Newborn Baby Essentials As a Mom of Four | Minimal Must-Haves for New Parents

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hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new around here I'm CES I am 6 and a half months pregnant with my fourth baby and so today I want to talk about my newborn essential list to only having really what you need and maybe just spending money on a little bit higher quality items and a lot less of it and I know because we brought home our last baby in an RV cuz we had sold everything moved across the country and we're looking for land to build our Homestead so I had no room for anything that wasn't essential let's go ahead and jump into the basics okay so of course you're going to want some clothing need to clothe that baby our last baby we didn't know it was boy or girl so I have a lot of gendle neutral stuff I have a few brands that I really really like um you're going to want a bunch of onesies of course I feel like even if it's summer and we're inside if the air conditioning's on those brand new babies body regulation is not great I really do love having a long sleeve onesie for those first couple weeks for that 0 to 3 month stage this is super super soft um it's giz be brand I'll I'll link it down below but I really like that the hands can you know come out or you can put the Mitten on and fold it over which is so nice so I really I really like that in the beginning but mostly what you're going to want for those nighttime changes your best friend don't get the buttons get the zippers anything zipper um and you want something that I find very convenient that zips up from the bottom so when you're changing at night boom that's so convenient and so easy this is what they are going to live in I promise you get the one cute outfit the one you're like that is so adorable and I want a cute picture in it and then just get all these I think I have three for 0 to 3 months of these three of these and then the next stage cuz this one is 3 to 6 months so these would be my go-to wardrobe for like 6 months we found out when we had her she's a girl and we did find out with this one we're having another girl I ended up just buying a few bows but that's not on the essentials that's the bonus so um that kind of just like doled up her outfit a little bit and if it did get a little chilly outside and they just had the onon or something like that then we just had these little footies and we just had one pair just one pair of these they work 0 to 6 months so I really really like them and we had the same um little mittens again because my my I've had a few babies that scratch like crazy for night time but something that is a sleeper or has the open bottom so that you can just easily change what I really love about this one is really kind of cool is that it does turn like this and then you just there's one little button here so it is like a full it closes their legs in so if it was cooler and you didn't just want to leave their feet out you can just fold this up and button it there are some that tie at the bottom there are some that are just like a sleep sock but something like this where you can have access below to the quick nighttime diaper changes but still keeps them pretty warm as she got a little bit bigger and we came out of swaddling none of mine really like to swaddle with hands and this does go pretty far it's Halo SW swaddle me and then it has the two sides you drop this and then this and then it velc crows and you can wrap it nice and tight um my husband does not love trying to swaddle with the muslin blanket so this was really really nice blankets burp cloths all that good stuff okay so what do I do fourth baby you know what all you really need are Muslim blankets now if you end up wanting bre Puffs you want them separately I love these because they're long when you're nursing or feeding baby it actually covers like both sides of you I got gifted these um I don't I don't know that I would have bought them otherwise now if you're like nope minimal don't want all the other things let me just tell you just get all masom blankets this one is just so beautiful this one the quality is just so good I have four for our last baby let me tell you you can use this for everything throw it on while you're nursing use it as a cover when you're if if you're nursing if you're a nursing mom take the two ends at the top tie it around boom you're covered I'm really lazy I'll just put this right under here I don't care about covering at home but I do a little bit more now because I have 11-year-old son I have older children you're out and about it's just keeps your baby warm use it to wipe up split up get yourself two to four throw it in the wash at the end of the day use the next one now if you want a little bit warmer of a blanket if you're having a winter baby or a fall baby I do love this waffle blanket it's a little bit thicker of a blanket and so one of these was really nice I have another one that's even longer this was gifted and oh the material is just beautiful but this will go in her her bed when she's old enough this is uh also really nice to lay down on the ground since we don't have carpet now and this blanket is really really large and it's absolutely darling we have a large garden uh my sister gifted this one to me and it has you can see all all these little gardening things so darling um if you're doing a bassinet which I do have on my list for you and I will show you that in a bit you're going to want some bassinet sheets so just a few bassinet sheets I have two that came in a pack like this um and it honestly it's something I just didn't think about when I was actually getting our Basset this time around I completely spaced it and then