WHAT YOU ACTUALLY NEED *and don’t* FOR BABY | Baby Essentials & Products I Regret Buying 2024

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I remember building my baby registry and just being so overwhelmed by how many products there were out there especially I was a firsttime parent everything is marketed that you need this you have to have this it was so easy to buy so much stuff I knew I didn't want to have a ton of stuff for my baby I knew I didn't want to have a house full of baby items everywhere but it really makes it seem like you have to in today's video I wanted to share baby products that we personally actually use love and also some things that I regret buying helps you only I I also have this probably not the tank love this diaper bad my son is 6 months old so obviously these things vary from when he was a newborn I will share some of our newborn favorites but spoiler alert I really don't think newborn babies need that much stuff they really just want you and instead of just sitting down and showing a bunch of stuff I'm going to take you throughout our day that way I can actually show you oh we really do use this every day obviously every baby is so different just because something works for my baby doesn't mean it's going to work for your baby you might use something that I say I regret I do think that there's an extent to where you have to try things figure out your baby see what works for them but I still want this video to be helpful and I'll have everything linked down below if you just want to skip there I'll have everything categorized there let's just start things off with the most important thing you will be buying over and over and over again diapers now people have very strong opinions on diapers we personally love the codery diapers I will say that they are definitely pricier but these diapers are so soft they are just so smooth I believe they are non-toxic or at least made with better materials I am not sponsored and I don't make money from this but I do have the code read2 if you want to get a little discount on them too but I will say if you're going to buy one thing from codery the wipes are definitely where it's at because they are thick anytime I use any other wipe I just go through so many because they're so thin and I love C because I don't know if you can tell but these are thick Wipes we never used a wipe warmer or anything like that when he was a newborn because I didn't want him to get used to having warm wipes and they never really seem to bother him in the middle of the night but I will say we have this Ubie weighted container and this is really nice for just pulling the wipes out I will share the body stuff that we use on him after his bath cuz that's when we use lotion diaper paste all that stuff but these are the PJs he has on right now love these PJs these are from Old Navy they're great price these are 3 to 6 months he's a big baby and they still fit him really well they definitely have a good stretch to them so soft I know a lot of people like the bamboo sleepers but I prefer cotton or just a different material than bamboo because when I put lotion on him it's hard to put the bamboo ones on these ones are also my favorite these are the cloud Island brand from Target so soft I still love double zip sleepers if you have a newborn only buy double zip sleepers it makes such a difference for those middle of the night diaper changes trust me share some clothing favorites later I usually keep him in PJs in the morning I also almost always have him in one of these muslin bibs because he does have reflex he's growing out of it right now but especially when he was younger just spit up so so much we also have the Ubie diaper pail I really like this because you can use normal bags with it you don't have to buy special bags which is great but I will say there is still a slight scent I've cleaned this so many times I've deep cleaned it are all diaper pales just bound to stink probably give this a six seven out of 10 I also have this karoo changing pad this is also pretty pricey I will say but I love this it's so comfortable for him it's so easy to clean it looks really nice in our changing station which I will say some people don't really care to have a whole changing station but I love this you know saves my back to not having to bend down all the time did a whole nesting video on the setup if you want to watch that and I will just say the drawers are a chaotic mess they're nowhere near as organized as they used to be but having everything right here is just really really nice we bottle feed and for us our favorite bottles are the Dr Brown's bottles but I will say that he pretty much took basically any bottle he was really good about taking a bottle from the start which I'm very thankful for because I didn't breastfeed very long I've shared in a couple videos about that Journey if you want to watch that I think even if you are planning on breastfeeding it's nice to have just a couple bottles on hand does kind of take some time to figure out which one your baby likes I know they have some sampler kits that you can buy where you can try out a few and then just order order the actual bottles that your baby prefers these can be a pain to wash but we do have the baby breta bottle washer Pro I love that thing I will say I think it's worth every penny it makes it so easy it washes dries sterilizes if you're exclusively pumping I imagine that this would be really great too and within his bottles I add the biog Gaia I think I'm saying that right probiotic we really like that one we've been doing that since he was a little little baby I'll try to share when it came to breastfeeding some of my breastfeeding favorites was very shortlived but the things I was happy I had on hand one the silverettes those are great for healing when you're starting off breastfeeding it can just be kind of different to get used to I really liked having the Medela hand pump pumping can be kind of intimidating to get used to from the start but that was just so easy to