What You Need To Know To Get Your CCW!

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housing them everybody my name is anthon Brenda I'm a licensed and practicing attorney in the state of California and in this video we will be covering California CCW laws so my goal for this video is to give you guys some foundational knowledge on California CCW laws the process the application what is good cause some general rules that apply to California CCW laws there will be some foundational general rules but there are also going to be some caveats along the way that I will address so quickly let's talk about carrying a concealed firearm generally in California it is illegal for you to carry either a loaded or unloaded firearm whether concealed or open you are permitted to carry a firearm concealed if you have been given a California CCW permit and a permit to carry concealed can be granted to an individual either by your local County Sheriff or by your local police chief in California's eyes and a lot of these law enforcement agencies eyes it is not a right for you to be able to carry a firearm concealed instead they considered it to be a privilege and so there are three main elements for you being able to receive your CCW permit in California so the first element is that you have to have a good moral character and so the second element is good cause must exist for you to be issue the permit third you must meet the residency requirements of either the county or city in which you are applying for and fourth you must have completed the appropriate firearms training and so let's break down each of these requirements first we're gonna look at your good moral character so what does it mean for you to have a good moral character first there are some general knows for when someone will not be issued a CCW so those are the easiest ones to look at so first you can't be a person who's been convicted of a felony if you've been convicted of a felony you will not be granted two CCW if you are addicted to any narcotics drugs anything of that nature you will not be granted a CCW if you've lost your gun rights due to a domestic violence conviction you will not be granted a CCW and also if you've been dying with some serious mental illness you will not be granted to CGW so those are general knows when you will not meet that good moral character requirement and off the bat if you fall under any of those categories it will be an easy way for the sheriff or your local PD to not issue a CCW there are also some other considerations that go into good moral character if you have a lot of duis on your record potentially even if you've had a lot of arrests in your recent record things of that nature might prohibit you from not meeting that good moral character requirement and therefore you will be not denied your CCW so generally it's probably going to be easy for you to meet your good moral character requirement because a lot of you who are applying for your CCW are lawful citizens you lawfully want to possess and carry your firearm so you're not gonna have a whole lot of issue with the good moral character requirement another element that is easy to prove is the residency requirement so a lot of you aren't going to have issues meeting the residency requirement because you are going to be applying for the county or city in which you reside and I know for me in order to prove that I reside within the county in which I applied for its I had to you know generally give them I think my my ID and some other proof of Retton season to prove that I lived in the county in which I was applying so every county is different I'm sure that they have some paperwork requirement but that element is generally easy to meet the element that a lot of you will have some issue meeting depending on the county or city and what you live in is going to be proving that good cause exists for you to be issued the CCW permit and so we're gonna spend a bulk of our time looking at this good cause requirement that is placed on individuals applying for a CCW so good cause let's look at generally what good cause is considered in California so good cause generally has been meant to mean that there's a clear and present danger that exists for you or someone in your media family and that carrying a concealed weapon will be able to mitigate that danger and so the issue with good cause in California specifically is that a lot of counties vary based on the degree of good cause in which they require so in a scale you have some counties that are very easy to meet the good cause requirement generally these counties or cities will only require that you indicate you want your CCW permit for self-defense or for the protection of yourself or someone else it's very easy to meet it and with a well-written application you can easily meet this requirement and a lot of the times you won't have in these counties you won't have a whole lot of pushback from the local law enforcement for the good cause on which you put on your paperwork what you'll see is they varying degrees you have a dark green which is super easy to meet your good cause your good cause requirement and then it goes all the way down to a dark red which it means almost impossible for you to meet their good cause requirement essentially you probably have to have some sort of in with the local law enforcement with the local County Sheriff you must be some sort of a magistrate you must be some sort of political figure or something of that nature to overcome the overwhelming good cause that they require for their County and so I recommend that you look at the map determine what type of county you're in and then tailor your application accordingly to what type of good cause is required so for example some of these counties that are yellow or bright red you may have to indicate that you need a concealed weapons permit or a CCW to protect yourself because you're carrying large sums of money valuable objects things of that nature you might have to indicate some sort of threat to your life and therefore you required or you should be able to carry a concealed firearm to protect yourself because you have an immediate threat or immediate danger on your life something of that nature so if you are in a county that is green dark green maybe even yellow you have more likelihood of issued your CCW print so for example I actually live in a green bright green County and be sheriff in which I applied for my CCW they really don't require a whole lot of good cause I went ahead and said not only self-defense but as an attorney I deal with different criminals I do some defense work things of that nature and so there might be individuals who have been detta against me something of that nature I wrote in my application and so and it was found to be enough good cause to be issued my CCW permit so it's always better to be safe than sorry I would say just because you're in a Greene County don't just say self-defense in the box and then just chalk it up as you shoot your CCW permit it's always better to be more specific so if you have a better rationale to be issued your CCW I would recommend go ahead and put that in your application you can still cite self-defense so cite the self-defense like I did and then add something else also that heightens the good cause of and the requirement for why you should be granted your CCW so now assuming that you have good moral character assuming that you meet the residency requirement assuming that you have the appropriate good cause required by your county or your local PD before your easy to do CCW you must meet the firearms training requirements placed on you by either your County Sheriff or your local PD and these training requirements were mandated by a b210 3 and this placed a specific training hour amount that California residents must meet to