I did two silk ones just because sometimes babies you know they'll get that kind of bald spot or like side spot depends on where they are silk is really helpful for that of course you're going to want diapers wipes I just this basket is just all I used3 or $4 just any basket you might even have one laying around we have loved obviously this is not this is now size three maybe the Y Dy PE the diaper brand and I love that I can just put them on auto order and they show up it's wonderful it really is so the wipes uh they come with a pack of wipes each time and then we had bought one bulk one at the beginning you know I just didn't want any um bleach and Dy like dyes any colors any sort of cute decoration I didn't want any of that on my baby I just wanted clean materials um I know Cod is really popular brand too we just happened to come across this one first I don't think you need a big changing pad or a changing pad table when we were in the RV we certainly didn't have a changing pad table but I was never the mom that was like let's go every time to the changing room and change you on your changing pad new living room floor couch like my first two were 18 months apart like no one has time for that I do keep this in in the basket so and it's nice cuz I can just wipe it off it came in a pack of Two And so instead of having like a diaper changing table we just throw this down and then just fold it right back up one is in my diaper bag and that it just you guys are going to outgrow this stage so fast or they're going to get bigger this is huge and it's going to grow with them it just doesn't take up a lot of space um and then I do also have in here has the nail cutters also has nail scissors if you prefer to do scissors I know some of you m will just bite their nails off more to you there's a filer um and I think a little tweezer thing never needed that everything is in this this just stays in her little container along with her little brush um after bath time brush which we don't really do baths in the beginning we'll get there all right another thing you might want to have on your essential list and this is not going to be for all M but you might want to have it in case our pacifiers now I've had babies that never take them and I've had babies that do enjoy them you can have them on your list to have on hand in case you decide to use it or you can say we're not going to use them and I think both work well for a different reason kind of with that diaper caddy stuff um is nice to have a thermometer especially the one that can scan the head this is convenient I think for newborn baby two other things and they are both fra products and the first one I'm sure you have seen everywhere which is the nose fra it's so much better than those little suction thingies is kind of weird first time you use it because I did not have this with my first two and I wish I did they also have like a nasal um spray that you can use to help kind of loosen that up it's great and then Frida also has this is a just a packet of four um so you can get just like a small one and these are called Wendy's and it's like a like a gas or Cy uh release thing and I had no idea what these were had no idea I would need them so badly my poor little one just had a lot of tummy issues this time around and I've never experienced that as a mom and it doesn't matter at that point if it's your first or your fifth baby each are a little different these ended up being so very handy my sister recommended them and I was like well what is it and what am I going to do and is she going to poop all over me these were a lifesaver okay of course you're going to want a car seat I will link the c seat we have below but any c seat I don't think that one needs to be super specific I think if you have a friend who recently done with their car seat or is in between car seats you could borrow that they're going to go so fast um make sure that you never get a car seat used that's been in a car accident or um super old but the car seat I really love having a car seat cover cuz it does a few things so speciically this kind I have two so they're just the material uh they just have a little hole at the top and this goes over the whole car seat but it's not overly hot I just love it one if baby was sleeping in the car and you're transitioning to the store it helps her stay asleep so much cuz it's still kind of dark and closed in and you can also use it while you're out as a scarf I'm just kidding as a cover if you're nursing so that was really nice it's also one of those that you can put as they get bigger over the cart at the store um so that way their little hands aren't touching the cart the reason I really like having it over my baby brand new baby at the grocery stores is because everyone wants to look and peek and see your brand new baby and I get it they're darling I had a lady come up oh it's your baby and I'm like oh no no no no no so I feel like it's kind of a nice unless someone's real pushy kind of guard like they go to peek and then they can't see oh they can't see baby and then they go away you can obviously throw a Muslim blanket over that instead but I did like that like my Muslim blankets were used throughout the whole day and if I was out and using this it it was done with after that cuz I wanted to wash it okay and then you're going to want a diaper bag your diaper bag could be a backpack just so you know you could get a backpack and you can make it your diaper bag use an old over L size purse you don't need to get a fancy diaper bag we were gifted A really lovely one this time around because again we had that big gap between kids and we had awesome friends who for years we had prayed for another baby and I never thought it