use such a great intro pump before using something like the Spectra or any of the wearable pumps and I'd also recommend getting sized by a lactation consultant for the specific flanges for your pump cuz that makes such a big difference difference when you're pumping I also really liked the nursing bras that you could just fold over I can't really demonstrate with my hands right now I'll link my favorite ones down below but those are always really comfy for me we are going for a morning walk my favorite carrier to use hands down is the Arty poop carrier now is this expensive yes is this the thing that I have probably used the most second to diapers yes for us it has been worth every penny it is so comfortable it was always the easiest for me to put on I will say you can't really use this when they're small I believe I started using this when he was 2 months old even it is just so comfortable and especially when your baby is bigger I find that it has just gotten comfier the bigger that he's gotten which is hard to find in a carrier when he was a little little peanut I would use the suly baby wrap I really liked that but besides that this is the only other one that I have really used I also bought this with my own money I know that a lot of people have sent these and I know you're not supposed to do footy pajamas with these but I always make sure that he has room the amount of walks that I go on now especially when he was a newborn it was my favorite thing to do to get out of the house so find a carrier that you like it might not be this one but make sure you find one that's comfy that fits right it'll be a game changer I will let you guys know some of our favorite play items here in a bit but I just want to say one of the best resources to have when you have a baby that also happens to be free The Great Outdoors I can't even tell you how much time we spend outside going on walks sitting in the grass the other day I met at one of our neighbors and he asked me are you the one who's always sitting in the grass with your baby and I was like yes my baby likes spending time outside more than any toy more than anything that I could purchase we switch it up sometimes we'll go to the park we looked at the Ducks yesterday just said out a blanket especially if you have a newborn that maybe has colic who reflux might have digestion issues any of those things I know that that can take a toll on you and one thing that really saved me was just spending so much time outside even healing for yourself postpartum it is one of God's greatest gifts The Great Outdoors and I'm so thankful for it when it comes to sleep sacks I think that every baby's so different swaddles some babies really like certain ones that other babies do not like when he was a newborn he loved to sleep with the love to dream swaddle this is actually the transition one which is nice cuz you can zip off the sleeves when they start rolling but essentially their arms are just up like this he loved that one he didn't really have a favorite swaddle other than that the Halo ones I wasn't a huge fan of because the velcro always wake him up at night when I would do them but I feel like he just kind of used that one from the start and it was nice cuz it was super easy to transition him into just a standard sleep sack this is just a random one I got off Amazon he's sleeping in now it's a heavier tog because for some reason his room gets so chilly no matter what we change the thermostat to and so that's the right thickness for the temperature that it is in here we use the nanet baby monitor and I really like it it is a Wi-Fi monitor which I know some people are not a huge fan of I like we can use it on our iPad or phone if someone's watching it and I'm out of the house it's kind of nice just being able to like pop on and see them but I am thinking of switching to one that's both Wi-Fi and not Wi-Fi related so we'll see which one I end up liking and then our crib is from baby Leto I really like this crib it's worked really great for us it comes in a lot of different shades the mattress is the Newton mattress I really like this one too because it's fully breathable makes me feel good whenever he's starting to roll and everything we also have the hatch sound machine and I really like that I used that so much when he was a newborn I like that you can change all the colors on it I don't think you have to have that one it's pricey but it has been good for us I know it'll last we do use pacifiers with him especially when he falls asleep I like to use them when he was younger it was really hard for him to actually keep it in his mouth so he wasn't a huge fan of them and even now we don't use them all the time but every now and then I like to have them and the ones that he liked the most especially is a newborn these little M ones I like that they also were glow-in-the-dark it makes it so nice whenever you're putting them to sleep you can see it in the dark now he does take the bib ones and those are the cutest so I'm kind of happy about that while he's down let's talk about some regrets this first one is one that so many people love and I will say this is probably just super baby dependent that is my snuggle me now this is pretty expensive for what it is this is a lounger they're not really meant to sleep in this overnight or anything but if you're just chilling on the couch or something you set your baby in here when I tell you that I could not set my child down for the first month of his life this may have been because he did have reflux and so it was pretty uncomfortable for him anything like this any kind of lounger anything that I would just set him down in he was not a huge fan of and this is pretty expensive so I'm still going to have this for the next baby I did get it when it was on sale but I think I probably could have gotten something that was a little bit cheaper than this he was never a fan of sleeping in any bassinet like anything I tried he just did not love to sleep there I wish I would have gotten one that I could swivel into