be issued their CCW permits so for my training course it was broken down to two days for our sessions the first four hours we came in before we even hit the classroom we were required to do a course of fire as mandated by our county so this is another caveat every county has different course of fire requirements so for example my county I had to shoot at three five and seven yards I had to shoot I believe a total of fifteen rounds and they only required that you actually hit 50 percent of your rounds within the SI zone of the targets at three five and seven and so the course of fire requirement you must actually qualify at least in my County you have to qualify with all the firearms that you want on your CCW permit for my County we could have up to ten firearms on your permit and every time you want to put a firearm on your permit you have to qualify with that firearm so that's just something to keep in mind make sure you're proficient with every firearm you want on your permit and just keep in mind that when you go in that day be prepared to qualify for with all the firearms that you want to have on your permit so after we finished the course of fire and we got the little checkoff on our application whatever it was we went to the classroom and we sat there for four hours as they showed a slide shows as they talked to a bunch of nonsense some very basics about firearms and then we went home came back the next day who was ranked and repeat with the second day it was only new applicants because the renewals in my area are only required to do four hours and so in the second session it was only new applicants and we sat there for another four hours when we were done they signed out for our certificates and we were on our way and so for my training course or training session for the eight hours I think it was 120 dollars something like that it was not cheap I think when all was said and done for me applying for my CCW I was upwards of like three hundred and fifty dollars maybe even four hundred dollars before it was done so California does not make it easy for you it does not make it cheap for you they are trying to do everything they can to make it prohibitive so let's look at the application process generally so when applying for your CCW you have to do a paper application and these are fairly uniform in California it's just a uniform application that you fill out and you submit to your local law enforcement agency that you're applying for and the cost can vary anywhere between 100 to 200 dollars mine was on the higher end I think it was like 180 for me to even just put in my paper application and then after your paper application is approved I went ahead and did my training session in between I had this certificate I went ahead and scanned it to them so they had my certificate signed off with the firearms that I was going to have on my application and so the next part of that application process is you're gonna have to set up an interview with the local law enforcement agency whether the sheriff or the local PD and what you're trying to get your CCW permit from and again the interview process is going to vary depending on how prohibitive the county or the city and what you reside is so for example my interview process was no big deal at all I walked into my local sheriff I said I have an appointment I filled out a paper that had three or four questions gave it back to the lady sat down five minutes later a deputy came out he asked me three questions he asked me in the last like 90 days Evan dummy drugs I said no he said have I had me diagnosis of mental illness I said no he asked if I had never been convicted of a felony I said no and that was pretty much it that was the extent of my interview he went ahead and signed off on it the lady pulled me into their office we did my fingerprint so during your interview process you were going to be fingerprinted for your background check you pay another fee I believe that was $80.00 for the background check at that time I took my picture for my CCW so even in a county that I'm in that is fairly pro-second amendment it still took me upwards of 90 days to get the call back that I hadn't been granted my CCW permit this is again going to vary depending on what county you're in some counties are gonna be faster some counties are gonna be slower it's just all depends on your law enforcement agency also how quickly they can get your paperwork so I have one more miscellaneous thing I kind of want to talk about and I've seen a lot in the comments sections a lot of you have been asking on various videos I've done and that is are you allowed to carry what California considers large capacity magazines with your CCW and so in a very law school manner I'm going to say it depends and it depends on the county in which you're in there is not a whole lot of state guidance on this so it's gonna come down to what your local law enforcement agency which you are granted your CCW from mandates so if they mandate that you can carry only up to ten rounds in your CCW then you can only carry up to ten rounds in your CCW since your local law enforcement agency has been granted all the discretionary authority from the they get to dictate how and in which manner you carry your firearm I agree this is ridiculous that they shouldn't be allowed to do that but that is just the way the state of California operates so this is something you're gonna have to look at I would recommend calling your issuing law enforcement agency or check their websites if they do have something it's likely they are going to expressly state that they have some sort of restriction so one of the last things will kind of address is whether California has reciprocity within the other states some states do recognize California CCW and I'll put a link down the details that will show those states that do recognize California CCW permit but California does not recognize any other states ECW's so if you're coming to California and you have a CCW permit for example in Texas just because you have a Texas CCW does not mean you can carry a weapon concealed in California California does not recognize that CCW thank you to everybody who has subscribed to the channel we're pushing quickly up to 8000 subscribers I never thought that you guys would enjoy these videos as much as if you have and it's really motivated me to keep making these videos to get information out to you guys and to can you continually push the second amendment issue in California the best way to support the channel and support me and the videos I'm putting out is to join the patreon big thank you to all of you who have already joined the patreon your support means a lot to me another way you can support the channel is using the affiliate links down in the details these are various affiliates either Amazon affiliates like Brownells affiliates things of that nature another way you can support the channel is using the affiliate link down in the details - vigilant humble they are a clothing company they support our veterans they support our law enforcement officers and so they're an awesome company they have 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Channel: Armed Scholar
Views: 44,113
Rating: 4.9503999 out of 5
Keywords: California ccw, concealed carry in california, ca ccw qualification test, ca ccw laws, california good cause concealed carry, california good cause ccw, how to get ccw in california, california concealed carry laws, california concealed carry process, california ccw 2020, ca ccw permit, california ccw permit, california ccw, california ccw requirements, california ccw reciprocity, ca ccw application, ccw in ca, california ccw laws, good cause for ccw in california
Id: iOsDzNiz5Yg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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