that's why i was like yeah that was it that's how i asked her twice what part was the second part and then i said he was like oh because because sometimes i don't even go right to the secret i do the first part and go do other missions let me vote for sam and then they ended up i hope you guys had a great night all right so i'll see you guys later
Channel: JazzyGuns
Views: 254,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us livestream, live, livestream, jazzyguns, jazzyguns among us, proximity chat, 2020, funny, hilarious
Id: k17REhKzcQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 47sec (11027 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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