the bed when it came to my phys physical recovery I had a pretty simple recovery but I think that having something swiveling into the bed would be more comfortable now this is kind of mixed I don't necessarily regret this but that is just having a diaper bag some sort of backpack something that's designated as the diaper bag now I mixed on this because I am bottle feeding it is nice to have a lot of space if I'm packing a bunch of bottles to out for the day I can't just throw things into a little purse but if I'm just heading out the door for some errands I don't like to bring a giant giant diaper bag I would much prefer just to pack some wipes pack some diapers and just throwing it in a changing pad I do love having a portable changing pad amount of times I've gone places and they don't have a changing table is ridiculous it's crazy to me that we always have to change our baby diapers on the floor and so I like to have this because it just makes it a little bit better of an experience for your baby but I do really like this one from dagne do especially because it is waterproof and I have spilt bottles or just liquid that's in here but I will say that I really only use this for big day trips out versus if I'm just running errands I just throw things into a tote bag up from our nap I'm putting him in clothes for the day so I figured I could share some of my favorite stories some of our favorite outfits I am a huge fan especially right now while it's warmer these I think they're called bubble teas this one's a tank so cute I got these from the cat and Jack line at Target thought it was going to be someone who put my baby in all these really cute outfits and every now and then I do but for the most part yes he goes through so many outfits that I just don't like to do anything crazy and he also just likes being in his diaper a lot of the time too that's so normal for babies so I also have a ton of Amazon favorites you can check those out on my storefront but I have some of his nicer clothes hanging up but a lot of those I've thrifted to I love going to Once Upon a Child they have great finds for baby stuff we're going to do this cute little bubble outfit I regret buying any socks or mittens we hardly ever use those because I'm pretty sure it's better for babies to have access to their hands to their feet so when he was a newborn I basically always had his hands out let's talk toys play items this was the area that I wanted to try to be as minimal as possible because I really do just try to use everyday things as toys for him I do think it's good to have some certain things for his development and growth and for that we have a kiwico panic crate subscription where essentially you get a few different items every couple of months love that it helps kind of keep our supply more minimal but specifically for his age group and that is kind of the only thing I use for buying toys we have a few different things too that I have added on I do have a code for kiwi Co if you want to check it out this isn't sponsored or anything but this is one of his recent toys that he loves also just beautiful to look at I think having some sort of playm is great where you can set them down and having it in an area where you are kind of getting things done too I love having it near a kitchen so if I'm unloading the dishwasher cooking food food you can just chill play on here crinkle books love having lots of crinkle books you have the Fisher priz piano mat which of course is not aesthetic not cute but the babies love it I got to say especially now that he's sitting up it's nice that he can sit up and play with the keys he loves that one too so that one's in our front living room it's kind of nice to have two different ones not necessary but I did recently get this box with a bunch of different wooden elements that he can play with for when he's sitting up and I'll also say we have so any of these Muslim burp cloths all around the house very necessary I would just stock up on a few packs of these because they come in handy we also read quite a few books with him and so I like having a bunch here in the living room our front living room and his room it makes it easy to always have books to read because that's something that was really important to us was just to prioritize reading with him do have a couple of containers that we like this one I'm mixed on because he was never a huge fan of this when he was really young this is the baby born bouncer I actually got this on Facebook Marketplace because it is pretty expensive I think for what it is I don't use it all the time but it is nice if I'm home alone when I'm trying to cook I can set him in here and just bounce it and as he gets older I think he'll actually learn that he can bounce it himself so probably not something I would buy full price for me but I know a lot of people love this too so I think it just depends on your baby and realistically this mostly lives in our bathroom because I use it when I need to set him down to go to the bathroom take a shower we also have this Skip Hop this was a gift from my sister-in-law and he really likes this too I know that there's a certain age that they should really be before they're in here I think when they're sitting up properly but he really likes this thing and I just saw it real the other day where you can convert this to a table when they're older again I think that these are just really nice when you're trying to get things done I imagine if you have multiple kids and you need a place to just set your baby down I think that these totally have use we're going to go for another walk and I'm going to take the strollers I wanted to share the stroller that we have we Ed the UPA baby Vista system and I love this stroller this was a gift from my parents from our registry it has all the different seats for your baby's different ages and I tell you he lived in this bassinet stroller attachment when he was a newborn one of the only ways I could get him to sleep was walking around and so he would sleep in this and