would be 9 years later um I'll link it below I did love that this was easy to throw on my shoulder whatever from walking out it is quite large so now having another baby back to back is going to be very helpful but I also love because I have two big kids and we run to activities and we have outings and life is a lot different with older and younger than just hunkering down with baby at home which of course we did but very quickly it was like oh soccer practice oh Music guitar like so I love being able to throw this on as a backpack as well okay let's go a little bit into baby feeding nursing mama I would say a Boppy is a mess maybe it's not even if you're not nursing I don't know I I've nursed All My Babies also it's just really comfortable for the big kids to hold her uh when she first came home being so little and then not having a lot of baby experience of course ay ay is what I used 10 years ago with my 10 and 11-year-old a boy is what I use today to me the boy is like the gold standard they're cheaper anyway you can get different covers to be able to wash um but if you're best feeding I think another product that is very helpful is a Haka this was not around when I had my first two but using it now it's helpful if you're over engorged it is helpful to just kind of Express a little bit of milk you can pump with it if you really want to but uh Haka is nice I will also link below the pump I have it is incredible I think it's a Spectra I almost exclusively breastfeed but I did start pumping at the beginning with this one to try to get some Supply cuz the kids really the big kids really wanted to feed the baby that didn't work because she would not take a bottle she just just straight up refused and has refused sippy cups as well so let me show you this is the cup she drinks out of that's what she uses she uses an actual little cup um and she doesn't have a tongue tie or anything we've had that checked yeah your bottle your baby bottles your baby bottle cleaning stuff um and then a pump if you're going to be pumping and then storage for that those things I will link below okay the last few things on my Essential list before I get to a couple of bonus items that um were great but you can live without them some sort of like just a three drawer like ster light ones to have next to the bed baby in your room and you don't have a dedicated space or a nightstand already for that one of those drawer bins is very helpful another thing that can be helpful is a book light I actually put some it's already really dim it's a warm light and actually there's a couple different ones I added a little bit of tape to dim it even more this clip this on the side of a bassinet for nighttime changing so if you don't want to buy a L this is great and very affordable I did not do a fancy B net babies have been sleeping in drawers and in baskets I could not justify buying insanely overpriced Basset for less than 6 months of baby's life I just can't do it I love the Basset we got not super expensive um we'll show it to you I'll link below it has this overthe toop mosquito mesh thing you can add to it because when we were out for 4th of July I brought her brought the baby we had like a friends had a tent covering I put that over it so no bugs could get in so it's actually really neat we live in a homestead so if we were outside and she was in it I could also take it off and put on her stroller she fit it for a long time went right next to bed we moved her to her mini crib and so I'll show you that we're just doing mini cribs for the girls you can go sleep if you want uh then moving into the mini crib last essential for me which might be a little um weird is Epsom salt if you don't already have it on hand Epsom salt for Epsom salt baths are very helpful in the hospital we don't do bath we really don't do baths in the beginning for a long time the coating on their their skin when they come out of the womb verx I believe is what it's called it is very good for them so when it comes to like bath stuff we have two towels that aren't super small but they're going to work for them through toddler years we have one baby bath that I'm sure you guys have seen around you don't need a baby bath so is it essential I'm not sure I think in our situation it was because I had to travel uh the one or two times that she did have a bath before we got out of the RV as they get bigger you can use a laundry basket and you can set them up in there probably for us we got 8 months out of it it's cuz she didn't love baths and she was more than happy to kind of lean back uh and then we're having another one so we'll get plenty of use out of it you can either just put a little bit of water in the bath and lay that baby down in there it's not a big deal or you can get one it's kind of your call I know my husband definitely preferred having that for bath time the point of the Epsom salt is it can be very very soothing and very helpful or be good before bed for a baby so if you have that on hand that is helpful now clearly I have not mentioned shampoos and conditioners and creams and baby things like that when it comes to bath time and that's because we just don't use any of them we do not buy baby shampoos we do not buy baby lotions uh we don't use any of that on the baby for lots of reasons but mainly one that organ the giant organ of their skin absorbs everything and I'm not going to put any of those products on the baby especially when they don't need it and it is not beneficial for their gut health their just everything it's not necessary your baby is not out there rolling around in mud it will come if for some reason you know that milk that spills down when they're eating like warm water and a washcloth they're fine if