it was so comfy it's also great cuz you can transfer it inside if they fall asleep on a walk which I love now he's in the bigger seat on it which is what we're going to use for our walk I will say I wasn't a huge fan of the car seat we used the infant car seat for a while but for some reason it was always so snug on him so I wish I would have gotten a different car seat with that we also have the Duna I will probably use this later cuz we're going to run an errand do you need two strollers absolutely not but I will say this is so nice for traveling cuz it's both a car seat and a stroller we've done a couple trips now with it and it is incredible so nice when I'm out by myself just having everything in one it makes it so simple it doesn't have any storage though so that's one of the negatives about it I don't really like to keep them in there too long because I know the whole selling point is like oh you can just go from the car to the store to walking allinone I do like to baby wear in stores as much as possible cuz I think it's better for him and for the summer when we do go for walks I love this little baby hat I usually have this on him when I have the carrier on cuz the sun's more so on him versus in the stroller he's down for another nap and so I want to talk about newborn Essentials like I mentioned there is really not a ton I I don't look back and think there was really anything revolutionary that changed our experience I really do think that newborn babies just want to be held and loved and fed one of the areas I do wish I focus on before was gas relief products before I had a baby I never realized how much babies struggle with gas especially early on while they're learning how to digest food I mean just think about a baby who's never had milk and then now starting solids food before that's so different for your digestive system some of our favorite gas relief products one is just any sort of gas drops I don't remember the exact brand that we use I think little remedies is the one we used we still use those quite a bit too a little controversial is also the windy you can look it up if you don't know what it is and I know there're mixed opinions about it because some babies can get dependent on it but let me tell you I don't know what I would have done without that especially in the early days and then like I mentioned before a solid carrier that's something I would definitely spend money on and if you're breastfeeding having a really supportive breastfeeding pill pillow whatever works for you I know everyone's kind of different with those those first couple months I really was just sitting on the couch this one's for the person who always tells me that I look like a bug when I wear these sunglasses he also loves playing with this little string toy I usually just keep this in the car I also have one of these mirrors that you stick on the headrest of your car this thing is always falling off totally regret buying this let me know if you have a camera you like that better cuz I should probably try that I don't think you need a fancy mom car once you have a kid I have a Toyota Camry and to me it's perfect I've never felt the need to have a bigger car obviously if we have two kids probably we'll get a bigger car or just start using our Jeep but this one does the [Music] [Applause] [Music] job when the weather is nice I love bringing this outdoor blanket outside I ring this to the park with us it's so great this is from a brand called little unicorn and I like this because you can clean it really easily the material they don't have this print anymore but they do have a bunch of other ones but this is one of our most used items right now and I always get asked where it's [Music] from we're doing our bath right now so I figured I could share our bath products that we love we used the Angel Care bath seat I love this I know this is super popular he's used this since he was a newborn we don't have a big sink so I've always just bathed him in the bathtub sometimes I will hop in with him and bathe him especially when he was really little I would do that we have this little Freda pitcher that I use for washing his hair it has this side on it which is nice whenever you actually pour it onto them I really like the aino baby body wash I don't use soap too too often just twice a week it is getting warmer here and I find that he does just get a little bit stinkier now than he used to we do a bath every night so I don't like to you soap every single night I also have this from Freda and I use this to wash his hair too he's never had really bad cradle cap or anything and then just washcloth that is it everything that we use in the bath we keep it very minimal as he gets a little bit older I would like to get some bath toys now that he actually is playing with toys more and now we are getting ready for bed so some of our favorite bedtime products my favorite baby care products are from tubby Todd I love this brand especially this all over ointment if your baby has baby acne or eczema this stuff is great it gets rid of it so quickly I'm not sure how and this lasts me so long you really don't need a ton but I like to put lotion on him every night I also like to use the tubby tall diaper paste at night cuz he's sitting in his diaper longer than he does during the day to help prevent a diaper rush and I'm going to use the spatula it helps a lot then I just have a little wooden brush and now that he has all this hair you got to brush all his hair [Music] out time to R [Music] time to rest time to go night night [Music]
Channel: Michelle Reed
Views: 63,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelle, reed, routine, michelle reed week in my life, michelle reed getting married, michelle reed boyfriend, michelle reed fiance, Baby essentials, baby essentials 2024, products I regret buying for my baby, what you actually need for your baby, what I regret buying for baby
Id: nEnyKPiIlhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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