something's really sticky on them you can use a little bit of oil and wipe it off like baby cleaning stuff you just don't need any of it when I am um heating up some milk that um if I'm not nursing then what we have found use a smaller mason jar and we put it into a coffee mug and then we turn the kettle on and we fill the coffee we fill the coffee mug with the warm water and then just put the Mason jar in it a small one and then that's how we heat up the milk and it's very quick because the electric kettle is very fast we don't even need it to heat up all the way because it would be too hot just do it about halfway and that heats up the milk very quickly and we already had all that stuff on hand plus you're heating up in glass which I would much rather do than heat up in any plastic all right a few extras um that might be Essentials for you stroller stroller is definitely great for me uh a carrier a baby carrier these would for me be Essentials but not necessarily for everyone great to have I have two baby carriers I have a wrap one I believe it's called thei it took a few times to learn and then I had it down and it will last a while and then we have a more structured carrier that's good for like hikes and walks and when I'm working around the property as she's gotten a little bigger that she can go on my back and things like that right now I'm not really baby caring much at all because I am very pregnant and so um the stroller is very very handy I didn't make like a specific decision didn't you know I found one that was pretty decent on sale it just worked and it happens to be one that converts into a double so I'll link that below extra to me that is not necessarily essential and that's because I have again lived in an RV where none of these things were possible is a recliner or a rocking chair we actually just had a big Lounge leather chair uh that was in our storage when we moved we brought a few chairs with us that I really loved including this one it's very comfy and cozy to nurse in it is so comfy to sit and read in with them and so I don't I didn't opt for a rocking chair because mostly I knew I'd be nursing in it I just rock baby myself when I want to rock um we already had it so we didn't need to purchase anything maybe you already have something you can use that can be put in baby's room or in your bedroom another thing that is non essential but helpful is a bouncer we I'm not a big fan of baby containers I don't like Walkers or Jumpers they use them for such a short amount of time and the amount of space they take it's also actually not good for their like structure and development put on the floor um that being said I think a bouncer uh which doesn't move unless they kick their legs is very helpful um doesn't doesn't mess up any sort of structural growth ours folds up I think there's something out there called like the baby Bourn or something like that that is expensive this is almost the same but when you need to make dinner real quick or like I needed to help I don't know homeschool my older two that was very helpful um another bonus item was a humidifier so a humidifier for their room or for your room kind of along those lines with nighttime stuff is a baby monitor and I actually never had baby monitors with my older two this time around we got a baby monitor now I really did not want one that could connect to Wi-Fi or anything like that I hate the idea that somebody could like I don't know hack in and see your baby or like the signals I just didn't want any of that so this one I really like because it just has this it does have you can view baby obviously she's not in there sleeping but um I can move the camera with this I can turn the volume up or down it tells me the temperature of the room it just simple and it became an essential because I might be outside moving gravel starting gardening and she might be down sleeping and that way I can hear her in case I need to run inside since I'm outside a lot more with this baby the last sort of bonus item that is not a necessity um but you might want is baby choice okay so I have lots of opinions on kid toys in general and baby toys because they just don't need a lot this is bonus because it is not essential I have like one wooden structure that has a few hanging things she can hit and swaddle and play with um and she has really enjoyed that that was a gift and then I would connect like little this black and white um thing that you could open up like a book a big book that would open up and it's just a black and white fabric book and I would just connect and hook it to those and she could look at those as well she really likeed that and then uh one or two little maybe handheld light we have a light wooden rattle um that she can easily grasp pretty early on nine times out of 10 when she was in the bouncer was on the you know counter where I'm cooking or sitting I would just give her a spatula or something like that and that's her toy just remember really that baby wants you baby wants time with Mom and Dad wants to cuddle and be loved and close and near you and so outside of clothing and feeding and changing Mom and Dad especially mama in their early day early months and they will be unbelievably happy and you will be less stressed dealing with a bunch of things that you don't need to be managing while you're trying to spend time with your newborn baby
Channel: Cecily Anastasia
Views: 2,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time mom, newborn, newborn essentials, newborn necessities, Newborn tips, first time mom tips, Baby basics, parenting, newborn minimalist, minimalist for babies
Id: W_BoP3yXj0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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